Joy Bauer's Food Cures Part 8

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1. Spray a large stockpot with nonstick cooking spray. Add the oil and heat over medium-high heat. Add the leeks and saute until translucent and soft, 6 to 7 minutes. Add the cinnamon and nutmeg, and cook an additional minute to release the flavor of the spices. Add the squash, carrots, and broth, and bring to a boil.

2. Reduce to a simmer and cook 20 to 25 minutes longer, until the vegetables are tender. Puree the soup with an immersion blender or in a food processor or blender. Season with salt and pepper and serve immediately.


158 calories, 5 g protein, 30 g carbohydrate, 4 g fat (0 g saturated). 0 mg cholesterol, 452 mg sodium, 5 g fiber; plus 43 mg Vitamin C (73% DV): 10,160 mcg beta carotene WARM DARK CHOCOLATE SAUCE.


Here's the most wonderful news: Research published in the Journal of Nutrition Journal of Nutrition (June, 2006) suggests that consuming flavanol-rich cocoa may improve your skin. If you dip fresh fruit into my guilt-free dark chocolate sauce, you'll get the added benefits of vitamin C. If you're diabetic, or would like to lower the calories even further, subst.i.tute Splenda for the sugar. (June, 2006) suggests that consuming flavanol-rich cocoa may improve your skin. If you dip fresh fruit into my guilt-free dark chocolate sauce, you'll get the added benefits of vitamin C. If you're diabetic, or would like to lower the calories even further, subst.i.tute Splenda for the sugar.

Makes 6 servings, cup sauce each with fruit


tablespoon cornstarch


can (12 ounces) fat-free evaporated milk .

cup unsweetened cocoa powder .

cup granulated sugar or Splenda Sugar Blend for Baking .

teaspoon instant coffee .

teaspoon vanilla extract 1/8.

teaspoon salt


cup whole strawberries


cup fresh pineapple chunks

In a medium saucepan, whisk the cornstarch into the evaporated milk. Place over low heat and stir in the cocoa powder, sugar or Splenda, coffee, vanilla, and salt. Cook, whisking constantly, until thoroughly combined and the liquid starts to thicken, 5 to 6 minutes. Serve immediately with strawberries and pineapple.


153 calories, 6 g protein, 33 g carbohydrate, 1g fat (0 g saturated), 0 mg cholesterol, 133 mg sodium, 3 g fiber; plus 24 mg vitamin C (40% DV)



Unless you are balding, chances are you take hair for granted. A little shampoo and conditioner, a bit of styling product, and a good hair day is in your future...right? Not necessarily. Like all other body tissues, the state of your hair is related to your overall health and individual physical characteristics.

Hair starts its lifespan in small, sack-like structures in the skin known as follicles follicles. Each follicle produces a single hair shaft composed of a hard protein called keratin keratin arranged in long, tightly bound strands. New growth begins in the follicle, and pushes outward so that the oldest part of the hair is furthest from the scalp. arranged in long, tightly bound strands. New growth begins in the follicle, and pushes outward so that the oldest part of the hair is furthest from the scalp.

Each hair has a distinct growth cycle-active growth, maturation, and rest. During the resting phase, the follicle relaxes its hold on the shaft, so hair can easily fall or be pulled out. Every hair on your head goes through the growth cycle, but not at the same time. At any given moment, about 15 percent of all the hairs on your head are resting, and therefore capable of your hairbrush, in the shower, on the bathroom floor. This is totally normal, and is not a harbinger of baldness. Between my two daughters and myself, our shower drain needs cleaning about every two weeks-that's about all the "resting" hair it can take before it's thoroughly clogged. Trust me, none of us is even close to bald. But if you have been experiencing unusual hair loss or problems with dryness, splitting, or breakage, or if you simply want to have more beautiful locks, nutrition can help.


It is estimated that we each lose about 100 hairs a day. The actual number you'll lose on any given day depends on how abundant and healthy your follicles are, as well as medications you're taking, and many other factors, some of which are beyond your control. For example, the recommendations in this chapter won't reverse thinning hair due to male pattern baldness or aging-typical male baldness is genetic. As we age, our hair spends more time in the resting phase, which means that we'll shed more hair than usual, and it won't grow back as quickly. For more general hair problems, here are some factors that you should be aware of: HORMONAL s.h.i.+FTS.

Both male and female hormones affect hair growth. Male hormones known as androgens androgens-a category that includes testosterone-stimulate hair growth on the face and body, and create fuller, thicker hair on the head. In women, ovaries and adrenal glands naturally produce androgens, but very small amounts. If a woman suddenly starts growing facial hair, she should see her doctor-it could be a sign of a hormone-related health problem.

For some men with a genetic susceptibility to baldness, normal testosterone levels are converted to a more potent form of testosterone (dihydrotestosterone, or DHT), which binds to cells in the follicle. DHT alters the growth/shed cycle and eventually kills the follicle. These men find themselves becoming bald in their 20s, a few years after their testosterone levels peak. Because the follicle itself shrinks and dies, this type of baldness is irreversible. Some prescription medications may short-circuit the balding process if caught early enough, though the medications need to be continued for life.

In both men and women, levels of androgens decrease after about age 40, which leads to thinner, slower-growing, less luxurious hair as we get older.

In contrast to androgens, the female hormone estrogen slows hair growth, and creates a finer, thinner shaft of hair, which is why women are, on average, naturally less hairy than men. After menopause, levels of estrogen fall off dramatically, causing some genetically susceptible women to lose significant amounts of hair. Experts believe that female balding follows a processes much like male balding-without enough estrogen to off-set the tiny amounts of androgens in their bodies, they also can have androgen-related hair loss. But male and female hair loss aren't identical. While men tend to bald in a distinct pattern that includes a receding hairline and hair loss at the crown, women tend to lose hair evenly, leaving them with a spa.r.s.e head of hair instead of a totally bald scalp. Hormone replacement therapy, which restores levels of estrogen, stops hair loss in some women, but not all.

The "other" female hormone, progesterone, has almost no direct action on hair. However However, when levels of estrogen and progesterone are both high, such as during pregnancy, the combination works to synchronize the hair growth cycles, so more hair is in the growth stage at the same time. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the percent of hair in the resting phase falls by one-third to about 10 percent. For those few months, pregnant women have the fullest, richest head of hair they'll have in their entire lives. About three months after delivery, the percent of shedding hairs goes back up to 15 percent. As all those synchronized hairs enter the resting phase together, it can look like you're suddenly losing all your hair. Don't panic! Once the hair starts to regrow, it returns to its usual growth/rest cycle.

FAQSMy doctor tested my iron level in the office, and it came up a little on the low side, but still normal. My thyroid, blood sugar, and all other blood tests turned out normal. Is there anything else I should test that might explain my hair loss?

Since your iron tested low-normal, make sure you eat lots of iron-rich protein (coupled with vitamin C, if you're vegetarian) for the next several weeks. This will help bring your iron levels back into the mid-normal range. You might also want to go back to your doctor and ask for a more extensive test for iron levels. There are actually three main tests for iron: 1) serum iron, which measures the amount of iron in blood; 2) ferritin, which is a measure of the amount of iron stored in the body; and 3) TIBC-Total Iron Binding Capacity-which is a measure of how much iron could be/should be in the body. Many doctors will only test serum iron, but unless you have severe anemia, serum iron can appear normal even if ferritin and TIBC are low. The other two tests are more sensitive. Low ferritin means low iron stores, which means that you may need more iron. High TIBC means that your body has a big gap between how much iron the body has and how much it can use. It indicates pre-anemia. Talk with your doctor about these additional tests. Your iron levels may yet be the problem. You may be a candidate for a supplemental dose, but don't try self-diagnosing this problem-never take iron pills unless a medical professional confirms you need them.


Stress is one of the most common causes of unusual hair loss. Severe emotional reaction to the death of someone close, an accident, or other traumatic event can send hair follicles into the resting phase prematurely. Three months later, when those resting follicles release the hair shaft, large amounts of hair can seem to fall out simultaneously, and for no discernable reason since several months have pa.s.sed since the event that triggered this whole episode. Again, getting through this is simply a matter of waiting it out. Your hair should begin to regrow almost immediately.


Hair is made of protein. All basic nutrients contribute to keeping us whole and healthy, but protein provides the building blocks that allow us to repair, replace, or grow bones, skin, muscles, and hair. Although we tend to think of dietary protein as coming from steak, fish, chicken, and other meats, it is also found in eggs, legumes, milk, whole grains, and some vegetables. People who don't get enough protein in their diets, such as those with anorexia nervosa or who follow any extreme weight-loss diet, will slow the rate of new hair growth. As hair is naturally shed, it won't grow back as quickly. With enough hair loss, the scalp will start to show through.

Starvation also depletes the body of other nutrients important for hair growth and quality. And over the long term, starvation and extreme weight loss will lead to a reduction in hormone production, which can also lead to thinning hair.

FAQSI was losing a lot of hair, had no energy, gained weight, and felt miserable. Finally I was diagnosed with low thyroid hormone (hypothyroid). I've been on Synthroid for a couple of weeks, and I'm feeling better, but my hair still hasn't come back. What's up?

There's a good chance your hair will come back; you just have to give it more time. Your body needs a chance to recover from illness, and your follicles need a few months to recover from the resting phase. If your hair hasn't started to regrow within six months after your blood levels of thyroid hormone have returned to normal, talk with your doctor to see if there might be another reason for your continuing problem.



Many medications can lead to hair loss. Most people understand that chemotherapy treatments for cancer can lead to widespread balding, but many other medications may cause less extensive hair loss. These include anticoagulants (such as warfarin), antidepressants, oral contraceptives, and medications for blood pressure, gout, or arthritis. In addition, very high doses of vitamin A and selenium are toxic, and can cause hair loss. This type of toxicity happens only if you take high-dose supplements. Don't take individual supplements for vitamin A or selenium. If you take a multivitamin supplement, it shouldn't contain more than 100% DV for vitamin A (5,000 IU) or selenium (70 micrograms). Better yet, make sure your multivitamin provides 50 to 100% of its vitamin A in the precursor form of beta carotene and/or mixed carotenoids. Most health experts agree there is no known chance of Vitamin A toxicity when you're getting your standard supplemental dose for vitamin A from carotenoids. Once you stop taking the medication or supplements, hair will usually begin to grow back within a few months.



Thyroid hormones affect metabolism of all cells, including cells in hair follicles. Too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroid) or too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroid) can result in thin, brittle hair or hair loss.

With uncontrolled diabetes, body cells (including cells in hair follicles) starve because glucose can't get in; and in systemic lupus erythematosus, the body attacks its own collagen, including the collagen in hair follicles. These disorders and many others-including celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease-may cause hair loss or damage by altering cell metabolism or structure. Once the underlying disease is treated, hair growth should return to normal. The lesson is that all cases of unexplained hair loss should be investigated by a physician to rule out the possibility of serious disease.


Hair is a great marker of overall health. Good hair depends on the body's ability to construct a proper hair shaft, as well as the health of the skin and follicles. Good nutrition a.s.sures the best possible environment for building strong, l.u.s.trous hair. But this is not a quick fix. Changing your diet now will affect only new growth, not the part of the hair that is already visible. You could get a completely fresh start if you shaved your head today, and start eating a perfect, hair-improving diet tomorrow. Your new head of hair would positively radiate with health. But there's really no need. Take my word for it: Starting a hair-healthy diet today will mean a more gorgeous head of hair within six months to a year, depending on how fast your hair grows. Hair growth rates vary between about and 1 per month (depending on personal differences). On average, a person can expect to have about 6 inches of new growth every year, so it will take about that long to notice the effects of your nutritional changes.


These vitamins are involved in the creation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to all body cells, including those of the scalp, follicles, and growing hair. Without enough B vitamins, the cells can starve, causing shedding, slow growth, or weak hair that is to breaking.

BEST FOODS FOR VITAMIN B6: Fortified whole grain breakfast cereals, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), wild salmon (fresh, canned), lean beef, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, white potatoes (with skin), oatmeal, bananas, pistachio nuts, lentils, tomato paste, barley, rice (brown, wild), peppers, sweet potatoes, winter squash (acorn), broccoli, broccoli raab, carrots, Brussels sprouts, peanut b.u.t.ter, eggs, shrimp, tofu, apricots, watermelon, avocado, strawberries, whole grain bread Fortified whole grain breakfast cereals, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), wild salmon (fresh, canned), lean beef, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, white potatoes (with skin), oatmeal, bananas, pistachio nuts, lentils, tomato paste, barley, rice (brown, wild), peppers, sweet potatoes, winter squash (acorn), broccoli, broccoli raab, carrots, Brussels sprouts, peanut b.u.t.ter, eggs, shrimp, tofu, apricots, watermelon, avocado, strawberries, whole grain bread BEST FOODS FOR VITAMIN B12: Sh.e.l.lfish (clams, oysters, crab), wild salmon (fresh, canned), fortified whole grain cereal, enriched/fortified soy milk, trout (rainbow, wild), tuna (canned light), lean beef, veggie burgers, cottage cheese (fat-free, 1% reduced-fat), yogurt (fat-free, low-fat), milk (fat-free, 1% reduced-fat), eggs, cheese (fat-free, reduced-fat) Sh.e.l.lfish (clams, oysters, crab), wild salmon (fresh, canned), fortified whole grain cereal, enriched/fortified soy milk, trout (rainbow, wild), tuna (canned light), lean beef, veggie burgers, cottage cheese (fat-free, 1% reduced-fat), yogurt (fat-free, low-fat), milk (fat-free, 1% reduced-fat), eggs, cheese (fat-free, reduced-fat) BEST FOODS FOR FOLATE: Fortified whole grain cereals, lentils, black-eyed peas, soybeans, oatmeal, turnip greens, spinach, mustard greens, green peas, artichokes, okra, beets, parsnips, broccoli, broccoli raab, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, oranges and juice, Brussels sprouts, papaya, seaweed, berries (boysenberries, blackberries, strawberries), beans (black, pinto, kidney, garbanzo, navy), cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, corn, whole grain bread, pasta (preferably whole wheat) Fortified whole grain cereals, lentils, black-eyed peas, soybeans, oatmeal, turnip greens, spinach, mustard greens, green peas, artichokes, okra, beets, parsnips, broccoli, broccoli raab, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, oranges and juice, Brussels sprouts, papaya, seaweed, berries (boysenberries, blackberries, strawberries), beans (black, pinto, kidney, garbanzo, navy), cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, corn, whole grain bread, pasta (preferably whole wheat) BIOTIN.

People ask me about biotin for hair health all the time. Usually, they've heard about it on a shampoo commercial or read a magazine article that recommended biotin supplements. Biotin is a B vitamin essential for hair growth and overall scalp health. Because our bodies make their own biotin in the intestines, and it is plentiful in many common foods, deficiency is very rare. In those few cases where people are very ill and don't have use of their intestines, biotin deficiency causes hair loss. So yes, biotin is important for hair health, but you don't need to take supplements. Just eat a balanced diet that includes some high-biotin foods.

BEST FOODS FOR BIOTIN: Liver, eggs, peanuts (and peanut b.u.t.ter), almonds, wheat bran, walnuts, Swiss chard, whole wheat bread, wild salmon (fresh, canned), cheese (fat-free, reduced-fat), cauliflower, avocado, raspberries Liver, eggs, peanuts (and peanut b.u.t.ter), almonds, wheat bran, walnuts, Swiss chard, whole wheat bread, wild salmon (fresh, canned), cheese (fat-free, reduced-fat), cauliflower, avocado, raspberries IRON-RICH PROTEIN.

Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen. With iron deficiency, a condition known as anemia anemia, cells can't get enough oxygen to function properly. The result can be devastating to the whole body, causing weakness and fatigue...and maybe even hair loss. One large-scale study found that premenopausal women who had severe hair loss were more likely to have low iron reserves (as measured by a test for a form of iron called ferritin ferritin) than women with sufficient reserves of iron. Women of childbearing age are more likely to experience iron deficiency because they lose a significant amount of iron from the blood shed during menstruation. Women with heavier periods will lose more iron than those with lighter flow.

For most people, foods can provide all the iron necessary for good health and strong hair. I recommend iron-rich protein protein for two reasons. First, protein is necessary for all cell growth, including hair cells. Hair gets its structure from hardened proteins called for two reasons. First, protein is necessary for all cell growth, including hair cells. Hair gets its structure from hardened proteins called keratin keratin. Without enough protein for keratin, hair grows more slowly, and the individual strands that do grow will be weaker. Second, the iron found in meat (called heme iron heme iron) is more easily absorbed by the body than the iron in plant foods (non-heme iron). Vitamin C improves the body's ability to absorb non-heme iron, so vegetarians should eat iron-rich vegetables and foods rich in vitamin C at the same meal at the same meal. Before menopause, women may want to consider taking a multivitamin that contains iron. (See the section on supplements below for more information.) BEST FOODS FOR IRON-RICH PROTEIN: Clams, oysters, lean beef, turkey (dark meat), duck, lamb, turkey (light meat), chicken (dark and light meat), pork, shrimp, egg yolks Clams, oysters, lean beef, turkey (dark meat), duck, lamb, turkey (light meat), chicken (dark and light meat), pork, shrimp, egg yolks BEST IRON-RICH PROTEIN (vegetarian sources): (vegetarian sources): Fortified whole grain cereals, tofu, soybeans, lentils, beans (kidney, garbanzo, lima, navy, black, pinto), black-eyed peas Fortified whole grain cereals, tofu, soybeans, lentils, beans (kidney, garbanzo, lima, navy, black, pinto), black-eyed peas BEST IRON-RICH VEGETABLES (low in protein, but offer ample iron): (low in protein, but offer ample iron): Spinach, seaweed, Swiss chard, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, kale, broccoli Spinach, seaweed, Swiss chard, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, kale, broccoli VITAMIN C.

Vitamin C is necessary for hair health for many reasons. Vitamin C helps the body use non-heme iron-the type found in vegetables-to a.s.sure that there is enough iron in red blood cells to carry oxygen to hair follicles. Vitamin C is also used to form collagen, a structural fiber that helps our bodies-quite literally-hold everything together. Hair follicles, blood vessels, and skin all require collagen to stay healthy for optimal growth. For example, one of the first signs of severe vitamin C deficiency is tiny b.u.mps and red spots around the base of body hair on the arms, back, b.u.t.tocks, and legs, caused when tiny blood vessels leak around the follicles. Hair growth is also affected. On the body, the small hairs on arms and legs can become misshapen, curling in on themselves. On the head, even minor vitamin C deficiencies can lead to dry, splitting hair that breaks easily.

FAQSMy husband was bald when I met him in our 20s. He tried Rogaine, but it didn't work for him. He's doing this weird comb-over thing with his remaining hair, and it looks hideous. Are you sure there's nothing that can help him?

Nutritional cures can't fix male pattern baldness. I always recommend that men who are uncomfortable with their baldness talk with their doctors. Rogaine is not the only medication available anymore. But I must say that there has never been a better time to be bald! Instead of a comb-over, many men opt to shave their heads entirely for a sleek, modern look. And I wish more men would understand that many women think that confident bald men are s.e.xy. I love my husband's bald head. The measure of a man is not his hair, but his loving nature and the strength of his character.

BEST FOODS FOR VITAMIN C: Guava, bell peppers (yellow, red, green), orange juice, hot chile peppers, oranges, grapefruit juice, strawberries, pineapple, kohlrabi, papaya, lemons, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, kidney beans, kiwi, cantaloupe, cauliflower, red cabbage, mangos, grapefruit (pink, red), white potatoes (with skin), mustard greens, cherry tomatoes, sugar snap peas, snow peas, clementines, rutabagas, turnip greens, tomatoes, raspberries, Chinese cabbage, blackberries, green tomatoes, cabbage, watermelon, tangerines, lemon juice, okra, lychees, summer squash (all varieties), persimmons Guava, bell peppers (yellow, red, green), orange juice, hot chile peppers, oranges, grapefruit juice, strawberries, pineapple, kohlrabi, papaya, lemons, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, kidney beans, kiwi, cantaloupe, cauliflower, red cabbage, mangos, grapefruit (pink, red), white potatoes (with skin), mustard greens, cherry tomatoes, sugar snap peas, snow peas, clementines, rutabagas, turnip greens, tomatoes, raspberries, Chinese cabbage, blackberries, green tomatoes, cabbage, watermelon, tangerines, lemon juice, okra, lychees, summer squash (all varieties), persimmons BETA CAROTENE.

Beta carotene in foods is converted to vitamin A in the body, and vitamin A is necessary for all cell growth, including hair. A deficiency can lead to dry, dull, lifeless hair, and dry skin, which can flake off into dandruff. Note that you can have too much of a good thing when it comes to vitamin A-too much can cause hair loss. My advice is to add more beta carotene-rich foods to your meals rather than take vitamin A supplements. If you should choose to take a multivitamin, check the label to make sure that your brand supplies no more than 50% DV of vitamin A in the form of retinol. Retinol is listed on supplement labels as palmitate or acetate, and should never exceed 2,000 IU. The other 50% or more should come in the form of beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A as we need it.

BEST FOODS FOR BETA CAROTENE: Sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, b.u.t.ternut squash, turnip greens, pumpkin, mustard greens, cantaloupe, red peppers, apricots, Chinese cabbage, spinach, lettuce (romaine, green leaf, red leaf, b.u.t.terhead), collard greens, Swiss chard, watercress, grapefruit, watermelon, cherries, mangos, red ripe tomatoes, guava, asparagus, red cabbage Sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, b.u.t.ternut squash, turnip greens, pumpkin, mustard greens, cantaloupe, red peppers, apricots, Chinese cabbage, spinach, lettuce (romaine, green leaf, red leaf, b.u.t.terhead), collard greens, Swiss chard, watercress, grapefruit, watermelon, cherries, mangos, red ripe tomatoes, guava, asparagus, red cabbage

NAILSLike hair, nails are made mainly of the hardened protein keratin, which means that the foods that create beautiful hair also help nails stay strong. For example, protein is necessary for nail growth and strength, zinc keeps nails from weakening, and iron keeps nails from distorting into spoon shapes. Just as high doses of selenium can cause hair loss, too much selenium can also lead to nail loss (yikes!).Although many people believe that calcium supplements help build strong nails, research doesn't support the notion. Researchers from New Zealand tested the effects of calcium on nail health. Nearly 700 postmenopausal women took 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day for a year, and demonstrated that taking calcium supplements made no difference in reported nail strength. So although I heartily recommend calcium for so many different health issues, nail health isn't among them.


The mineral zinc is involved in tissue growth and repair, including hair growth. It also helps keep the oil glands around the hair follicles working properly. Low levels of zinc can cause hair loss, slow growth, and dandruff. The amount you get from eating foods rich in zinc is plenty to keep your tresses gorgeous. Aside from a multivitamin which provides up to 100% DV, I don't recommend taking extra zinc supplements because excess zinc can inhibit the body's ability to absorb copper, a minor but necessary mineral.

BEST FOODS FOR ZINC: Oysters, lean beef, crab, ostrich, pork tenderloin, peanut b.u.t.ter, wheat germ, turkey, veal, pumpkin seeds, chicken, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), fat-free yogurt, fortified whole grain cereals, pine nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, lima beans, lentils, pecans, cheese (fat-free, reduced-fat), fat-free milk, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, black-eyed peas, green peas Oysters, lean beef, crab, ostrich, pork tenderloin, peanut b.u.t.ter, wheat germ, turkey, veal, pumpkin seeds, chicken, chickpeas (garbanzo beans), fat-free yogurt, fortified whole grain cereals, pine nuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, lima beans, lentils, pecans, cheese (fat-free, reduced-fat), fat-free milk, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, black-eyed peas, green peas BONUS POINTS.

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Joy Bauer's Food Cures Part 8 summary

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