Magical Moments Part 31

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"But cannot help you, yourself."

"Still, there are advantages to retaining it, but my sight is not in question." She stopped combing her hair

and looked directly at Sydney. "You have interfered."


"I appreciate the thought, truly I do, but you know I must do this alone."

"A little help can go a long way."

"Like last night when you made Lady Lily spin like a top into Janey's and my feet causing complete


Sydney looked contrite. "I knew you would realize the truth."

"I didn't at first, but then I was too upset to see clearly. It was when I had time to think about it that I

realized the incident couldn't have been my fault, otherwise the guests would have remained as they were, a mess."

"A little push in the right direction."

"But it was Sebastian who came to my rescue, not Dagon."

"But it was Dagon you sought out," Sydney corrected.

Sarina nodded. "This is true and look at the results."

"As they should be."

"I am wise enough to realize the results are of my own doing. You had no hand in that, though you gave a little push." She walked over to Sydney after returning the comb to the bureau and gave her a hug. "I am grateful for your little interference, your little push. Your actions helped me to realize what I had failed to see."

Sydney waited in silence.

"I searched for a man. A man to rescue me from this crazy spell, and it wasn't until I arrived here at Rasmus Castle and met Dagon that I understood that the spell was not about a man. It was about love. A rare love that demands nothing but gives all and in giving it receives everything. But you knew this, didn't you, Sydney?"

"I had my suspicions," she admitted. "And now what do you do?"

"Nothing," she said, walking to sit on the edge of the bed.

Sydney sat down beside her.

"There is nothing I can do. It is now out of my hands and in the hands of another."

"You can continue to love."

"I will never stop loving Dagon," Sarina said, hugging herself as if she hugged his love to her and would never let it go. "And I know his love is strong and everlasting, but there is a tempest to face, and our fate remains there."

"You worry he will not be able to fulfill the spell?"

"I have confidence in our love, but there still remains a part that I am not sure can be fulfilled, and that worries me."

Sydney took her hand and offered a comforting squeeze. "You now know the main source of the spell-love. Simply let it work its magic."

"There is no stronger power," Sarina admitted.

"No, there isn't," Sydney agreed.

"And it is what started this whole mess."

"And it is what will settle it."

A terrible screeching pierced the castle walls, causing Sarina and Sydney to jump off the bed and race for the door. Once the door was open, Sarina's fear was confirmed upon hearing another pitiful wail.

"That's Lady Lily!"

The two women raced down the steps and were joined by Ali running out of her room.

"What's happening?" she asked.

Sarina explained as they quickly descended the stairs. "It's Lady Lily! Something dreadful must have

happened to her."

They all followed the pitiful cries.

The three women came to a sudden stop and near collision in Dagon's study, their wide eyes fixed on

Lady Lily, who floated high in the air, on her back, around the room.

"Sebastian!" Ali shouted his name, and startled, he turned around.

Lady Lily descended rapidly, but Dagon immediately came to the rescue, slowing her fall and drifting her

in his direction so she landed safely in his arms. She in turn wasted no time in jumping out of his arms and

heading straight for Sarina. Sarina's welcoming hands scooped her up and hugged her tight while the annoyed kitten protested with several screeching meows and a few hisses for her own satisfaction.

"You have explaining to do and an apology to make, Sebastian Wainwright," Ali said, walking over to her smiling husband. "I was doing good," he protested.

"Need I remind you Lady Lily was screeching," his wife said, wagging her finger in his face. "Watch that finger, witch," he warned with a laugh. "The only reason Lily grew annoyed was that I kept turning her in circles while attempting to float her on her back. She grew dizzy, and besides, I promised her fresh fish for supper tonight as a reward for helping me."

That brought a generous meow from Lady Lily.

"See," Sebastian said as if the cat had confirmed their agreement.

Ali looked to Dagon.

"He's your husband, and you won't help him learn to levitate people."

"He's landed me on my backside too many times, and I didn't see you volunteering," Ali said with an

accusing glance.

"You can levitate me," Sarina offered to everyone's surprise.

Sebastian smiled his appreciation. "Thanks, Sarina, that's sporting of you."

Dagon was about to object when he realized she herself needed to learn as much as Sebastian, and how

would she learn anything if someone did not trust in her? He felt he had just learned a large lesson. And was about to offer himself as a guinea pig to Sebastian when Ali spoke up.

"All right, you can levitate me."

Sebastian grinned from ear to ear. "Really?"

"Yes, really," she said and slipped her arms around his neck to kiss him. "But we go slow, and we don't levitate over any hard surfaces." "You got a deal," he said and hugged his wife to him. He looked to Sarina. "Sorry about upsetting Lady Lily."

"I'm sure she'll forget the ordeal after she eats that promised fish."

Lily meowed her agreement.

Sebastian laughed. "I'd better go talk to Margaret about a special meal."

Lily jumped out of Sarina's arms and walked over to Sebastian, purring as she wound her way around his legs.

"Come on, sweetheart," Sebastian said, scooping her up. "Compensation time."

Sydney followed Sebastian and Ali out of the study, closing the door behind them.

Dagon walked over to Sarina, his arms going around her waist. "Feeling better?"


"You have nothing on underneath this dress," he said, surprised as his hands roamed over her.

Her smile was inviting. "Not a st.i.tch."


Dagon moved to step away from her, but she grabbed him around the waist. "I like you where you are, here beside me."

He grasped her chin with a slight roughness. "If I stay right here, it won't be beside you."

Her response was a mere whisper. "Inside me is where I want you."

He groaned, his fingers remaining firm on her chin as his lips descended down on hers. His kiss was full of agitation and impatience and quickly sent her hormones tumbling. She leaned into him, felt his own desirous need, and slipped her hand down over the hard length of him.

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Magical Moments Part 31 summary

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