Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 101

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=exterior=, _m._, the outside; =el ----=, the outside world.

=extranjero, -a=, stranger, foreigner; =el ----=, foreign countries.

=extranar=, to wonder at; (_Sp. A._) to miss.

=extrano, -a=, strange, odd; stranger; foreign.

=fabrica=, _f._, factory.

=fabricar=, to manufacture.

=facon=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), large pointed jackknife used by seamen.

=factura=, _f._, invoice.

=facultad=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), each of the colleges of a university.

=faena=, _f._, work, labor; (_Sp. A._) a season's work at the agricultural establishments, rural factories, etc.

=faja=, _f._, band, belt, border.

=falda=, _f._, skirt, lap; brow of a hill, slope.

=faldellin=, _m._, baby's skirt _or_ petticoat.

=faldon=, _m._, long flowing skirt, flap.

=faltar=, to need, to lack; =no faltaria mas!=, it needed only that!

=fallar=, to pa.s.s sentence, to judge, to render judgment.

=falleba=, _f._, iron bar for fastening doors and windows.

=famelico, -a=, hungry, ravenous.

=familiar=, domestic, familiar, tame.

=fango=, _m._, mire, mud, slime.

=fantasioso, -a= (_Sp. A._), proud, boastful.

=fardo=, _m._, bale of goods.

=farol=, _m._, lantern, street lamp.

=fastidio=, _m._, weariness, la.s.situde, _ennui_.

=fatalmente=, ominously; fatally, helplessly.

=feraz=, fertile, fruitful.

=ferreteria=, _f._, hardware store.

=fiambre=, _m._, cold meat (_as food_).

=fianza=, _f._, caution, guaranty, security, bail.

=ficha=, _f._, library card.

=fieltro=, _m._, felt.

=fiero, -a=, fierce, ugly, rough, huge, awe-inspiring.

=figura=, _f._, figure, shape, statue, image, ill-shaped person.

=figurar=, to be conspicuous, to rank, to represent; _refl._, to imagine, to fancy.

=fila=, _f._, line (_of soldiers_).

=filon=, _m._, vein, lode, mineral layer.

=fin=, _m._, end; =al ----=, at last; =a ---- de=, in order that; =en ----= or =por ----=, finally, lastly.

=finca=, _f._, real estate; land or house property.

=fingir=, to feign, to pretend, to fancy, to imagine what does not really exist.

=fino, -a=, fine, perfect, high grade.

=firmado=, signed, subscribed.

=firmar=, to sign, to subscribe.

=fisonomia=, _f._, features, _and by extension_, figure, persons.

=flaquear=, to weaken, to lose vigor, to slacken.

=flete=, _m._, freight; =---- a destino=, "through freight" (_to destination_).

=flor=, _f._, flower, blossom; =---- de calentura=, wild plant of the Antilles.

=florecimiento=, _m._, blooming; thriving; prosperity.

=florero=, _m._, flower-pot.

=floron=, _m._, ornament resembling a large flower, rosette.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 101 summary

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