Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 104

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=grunido=, _m._, growl.

=grunir=, to growl, to grumble, to grunt; to creak.

=guacamaya=, _f._, macaw.

=guaimaro=, _m._, small shot.

=guajiro=, _m._ (_Sp. A._, _esp. Cuba_), field laborer, rustic.

=guanabana=, _f._, variety of =chirimoya= _or_ custard-apple.

=guanajo=, _m_. (_in Cuba_), turkey.

=guano=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), _indigenous name applied to_ palm-trees _in general._

=guapeton=, _m._, one who boasts of his daring; brave, daring.

=guapo, -a= (_Sp. A._), brave, daring.

=guarani=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), Indian tribe.

=guarapo=, _m._, juice of the sugar cane.

=guardaagujas=, _m._, switchman.

=guardabarreras=, _m._, watchman in charge of a railway crossing.

=guardatren=, _m._, railway conductor.

=guarecerse=, _refl._, to take refuge, to hide from danger.

=guarnecer=, to garnish.

=guarrus=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), beverage made of corn or rice and sugar.

=guayaba=, _f._, fruit of the guava-tree.

=guedeja=, _f_., lock of hair.

=guerrilla=, _f._, guerrilla, irregular partisan warfare.

=guinchar=, to p.r.i.c.k.

=guinche=, _m._, machine for raising heavy articles; winch.

=guinda=, _f._, cherry.

=guinada=, _f._, knowing wink.

=guirindola=, _f._, s.h.i.+rt-front or frill.

=guisa=, _f._, guise; =a ---- de=, in the form _or_ manner of.

=habilidoso, -a= (_Sp. A._), accomplished, clever.

=habitador, -a=, inhabitant, dweller.

=habla=, _f._, speech, idiom, language.

=hablantin, -ina=, a talkative person; chatterbox.

=hacia=, toward(s); =---- adelante=, forward; =---- aca=, hither, hitherward; =---- donde?= whither?

=hacienda=, _f._, landed estate; estate, fortune, wealth; public treasury, finances; =Ministerio de ----=, Treasury Department; (_Sp. A._) cattle and sheep taken collectively.

=hacha=, _f._, torch.

=hall=, _m._ This word has become naturalized in Uruguay and Argentina where it means a large a.s.sembly room, or a vestibule or lobby.

=hartura=, _f._, satiety; enough and to spare.

=hayaca=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), sweet cake made of corn-flour, spices and sugar.

=haz=, _m._, bundle, sheaf.

=hectarea=, _f._, a measure of surface equivalent to about 2-1/2 acres.

=hectolitro=, _m._, 100 litres. An hectoliter is a little less than 3 bushels.

=helada=, _f._, frost.

=helado, -a=, chilled, frozen.

=helar=, to chill, to freeze.

=henchido, -a=, increased, swollen.

=henchir=, to increase, to swell.

=hender=, to crack, to split.

=henequen=, _m._, maguey, American agave, hemp.

=herencia=, _f._, inheritance, heritage.

=herir=, to strike, to offend; to wound.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 104 summary

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