Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 111

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=medidor=, _m._, meter (_gas, water or electric_).

=medio=, _m._, middle, center; medium.

=medrar=, to thrive, to prosper.

=mejicanismo=, _m._, word or phrase peculiar to Mexico.

=mejor=, better; =---- que ----=, much better still; =a lo ----=, when least expected, unexpectedly; =a cual ----=, to a wish; =tanto ----=, so much the better.

=mejorar=, to improve, to cultivate, to mend.

=melaza=, _f._,

=melena=, _f._, long hair spread over the shoulders; mane.

=melocoton=, _m._, peach.

=membrudo, -a=, muscular, strong.

=memoria=, _f._, report; memory, recollection.

=menaje=, _m._, menage, furniture, household goods.

=menester=, _m._, necessity, need, want; =ser ----=, to be necessary, to be needed.

=menos=, less, least; =a ---- que=, unless; =a lo ----= _or_ =por lo= ----, at least, however; =mucho ----=, much less; =tener en ----=, to underrate. For other forms with =mas=, _see_ =mas=.

=menudeo=, _m._, retail.

=menudo=, _m._, intestines, =viscera=; small, of little value.

=merceria=, _f._, haberdasher who deals in small furnis.h.i.+ngs.

=merecimiento=, _m._, merit, desert.

=merino=, _m._, breed of sheep.

=merluza=, _f._, a fish of the cod family, hake.

=merma=, _f._, waste, leakage, shortage, diminution.

=meseta=, _f._, plateau.

=mestizo, -a=, the offspring of a white man and an Indian woman.

=mesura=, _f._, civility, politeness, moderation, measure.

=meta=, _f._, boundary, limit, goal.

=metal= (=de voz=), quality of the voice; _timbre_.

=meterse=, _refl._, to intrude.

=metralla=, _f._, shrapnel.

=metrica=, _f._, metrical; measured.

=metro=, _m._, meter, the unit of length in the decimal system; =---- poetico=, meter, versification.

=mezcolanza=, _f._ (_Coll._), bad mixture.

=micho=, _m._, p.u.s.s.y.

=miel=, _f._, honey; =---- de cana=,

=Miercoles de Ceniza=, _m._, Ash Wednesday.

=mies=, _f._, wheat or other grain from which bread is made.

=milonga=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), folk-song.

=mimado, -a=, spoiled, humored.

=mimar=, to pet, to spoil.

=mimbre=, _m._, willow, wicker.

=mimus=, _m._, mocking-bird.

=mineral=, _m._, ore; mineral.

=ministro=, _m._, minister, a member of the President's Cabinet.

=minorar=, to lessen, to reduce.

=minuciosidad=, _f._, minuteness of detail; exact.i.tude.

=minucioso, -a=, minutely or over exact; nice, scrupulous.

=mira=, _f._, look, glance; object, goal, purpose.

=mirasol=, _m._, sunflower; (_Sp. A._) heron.

=mirlo=, _m._, blackbird.

=misia=, _from_ =mi sea=, a short and affectionate form used instead of =mi senora= in addressing elderly ladies.

=misionero, -a=, belonging to the Territory of =Misiones=, Argentina.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 111 summary

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