Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 113

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=mula=, _f._, mule; =lomo de ----=, on muleback.

=municipio=, _m._, city, munic.i.p.ality.

=muralla=, _f._, wall, rampart.

=murcielago=, _m._, bat.

=muro=, _m._, wall.

=musgo=, _m._, moss.

=nabo=, _m._, turnip.

=nacar=, _m._, nacre, mother-of-pearl.

=naciente=, dawning, nascent.

=nada=, nothing, anything; in no respect, in no degree, by no means; =no ... ----=, nothing; =---- menos=, nothing less; =---- de eso=, by no means, not at all.

=nadie=, no one, n.o.body; any one, anybody.

=naipe=, _m._, playing-card.

=napa=, _f._, layer.

=naranjero=, _m._, a South American bird of brilliant plumage.

=naranjilla=, _f._, small green orange.

=natacion=, _f._, swimming.

=natural=, native.

=nave=, _f._, nave.

=Navidad=, _f._, Christmas.

=naviero, -a=, pertaining to s.h.i.+ps.

=neblina=, _f._, mist, fog.

=neceser=, _m._, a. case of toilet articles, dressing-case.

=negar=, to deny.

=negociado=, _m._, a division in government offices; bureau.

=nevado=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a. snow-covered mountain.

=ni=, nor, or; =---- ... ----=, neither ... nor; =---- ... tampoco=, not ... either, nor ... either.

=nispero=, _m._, medlar tree.

=nivel=, _m._, level.

=niveo, -a=, white as snow.

=no=, not, no; =---- poder menos de=, not to be able to help; =---- ... nunca=, never, not ever; =---- ... nada=, nothing; =---- ... nadie=, n.o.body; =---- por eso=, that does not mean that; =---- por cierto=, certainly not.

=nogal=, _m._, walnut-tree; walnut.

=nostalgico, -a=, homesick.

=nota=, _f._, news; official communication.

=novia=, _f._, bride, betrothed.

=nuez=, _f._, nut.

=nunca=, never, ever; =no ... ----=, not ever, never.

=nutria=, _f._, otter.

=obispo=, _m._, bishop.

=obligatorio, -a=, compulsory.

=obraje=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), forests where timber is being cut.

=observar=, to observe, to examine, to note.

=obstar=, to hinder, to obstruct.

=ocioso, -a=, useless, idle, lazy.

=ocupa.r.s.e= (=de=), to be occupied with.

=oferta=, _f._, offer; supply; proposition (_com._).

=oficial=, _m._, officer; a higher clerk; =---- mayor=, chief clerk.

=oficina=, _f._, bureau, office, headquarters.

=oficio=, _m._, occupation, trade, business.

=oficiosidad=, _f._, application, diligence.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 113 summary

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