Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 118

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=policromo, -a=, many-colored.

=polvo=, _m._, dust; toilet powder.

=polvora=, _f._, gunpowder.

=ponchera=, _f._, punchbowl.

=poncho=, _m._, oblong piece of woolen or cotton cloth with a slit in the middle to put the head through, used as an outer wrap by workingmen in certain countries of S. A.

=ponderar=, to heighten, to extol, to exaggerate.

=poner=, to put; to display; to take (_time_); _refl._, to become.

=por=, for, through, between, to, by, along, on account of, per, for the sake of, in behalf, by means of; about; =---- tanto= _or_ =---- ende=, for that, for so much; =---- mas que= _or_ =---- mucho que=, in vain; =---- aca= _or_ =---- alla=, here _or_ there; =---- si acaso=, if by chance; =---- entre=, through; =---- cuanto=, whereas; =---- tanto=, wherefore; =---- si=, by himself (herself or itself); =---- cierto=, indeed; =---- que=, why.

=porfiar=, to insist, to persist, to be stubborn.

=pororo=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), pop-corn.

=poroto=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), bean.

=porque=, because, for; _see_ =por que=.

=porte=, _m._, deportment; manner, air.

=porteno, -a= (_Sp. A._), applied to the native of a port, such as Buenos Aires or Valparaiso.

=portero=, _m._, gatekeeper; usher.

=porton=, _m._, a large door; (_Sp. A._) carriage and automobile entrance in private residences.

=posar=, to perch, to alight upon.

=poseer=, to hold, to possess, to own.

=postigo=, _m._, the division of a double door or the sash of a window and the wooden shutter which covers it.

=pote=, _m._, _see_ =olla podrida=. _Also_, a nickname applied to a pot-bellied person.

=potencia=, _f._, power; potency.

=potrero=, _m._, paddock; pasture ground.

=pozo=, _m._, well.

=practico=, _m._, marine _or_ river pilot.

=prado=, _m._, lawn, field, meadow; a piece of pasture ground.

=praticultura=, _f._, the scientific application of agricultural principles to the cultivation of pasture grounds and the breeding of cattle.

=precioso, -a=, beautiful, dainty; precious.

=preciso, -a=, necessary, requisite, needful.

=predecir=, to foretell.

=predilecto, -a=, the preferred one; the best loved.

=pregon=, _m._, advertis.e.m.e.nt by the town crier; cry.

=prenda=, _f._, a garment or ornament.

=prender=, to catch, to take hold of.

=presa=, _f._, a captive or prisoner; what has been seized; dike, dam.

=prescripcion=, _f._, order, command, disposition.

=presentacion=, _f._, introduction, presentation; appearance.

=presidio=, _m._, place of confinement; jail, prison.

=prestar=, to lend; =---- declaracion=, to declare under oath; _refl._, to lend one's self; to agree to anything.

=presumir de=, to presume, to boast.

=presunto, -a=, presumptive.

=pretender=, to pretend, to claim, to solicit; to attempt.

=pretil=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), open s.p.a.ce before a church; stone seat; railing of a bridge.

=preveo=, _see_ =prever=.

=prever=, to foresee, to foreknow.

=prevision=, _f._, foresight.

=prima=, _f._, government obligation whereby it guarantees the payment of a certain rate per cent on capital invested.

=primaveral=, young, fresh, springlike.

=primor=, _m._, beauty, dexterity, nicety, neatness of workmans.h.i.+p.

=principio=, _m._, beginning; principle; =al ----=, at or in the beginning.

=privado, -a=, own, personal, particular.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 118 summary

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