Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 12

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[17] =va a llover=, _it is going to rain_.

[18] =Poco nos cuidaremos=: =cuida.r.s.e poco=, _We shall not be at all anxious_. Compare with _hay pocos_.

[19] =bagaje= (or =equipaje=), _baggage_.

[20] =boleto= (or =boleta=), _railway ticket_.

[21] =estacion=, _depot_; _station_.

[22] =lo mucho que...=, _how much..._. VARIANT: =Hemos de andar sobre rieles mucho mas de lo que Ud. piensa=.

[23] =cuantos trenes podamos.=. Note that here =cuantos= is an adjective. Compare with next note. VARIANT: =Todos los trenes que podamos=. Note the subjunctive mood.

[24] =cuantos nos ofrezcan.= Here =cuantos= is a p.r.o.noun. Compare with preceding note. Note the subjunctive mood.

[25] =algun dia=, _someday_. VARIANTS: =Con el tiempo=; =cuando le llegue su hora=; =de aqui a tantos anos=; =para el ano que viene=; =para de aqui a ... anos=.

[26] =esta muy lejos de halla.r.s.e terminado=, _it is far from being finished_. VARIANTS: =Falta mucho para que se termine=; =pasara mucho tiempo antes que se termine=.

[27] =Lo malo=. Compare with =lo de= =siempre=.

[28] =sin terminar=, _unfinished_. VARIANT: =Que no estan terminados todavia=.

[29] =alcanzariamos.= Note that here a condition is understood: _si fueramos por ese ferrocarril_, =alcanzariamos=.

[30] =Hay pocos.= Compare with =Poco nos cuidaremos=. See 18.

[31] =segun veo=, _from what I can see_. VARIANT: =Por mas que miro no veo muchos rios=.

[32] =rios de montanas los cuales.= See I, 56.

[33] =no ... mas que=, _only_. Compare with =mas de= and =mas que=.

[34] =lo mas p.r.o.nto posible.= Note the use of =lo= when it precedes a superlative adverb.

[35] =Sirvase usted decirme=, _Please tell me_. VARIANT: =Haga Vd. el favor de decirme=.

[36] =en torno de=, _around_. VARIANTS: =Alrededor de=; =por los contornos de=.

[37] =a donde.= See III, 4.

[38] =al cabo de=, _after_. VARIANT: =Despues de=.

[39] =otros dos=, _two more_. Compare with =otro= meaning _another_.

[40] =Por que?= _Why?_ VARIANT: =Por cual razon?=

[41] =Porque=, _because_. Compare with =por que=.

[42] =Guatemala la Nueva, capital de.= Note the omission of the article.

[43] =toda suerte de=, _every sort of_. VARIANTS: =Toda clase de=; =toda variedad de=; =todo genero de=.

[44] =digna de ser conocida=, _worth knowing_. VARIANT: =Que vale la pena de ser conocida=.

[45] =por lo interesante que es=, _because it is very interesting_.

[46] =del punto de vista historico=, _from the historic point of view_.

VARIANT: =Desde el punto de vista de la historia=.

[47] =no se por que.= See 40.

[48] =de lo que debiera (serlo)=, _than it ought_, _than it should (be)_.

[49] =me lo temo=, _I fear so_.

[50] =a menos que=, _unless_. VARIANT: =A no ser que=.

[51] =si esto es asi=, _if that is so_. VARIANTS: =Si eso= (or =ello=) =fuera cierto=; =si asi fuera=.

[52] =De modo, pues, que=, _therefore_. VARIANTS: =Asi es que=; =por lo tanto=; =en consecuencia=; =asi pues=.

[53] =indicando (con ello).= Note that =indicando= does not refer to =lineas rojas= but to the verb =trazar=. See I, 32.

[54] =la razon por la cual=, _the reason why_.

[55] =el primer vapor que salga.= Note the use of the subjunctive mood instead of the present participle, as in English.

[56] =A caballo=, _On horseback_.

[57] =a trechos=, _in stretches_.

[58] =en coche=, _by carriage_.

[59] =de mas de cinco dias.= Note use of =de= before a numeral.

[60] =Mas caballos que mulas.= Compare with preceding note.

[61] =mas resistente que.= Compare with 59 and 60.

[62] =Si no en su totalidad, la mayor parte de esa travesia.= VARIANT: =Ya que no en su totalidad, por lo menos la mayor parte de esa travesia=.

[63] =la mas fertil de (las de) Nicaragua.= VARIANT: =La costa mas fertil de Nicaragua=.

[64] =y otros dos productos=, _and two other important products_.

Compare with =al cabo de otros dos=, 38 and 39.

[65] =Con la excepcion de.= VARIANTS: =Excepto=, =exceptuando=.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 12 summary

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