Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 123

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=reportaje=, _m._, interview.

=reposado, -a=, quiet, peaceful.

=reposteria=, _f._, confectioner's _or_ pastry cook's shop.

=representar=, to perform, to play, to take the part of (_Theat._).

=reprise=, _f._ (_French_), repet.i.tion.

=repuesto=, _m._, =de ----=, supply for replenishment purposes.

=requerir=, to require, to demand; to insist.

=res=, _f._, a cow or a bull.

=resabios=, _m. pl._, old vices; deeply-rooted habits.

=resaltar=, to be clearly evident, to stand out in relief.

=resbalar=, to slip, to slide.

=rescoldo=, _m._, embers, hot ashes, cinders.

=reserva=, _f._, reserve funds; =---- federal=, gold reserve in the Federal Treasury; stock, supply.

=resfriadera=, _f._, receptacles for cooling used in sugar mills.

=resguardar=, to preserve, to defend.

=resignacion=, _f._, submission.

=resina=, _f._, rosin.

=resolver=, to solve.

=resonar=, to resound, to ring, to echo.

=resorte=, _m._, spring; a resilient object; cause, medium, means.

=responsabilidad=, _f._, liability.

=retemblar=, to tremble, to shake repeatedly, to vibrate.

=retempla.r.s.e=, _refl._, to acquire fresh vigor.

=retrete=, _m._, water-closet.

=revestido, -a=, covered, coated, dressed.

=revestir=, to reclothe, to cover, to coat.

=revista=, _f._, review; extravaganza.

=revocar=, to plaster, to whitewash; to revoke.

=revolar=, _see_ =revolotear=.

=revolotear=, to flutter, to fly hither and thither.

=riachuelo=, _m._, small river.

=ribete=, _m._, ribbon or tape sewed to the edge of cloth; reinforcement; pretensions; _hence_ ribete de =filarmonico=, pretensions toward artistry.

=riego=, _m._, _see_ =regadio=.

=riel=, _m._, railroad track.

=riesgo=, _m._, danger, risk.

=rina=, _f._, quarrel, fight; =---- de gallos=, c.o.c.kfight.

=riqueza=, _f._, wealth.

=risotada=, _f._, loud laugh.

=rizado, -a=, curled, crimped.

=rizar=, to curl, to crimp; to flute.

=rocalloso, -a=, rocky.

=rocio=, _m._, dew; a sprinkling.

=rodillo=, _m._, roller.

=roldana=, _f._, pulley, wheel.

=rollo=, _m._, roll; =---- de alambre=, roll of wire for fencing.

=romper=, to break, to shatter; to dash against.

=roncar=, to snore.

=ronco, -a=, hoa.r.s.e.

=ronda=, _f._, rounds; =hacer la ----=, to go the rounds.

=ropero=, _m._, wardrobe.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 123 summary

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