Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 132

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to mean_ duplicate copy of a certificate covering the deposit of goods in certain custom-houses or in bond.

=ya=, already, now; =---- no=, no longer, no more; =---- que=, since, seeing that.

=yacimiento=, _m._, vein of ore, deposit.

=yanqui=, _m._, pertaining to a native of or to the United States of America.

=yaravi=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), folk-song native to Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia.

=yedra=, _f._, ivy.

=yegua=, _f._, mare.

=yerba=, _f._, gra.s.s, weed; (_Sp. A._) =---- mate=, Paraguayan tea.

=yeso=, _m._, plaster of Paris.

=yuca=, _f._, yucca (_Bot._), sometimes called Spanish bayonet.

=yugada=, _f._, amount of ground which a yoke of oxen can plow in a day.

=yugo=, _m._, yoke; oppression; authority.

=yunga=, _f._, name given in Bolivia to the hot region of the northeast where the famous _yungas_ coffee is grown.

=zafra=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), the amount of sugar-cane ground from any one crop; by extension, the result of any industrial effort covering an entire season.

=zaga=, _f._, the back of a carriage or a diligence, the rumble.

=zagalejo=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a fine red cloth petticoat embroidered with spangles.

=zaguan=, _m._, porch, entrance, hall.

=zamacueca=, _f._, a popular dance in Chile and Peru.

=zambito=, _m._, _dim. of_ =zambo=.

=zambo=, _m._, a. species of monkey.

=zambullir=, to dive.

=zapallo=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), pumpkin, squash.

=zapateo=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a dance in which the measure is kept by beating or shuffling the feet on the floor (_Spanish_, =zapateado=).

=zapote=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), sapote tree, sapodilla and its fruit.

=zarandeado, -a=, stirred.

=zarandear=, to stir, to move nimbly.

=zarigueya=, _f._, weasel.

=zarzuela=, _f._, a dramatic performance of alternate declamation and singing.

=zocalo=, _m._, socle (_Arch._); plaza or square.

=zorrino=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), skunk.

=zorro=, _m._, fox.

=zotano=, _m._, bas.e.m.e.nt; cave.

=zumbar=, to buzz, to hum.

=zumbido=, _m._, humming, a continued buzzing sound.

=zumo=, _m._, sap, juice, liquor.

=zum-zum=, _m._, a species of _colibri_ or humming-bird.

=zurubi= _or_ =surubi=, _m._, a South American fish.

=zutano=, _m._, what's-his-name, so-and-so; _a word which, like_ =fulano=, _is used to designate a person whose name is not known to the speaker or which he does not care to mention_.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 132 summary

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