Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 2

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[22] =Si, por cierto=, _Yes, indeed_. VARIANTS: =En verdad; ciertamente; de seguro; Ya lo creo!=

[23] Impersonal use of _haber_.

[24] =tanto ... como ...=, _both ... and...._ VARIANTS: =No solo ...

sino tambien ...=, _not only ... but also_; =asi ... como....= See 16.

[25] =Que diligencias...?= See 13.

[26] =Una vez adquirido el terreno=, _Once the land is acquired_.

VARIANT: =Adquirido el terreno=. The past participle may be used absolutely with a noun or p.r.o.noun to denote time or attendant circ.u.mstance.

[27] Distinguish from =debe de=.

[28] Note repet.i.tion of the indefinite article before each noun.

[29] See 26. VARIANT: =Una vez cambiadas las ideas=.

[30] Note repet.i.tion of definite article.

[31] =este=, _the latter_. Compare with _este_, 'this.'

[32] A gerund may (_a_) state an additional detail or circ.u.mstance, (_b_) denote cause, manner or means.

[33] Subjunctive mood.

[34] =una=, _one_.

[35] Note that the English expressions, _the contract is signed_, _a permit is applied for_, are rendered in Spanish by =se firma el contrato=, =se solicita ... permiso=.

[36] =Quien se encarga de...?= _Who has charge of...?_ VARIANTS: =Quien se ocupa de...?= =Quien toma a su cargo...?= =A quien se le encarga...?= _Whose business is it to...?_

[37] =sea directamente o por=, _either directly or through_. VARIANTS: =Sea ... o sea... =; =ya... ya... =.

[38] =por intermedio de=, _through_. VARIANT: =Por conducto de=.

[39] Compare =solo= (_solamente_), adverb, with _solo_, adjective.

[40] =Y no solo... sino= (_but_) =tambien... =. VARIANT: =No tan solo..., si que tambien...= .

[41] =Asi=, _Thus_. Compare with =asi... como=. See 24.

[42] =de los= (=ladrillos=) =que=.

[43] =de antemano=, _beforehand_. VARIANTS: =Antic.i.p.adamente=; =con antic.i.p.acion=.

[44] =la forma de pago=, _the form of payment_, _the terms_. VARIANT: =La manera de hacer el pago=.

[45] =o varias= [_carpinterias_]. Note that here the adjective =varias=, _several_, really precedes the noun. When following the noun, this adjective has a different meaning; e.g., =carpinterias varias=, _sundry carpenter shops_.

[46] =toman a su cargo=, _take charge of_. VARIANTS: =Se ocupan de=; =se encargan de=.

[47] =asi como=, _as well as_. VARIANTS: =Lo mismo que=; =asi como tambien=.

[48] =De que?= _Of what?_ VARIANTS: =Con que material? Que material se emplea= (or =se utiliza=) =para hacer?=

[49] =es decir=, _that is to say_. VARIANT: =Esto es=.

[50] =y en este caso=. VARIANT: =Y en tal caso=.

[51] =al gusto del propietario=, _according to the owner's taste_.

[52] =fierro= is extensively used in Latin America for _hierro_. It is an obsolete word in Spain.

[53] The impersonal, reflexive =se= is here used in an indefinite or general sense, meaning _they_, _people_.

[54] =Se usa todavia poner rejas en las ventanas?= _Do they still put iron gratings in the windows?_ _Are iron gratings still used in the windows?_ VARIANT: =Se usa aun...?= =Aun= should be accented when it means _still_, and not when it means _even_.

[55] =como se las ve.= VARIANT: =Como se ven.=

[56] =las cuales= is here used instead of _que_, as the antecedent is at some distance from the relative.

[57] =solo de dia=, _only in the daytime_. VARIANT: =Solamente durante el dia.=

[58] =como se lo dije=, _as I have said_. Used instead of _le lo dije_.

For euphony, =se= replaces _le_ or _les_ when followed by _le_, _la_, _lo_, _les_, _las_, _los_. Compare with 54.

[59] =y= (=que=) =se conocen con= (or =bajo=) =ese nombre=. VARIANTS: =Y= (=que=) =se llaman asi=; =y= (=que=) =asi se designan=. _Que_ is omitted for the sake of euphony.

[60] =por estar=, _because they are_. VARIANT: =Porque estan....= Although =por= here precedes an infinitive, it should not be confused with =por= in cases like _estoy impaciente por entrar_.

[61] =por alla=, _thereabout_. =Alla= is approximate with regard to location; =alli= is definite.

[62] =En pequena escala=. VARIANTS: =Poca cosa=, _very little_; =casi nada=, _almost none_; =un poco=, _a few_.

[63] =Por lo general=, _Usually_, _As a general thing_. VARIANTS: =Generalmente=; =por regla general=; =ordinariamente=; =por lo comun=.

[64] =vendiendose=, _being sold_. See 32. When a reflexive gerund expresses an additional detail or circ.u.mstance it is best translated by the pa.s.sive form in English.

[65] =se designan con el nombre de=. VARIANT: =Se conocen con el nombre de=. See 59.

[66] =Aqui entran=, _Under this name are included_. VARIANTS: =Aqui se incluyen=; =aqui se cuentan=. See 35.

[67] =no solo= (_los_) =azulejos...=; (_los_) =mosaicos...=; (_las_) =baldosas...=; (_las_) =pizarras...=. The definite article, understood before each of these nouns, might have been used as indicated.

[68] =o aceras=. Note that the article is not repeated after =o= in this case. Compare with repet.i.tion of =en= in 2.

[69] =el zaguan, los patios=. The definite article is generally repeated before each of a series of nouns which differ in gender, or number, or both.

[70] =corredores y galerias=. The article may be omitted when the nouns denote things of similar kind, provided the condition in note 69 is observed, particularly with reference to number.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 2 summary

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