Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 4

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[120] =y hieren=, _offend_. Compare with 114.

[121] =el blanco=, _el (color) blanco_. Note that here the adjective is used substantively.

[122] =los tintes claros=. See 90.

[123] =Ademas de.= VARIANTS: =Fuera de=; =aparte de=; =amen de=.

[124] =alguna que otra= (_silla_) =mecedora=. VARIANTS: =Algunas=; =una que otra=; =unas cuantas=; =unas pocas=.

[125] =ya... ya... ya finalmente....= See 37.

[126] =que contienen=, _which contain_. Avoid using the present participle in translating such phrases into English except in cases suggesting action.

[127] =La biblioteca, fija o giratoria=. Note omission in Spanish of _o_ ('either') before =fija=.

[128] =muy comun.= VARIANTS: =Muy usual=; =muy general=; =esta muy generalizada=.

[129] =algun.= See 108.

[130] =De algun tiempo, a esta parte=, _For some little time_. VARIANTS: =Desde hace algun tiempo=; =desde poco ha=; =no ha mucho....=

[131] =archivos=, _files_. VARIANTS: =Archivos= =para correspondencia=, _correspondence files_; =archivos para fichas=, _card index files_.

RELATED WORDS: =Biblioratos=, _transfer boxes_; =unidad horizontal=; =unidad vertical=.

[132] =catalogacion ... por el sistema vertical=, _vertical filing system_. VARIANTS: =Catalogacion por orden alfabetico=, _alphabetical filing_; =catalogacion por asuntos=, _filing by subjects_; =catalogacion por numeracion consecutiva=, _filing by serial number_. RELATED WORDS: =Doble entrada=, _cross reference_; =carpeta=, _folder_; =clasificador=, _sorter_.

[133] =fichas=, _filing cards_. VARIANTS: =Fichas rayadas=, _filing cards with ruled lines_; =fichas sin rayas=, _blank filing cards_.

RELATED WORD: =Recordatorio=, _tickler tray_.

[134] =maquinas de escribir=, _typewriting machines_, _typewriters_.

RELATED WORDS: =Mecanografo=, _typewriter_ (_the person_); =taquigrafo=, _stenographer_; =maquina con caracteres en espanol=, _typewriter with Spanish keyboard_; =maquina de escribir de escritura visible=, _typewriter with visible writing_; =teclado=, _keyboard_; =tecla para mayusculas=, _(s.h.i.+ft) key for capitals_; =tecla para minusculas=, _key for small letters_; =cifras=, _numerals_; =signos=, _signs_; =palanca= (_lever_) =de retroceso=, _back s.p.a.cer_; =palanca de es.p.a.cios=, _s.p.a.cer_; =es.p.a.cios sencillos=, _single s.p.a.cing_; =es.p.a.cios dobles=; =es.p.a.cios triples=; =papel de maquina=; =papel carbon= or =de calcar=; =papel de estarcir=, _stencil paper_; =cinta=, _ribbon_; =cinta de un color=; =cinta de dos colores=; =color negro=, =rojo=, =purpura=; =coma=; =dos puntos=, _colon_; =punto y coma=; =punto=; =puntos suspensivos=; =acento=; =acento agudo=; =acento grave=; =acento circunflejo=; =parentesis=; =abrir el parentesis=; =cerrar el parentesis=; =signo de interrogacion=; =signo de admiracion=; =guion=, _hyphen_; =subrayado=, _underlined_; =apostrofo=; =raya oblicua=, _slant bar_; =signo de etcetera=; =signo de tanto por ciento=; =signo de pesos=.

[135] =todos=, _all_. Compare with 136.

[136] =como en todas partes=, _as (it is) everywhere_. See 135. VARIANT: =Como en la mayor parte de las casas=.

[137] =En las casas de alguna importancia=, _In houses of some importance_. See 108.

[138] =para que no tome=, _so that it will not take up_. Note the subjunctive mood.

[139] When the second member of a comparison is a clause referring to a particular noun expressed (in this case, =es.p.a.cio=), _than_ is expressed by _de_ or _del_ followed by _que_.

[140] =segun el numero=, _according to the number_. VARIANTS: =En armonia con=; =de acuerdo con=.

[141] Note the use of the verb in the singular.

[142] =a la vista=, _in sight_, _in full view_.

[143] =mesa de trinchar=, _carving table_; _buffet_. Extensively used in Latin America for _trinchante_, as it is called in Spain. In Spanish America, _trinchante_ is used to designate the carving fork.

[144] =con algun objeto=, _with some object_. Compare with 108.

[145] =la vajilla mas fina.= Note the superlative form, =la ... mas...=.

[146] =Ya no=, _No longer_. VARIANTS: =Eso se usaba antiguamente= (or =en los tiempos antiguos=, =en los tiempos pasados=, =en tiempo viejo=, =antano=); =eso ha pasado de moda= (or =a la historia)=, _that has gone out of style_, _that has gone out of fas.h.i.+on_.

[147] =de miedo a=, _for fear of_. VARIANT: =Por temor a=.

[148] =diferencia alguna=, _any difference whatever_. See 108.

[149] =u hotel.= See 114.

[150] =americanos.= Note the use here of the masculine form of the adjective.

[151] =los mismos=, _the same_. Compare with _mismo_ meaning 'itself'.

[152] =suponiendoselos=. p.r.o.nouns used as the double or conjunctive object, regularly precede the verb, but they follow the gerund and certain other forms.

[153] =Lo son=, _[And so] they are_. =Lo= is used in the predicate to refer to a preceding noun or adjective. VARIANT: =Son tipicos=.

[154] See 115.

[155] =su=, _its_.

[156] =Antiguamente=, _Formerly_. VARIANTS: =Hace mucho=; =antes de ahora=; =de antiguo=; =en otros dias=.

[157] See 153. VARIANTS: =Habia pisos de ladrillo=; =los pisos eran a veces de ladrillo=.

[158] =Que cosa es...?= Compare with =Cual...?= in 91. VARIANTS: =Que es...?= =A que se llama...?=

[159] =la abertura superior de la cual.= VARIANT: =Cuya abertura superior=.

[160] =el pozo mismo=, _the well itself_. Compare with 151.

[161] =de unos cuatro pies=, _a matter of four feet_. VARIANTS: =De cuatro pies mas o menos=; =de cosa de cuatro pies=.

[162] See 81 and 159.

[163] =se recoge.= VARIANT: =Recogese=. See 152.

[164] =el agua ... que se escurre.= Note this construction with =que=, which should be translated into English by the present participle _running_.

[165] =se escurre.= Note that the particle =se= cannot follow the verb when preceded by =que=. Compare with 152 and 163.

[166] =El agua, que se saca.= Compare with 164.

[167] =por medio de.= See 20 and 38.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 4 summary

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