Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 77

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_As a rule, only one form of a word has been translated in the vocabulary, and this is particularly true of verbs, in which the infinitive has had preferential attention. Throughout the vocabulary, the English translation is the equivalent in each case of the corresponding term in Spanish =in the sense in which it is used in the reading text=. Particular care has been taken to avoid altogether, where possible, or to give last, those misleading translations which, because of close resemblance or ident.i.ty in spelling--not in meaning--are eternal stumbling-blocks in the acquirement of a foreign language. Few synonyms in English are given, since exercise in Spanish variants, rather than in English synonyms, is what the student needs._

_It should be noted that no attempt has been made to include in the vocabulary words from the idiomatic phrases and expressions explained in the footnotes throughout the reading text, except in the few cases where the meaning cannot be readily gained from the context. Similarly, many Spanish Americanisms are not included because their meaning is either obvious or has been sufficiently explained in the reading text._


=abaceria=, _f._, grocery.

=abarcar=, to clasp, to include.

=abarrotes=, _m. pl._, groceries.

=abastecer=, to provide necessaries, to purvey.

=abatir=, to throw down, to cut down, to lower, to descend, to stop; _refl._, to dishearten.

=abigarrado, -a=, variegated, motley.

=ablandar=, to soften.

=abogado=, _m._, lawyer, attorney at law.

=abolladura=, _f._, dent.

=abonado, -a=, holder of a season ticket.

=abonar=, to pay; to subscribe; to fertilize.

=abono=, _m._, subscription; fertilizer.

=abrasante=, burning, scorching.

=abrumado, -a=, weary, burdened.

=abundamiento, a mayor ----=, moreover.

=acabar=, to finish, to end; =---- de=, to have just; =---- por=, to end by.

=acalora.r.s.e=, _refl._, to grow warm, to become excited.

=acanelado, -a=, cinnamon-colored.

=acariciar=, to caress.

=acarrear=, to carry.

=acaso=, _m._, hazard, chance; =si por ----=, if by chance.

=acaudalado, -a=, rich, wealthy.

=accionar=, to gesticulate.

=aceituna=, _f._, olive.

=acendrado, -a=, purified, refined.

=acendrar=, to purify, to refine.

=acentuar=, to emphasize, to accent.

=aceptante=, _m._, he who accepts.

=acerca de=, about, relating to.

=acerca.r.s.e=, _refl._, to get near, to approach.

=acertar=, to hit; to succeed.

=aciago, -a=, unfortunate, sad.

=aclaracion=, _f._, explanation.

=acoger=, to receive; _refl._, to take refuge, to resort to.

=acogido=, _see_ =acoger=.

=acometer=, to attack, to undertake.

=acomodado, -a=, well-to-do.

=acondicionar=, to pack.

=acontecimiento=, _m._, event.

=acosar=, to pursue closely, to vex.

=acostado, -a=, lying down.

=acrecentar=, to increase, to grow.

=acreedor=, _m._, creditor.

=acriolla.r.s.e=, _refl._ (_Sp. A._), to become acquainted with the customs of a country in which one is a new-comer.

=acuarela=, _f._, watercolor.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 77 summary

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