Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 86

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=cabo=, _m._, extreme, extremity, end; =---- de tabaco=, stub of a cigar or cigarette; =al ----=, at last.

=cabotaje=, _m._, coasting trade.

=cabreria=, _f._, place where goat's milk is sold.

=cacao=, _m._, the tree, also the fruit from which the cocoa-bean is obtained.

=cacerola=, _f._, stewpan, saucepan.

=cacharro=, _m._, coa.r.s.e earthen pot.

=cachupin=, _also_ =gachupin=, _m._, formerly, a Spaniard who settled in Spanish America.

=cada=, each, every; =---- uno= (=-a=), each, each one; =---- dia=, each or every day; =---- vez que=, every time that.

=cafetal=, _m._, plantation of coffee-trees.

=cafeto=, _m._, coffee-tree.

=caimito=, _m._, a fruit-tree of tropical America.

=caja=, _f._, box, cas.h.i.+er's desk; =---- de ahorros=, savings bank; =---- registradora=, cash register.

=cal=, _f._, slaked lime; =a la ----=, white-washed, kalsomined.

=calabaza=, _f._, pumpkin, squash.

=calabozo=, _m._, dungeon, cell.

=calado=, _m._, draught, the depth of water a vessel draws; =poco ----=, shallow draught.

=calandria=, _f._, a species of lark found in S. A. and elsewhere.

=calaverada=, _f._, foolish _or_ unwise action.

=calcar=, to trace.

=calido, -a=, hot; piquant.

=calinda=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), a kind of dance.

=calzada=, _f._, road, causeway, paved highway.

=calza.r.s.e=, _refl._, to put on one's boots or shoes; to shoe.

=calzonera=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), trousers which open at both outer leg-seams, these openings being closed by numerous b.u.t.tons and b.u.t.tonholes.

=callampa=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), mushroom; derby hat.

=callejero, -a=, relating to the street.

=camarero=, _m._, waiter, steward.

=camarote=, _m._, cabin, stateroom, berth.

=caminar=, to walk; to march, to proceed.

=camino=, _m._, road.

=camote=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), an unusually large sweet potato found in S. A.

=campanula=, _f._, bell-flower.

=campana=, _f._, campaign; (_Sp. A._), the country, as opposed to the city.

=campeon=, _m._, champion.

=campero, -a= (_Sp. A._), rural.

=campina=, _f._, field, country, land.

=campo=, _m._, country, field.

=cana=, _f._, gray hair.

=canaca=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), relating to the yellow race.

=canape=, _m._, couch, settee, lounge.

=cancha=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), field for sports, patio, corral; open s.p.a.ce.

=candado=, _m._, padlock.

=canelo=, _m._, cinnamon tree.

=canelon=, _m._, South American tree.

=cangrina=, _f._, carbuncle.

=cano, -a=, gray-haired.

=canonico=, canonical.

=cantar=, _m._, song set to music; to sing.

=cantaro=, _m._, large, narrow-mouthed pitcher.

=cantero=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a plot of cultivated ground.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 86 summary

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