Sterling Shore: Tagged And Ashed Part 1

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Tagged & Ashed.

The Sterling Sh.o.r.e Series.

by C.M. Owens.

Chapter One.

Building the Lies.


"So... you know this is stupid, right?" I drawl while staring at the ma.s.sive house just minutes away.

"It's not stupid, Ash," Billy sighs, sick of me second-guessing his master plan. "The only time Rene ever notices me is when you're around. I know you make her jealous. This weekend is my chance to finally close the deal. Now, do you remember the story?"

Rolling my eyes, I mumble, "Yes. We started dating a few days ago, but we're seeing how this weekend goes before we commit to being a real couple."

He smiles. "Right. That way, Rene doesn't think I'm a cheater if I end up getting to be with her."

I just laugh. He acts like a small boy with a crush instead of a twenty-one-year-old man with a brilliant mind.

"So... what do I get out of this whole charade?" I tease.

"Free booze, free food, and a weekend of sunning by the sea. The wedding is Sunday, and it'll be party central from now until the end of the reception."

"That doesn't seem like enough," I say, feigning a sigh and teasing him more with the mockery of my breath.

"I've already bought you three dresses. d.a.m.n, girl. Quit being greedy," he playfully adds with a smile that touches his light blue eyes.

I don't know why Billy has such an obsession with Rene. She's so... evil - that's the word that comes to mind. I really don't know why she thinks she's too good for him. He's rich, smart, funny, and loyal. If I didn't love him like a brother, then I'd probably be into him.

"How is it possible I've never met your brother? We've been friends since our soph.o.m.ore year of high school. I know your mom, but that's it. You're practically a regular at my family dinners."

He tightens his lips and shrugs.

"Your family is awesome. Other than my mom, my family is full of a.s.sholes. Take Wren for example. I'm his brother, and yet I'm just a groomsman - not the best man."

The bitter scowl on his face brings a ridiculing laugh from me by accident. He shakes his head while stifling a grin.

"You know, you're starting to sound like a woman scorned instead of a snubbed brother," I mock.

He lets a touch of laughter free, and then he slows down as we turn onto the driveway of the gallant, unbelievably huge home overlooking the ocean. This is Melanie's - Billy's mother - newest home. It's not as close to Sterling Sh.o.r.e as most of her houses, but she prefers the cliff-side views. This home suits her. It's a glorious beast with a cliff beside it that overlooks the ocean.

"I know I've harped on it a while, but Wren should have picked me over Tag no matter what has happened between us throughout the years. I know he's his best friend, but I'm still his d.a.m.n brother. That should mean something," Billy grumbles, interrupting my silent reverie.

"How does someone end up with a name like Tag?" I muse as my mind blocks out his bitter rant.

"How the h.e.l.l have you never heard of him?" he asks, turning his eyes toward me for a second before turning back to the road. "He's considered Sterling Sh.o.r.e's most eligible bachelor. Him and Dane Sterling. But Tag makes a bunch of the tabloids."

I shrug, not really caring about this conversation. "Since when do I read tabloids? Not to mention, I'm a bit of a hermit-thus the reason I work from home, and take online college courses. I've never seen or heard anything about Dane or Tag, except for when you bring them up. I think Kode Sterling should be the most eligible bachelor."

He gives me an incredulous look. "How do you know about Kode Sterling but not... You know what, never mind. That's not the point. The point is... what the h.e.l.l were we even talking about?"

I stifle a laugh and mutter, "You were going to tell me where someone gets a name like Tag."

"Oh," he mumbles. "His real name is Tagland, but he shortened it to Tag. It's a h.e.l.l of a lot cooler than the stupid name he f.u.c.king left me with."

My eyes c.o.c.k up, and I suddenly find myself excited to have something new to tease him about.

"And that would be?"

He cuts his eyes toward me as he turns the car on the backside of the lengthy drive, bypa.s.sing the valets who are now pouting over the loss of a tip.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just do me a favor, please."

"What now?" I playfully grumble, feigning exhaustion.

"Don't get Tagged."

"Tagged?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Tagged. It's what we call the girls when they go gaga for Tag. One look at you, and he'll definitely be trying to get into your pants. I don't need Rene thinking I can't hold my own. You promised you wouldn't look too hot, by the way. I don't want her to be that intimidated," he says with a scowl, his eyes motioning toward my attire.

I look down and then back up. "I'm wearing a formal dress and heels. What was I supposed to do? Wear my jeans and tank?"

He purses his lips, his eyes appraising me once more, and then he parks the car in the family spot before climbing out and walking over to open my door for me.

"No, but you could have chosen a dress that didn't accentuate all your best features. I didn't realize I was buying you a dress that looks this d.a.m.n good."

I let a laugh out while standing up and clutching my purse under one arm. I loop my other through his, and then we start walking toward the back of the house to join the congregation out front.

"I'm sorry. Next time I'll do my best to dull it down. Besides, the better I look, the more Rene is going to be jealous-if you're right about this."

"Yeah, but if Tag sees you looking this good, he's going to be full-blown predator. That'll f.u.c.k up everything."

"You're acting like I just walked out of a swimsuit commercial. I know you're nervous, and you tend to exaggerate when you're nervous. I look the same as always, just in a short dress. Now man up. It's time to start making Rene jealous."

He doesn't argue any further as we reach the front, and he quickly starts introducing me to numerous people I've never met before. I fool them into thinking I belong in this ritzy place with my forced etiquette. With the drought of available men at this gathering, Billy shouldn't have a problem getting the single Rene's attention.

A dark Jag pulls up, drawing my attention away from the elderly lady with a high bun on her head. She continues to speak with her fake British accent, though I don't acknowledge a word she's saying. I can't.

Inside that car is the most mouthwatering man I've ever seen. My eyes become glued, unable to tear away from the divine creature climbing free and handing his keys to the giddy valet.

He steps to the side and starts b.u.t.toning his suit jacket as his dark shades hide the eyes I'd more than likely be lost in. Two s.e.xy girls climb free from his car as well, giggles exuding from them as they follow behind the unknown masterpiece.

His dark hair, sculpted physique, and perfect strut are all it takes to make me regret the s.e.xual drought I've been in. It's been rough, and now it's more excruciating than ever, as certain areas throb to remind me I'm still a woman with real needs.

Billy's eyes are on me when I finally cut my gaze away from the beautiful man I don't even know. Stupid hormones. I feel like a teenager again.

Billy scowls at me for reasons unbeknownst to me, but I don't feel like getting lectured about whatever small infraction I've just committed. He's too high-strung, worried Rene is going to think this is a sham - which it is.

"I need a drink," I mumble while walking toward the bar set up outside.

"d.a.m.n," Billy huffs. "You've been Tagged."

Tag I love making an entrance. Right now every guy here is envious of me, and they should be.

My eyes search the place, making sure there aren't any other prospects - in case I grow bored with the two I brought. It's the usual people, for the most part. Eager Rene - d.a.m.n, I hate that girl. The Millstone twins. Been there, done that. Nope, nothing better than what I've already got.

I almost want to laugh when I see Bity Billy. Alone. As always. Maybe I should take it easy on him this weekend. I'm sure it sucks knowing Wren chose me as his best man instead of him. Then again, it's not like the idiot doesn't deserve it... or worse.

I see something far more worthy of my attention, and my eyes follow the tan legs that just keep f.u.c.king going. A girl with long, bronze hair is laughing lightly with Wren's mother, Melanie.

Her short, formfitting dress shows every perfectly placed curve on her body. Involuntarily, I find myself licking my lips. She's hotter than both the chicks I brought-combined.

What's even better is the fact I've never met her before, meaning she doesn't know my tricks. She'll see all these other girls swooning over me. Then I'll pay her some attention and ignore the others, making her feel special. She'll be putty in my hands. This weekend just got a h.e.l.l of a lot better now.

My eyes slide back down to her perfect, glistening legs which are s.h.i.+mmering under the fading sun. Her perky a.s.s couldn't be any more perfect. I'm going to have fun with that a.s.s.

I watch as she moves gracefully, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bouncing slightly when she heads down the stairs of the patio to join... Bity?

How the h.e.l.l does Bity know this girl? Why in the h.e.l.l is she resting her head on his shoulder?

Surely she's not his date for the weekend. If she is, then she has to be a hired escort. There's no f.u.c.king way she's that hot and here with Bity.

h.e.l.l, he can't land a date with Rene Ballinger. This can't be right. I have to go investigate.

As.h.i.+ara Billy is so worried about me being Tagged. He's just a hot guy, and he's obviously a player. I mean, really. Two dates? I can refuse my carnal desires, considering he has two girls already with him. That's just gross.

Rene's eyes keep circling back to us, and I just nestle my head against Billy's shoulder a little more as he speaks to one of his old friends.

"It was really nice to meet you, As.h.i.+ara," the sweet blond guy murmurs softly.

"You too, Blake."

He smiles, and his eyes inadvertently find my very pumped cleavage. Perhaps Billy was right about this dress being a little much. Very few male eyes are staying above my neckline.

"Oh s.h.i.+t," Billy murmurs under his breath.

"What?" I ask while rising up, but he doesn't have to answer my question himself.

It's answered when I see the guy whose very sight makes me tremble, s.h.i.+ver, and breathe in harsh breaths.

d.a.m.n. I wish Billy had elaborated on how hot Tag is. I could have prepared myself a little better.

His dark hair is s.e.xily tousled, and his icy blue eyes are heart-stopping and delicious.

I wish he still had on his

"What's up, Bity?" the seductive voice asks, making my wobbly knees feel all the more like jelly.

That's not fair.

No guy should look like that, smell like that, have money, and sound that s.e.xy. It's just not good for equilibrium.

"Yeah. Care to call me Billy this weekend? Like you promised you would." Billy huffs.

"Of course, sorry. Old habits," he insincerely murmurs while raking his eyes over my body.

Please stop looking at me like that.

When our eyes lock, I'm worried neither of us will look away. This weekend is going to be torture if he doesn't stop giving me that d.a.m.n look.

Then his twin set of bimbos join us, and I snap out of my trance.

"So cool you had to bring two dates?" Billy scoffs, his distaste and envy sliding off his tongue.

Tag smirks, his eyes still holding my gaze as he replies, "Actually, one was for you. I never planned on you having a date. I thought I'd be generous and bring an extra."

I take a deep breath, my heart's beat becoming erratic and crazy. He won't stop staring! It's been too long without a source of release to endure this smoldering gaze for much longer.

"As you can see, I've got the prettiest girl at the party," Billy proudly boasts, and my cheeks redden instantly.

I'll kick your a.s.s later for that, Billy Prize.

"I see that. I'm a.s.suming you two are just friends," Tag adds suspiciously, his eyes studying mine for waver.

"We've been friends since our soph.o.m.ore year at high school, but we decided to start dating a few days ago. We're going to test drive our new relations.h.i.+p this weekend and see how it goes," Billy answers with his rehea.r.s.ed speech.

"I see," Tag says with a grin. "So nothing serious, then?"

The way he's looking at me is so carnal, so predatory. It's enough to make the knot in my throat too big to swallow against.

"Not yet, but it will be," Billy quickly adds, his arm sliding around my waist as he pretends to stake his claim.

Remembering why I'm here, I slip my arm around him, and then I lean in to kiss him on his cheek. Tag's smile lifts up slightly as one of his giggling bimbos returns with a whiskey for him. His eyes don't leave me though, further complicating my crumbling state.

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Sterling Shore: Tagged And Ashed Part 1 summary

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