Sterling Shore: Tagged And Ashed Part 9

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I've been waiting all d.a.m.n day on Tag to show up and end this s.e.xual frustration, but he hasn't made a move. The only thing he has done is be swarmed with wedding stuff. Who knew the best man had to be so involved?

The rehearsal dinner is going on right now, so I just stayed in my room. I'm not part of the wedding party, and I'm too wound up to sit down. I'd be squirming in my seat if I had to watch Tag stand beside the groom while they ran through a mock ceremony.

I'm sure he looks s.e.xy in whatever outfit he's wearing. Hopefully, this daring black dress will have some effect on him.

It's a very formal event tonight, and my dress is s.e.xy-elegant. The low dip shows off my cleavage, while the tasteful straps slide over my arms with their pricy fabric - courtesy of Billy for being his pretend date.

The long dress stops just at my feet, while the daring split rises all the way up my leg to my thigh. My hair has been dressed in elegant curls, and a black, s.h.i.+mmering flower ties the front right side of my hair back.

I look out the window, noticing the crowds have broken apart and the party is starting.


I huff as I walk over to open my door, but my heart stops when I see Tag standing there, looking beyond hot as he leans against my doorframe, staring down at me with his devilishly perfect grin.

His icy blues match the s.h.i.+rt under his suit and tie. It should be so illegal for someone to look like this. His dark hair gleams under the low light of the hallway, and he reaches out his arm for me to take.

"Well, I was planning on detaining you for an hour or two, but now that I see how incredible you look, I'd hate to undo anything," he says with his grin still intact as I take his arm.

"Thanks. You did have the rest of the day to detain me though," I say, lightly sulking.

"Do I detect a hint of disappointment, Ms. Branderwood?"

The delight in his tone is too... irresistible.

"Don't be cute, Mr. Masters."

He lets a laugh free, and then he leans over to my ear as we descend the staircase to the room full of people.

"At least you got to come earlier," he crudely releases, his hot breath stinging against my sensitized skin.

I s.h.i.+ver lightly, and then I look back to find his daring grin and excited eyes.

"Yes I did. I also tried to return the favor when my mouth was-"

He interrupts me when he jerks my face to meet his as my body crashes against the wall of the staircase with numerous gasps following.

"Christ," he murmurs against my lips. "I swear you're f.u.c.king with my head."

I'm f.u.c.king with his head? I'm the one dying for his touch.

"Let's get this party s.h.i.+t over with, and then I want you to stay with me again tonight. This time, though, it won't be so innocent," he says, sounding a.s.sertive.


I grin, and then we pull back to see all the giggling faces turning away. He adjusts his tie and takes my hand again until we reach the bottom of the stairs. I feel a pang of disappointment when he releases me, and then I feel a tug of jealously as some gorgeous girl comes to drape her arms around him before kissing him directly on the lips.

Well that sucks.

I start to walk off, when I feel his arm around me, pulling me back to his perfect body.

"Emry, hey," he says nervously. "I didn't think you were invited to the wedding."

"I'm not, but there's no rule about someone who was invited bringing me as their date," she says while dusting her blond locks from her shoulder, and then her eyes cut to glare at me. "One of your"

"I'm just gonna go find Billy," I murmur awkwardly when I realize she's apparently one of his many conquests, but Tag refuses to let me retreat.

"Actually, Ash is Bity's best friend, and at the moment, she's my best friend, too. I'm going to head out, call security, and then I'll be able to enjoy the night," he grumbles while wrapping his arm around me again and dragging me outside.


"Never had a girlfriend. She's just a crazy stalker who wanted me and Wren," he briskly explains before walking up to a broad man in a black suit. "Emry Monroe is here. Get rid of her before she f.u.c.ks up Wren's night."

"Yes, Sir," the guy spouts before rus.h.i.+ng into the house.

"That bad?" I ask worriedly.

"Nothing to worry about," he says with some rea.s.surance.

His grip loosens on me as his stride slows, and I turn to watch the girl being forcefully ushered out as she curses the security guards.

"Do you really drive women that crazy?" I playfully retort.

Tag She has no idea how crazy Emry was before I ever met her. I'm not going to elaborate right now either.

"Have I been driving you crazy?" I ask as I pull her out to the center of the dancing area set up with a faux dancing platform.

We settle in amongst a few couples in love, and I pull her arms around my neck as mine slide to clasp around her waist.

"Maybe a little. So, how have you never had a girlfriend?" she asks curiously.

I shouldn't haven given that little tidbit away. Everything I blurt out in front of her reminds me how different I am when she's around. Each second I'm lost in those deep blues is another second I feel less like my normal self.

"I'm not boyfriend material. It's just easier to tell girls up front what I can offer, and that's just it. After a few 'dates' we part ways, usually on friendly terms. You ready to run away now?"

Her face gives nothing away, and my breath catches in my throat when she takes far too long to respond.

"So you just take them to your house, screw them a couple of times, and then send them on their way?" she bluntly asks.

"Never my house. I learned a long time ago that some women are crazy. It's their house, a hotel, or a car."

Why the f.u.c.k did I just say that out loud? Christ. I need a padlock for my lips.

She pulls back, and my eyes look up to see Bity snarling at us as he sips his whiskey - alone.

"I need to go check on Billy. I'll catch up with you later," she says a little distantly.

This isn't one of the girls I'm used to dealing with. She's the type of girl who can crumble a man - even me. I don't know whether to dive in and give it a try, or back off before I hurt her.

I've never cared about what I might do to a girl, but with her, everything is different.

"You're mad at me for being honest," I mumble while catching her hand.

She looks down at our contact, and then her eyes come back up to meet mine.

"No, I'm just worried about Billy. I really will see you later. You still have a debt to collect," she says with a forced smile, and with heavy unease, I release her.

"I don't expect to collect. If you want me, you know where to find me. If you don't, then at least I got to... well, you know," I say, making her cheeks flash a red glow.

"Believe me, I know."

She smiles more sincerely before walking off toward the sulking man on the stairs, and I run my fingers through my hair as I watch her without waver.

All f.u.c.king day long I've thought about her - not just having s.e.x with her either. I've wanted to talk to her, hold her, lie beside her the way we did last night. It felt so good to wake up with her in my arms. It felt even better when she kissed me because she couldn't resist.

I just don't know if I'm ready to be the kind of guy a girl like that expects. I sure as h.e.l.l would hate myself if she ever hated me. Maybe I should just forget about all this and walk away while I can.

The problem is, I really can't.

My eyes finally break away just as she reaches him, and then I see the far lesser creature that is Rene stalking toward me with her devious intentions plainly etched on her face.

As.h.i.+ara Billy looks disgusted as I walk toward him, and I get a little sick when he looks away, shaking his head. I can always tell when he's p.i.s.sed at me. I hate it because he never holds back.

"Hey," I murmur softly while taking a seat beside him.

"What? Tag decide to f.u.c.k you later?" he snaps, breathing heavily.

"Billy, I don't deserve that."

"Don't you?" he growls while sipping his drink.

This is even worse than usual, and my eyes lift up to follow his gaze. Tag is gracefully trying to escape Rene's clutches, and Billy's jaw clenches in response.

"I don't want you around Tag anymore," he says in a low, deathly grim whisper.

"Look, I know what kind of guy he is, but-"

"But nothing. Look at that s.h.i.+t. Rene has been talking about him nonstop since the two of you were here alone today. Now she's chasing after him. I brought you to help me get her, not help raise his stock that much more. You know how f.u.c.king jealous she is of you."

Ah. That hurts like h.e.l.l.

"So this isn't because you're worried about me getting hurt or played; this is because Rene is some crazy b.i.t.c.h who wants whatever guy she thinks I want? Really? I can't believe you, Billy," I hiss, though my voice is almost drowned out by the loud orchestra.

"Ash, look, that's not-"

"Yeah, it is. You're a piece of s.h.i.+t friend, Billy Prize. I can't believe it took me this long to figure that out. Stay the h.e.l.l away from me. Don't worry about anything I might do with Tag. Just tell Wren I'm sorry for leaving early."

I barge by him, my tears begging to fall as I head toward the gallant house. He doesn't follow me - he knows better. He knows I'll hate him for this, and there's nothing he can do.

As I'm rus.h.i.+ng up the stairs, I feel arms around me, swirling me to a body.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tag asks as he studies my unshed tears.

Like he really cares.

"Apparently I'm f.u.c.king up Billy's chances with Rene because I've been Tagged," I blurt out foolishly.

"He said that?" he gasps in angry disbelief before turning away like he's going to go tear him apart.

"Don't," I murmur, a little surprised by his reaction, as I tug on his arm.

"No. He shouldn't have said something like that. He has no right to d.a.m.n-"

My lips press against his as I jerk his head down to shut him up. His hands glide around my waist, and then one slides down my leg to find the split of the dress. His hand slides through it, and he grips me at my thigh, making my leg rise to his waist, as he spins me and presses me hard against the wall.

"Just f.u.c.k me," I murmur softly against his lips, and before I know it, my elegant dress becomes sleazy as my legs wrap around his waist and he carries me away from the party.

Tag Bity's a stupid a.s.s who deserves to have his nose broken, but I don't need to f.u.c.k him up the day before Wren's wedding. Besides, I've been fighting with my mixed emotions for Ash for long enough. I'm ready to just have her, and then deal with whatever uncertainties later.

Her lips are like velvet against mine, and her smooth body is so incredible to touch as I carry her back to my room. She's the only girl here I've been able to pay attention to, and that's sure as h.e.l.l a first for me.

The door to my room opens, and she moans into my mouth as I carry her to the bed. That beautiful sound only makes me grip her harder as we crash to the bed, and then she rips my jacket off before pulling me to her by my tie.

The way she wants me right now is more of a rush than anything I've ever felt before. Many girls have wanted me, but she's the first to need me for something.

Yet again, that's a first. I don't do girls with needs, but I'd do anything right now for this one. It's starting to freak me the h.e.l.l out.

I feel her undoing my pants, and then they fall free enough for me to kick them off, as her eager hands rip the b.u.t.tons from my s.h.i.+rt.

f.u.c.k, that's so hot.

Pulling my tie over my head, I stare down at her body on my bed, her eyes telling me she's waiting to be undressed.

I quickly oblige, my hands sliding the dress up and over her head to reveal the s.e.xiest underwear I've ever seen. Her black, strapless corset top stops to show about four inches of her stomach, and then my eyes fall on the lacy underwear that offers me a peek of what I know is underneath.

"s.h.i.+t," I exhale in pleasant surprise, and she smiles before pulling me back down to her.

I don't hesitate to push my tongue in her mouth, and my hand slides up her leg to find her lacy perfection and slide it aside before my finger finds her wet, tight crevice.

I'm going to savor it though. I can't rush this moment.

She moans as my finger moves, and then my mouth escapes hers as my lips trail down her body to find its place below.

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Sterling Shore: Tagged And Ashed Part 9 summary

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