Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 31

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Landis pursed her lips in thought as she gave Heather a once-over, her gaze stopping on her chest. "Take off your sweater." She did as she was told, but this time avoided eye contact with Landis while she taped everything in place. The fast yet gentle hands sent the same shocks through her body as the first time, but she tried to concentrate on the wall in front of her.

"Make sure you wear something appropriate," Landis said.

"What do I do with all this when I retire for the night?" she asked as she pulled on her sweater.

"Turn off the receiver after you untape everything and hide it all in a sock."

"Will panty hose do? It's all I brought." Before Landis could answer, Jack darted back into the bedroom.

"Incoming," she called, and Landis turned to catch a pair of black socks.

"This works better." Landis handed them to her, then reached into her pocket and pulled out an audio bug. "Plant this in your bedroom. We'll see you in the restaurant."

"This you think it's with Rozsa?" she asked.

"I doubt Rozsa would show his face in public, but it could lead to finding out where he is."

"I can't bear to be around Dario. What he does makes me sick to my stomach."

"I know."

"But you'll be there the whole time, right?" she asked.

"Every single step of the way," Landis replied. "Tru...I won't let anything happen to you."

* 238 *

Heather didn't immediately return to the suite so Dario would think she really had gone for a walk. She took the elevator to the ground floor and went outside, allowing herself at least a few minutes to appreciate that she was halfway around the world, in a country she'd long dreamed of visiting. She walked a couple of blocks, watching pa.s.sersby, many of whom openly stared at her, and took in all the exotic smells and sights of the bustling city she could absorb in such a limited time.

The distraction actually helped calm her nerves, so when Dario knocked on her bedroom door a few minutes before two, she was ready both in appearance and mental fort.i.tude. She'd freshened her hair and makeup, and donned a tastefully s.e.xy red dress. Matching three-inch heels completed the ensemble.

Dario examined her from top to bottom, which gave her chills.

"You look absolutely breathtaking." He licked his lips.

"Thank you," she said halfheartedly, not even trying to sound flattered.

He frowned. "Have you not rested sufficiently?"

"I'm fine."

The restaurant was as magnificent as their suite. Plush booths lined the entire perimeter of the skysc.r.a.per, and the ceiling above each one, as well as the exterior wall, was made of gla.s.s, so every patron had a spectacular view of both the city and the sky.

"And where did your walk take you this afternoon?" Dario asked."I didn't venture far," she replied as the waiter pulled the chair for her. "Enough to get some fresh air and do some window shopping."

"If you see anything you like, let me know. I can have whatever you want delivered to the suite."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary. I've been buying my own wardrobe since I was fifteen."

"It would be my pleasure to gift you with anything you want."

"That won't be necessary, Dario," she repeated. She tried not to sound irritated, but his insistence on making her play the role of his mistress was getting to her.

* 239 *

"Ah, there's my appointment."

A blond man in his late thirties stopped at their table. Heather could tell his suit cost what she made in two months. He was fairly attractive, with an air of someone who got the job done. He smiled down at her, barely acknowledging Dario.

"And who is this delightful creature?" he asked in a thick British accent as he offered his hand to her.

"This is my-"

"I'm Heather." When she held out her hand as well, the stranger bent to kiss it.

"And I'm Oliver." He half straightened until his face was close to hers. "How much is he paying you?"

Heather looked away as she tried to hide her embarra.s.sment.

Was she that obvious?

"Don't take it personally, Heather," Oliver said. "But you aren't the type of woman to someone like Dario." d.a.m.n right, she thought.

"Heather and I have been seeing each other for years," Dario said. Heather could tell he was irritated, but she was frankly almost flattered his a.s.sociate thought she was too good for him.

"Of course." Oliver took a seat. "Your taste in everything has always been immaculate and no doubt...expensive," he added, looking at her. He placed his linen napkin on his lap. "I have only an hour to brief you on tomorrow's meeting, so let's order." Dario lifted his hand slightly and two servers materialized at his side. One handed out open menus while the sommelier recited the wine list.

"Would you like me to order?" Dario asked her.

"I think I can manage."

"She's got s.p.u.n.k," Oliver said.

Dario placed his hand on her knee. "That's what I like about her."She pushed it away without thinking. "I'm actually at the table."

"Forgive us," Dario said sternly.

"Well," Oliver said as the wine was being poured, "lovers'

quarrel aside, I'd like to get down to business. Your meeting is * 240 *

tomorrow and he expects to see figures. Also, I understand your people expressed some concerns regarding the quality and delivery time. If you wish, I can escort you to our facilities to verify the process of selection and implementation."

"I wasn't aware there were trepidations," Dario replied.

"Maybe you need to consult your employer."

"That won't be necessary." Dario sounded offended. "I intended a tour on this trip, anyway."

The waiter came back for their orders and Heather wondered how long she'd have to sit through this discussion. Oliver was clearly not their man, and the content of their discussion disturbed her, considering Dario's so-called furniture company was a front for the organ trade. Was he being asked to visit a slaughterhouse? The thought made her sick to her stomach.

She placed her order first. As the two men made their selections, she looked around casually, hoping to see Landis, certain that just a glimpse of her would give her strength and rea.s.surance. She spotted her at a corner booth with Jack, lifting a forkful of noodles to her mouth.

Landis turned her way mere seconds later, and when their eyes met, she gave Heather a discreet nod.

After a few minutes of small talk about the restaurant, she asked Oliver, "Are you here on business, too?"

"No such luck. I live here," he replied.

"Are you in the furniture business like Dario?"

"You could say that. I make sure all transactions go smoothly.

The Chinese are not exactly fluent in English and their manners leave a lot to be desired. Very cutthroat, if you know what I mean." He smiled. "And how about you? What line of business are you in?" he asked provocatively.

"I design clothes for a small house," she replied as the waiter arrived with their food.

"And you have dreams of one day owning your own label?"


"Well, if the old man can't help you on your way, maybe I can...take his place, shall we say."

* 241 *

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary." She picked at her plate. Her Luohan zhi, or Buddha's Delight, looked delicious, but she had no appet.i.te.

"You're being rude, Oliver." Dario dabbed at his face with his napkin. "Heather belongs to me. It would be wise to remember that."

"I do not belong to anyone," she said, barely containing her anger."Forgive me," Oliver said to her. "But I've got to hand it to you, Dario. You've managed to make me jealous." He winked at her.

"There's nothing much to be jealous about." She placed her hand on Dario's wheelchair to make a point.

Oliver laughed out loud. "I don't know what arrangement you two have, but I wouldn't mind being part of" Heather couldn't win this battle. Both men either wanted to own or screw her, and the more she had to endure this discussion the closer she felt to sticking her b.u.t.ter knife in Dario's thigh. She ate a few mouthfuls in silence as the two men talked about the Chinese economy and other things she could care less about.

As soon as the server cleared the table, Oliver stood. "I'm afraid I have another appointment. It was a pleasure, Heather, and should you feel the need for company while Dario is away, let me know." He dropped a business card in front of her. "I'll make it worth your while." Then he pivoted to shake Dario's hand. "I'll be in touch."

"That was a most unplea-" Dario's cell phone rang. He frowned when he checked the caller ID. "What now?" he mumbled.

"Yes?" He turned away from her. "Why are you calling me?" He was obviously annoyed. "I thought we were done." He listened for a few seconds. "I can't authorize another transaction. The first one almost cost me my head." He listened some more, frowning. When he spoke again, his clipped tones indicated someone struggling not to lose his temper. "I don't care if you're in trouble, you should have thought about the risks beforehand. And don't try to send any more cards. I've cancelled that address."

Whatever the caller said next only infuriated Dario more. His tone uncharacteristically angry, he kept his voice low, but she was sitting so close she could hear every word. "Listen, you idiot, if you * 242 *

think you can destroy me and my business, you're a fool. You would have to expose yourself if you did, and you know what that means." More silence before Dario spoke again. "You can call me then, but my answer will still be the same."

Without even a glance in her direction, Dario disconnected and made another call.

"It's me. Our Hungarian wholesaler called and wants more money." The response from the other end made him angrier still.

"How should I know?" He pounded his fist on the table.

She tried to act as though she weren't listening.

"We have to take care of this before he does something stupid, and you know the desperate ones always do," Dario said. He listened again. "What do you want me to do?" he asked with a tone of desperation. More listening. "Decide and call me back?" Dario glanced over at her with an irritated expression. "Make it at eight," he told the person on the other end. "I have some business before that."

* 243 *

* 244 *

ChaPter twenty-siX.

Chase glanced toward Jack to see whether she was drawing the same conclusions about the phone conversation they'd heard through their earpieces.

"Sounds like our man," Jack said. "And it appears as though they want to make him go away permanently."

"There's supposed to be another call tonight."

"Whoever was on the other end has a plan. It's looking more and more like Dario is someone's peon."

"We have to get into his room if we want to hear the rest of that conversation and who's calling the shots."

"d.a.m.n." Jack blew out an exasperated breath. "He has two guys guarding his door."

"We could trigger the emergency alarm." Jack shook her head. "Could make him suspicious when it turns out to be nothing. He'll have his dogs search the room before he gets back in."

Chase checked her watch. "And his call is in three hours. He'll have to make that call from elsewhere if they won't allow people back in until they figure out it was a false alarm." Heather's voice in their ear interrupted their discussion, so they went silent to listen in.

"I don't know about you, but I could use a nap," Heather said to Dario after he hung up. He was clearly in a bad mood and she didn't feel like sticking around.

* 245 *

Dario exploded. "I asked you to accompany me like a proper lady. I expect you to act like one."

"What do you mean?" She tried to sound innocent. Maybe a taste of his own demeaning medicine would put him in his place.

"You've had this superior if not downright rude att.i.tude since you got on the plane. If I wanted to be ignored and degraded, I would have made this trip with my sister."

"I thought I was being polite, considering your a.s.sociate wanted to jump my bones."

"You practically invited him to your bed."

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Elite Operatives: Demons Are Forever Part 31 summary

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