School Choice or Best Systems Part 5

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2 Michael Petrilli, "Ident.i.ty Crisis: Can Charter Schools Survive Accountability?" Michael Petrilli, "Ident.i.ty Crisis: Can Charter Schools Survive Accountability?" Education Next Education Next, Summer 2005, p. 57.

3 Robin J. Lake and Lydia Rainey, Robin J. Lake and Lydia Rainey, Chasing the Blues Away: Charter Schools Scale Up in Chicago Chasing the Blues Away: Charter Schools Scale Up in Chicago (Was.h.i.+ngton: Progressive Policy Inst.i.tute, 2005), p. 22. (Was.h.i.+ngton: Progressive Policy Inst.i.tute, 2005), p. 22.

4 Elizabeth Kneebone, Trinia Logue, Susan Cahn, and Michael McDunnah, Elizabeth Kneebone, Trinia Logue, Susan Cahn, and Michael McDunnah, Here and Now: The Need for Performing Schools in Chicago's Neighborhoods Here and Now: The Need for Performing Schools in Chicago's Neighborhoods (Chicago: Illinois Facilities Fund, October, 2004), (Chicago: Illinois Facilities Fund, October, 2004),

5 Lake and Rainey, p. 6. Lake and Rainey, p. 6.

6 George A. Clowes, "Polls Show Vouchers Are Popular and Would Be Widely Used, ' ' George A. Clowes, "Polls Show Vouchers Are Popular and Would Be Widely Used, ' ' School Reform News School Reform News, April 2004 ,

7 Harwood Group, Harwood Group, Halfway Out the Door: Citizens Talk about Their Mandate for Public Schools Halfway Out the Door: Citizens Talk about Their Mandate for Public Schools (Dayton, OH: Kettering Foundation, 1995), (Dayton, OH: Kettering Foundation, 1995),

8 Caroline M. Hoxby, "Achievement in Charter Schools and Regular Public Schools in the United States: Understanding the Differences," December 2004, Caroline M. Hoxby, "Achievement in Charter Schools and Regular Public Schools in the United States: Understanding the Differences," December 2004,

9 Ibid., executive summary. Ibid., executive summary.

10 Ibid., p. 15. Ibid., p. 15.

11 Ibid., executive summary. Ibid., executive summary.

12 Caroline M. Hoxby, "If Families Matter Most," in Caroline M. Hoxby, "If Families Matter Most," in A Primer on America's Schools A Primer on America's Schools, ed. Terry M. Moe (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, 2001), p. 113.

13 Herbert J. Walberg, "High Performance, High Poverty Schools, Districts, and States" in Herbert J. Walberg, "High Performance, High Poverty Schools, Districts, and States" in Courting Failure, Courting Failure, ed. Eric Ha.n.u.shek (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, in press). ed. Eric Ha.n.u.shek (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, in press).

14 Ibid., p. 13-14. Ibid., p. 13-14.

15 F. Howard Nelson, Bella Rosenberg, and Nancy Van Meter, "Charter School Achievement on the 2003 National a.s.sessment of Educational Progress," American Federation of Teachers, 2005, F. Howard Nelson, Bella Rosenberg, and Nancy Van Meter, "Charter School Achievement on the 2003 National a.s.sessment of Educational Progress," American Federation of Teachers, 2005,

16 National Center for Education Statistics, "The Nation's Report Card: America's Charter Schools: Results from the 2003 Pilot Study," 2005, National Center for Education Statistics, "The Nation's Report Card: America's Charter Schools: Results from the 2003 Pilot Study," 2005,

17 Bryan C. Ha.s.sel, Bryan C. Ha.s.sel, Charter School Achievement: What We Know Charter School Achievement: What We Know (Chapel Hill, NC: Public Impact, July 2005), p. 2. (Chapel Hill, NC: Public Impact, July 2005), p. 2.

18 As emphasized in the introduction, studies of student achievement at a single point in time are likely to be weak for making causal inferences. Henry Braun, Frank Jenkins, and Wendy Grigg completed just such a study, which is entirely misleading. See Henry Braun, Frank Jenkins, and Wendy Grigg, "A Closer Look at Charter Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling," NCES 2006-460, As emphasized in the introduction, studies of student achievement at a single point in time are likely to be weak for making causal inferences. Henry Braun, Frank Jenkins, and Wendy Grigg completed just such a study, which is entirely misleading. See Henry Braun, Frank Jenkins, and Wendy Grigg, "A Closer Look at Charter Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling," NCES 2006-460, . As discussed further in Chapter 4, Paul E. Peterson and Elena Llaudet, "On the Public-Private School Achievement Debate," paper presented at the meetings of the American Political Science a.s.sociation, Philadelphia, August 2006 provides detailed criticism of a similar public-private school comparison study with the same data and defective methodology. That study is "Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Models," NCES 2006-461, July 2006. . As discussed further in Chapter 4, Paul E. Peterson and Elena Llaudet, "On the Public-Private School Achievement Debate," paper presented at the meetings of the American Political Science a.s.sociation, Philadelphia, August 2006 provides detailed criticism of a similar public-private school comparison study with the same data and defective methodology. That study is "Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Models," NCES 2006-461, July 2006.

19 Jay P. Greene, Greg Forster, and Marcus A. Winters, "Apples to Apples: An Evaluation of Charter Schools Serving General Student Populations," Manhattan Inst.i.tute Education Working Paper no. 1, July 2003. Jay P. Greene, Greg Forster, and Marcus A. Winters, "Apples to Apples: An Evaluation of Charter Schools Serving General Student Populations," Manhattan Inst.i.tute Education Working Paper no. 1, July 2003.

20 Lewis C. Solmon and Pete Goldschmidt, "Comparison of Traditional Public Schools and Charter Schools on Retention, School Switching, and Achievement Growth," Goldwater Inst.i.tute Policy Report no. 192, March 15, 2004. Lewis C. Solmon and Pete Goldschmidt, "Comparison of Traditional Public Schools and Charter Schools on Retention, School Switching, and Achievement Growth," Goldwater Inst.i.tute Policy Report no. 192, March 15, 2004.

21 Tom Loveless, Andrew P. Kelly, and Alice M. Henriques, "What Happens When Regular Public Schools Convert to Charter Schools?" Vanderbilt University, National Research and Development Center on School Choice, Compet.i.tion, and Achievement, May 27, 2005. Tom Loveless, Andrew P. Kelly, and Alice M. Henriques, "What Happens When Regular Public Schools Convert to Charter Schools?" Vanderbilt University, National Research and Development Center on School Choice, Compet.i.tion, and Achievement, May 27, 2005.

22 Caroline M. Hoxby and Jonah E. Rockoff, "The Impact of Charter Schools on Student Achievement," November 2004, Caroline M. Hoxby and Jonah E. Rockoff, "The Impact of Charter Schools on Student Achievement," November 2004, For a description of a new randomized experimental study being conducted by Mathematica, see

23 Caroline M. Hoxby and Jonah E. Rockoff, "Findings from the City of Big Shoulders," Caroline M. Hoxby and Jonah E. Rockoff, "Findings from the City of Big Shoulders," Education News Education News 4 (2005), 4 (2005),

24 Ibid. Ibid.

25 Clive R. Belfield and Henry M. Levin, Clive R. Belfield and Henry M. Levin, Education Privatization: Causes, Consequences, and Planning Implications Education Privatization: Causes, Consequences, and Planning Implications (Paris: International Inst.i.tute for Educational Planning, UNESCO, 2002), p. 56. (Paris: International Inst.i.tute for Educational Planning, UNESCO, 2002), p. 56.

26 Vanourek, p. 24. Vanourek, p. 24.

27 U.S. Government Accountability Office, "Charter Schools: To Enhance Education's Monitoring and Research, More Charter School Level Data Are Needed," January 2005, p. 28. U.S. Government Accountability Office, "Charter Schools: To Enhance Education's Monitoring and Research, More Charter School Level Data Are Needed," January 2005, p. 28.

28 Caroline M. Hoxby, "How School Choice Affects the Achievement of Public School Students," in Caroline M. Hoxby, "How School Choice Affects the Achievement of Public School Students," in Choice with Equity Choice with Equity, ed. Paul T. Hill (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, 2002), pp. 158, 162.

29 Ibid., p. 157. Ibid., p. 157.

30 Ibid., p. 161. Ibid., p. 161.

31 Kevin Booker, Scott Gilpatric, Timothy Gronberg, and Dennis Jansen, "The Effect of Charter Schools on Traditional Public School Students in Texas: Are Children Who Stay Behind Left Behind?" September 2005, Kevin Booker, Scott Gilpatric, Timothy Gronberg, and Dennis Jansen, "The Effect of Charter Schools on Traditional Public School Students in Texas: Are Children Who Stay Behind Left Behind?" September 2005,

32 Ibid., p. 20. Ibid., p. 20.

33 Ibid., p. 19. Ibid., p. 19.

34 George M. Holmes, Jeff Desimone, and Nicholas G. Rupp, "Friendly Compet.i.tion: Does the Presence of Charters Spur Public Schools to Improve?" George M. Holmes, Jeff Desimone, and Nicholas G. Rupp, "Friendly Compet.i.tion: Does the Presence of Charters Spur Public Schools to Improve?" Education Next, Education Next, Winter 2006, Winter 2006,

35 Ibid., p. 69. Ibid., p. 69.

36 Paul Teske, Mark Schneider, Jack Buckley, and Sara Clark, "Does Charter School Compet.i.tion Improve Traditional Public Schools?" Manhattan Inst.i.tute Center for Civic Innovation Civic Report no. 10, June 2000, p. 1. Paul Teske, Mark Schneider, Jack Buckley, and Sara Clark, "Does Charter School Compet.i.tion Improve Traditional Public Schools?" Manhattan Inst.i.tute Center for Civic Innovation Civic Report no. 10, June 2000, p. 1.

37 Vanourek, p. 39. Vanourek, p. 39.

38 Ibid., p. 38. Ibid., p. 38.

39 Ibid., p. 39. Ibid., p. 39.

40 Duncan McCully and Patricia J. Malin, "What Parents Think of New York's Charter Schools," Manhattan Inst.i.tute Center for Civic Innovation Civic Report no. 37, June 2003. Duncan McCully and Patricia J. Malin, "What Parents Think of New York's Charter Schools," Manhattan Inst.i.tute Center for Civic Innovation Civic Report no. 37, June 2003.

41 Lewis C. Solmon, Kern Paark, and David Garcia, "Does Charter School Attendance Improve Test Scores? The Arizona Results," Goldwater Inst.i.tute, 2003, p. 10. See also Lewis C. Solmon, "Findings from the 2002 Survey of Parents with Children in Arizona Charter Schools: How Parents Grade Their Charter Schools," Human Resources Policy Corporation, March 10, 2003. Lewis C. Solmon, Kern Paark, and David Garcia, "Does Charter School Attendance Improve Test Scores? The Arizona Results," Goldwater Inst.i.tute, 2003, p. 10. See also Lewis C. Solmon, "Findings from the 2002 Survey of Parents with Children in Arizona Charter Schools: How Parents Grade Their Charter Schools," Human Resources Policy Corporation, March 10, 2003.

42 Solomon, Paark, and Garcia, Table 6, p. 13. Solomon, Paark, and Garcia, Table 6, p. 13.

43 "State Notes on Charter Schools from the Education Commission of the States," April 2003, cited in Theodore R. Sizer, "Don't Tie Us Down," "State Notes on Charter Schools from the Education Commission of the States," April 2003, cited in Theodore R. Sizer, "Don't Tie Us Down," Education Next Education Next, Summer 2005, p. 61.

44 Herbert J. Walberg, "Improving Educational Productivity: An a.s.sessment of Extant Research," in Herbert J. Walberg, "Improving Educational Productivity: An a.s.sessment of Extant Research," in The Scientific Basis of Educational Productivity, The Scientific Basis of Educational Productivity, ed. Rena F. Subotnik and Herbert J. Walberg (Greenwich, CT: Information Age, 2006), pp. 103-60. ed. Rena F. Subotnik and Herbert J. Walberg (Greenwich, CT: Information Age, 2006), pp. 103-60.

45 Vanourek, p. 30. Vanourek, p. 30.

46 Chester E. Finn, Bryan C. Ha.s.sel, and Sheree Speakman, Chester E. Finn, Bryan C. Ha.s.sel, and Sheree Speakman, Charter School Funding: Inequity's Next Frontier Charter School Funding: Inequity's Next Frontier (Was.h.i.+ngton: Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, 2005). (Was.h.i.+ngton: Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, 2005).

47 Cited in ibid., executive summary, p. viii. Cited in ibid., executive summary, p. viii.

Chapter 3.

1 John C. Goodman and Matt Moore, "School Choice v. School Choice," National Center for Policy a.n.a.lysis Policy Backgrounder no. 155, April 27, 2001, p. 6, John C. Goodman and Matt Moore, "School Choice v. School Choice," National Center for Policy a.n.a.lysis Policy Backgrounder no. 155, April 27, 2001, p. 6,

2 Paul E. Peterson, Jay P. Greene, William G. Howell, and William McCready, "Initial Findings from an Evaluation of School Choice Programs in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., and Dayton, Ohio," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Paper, 1998; and Paul E. Peterson, David Myers, and William G. Howell, "An Evaluation of the New York City School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program: The First Year," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Paper, 1998. Paul E. Peterson, Jay P. Greene, William G. Howell, and William McCready, "Initial Findings from an Evaluation of School Choice Programs in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., and Dayton, Ohio," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Paper, 1998; and Paul E. Peterson, David Myers, and William G. Howell, "An Evaluation of the New York City School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program: The First Year," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Paper, 1998.

3 David Myers, Paul E. Peterson, David Mayer, Julia Chou, and William G. Howell, "School Choice in New York City after Two Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Paper, 2000, available from Mathematica Policy Research, David Myers, Paul E. Peterson, David Mayer, Julia Chou, and William G. Howell, "School Choice in New York City after Two Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Paper, 2000, available from Mathematica Policy Research,

4 Daniel P. Mayer, Paul E. Peterson, David E. Myers, Christina Clark Tuttle, and William G. Howell, "School Choice in New York City after Three Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program Final Report," Mathematica Policy Research Report no. 8404-045, February 19, 2002. Daniel P. Mayer, Paul E. Peterson, David E. Myers, Christina Clark Tuttle, and William G. Howell, "School Choice in New York City after Three Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program Final Report," Mathematica Policy Research Report no. 8404-045, February 19, 2002.

5 Jay P. Greene, "Vouchers in Charlotte," Jay P. Greene, "Vouchers in Charlotte," Education Matters Education Matters 1, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 55-60. 1, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 55-60.

6 Jay P. Greene, Paul E. Peterson, and Jiangtao Du, "School Choice in Milwaukee: A Randomized Experiment," in Jay P. Greene, Paul E. Peterson, and Jiangtao Du, "School Choice in Milwaukee: A Randomized Experiment," in Learning from School Choice, Learning from School Choice, ed. Paul E. Peterson and Bryan C. Ha.s.sel (Was.h.i.+ngton: Brookings Inst.i.tution, 1998), pp. 335-56. ed. Paul E. Peterson and Bryan C. Ha.s.sel (Was.h.i.+ngton: Brookings Inst.i.tution, 1998), pp. 335-56.

7 Cecilia Rouse, "Private School Vouchers and Student Achievement: An Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program," Cecilia Rouse, "Private School Vouchers and Student Achievement: An Evaluation of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program," Quarterly Journal of Economics Quarterly Journal of Economics 113, no. 2 (May 1998): 593. 113, no. 2 (May 1998): 593.

8 Kim K. Metcalf, "Evaluation of the Cleveland Scholars.h.i.+p and Tutoring Program, 1996-1999," Indiana University, 1999, p. 20. Kim K. Metcalf, "Evaluation of the Cleveland Scholars.h.i.+p and Tutoring Program, 1996-1999," Indiana University, 1999, p. 20.

9 Paul E. Peterson, William G. Howell, and Jay P. Greene, "An Evaluation of the Cleveland Voucher Program after Two Years," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance, 1999. See also Paul E. Peterson, William G. Howell, and Jay P. Greene, "An Evaluation of the Cleveland Voucher Program after Two Years," Harvard University Program on Education Policy and Governance, 1999. See also

10 Jay P. Greene, "The Hidden Research Consensus for School Choice," in Jay P. Greene, "The Hidden Research Consensus for School Choice," in Charters, Vouchers, and Public Education Charters, Vouchers, and Public Education, ed. Paul E. Peterson and David E. Campbell (Was.h.i.+ngton: Brookings Inst.i.tution, 2001), p. 90.

11 Brian P. Gill, Michael Timpane, Karen E. Ross, and Dominic J. Brewer, "Rhetoric versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know about Vouchers and Charter Schools," RAND Corporation, 2001; and Paul Teske and Mark Schneider, "What Research Can Tell Us about School Choice," Brian P. Gill, Michael Timpane, Karen E. Ross, and Dominic J. Brewer, "Rhetoric versus Reality: What We Know and What We Need to Know about Vouchers and Charter Schools," RAND Corporation, 2001; and Paul Teske and Mark Schneider, "What Research Can Tell Us about School Choice," Journal of Policy a.n.a.lysis and Management Journal of Policy a.n.a.lysis and Management 20 (Fall 2001): 609-31. 20 (Fall 2001): 609-31.

12 Paul E. Peterson, "Choice in American Education," in Paul E. Peterson, "Choice in American Education," in A Primer on America's Schools, A Primer on America's Schools, ed. Terry M. Moe (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press. 2001), pp. 274-75, ed. Terry M. Moe (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press. 2001), pp. 274-75,

13 Gill, Timpane, Ross, and Brewer, pp. xiv-xv. Gill, Timpane, Ross, and Brewer, pp. xiv-xv.

14 Dan Goldhaber, "The Interface between Public and Private Schooling," in Dan Goldhaber, "The Interface between Public and Private Schooling," in Improving Educational Productivity, Improving Educational Productivity, ed. David H. Monk, Herbert J. Walberg, and Margaret D. w.a.n.g (Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publis.h.i.+ng, 2001), p. 64. ed. David H. Monk, Herbert J. Walberg, and Margaret D. w.a.n.g (Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publis.h.i.+ng, 2001), p. 64.

15 Patrick J. Wolf, "Looking Inside the Black Box: What School Factors Explain Voucher Gains in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.?" Georgetown University Public Policy Inst.i.tute, 2005. Patrick J. Wolf, "Looking Inside the Black Box: What School Factors Explain Voucher Gains in Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.?" Georgetown University Public Policy Inst.i.tute, 2005.

16 Ibid., p. 9. Ibid., p. 9.

17 Paul E. Peterson, "Thorough and Efficient Private and Public Schools," in Paul E. Peterson, "Thorough and Efficient Private and Public Schools," in Courting Failure, Courting Failure, ed. Erik A. Ha.n.u.shek (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Education Next Press, 2006), pp. 195-234. ed. Erik A. Ha.n.u.shek (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Education Next Press, 2006), pp. 195-234.

18 Ibid., p. 217. Ibid., p. 217.

19 Caroline M. Hoxby, "How School Choice Affects the Achievement of Public School Students," in Caroline M. Hoxby, "How School Choice Affects the Achievement of Public School Students," in Choice with Equity Choice with Equity, ed. Paul T. Hill (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, 2002), p. 150.

20 Carol Innerst, "Competing to Win: How Florida's A+ Plan Has Triggered Public School Reform," Center for Education Reform, April 2000, introduction, Carol Innerst, "Competing to Win: How Florida's A+ Plan Has Triggered Public School Reform," Center for Education Reform, April 2000, introduction,, cited in Goodman and Moore, p. 12.

21 Jay P. Greene, "An Evaluation of the Florida A+ Accountability and School Choice Program," Manhattan Inst.i.tute Center for Civic Innovation, February 2001. Jay P. Greene, "An Evaluation of the Florida A+ Accountability and School Choice Program," Manhattan Inst.i.tute Center for Civic Innovation, February 2001.

22 Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters, "Compet.i.tion the Test," Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters, "Compet.i.tion the Test," Education Next Education Next 4, no. 3 (2004): 7. 4, no. 3 (2004): 7.

23 Martin R. West and Paul E. Peterson, Martin R. West and Paul E. Peterson, The Efficacy of Choice Threats within School Accountability Systems: Results from Legislatively Induced Experiments The Efficacy of Choice Threats within School Accountability Systems: Results from Legislatively Induced Experiments, 2005, cited in Jay P. Greene and Marcus A. Winters, "An Evaluation of the Effect of D.C.'s Voucher Program on Public School Achievement and Racial Integration after One Year," Manhattan Inst.i.tute Education Working Paper no. 10, January 2006, p. 4.

24 David N. Figlio and Cecilia E. Rouse, "Do Accountability and Voucher Threats Improve Low-Performing Schools?" NBER Working Paper no. W11597, September 2005, available at David N. Figlio and Cecilia E. Rouse, "Do Accountability and Voucher Threats Improve Low-Performing Schools?" NBER Working Paper no. W11597, September 2005, available at

25 Greene and Winters, "An Evaluation of the Effect of D.C.'s Voucher Program." Greene and Winters, "An Evaluation of the Effect of D.C.'s Voucher Program."

26 Jay P. Greene and Greg Forster, "Vouchers for Special Education Students: An Evaluation of Florida's McKay Scholars.h.i.+p Program," Manhattan Inst.i.tute, 2003. Jay P. Greene and Greg Forster, "Vouchers for Special Education Students: An Evaluation of Florida's McKay Scholars.h.i.+p Program," Manhattan Inst.i.tute, 2003.

27 Christine Rossell, David J. Armor, and Herbert J. Walberg, eds., Christine Rossell, David J. Armor, and Herbert J. Walberg, eds., School Desegregation in the 21st Century School Desegregation in the 21st Century (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002). (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2002).

28 Greene and Winters, "An Evaluation of the Effect of D.C.'s Voucher Program," p. 13. Greene and Winters, "An Evaluation of the Effect of D.C.'s Voucher Program," p. 13.

29 Digest of Education Statistics, 2002, Digest of Education Statistics, 2002, p. 73, Table 61, cited in Goodwin Liu and William L. Taylor, "School Choice to Achieve Desegregation," p. 73, Table 61, cited in Goodwin Liu and William L. Taylor, "School Choice to Achieve Desegregation," Fordham Law Review Fordham Law Review 74, no. 2 (2005): 791-824. 74, no. 2 (2005): 791-824.

30 Jay P. Greene, "Choice and Community: The Racial, Economic, and Religious Context of Parental Choice in Cleveland," Buckeye Inst.i.tute for Public Policy Solutions, November 1999. Jay P. Greene, "Choice and Community: The Racial, Economic, and Religious Context of Parental Choice in Cleveland," Buckeye Inst.i.tute for Public Policy Solutions, November 1999.

31 Ibid. Ibid.

32 Howard L. Fuller and Deborah Greiveldinger, "The Impact of School Choice on Racial Integration in Milwaukee Public Schools,"American Education Reform Council, August 2002, p. 7. Howard L. Fuller and Deborah Greiveldinger, "The Impact of School Choice on Racial Integration in Milwaukee Public Schools,"American Education Reform Council, August 2002, p. 7.

33 Ibid., p. 3. Ibid., p. 3.

34 Ibid., p. 6. Ibid., p. 6.

35 Gregg Forster, "The Empirical Evidence on Vouchers and Segregation," Gregg Forster, "The Empirical Evidence on Vouchers and Segregation," School Choice Issues School Choice Issues, September 2006, p. 19.

36 Government Accountability Office, "School Vouchers: Characteristics of Privately Funded Programs," Report to the Honorable Judd Gregg, U.S. Senate, GAO- 02-752, September 2002, p. 19. Government Accountability Office, "School Vouchers: Characteristics of Privately Funded Programs," Report to the Honorable Judd Gregg, U.S. Senate, GAO- 02-752, September 2002, p. 19.

37 Ibid., p. 20. Ibid., p. 20.

38 Daniel P. Mayer, Paul E. Peterson, David E. Myers, Christina Clark Tuttle, and William G. Howell, "School Choice in New York City after Three Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program," Mathematica Policy Research, February 2002, cited in Government Accountability Office, p. 21. Daniel P. Mayer, Paul E. Peterson, David E. Myers, Christina Clark Tuttle, and William G. Howell, "School Choice in New York City after Three Years: An Evaluation of the School Choice Scholars.h.i.+ps Program," Mathematica Policy Research, February 2002, cited in Government Accountability Office, p. 21.

39 John F. Witte, John F. Witte, The Market Approach to Education: An a.n.a.lysis of America's First Voucher Program The Market Approach to Education: An a.n.a.lysis of America's First Voucher Program (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000), Table 4.3, p. 63. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000), Table 4.3, p. 63.

40 Terry M. Moe, Terry M. Moe, Private Vouchers Private Vouchers (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, 1995). (Stanford, CA: Hoover Inst.i.tution Press, 1995).

41 F. Mikael Sandstrom and Fredrick Bergstrom, "School Vouchers in Practice: Compet.i.tion Won't Hurt You!" F. Mikael Sandstrom and Fredrick Bergstrom, "School Vouchers in Practice: Compet.i.tion Won't Hurt You!" Journal of Public Economics Journal of Public Economics 89, nos. 2-3 (2005): 351-80. See also Fredrick Bergstrom and F. Mikael Sandstrom, 89, nos. 2-3 (2005): 351-80. See also Fredrick Bergstrom and F. Mikael Sandstrom, School Choice Works: The Case of Sweden School Choice Works: The Case of Sweden (Indianapolis, IN: Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation, 2003). (Indianapolis, IN: Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation, 2003).

42 Andrew Coulson, "Market Education and Its Critics: Testing School Choice Criticisms against the International Evidence," in Andrew Coulson, "Market Education and Its Critics: Testing School Choice Criticisms against the International Evidence," in What America Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries What America Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries, ed. David Salisbury and James Tooley (Was.h.i.+ngton: Cato Inst.i.tute, 2005), p. 152.

43 H. M. Patrinos, "Private Education Provision and Public Finance: The Netherlands as a Possible Model," National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education Occasional Paper no. 59, 2002; and G. Walford, "Funding for Private Schools in England and the Netherlands: Can the Piper Call the Tune?" National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, 2000; both cited in Clive R. Belfield and Henry M. Levin, H. M. Patrinos, "Private Education Provision and Public Finance: The Netherlands as a Possible Model," National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education Occasional Paper no. 59, 2002; and G. Walford, "Funding for Private Schools in England and the Netherlands: Can the Piper Call the Tune?" National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, 2000; both cited in Clive R. Belfield and Henry M. Levin, Education Privatization: Causes, Consequences, and Planning Implications Education Privatization: Causes, Consequences, and Planning Implications (Paris: UNESCO/International Inst.i.tute for Educational Planning, 2002), p. 57. (Paris: UNESCO/International Inst.i.tute for Educational Planning, 2002), p. 57.

44 J. D. Levin, "Essays in the Economics of Education," Tinbergen Inst.i.tute (Amsterdam) Research Series, 2002, cited in Belfield and Levin, p. 57. J. D. Levin, "Essays in the Economics of Education," Tinbergen Inst.i.tute (Amsterdam) Research Series, 2002, cited in Belfield and Levin, p. 57.

45 Belfield and Levin, p. 58. Belfield and Levin, p. 58.

46 Ibid., p. 53; and Claudio Sapelli, "The Chilean Education Voucher System," in Ibid., p. 53; and Claudio Sapelli, "The Chilean Education Voucher System," in What America Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries What America Can Learn from School Choice in Other Countries, p. 41.

47 Patrick J. McEwan, "The Effectiveness of Public, Catholic, and non-Religious Private Schools in Chile's Voucher System, Patrick J. McEwan, "The Effectiveness of Public, Catholic, and non-Religious Private Schools in Chile's Voucher System, Education Economics Education Economics 9 (2001): 103-28, cited in Belfield and. Levin, pp. 53-54. 9 (2001): 103-28, cited in Belfield and. Levin, pp. 53-54.

48 Sapelli, p. 58. Sapelli, p. 58.

49 Ibid., p. 55. Ibid., p. 55.

50 Andrew J. Coulson, "How Markets Affect Quality," in Andrew J. Coulson, "How Markets Affect Quality," in Educational Freedom in Urban America: Educational Freedom in Urban America: Brown v. Board Brown v. Board after Half a Century, after Half a Century, ed. David Salisbury and Casey Lartigue (Was.h.i.+ngton: Cato Inst.i.tute, 2004), ed. David Salisbury and Casey Lartigue (Was.h.i.+ngton: Cato Inst.i.tute, 2004), See also Francisco A Gallego, "Competencia y Resultados Educativos: Theoria y Evidencia para Chile," Central Bank of Chile Working Paper no. 150, April 2002.

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