Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 11

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I had this nagging guilt that I couldn't shake. I had to put my personal life aside. This was time to be professional. Or, as professional as one can be when getting paid to hunt and kill things.

Jez got out of her Jeep as I pulled into the small parking lot. She paused and waited for me to park. Her gold curls were tied up in a high ponytail atop her head, and she wore little makeup. She didn't need much. She was stunning. I was momentarily envious of how great her long legs looked in blue jeans.

"How's it going?" She greeted me as she puffed quickly on a cigarette.

"That s.h.i.+t will kill you," I replied, sounding more like Kale than myself.

"So I hear." She ground the b.u.t.t into the driveway with her heel and followed me inside.

On Sundays, the accounting business next door was closed, and the street was blessedly deserted. The only sound was Lilah's phone ringing down the hall.

Jez gave me a knowing wink and headed to her office, while I turned into the kitchen to make some coffee. I considered going after her to talk about Shaz but decided it could wait. I had an appointment in twenty minutes, so it had to wait.

The coffee began to brew, and I breathed in the wonderful aroma. There is no scent quite like that of fresh coffee.

Jez's voice carried to me faintly down the hall as she made a phone call. Minutes later, she turned up the steady beat of a heavy metal song. My head ached slightly from my brief crying stint, and I looked to the coffee pot for the solution to my problems. I poured a cup full of steaming coffee, and too lazy to add cream and sugar, padded down to Veryl's office.

The door was slightly ajar in open invitation. I poked my head in. He would have sensed my approach anyway. He sat behind his old, elaborately designed desk, my favorite piece of decor. Despite the phone pressed to his ear, he inclined his head toward the seat across from him.

Veryl was the type of man that nearly all women find attractive. His short chocolate brown hair was streaked with the barest trace of silver, which only added to his distinguished presence. His clear blue eyes beamed at me as he informed the person on the phone that he had to attend to business.

I knew that I had his undivided attention when his gaze swept over me slowly, agonizingly so. I was dying to spit my questions at him but felt obligated to make small talk first.

"You're in early tonight." He commented. His rich voice was deep and melodic. "Expecting somebody?"

I nodded, as I looked at the paintings behind his desk. "Yeah. I figured I'd take it easy tonight after the last few a.s.signments I've had. Been a little on the rough side."

"I think you enjoy it, though." Veryl's slightly hawk-like nose was angular and intimidating when paired with the studious expression he now wore. "Standing so close to the flame can be hypnotizing in its draw. It can also kill you. Be careful with that outlook, Alexa. It has destroyed many that I have worked with in the past."

"I know. I blame my personal life for that," I offered lamely. When I didn't say more he knew better than to prompt. Veryl is absolutely the most professional person that I know.

"So what is it that brings you to my office?" He shuffled through the papers on his desk and produced a copy of the day's paper. He handed it to me.

The headline screamed that police may be after a serial killer after the murders of two women in the past week. I skimmed the article. They referenced Raoul as a suspect, but the write up seemed to be based more on hearsay that factual truths.

"Not this," I said as I handed the paper back to him. "Raoul didn't do it. I've seen him a few times this past week. I know for a fact he could never have killed Julie Price."

Veryl s.h.i.+fted languidly in his chair, stretched his arms out, and cracked his fingers with a sound that chilled my bones. "I don't have to tell you what's going to happen if he is somehow behind this or if he ends up being convicted."

No, he didn't have to tell me. I knew that Raoul would be put on the extermination list, treated like the vampires raping young girls of both their blood and innocence or the Weres that just didn't know how to pa.s.s up fresh meat. A conviction would put Raoul behind bars where he couldn't hide his true nature.

"Someone's setting him up, Veryl. I can only ask that you let me keep an eye on this situation for now." I met his eyes, seeking the wisdom within. "At least until I can figure out who is behind it, and why."

"I can't make you any promises, my dear, but as of right now, it's in your hands."

Great. That was just what I needed to hear and more than a little irritating, since it had nothing to do with my questions.

"Ok, the real reason I'm here: I'm trying to find information on the werewolf who killed my family."

The blank look that pa.s.sed over his sharp features was not quick enough to disguise the moment of recognition in his eyes. He knew something.

"Alexa, it's been years. Can't you just allow sleeping dogs to lie?"

"If you're trying to tell me that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d is still alive then no, I will not. I keep having the nightmare, Veryl, and if you know who it is, anything at all, I need to know."

Fingers poised into a steeple, he smiled softly as one might smile at a child who refuses to give up. "I cannot say whether I know of this wolf's existence or not, but, I can advise you to forget about it. I completely understand what it means to live out your life with doors that remain open and questions that are unanswered. But, trust me, this is better left that way."

I stared at him, stupefied. I couldn't believe he was giving me the whole "ignorance is bliss" c.r.a.p. "You know who it is."

His brow furrowed as we stared at one another. I had the distinct feeling that he was weighing his words before speaking. What was he hiding from me? And most importantly, why?

"I know that you need to leave this alone. I'm sorry that I can't say anymore about this matter. If you choose to continue to seek this wolf out, that is entirely your business. But, I will not help you."

And, that was it. That was all he was willing to give me, and his answer only fueled my need to know rather than put a damper on it. What choice did I have? I had to accept his silence.

A thought came to me then, and I sat up straighter in my chair. "What about Lilah?"

He stared at me quizzically but gestured that I should continue. I told him about the demon encounter. A look of understanding pa.s.sed over his strong features.

"And, what do you want to know about her?"

"For one, how the h.e.l.l does she have that kind of control over a demon? Just how old is Lilah anyway?" I was being snoopy, but I was dying of curiosity. I'd seen what she did to that demon, and I wanted to know how it was possible.

Veryl smiled in amus.e.m.e.nt, and I felt like a childish student. "There is more history to that woman than you can imagine. Though it's not my place to reveal her business, I can tell you that not many things in this world have authority over demons. She is just one of the few that does."

Wait a minute, only angels have authority over demons. That and other, more powerful demons. Considering Lilah was a vampire, I doubted she was angelic.

"She's a demon?"

"Is, was, whatever you prefer. It's not something that should be common knowledge. I'm sure you understand." The phone on his desk rang, and he looked at it pointedly before meeting my eyes again. Yeah, yeah, I can take a hint.

I went back down the hall to my own office but left the door open so I could hear the doorbell. My mind was working in overdrive as I replayed the image of Lilah's quick dispatch of that demon. Who, or what, was she, exactly? How powerful could she possibly be?

I hit play on my voicemail. Two new clients requested a meeting, and the client that I was currently waiting for confirmed.

I was pretty sure she was a vampire, not only from the time-honed, silky voice but also the late hour of the meeting. I seldom had a vampire as a client. They tend to take care of issues with a personal touch, so I was intrigued.

I was clicking through my email inbox when the door chimed. I turned off the monitor, and I went to greet my latest potential business a.s.sociate. Through the peephole, I saw a dark haired woman. She appeared to be alone. I didn't sense anything out there but her, and she was definitely a vampire. I slid the two dead bolts back and opened the door.

"Miss...o...b..ien?" That angelic tone poured forth from her as I grasped her offered hand.

It was tiny, smaller than my own but icy, cold, and strong. She had a grip that bragged of inhuman strength, yet she was gentle, careful not to squeeze too hard. She was a very delicate looking woman, pet.i.te with a ballerina's figure. Her dark brown hair, almost black, was layered so that it fell stylishly around her face and shoulders. She had a small but cute nose and strong cheekbones. A long black dress coat covered what looked to be a party dress. Her s.h.i.+ny, silver high heels gleamed in the bright overhead lights.

"Please, call me, Alexa. Come inside." As I stepped back to allow her entry, I felt strangely as if I knew her from somewhere.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice. I truly appreciate it." She clasped my hands suddenly in her own as if to convey her grat.i.tude. It startled me, and I took an involuntary step back.

"I'm sorry," she said, a pale hand covered her mouth. "I didn't mean to intrude in your personal s.p.a.ce."

"That's alright." I resisted the urge to wipe my hands on my jeans. She could know neither the extent that I felt her undead power nor how it tickled me in places that couldn't be scratched.

I turned to lead her to my office and said, "Have a seat, and I'll see if I'm able to help you."

She froze at the entrance to my office door. Her eyes darted down the hallway to where Jez was working. The door to Veryl's office was now closed. Jez's music continued to scream down the hall at us.

"My partner is working down the hall, in her own office. Everything you say here, including your visit itself, is strictly confidential."

A wave of anxious energy trickled from my guest to me, and I was surprised that she'd let it escape her. She hadn't fed yet, which worried me. Vampires are much easier to talk to after they've taken care of their carnal urges.

Once she sat down, she began to relax, but a tightness in her shoulders told me that she was anything but calm. Her coal dark eyes peeked out at me from beneath a fringe of bangs. Her eyes were as black as Raoul's and striking against her alabaster skin.

"I must apologize, again. I haven't properly introduced myself. Please, call me, Cat." When I frowned, she supplied, "Catherine. It's short for Catherine."

I wondered why she preferred the shorter version, but I pressed my fingers together and asked, "So, what can I do for you, Cat?"

Despite possessing the grace and skill of her vampirism, I could easily feel her sudden anguish. I was concerned but not alarmed. She should s.h.i.+eld better than that. I was perplexed. She was powerful enough to squelch such displays. Vampires don't exhibit a lot of emotion, particularly not around strangers.

"I'm not sure how to begin, Alexa. I'm a little overwhelmed here. I've been waiting so many years for this."

I leaned back in my chair, in an attempt at casual, and said nothing. I didn't dare read her aura like I wanted, knowing she would feel it. She took my silence as an invitation to continue.

"For several decades now, I have searched the western world for a particular vampire, the one who made me. I have finally found him and would request your services in extinguis.h.i.+ng his undead flame permanently." Her words came in a rush as if she'd practiced them on her way over.

I noticed how her grip tightened on the armrests of her chair. "And, what did this vampire do that makes you want him dead?"

Cat's lips pressed together tightly. I could only imagine what she was seeing in her mind's eye. When she spoke, her words only formed with determination. I could sense her effort.

"He loved me and left me to die. I was a fool to believe his lies, but they sounded so beautiful. I wanted so badly to believe in him. He said we were to be together forever. Until the day that we were attacked, and he left me behind to save himself." Ouch. Cat looked as if she might cry. She bit at her lower lip, and I could see the tiny points of her fangs for the briefest of moments.

"Just say whatever you need to say. Don't force yourself." I slid a box of tissue across the desk to her. I didn't know what else to say.

Cat clutched a tissue tightly between polished red fingertips and attempted to give me a smile. "Thank you."

She blinked a few times, and the vampire control was back. "It's still emotional for me. I really thought he loved me, but then when our house was under siege, he escaped through a pa.s.sage that he had never told me about. He arranged the entire attack as a way to get rid of me. I never imagined such betrayal was possible."

Her voice broke then, and I saw the weakness in her, oh so well. I'd never seen a vampire look so beaten. It wasn't in their nature.

"Why would he do that? Do you have any idea?" I shrugged and brushed a stray blonde strand away from my face. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say."

When she met my eyes evenly again, I could see the pain etched in the depths of her ebony gaze. "He had no use for me anymore. I think he regretted turning me. I was no longer any more than a forgotten play thing."

The guy sounded like a total p.r.i.c.k. I was shocked by what I was hearing. It just sounded so selfish and cold. But, I mean, we were talking vampires.

"And, what about the blood bond?" A s.h.i.+ver ran up my spine as I flashed back to my own recent bonding experience. "Could you not reach him that way?"

"Not at all. He shut me out completely. I've never been able to breach the block." That was interesting. This vampire must be incredibly powerful.

"Alright, so what is it that brings you to me, specifically?"

"I hear you're the only werewolf in the civilized world to possess some of the vampire's attributes. After looking for so many years, I've finally found him. Here."

She knew about me. Word was getting out, and that worried me.

"And? You really want me to take him out?"

"Isn't that what you do?" She looked at me like I'd just told her the place was an ice cream shop.

"Yes, but I have a few general rules. First, you must fully understand that you're asking me to kill him. Another, you must really want irrevocable death, not simple retribution. Finally, my final decision is entirely based on my personal discretion."

Instead of replying, she slipped an envelope from inside her coat and pushed it towards me. "Is that enough?" She was all business. "I can get you more if you need it. I wasn't sure how much you would charge."

With a brief glance, I estimated twenty-five thousand dollars in cash. "No. It's plenty, but Cat, you must realize that I can't just randomly kill. I need more information on this guy."

She dropped a large manila file folder on my desk with a thwap. "Everything you need to know about him is in there. If that's not enough to earn him a death sentence, then I don't know what is."

Something triggered in me, and I looked more closely at her. "May I ask why you don't confront him yourself?"

She looked as if I'd slapped her. Her face paled as much as it possibly could, and her mouth dropped open. Recovering quickly, she cast her eyes downward.

"I could never. I have neither the courage nor the will to kill him myself. I loved him so deeply. To look into his unfeeling eyes after all this time may be too much for me to take. It's been so long." Her tone grew wistful as if her mind went to a happier time in her life.

I used her distraction as an opportunity to flip open the file folder, but the instant that I saw the photo on top of the sheaf of papers, I froze. I could barely keep my heart rate from soaring. I pulled the folder closer so that I could get a better look at the black and white picture.

It was old. From the style of dress, it appeared to be way before my time. The photo itself was from a wedding. Bridesmaids wore their hair in high curls and posed in extremely large skirted gowns. The bride, an unknown beaming blonde, smiled up at her handsome husband as he kissed her upturned hand. My eyes quickly skimmed over the groomsmen, each dressed in the same black suit with fringes of white lace peeking from beneath the cuffs. But, the groom held my attention.

Though his black hair was very short and he wore the same suit as the others, I stared at Arys while he happily fawned over his new wife.

I realized then I had recognized Cat from his memories. What in the h.e.l.l?

"That was the most recent photo I could find of him." Cat said as she noticed my intent stare. "I think he started using a new alias shortly after killing her." She gestured at the photo in my hand, and I dropped it.

"And, what was his name when you knew him?" I murmured, as I fought to tear my gaze away from the picture. It mocked me from where it sat as surely as it mocked Cat. I was feeling both stupid and thankful. Thankful that I didn't take Arys's blood, didn't complete a blood bond with him. I'd f.u.c.ked up enough without linking us mentally.

"His real name is Sindarys Ainsley Knightingale."

"Knightingale?" I heard myself say.

"An old family name. They were royalty once, or so he said."

She didn't continue, and I chewed my lip. "And, you're sure that you want me to kill him?" My voice squeaked, and I hoped that she didn't notice my unease.

"I don't suppose you'd rather bring me his naughty bits in a jar?" The faintest of smiles played around her lips, and I forced a small laugh.

"I'm sorry, Cat, but you sound like you still love him." I almost stopped when I saw her face fall. "Do you really want him dead?" Please say no, I chanted inside my head.

"I love who he pretended to be. But, I accepted long ago that was never really him. He's nothing more than a lying, womanizing murderer who thinks of nothing but himself."

I nodded slightly. I could agree with some of that. She looked like she was about to say more, but her mouth snapped shut, and she shook her head.

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 11 summary

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