Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 128

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And respond I did.

I slid my hands around his neck, drawing him closer and I could feel his arousal pressing against me. I s.h.i.+vered in delight as a desire to wrap my legs around his waist and hold on forever washed over me.

Instead, he let me go.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked. He was breathing so heavily, it reminded me of a lion panting for water.

I touched his lip with the pad of my thumb. It was so sensual and yet, something lurked behind it that both frightened and excited me. "Yes, just do it already."

Ethan stared into my eyes and a burning desire to do whatever he wanted, slammed through every nerve in my body. This time I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down to meet my lips, feeling like I just couldn't get enough of his mouth.

He groaned against my lips and cupped my rear, rubbing his hips against mine, causing a warm ache between my legs. Just when I didn't think I could take it anymore, he raised his head.

"Please," I begged, not even sure of what I was asking for anymore.

He moved his mouth to my neck and paused. I could feel the coolness of his breath against my skin; I could also feel him trembling. "I love you," he whispered and then, his teeth broke through.

I shuddered in ecstasy as my blood flowed into him with a rush of pleasure so great, that I could have died and it wouldn't have mattered. "Ethan," I breathed, clutching him tighter so that I wouldn't fall.

A gunshot echoed through the night and suddenly he was backing away from me, a look of horror and pain etched on his face. Before I could ask him what had happened, he was gone.

"Did you get him?!" shouted my mother's voice in the darkness.

"Yeah," said Caleb. "He's bleeding. He won't get far."

My mother was crying hysterically as she rushed towards me. "Nikki! Oh, my G.o.d, you're bleeding everywhere. We have to get her to the hospital!" she screamed at Caleb.

Caleb nodded. "I've already called an ambulance."

"Mom," I whispered, staring at her in confusion. How did she get there? Where was Ethan?

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah... I'm... fine."

She shook her head and sobbed harder. "No, you're not! You're bleeding and you're so pale. Dear Lord, what was that monster doing to my little girl?!"

I couldn't answer her, because at that moment, I lost consciousness.

End of Book One.

Book Two (s.h.i.+ver) Now Available!

Other stories by Kristen Middleton Paranormal Young Adult Zombie Games Origins (Free) Zombie Games Running Wild.

Zombie Games Dead Endz Zombie Games Road Kill Enchanted Secrets Blur s.h.i.+ver.

Vengeance By K.L. Middleton (Contemporary Romance) Tangled Beauty Tangled Mess Sharp Edges.


(Part 1 The Beginning and.

Part 2 A Vampire Among Angels).

By Ally Thomas.

Ally Thomas' books have been on the Top 100 bestsellers list in Fantasy since 2011. The following excerpts are from her popular paranormal fantasy series, The Vampire from h.e.l.l. Both parts 1 and 2 of the series are included in this anthology.

Rayea is a daughter of Satan, and a vampire. But she's on our side.

Story 6.


The following excerpt is from a paranormal fantasy series by Ally Thomas called The Vampire from h.e.l.l. Both parts 1 and 2 of the series are included in this anthology.

Descriptions of the first and second installments are below: The Vampire from h.e.l.l (Part 1) - The Beginning According to Rayea, the oldest daughter of Satan, the origin of vampires started in h.e.l.l, and it started with her. Rayea isn't daddy's little girl, even if he is the most powerful fallen angel around. He wants her to take an active role in the family business. But she's not interested in his schemes for world domination. Instead she wants to spend her time shopping on the Internet, rescuing humans from a horrific eternity, and practicing martial arts with her seven foot h.e.l.lhound. Then one day everything changes.

The Vampire from h.e.l.l (Part 2) A Vampire Among Angels Living a life with an overbearing father can be a challenge. For Rayea whose father is the fallen angel, Lucifer, it's been torture. In the second installment of the Vampire from h.e.l.l series, Rayea finds peace when she visits the House of G. There she hopes for a new beginning among Blick's angelic friends, only to discover a vampire from h.e.l.l may not be welcome.

Part 1 The Beginning.


It's almost sunset and I have decided to stop in a coffee shop and try to get an internet connection on my laptop. No, I don't drink coffee. I just like the smell of it. I'm more concerned with getting my thoughts written down before I go hunting tonight. I think it's time the world knows.

To start with, I should tell you that I'm a daughter of Satan, and I'm a vampire. But I'm not your average, run-of-the-mill vampire. It's kind of complicated. Please don't let any of that alarm you. I'm on your side.

Currently, Father and I aren't speaking. Why? He'd soon kill me as to look at me. No, I'm not his favorite child. I'm the one who likes humans, the rebel, the loner, the deserter. And I suspect after I start publis.h.i.+ng my story on this blog - what I'm about to tell you now he's going to be p.i.s.sed. And that's okay. I'm not going to run anymore. I'm tired of being afraid of Lucifer, my father who thinks torture is an acceptable form of motivation. Those days are over. So sit back, relax, and let me tell you about how I became the first, and to my knowledge, the only vampire from h.e.l.l.

Chapter 1.

The Beginning.

As I unlocked my office door, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around slowly. A tall figure emerged from the shadows and I flinched. I cursed myself for the frightened reaction I made.

Gazing down at me with s.h.i.+ning gold eyes, my seven-foot h.e.l.lhound touched my right shoulder with his long paw. When he stood on his hind legs, Blick was enormous. His haunches seemed about even with my hips which meant his torso towered over me.

I tried not to let his overwhelming stature startle me as I waited for him to make his way inside.

Because I couldn't understand Blick's low canine mutter, I had grown accustomed to hearing him speak telepathically to me. On occasion, it allowed us to communicate without others overhearing us. His thoughts leaping into my mind were an extension of my own, and I rarely objected to having them flow through my head.

"Did I scare you?"

"No," I lied. "I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to get an early start on those reports." I entered the office, waiting for him to duck his head in through the opening. To a pa.s.serby, it looked as if I were talking to myself in front of my animal companion, but I didn't care. Blick knew I typically answered him by speaking aloud.

"Thanks again for your help at the processing center last night. Can you get the reports done today?"

"I think so." I deposited my satchel on the desk and rubbed my shoulder.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, I reinjured it the other day. It'll be okay."

Irritated with my response, Blick grabbed my arm and pulled up the sleeve of my black leather jacket, pointing at fresh bruises. It hadn't been the first time he had reacted so.

I winced in pain and stared at the floor in shame.

Gently, he gathered me up in his arms and held me.

I wept, recalling the earlier session with my father. His way of discipline often involved torture. In the organization, Father enjoyed a "hands-on" approach. When anyone did something he disapproved of or he felt he could improve their skills, he'd perform the customary routine. For his daughters, he called it "loving his children." As demons, he wanted us to be strong and fearless. I was very familiar with the process because, unlike my sister, Stephanie, I rarely did anything right, and to make matters worse I wasn't a strong demon.

Blick reminded me with his embrace how he wished to protect me. I knew the beatings were becoming more frequent, but I felt powerless to stop them. Blick and I had argued about it many times.

I regained my composure while Blick wiped away my tears and patted me on the head like I was his little pet, instead of his being mine. Having a seven-foot h.e.l.lhound fussing over me - literally - was wonderful. I was lucky to have him on my side.

When Blick had been a young pup, he had followed me home from the river one day. He was a bundle of soft black fur similar to a dark German shepherd. All big ears, eyes, and paws. He was adorable.

I kept him hidden from everyone until he started walking upright and grew too big for me to hide. When Father found out I had him, reluctantly he had agreed that I could keep the "mutt" as long as I kept him out of his way. I secretly enjoyed recalling that day along the river rather often, especially at times like this. Blick and I had been looking for rocks in the shallow water. Blick had strayed into the trees and was out of sight when Father had approached me. He thought he would surprise me, but it was Blick who had surprised him. It was the first time I had ever seen a glimmer of fear in my father's eyes and I reveled in the moment that day and remembered it often.

"Will you be careful, Rayea?" Blick leaned down and touched his cold, wet nose to mine.

I nodded, giving him a little return

"Promise me if anything happens, you'll text me, okay? I may not be a demon, but I'm pretty sc.r.a.ppy for a h.e.l.lhound. I'll take your father on any day of the week!" Looking down at me, he growled. His s.h.i.+ny white canine teeth sparkled. He retrieved the iPhone from my satchel and shoved it in my jeans pocket.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Glancing up at him, I plastered a smile on my face. Hopefully it didn't seem fake. Blick could read my actions as well as my thoughts.

His eyes, gentle and understanding, prolonged the moment between us.

"Is there something I should know?" I asked with growing apprehension. "What are you not telling me?"

He shook his head as if he were shaking off something heavy on his mind, and gathered me against him again.

"I hope you know that no matter what you are my best friend. I know what friends.h.i.+p is because of you."

Hearing his words, I attempted to not show that it had affected me, but I couldn't. Tears rimmed my eyes for the second time in his presence. I let him hold me close, fur and all, pressing my face into his brawny chest. His long paws enveloped me.

"You're so good to me. I'll try to stay strong against Father. But I don't know how much more I can take." I replied telepathically.

"I know. I know."

Chapter 2.

Fan of Mankind "What are you wearing?"

Startled for the second time today, I whirled around in my gray ergonomic chair to see Stephanie, standing in the door frame of my office glaring at me.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Father will kill you if he sees that," she said.

"Oh?" I asked, opening several more bogus reports on my computer. I continued typing at a feverish pace. The paperwork for the new arrivals had to be all there, even if the new arrivals were not. With Blick's help, I had been secretly returning humans, suitable for a second chance, to the upper levels of Earth.

"Does your T-s.h.i.+rt say what I think it says?"

I grinned at the computer screen in response to my sister's comment. I read the slogan aloud, "I'm a fan of mankind." The s.h.i.+rt did not compliment my black hair or pale skin, nor was it very appropriate for work, but I had chosen it to celebrate my upcoming vacation and the recent rescue mission.

Stephanie was more right than she realized. I was taking a risk, wearing a pro-human s.h.i.+rt and secretly setting humans free from a horrific eternity. I looked away from my work, focusing my attention on Stephanie and returned her glare. "Even in h.e.l.l, we need to keep our sense of humor, sis." I added a hissing 'S' sound to the word to mock her speech patterns.

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 128 summary

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