Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 133

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Grab Your Popcorn "Hey! Hey! Vampire, wake up!"

My eyes flew open as I felt someone tapping on my collarbone. I couldn't move. I was pinned down on the couch.

"Hi," said a voice above me. I saw a hand waving. The voice was velvet-edged and gentle.

"Get off me." I tried to squirm out from under the weight.

"I think you were having a nightmare. You were thras.h.i.+ng about. I didn't want you to hurt yourself. That's why I sat on you."

"Are there zombies surrounding us?"

"Nooo, not that I'm aware of." My question seemed to amuse him. "Why? Were you dreaming about zombies?! Oh wow, is your father a zombie?" he laughed.

"Yeah. That's not funny." From my vantage point, I could see the generous portion of manhood between his long, st.u.r.dy Viking legs, his flat stomach, and his bare, muscular arms. He was very strong, and I was in too compromising a position to take this guy on.

"Sooo..." He looked over his left shoulder, then his right, making a big deal about my ludicrous a.s.sumption. "Nope, no zombies. You're okay," he rea.s.sured me and smiled. "Blick said you were having nightmares about snakes? Why zombies now?"

"I don't know! I have messed up dreams! Okay?! Why are you still sitting on me? You weigh a ton!"

"Stop bouncing me around." He frowned at me. "Holding you down with my hands didn't work, so this was the best alternative. You're pretty strong for a girl."

"A what? Get off me!" I shrieked, thrusting my hips against him. I glared at him. Briefly I thought of hitting him squarely in the b.a.l.l.s with my forehead, but decided against it.

He clamped his hand over my mouth. "Shhh. Steady there, cowgirl with the potty mouth. I'd like to, but we have some workers here right now. They are fixing the railing on the deck out there that you broke. You can't freak out again. It'll get back to G if you make a scene. Can I trust you if I let you up?"

I nipped the inside of his hand with my teeth.

Immediately he withdrew, but remained perched on me.

"For your information, Blick freaked out on me this morning. He pushed me into the railing. I almost fell. I did fall actually," I said, clarifying the incident.

"You almost fell," he grinned. Then suddenly, his mood grew somewhat serious. His face appeared inches from mine. "Blick told me. Vampire agility, right? Poor Blick. He's got his hands full with you. Tsk. Tsk."

His face was bronzed by the sun. He had a stubble beard, a generous mouth, straight nose, and an adorable cleft chin. His bright, clear blue eyes were as blue as the ocean outside Blick's home.

As our eyes met, a shock ran through me.

The voice inside my head said, "Wow! What was that?"

He paused for a moment as if he felt it too. "Let's just sit here and talk. They should be done soon. Calm down. I won't hurt you." He pulled away and stretched out on the couch by me. Even the hair on his legs was golden blonde. I sighed and stifled a series of wicked thoughts.

Then I noticed our close contact had excited him, and my breath quickened. Reluctantly I looked away from the bulge in his black gym shorts and admired the rippling muscles under his white T-s.h.i.+rt. My emotions were all over the place.

He swept his long bangs out of his face and tucked them behind his right ear. His short cropped hair was the same color as the hair on his legs.

"I can't stand being tied up or not being able to move. It brings back..." My voice died away.

"I apologize for doing that, but it was necessary. Blick told me what your father did to you. You don't need to explain. I know."

I winced at his statement and changed the subject. "Who are you?" I asked.

"My name's Michael. I work with Blick, training new recruits."

That probably had something to do with me, I thought. "It's nice to meet you, Michael. Thanks for uh..." I hesitated, struggling for the words. "For waking me up."

An easy smile played at the corners of his mouth. "No problem."

"Could I ask you a small favor?"


"I'm rather thirsty. Would you fill up my water bottle? It's on the desk over there." I let my head fall back on the edge of the couch. The weakness had returned again.

"You don't feel any better after getting some sleep?"

"No," I whispered. His voice sounded so far away.

I heard someone screaming only to realize it was me. Again I couldn't move. I jerked my hands upwards. They held. I jerked my feet outwards. They held as well. Ropes? Chains? Straps? What was holding me secure? I remained perfectly still for a moment. This time I would be ready to attack.

"Don't fight us. We're not trying to hurt you," one voice spoke.

"At least she's not dead," the other voice responded.

My eyes popped open, but a blindfold obstructed my vision. This couldn't be happening again. How many people were here? Who were they? Father? Stephanie? I couldn't think clearly. My head throbbed, and I was drenched in sweat. The gray nylon jogging suit I wore stuck to me.

"Something is seriously wrong," the first voice said. I recognized it was Blick. "Rayea, you wouldn't stop hitting yourself." He directed his attention to me. "We had to restrain you. I'm going to untie you and see if you can drink something to calm you down."

"Blick? Is that you? They're after us." Fighting through the nightmarish visions, I struggled to understand. His words made no sense.

"Yes, it's me. It's okay. No one is after you. I'm going to release you. Okay?"

I felt the bindings around my feet loosen, followed by my hands. I didn't wait for the blindfold to be removed. Instead I leapt towards the second voice I had heard, hoping to make contact. I a.s.sumed that voice belonged to my father.

I landed on the figure. A low growl erupted from me. I extended my fangs and roared like some fire-breathing dragon. I summoned my pyrokinetic powers, but nothing happened.

"You're ready to kill an angel, Vampire?" the second voice asked calmly.

"Yes, Father, a fallen angel."

"Then at least give me the benefit of seeing you first."

I braced myself, thinking I'd be looking into Father's eyes. My blindfold was removed. Instead I saw Michael's face. I had straddled him against the top of the kitchen table.

He arched his eyebrows mischievously. "Are we hallucinating?"

Blick rushed to his aid. "Hold her still before she burns us both to ashes. But be gentle!" He forced a tall gla.s.s of green slush down my throat as Michael gripped my thighs tightly against his.

"Burns us?" Michael asked.

Swallowing some of the mixture of supplements, I gagged and spit out the rest. I threw the gla.s.s against the wall. Growling, I pressed my legs against Michael, forcing him against the table again.

"Rayea, nooooo!" Blick grabbed me.

I shoved at him. The push propelled him into the wall with a loud crash.

As we fought on the table, Michael freed one of his arms from under my legs and slapped me hard across the face. "Steady, Vampire."

The pain radiated through my jaw.

"Blick?" Michael asked slowly, keeping his gaze on me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he answered.

A drop of blood from my busted lip landed on Michael's white T-s.h.i.+rt. I groaned with pleasure.

"When was the last time you fed this vampire?" Michael asked.

Hearing the word 'vampire,' my attention snapped back to Michael's face, and I snarled at him. I wanted to devour this angel in my sights.

"You've got some long fangs there, Vampire. What are those? An inch and a half, maybe two?" Michael managed a small, tentative smile despite the threat I posed.

I watched his every move, ready to strike, but feeling a force hold me back. "Blood," I replied. I could hear it pumping in his veins, through his temples, and down the side of his neck. His pulse reminded me of the waves slamming against the rocks. An image of my rocking in his lap to that rhythmic dance surfaced in my mind, riding him, grinding against him over and over until... To have him inside me, I thought.

The voice inside my head said, "Grab your popcorn! This is gonna be good!"

"Rayea, please calm down," Blick interjected as he carefully approached us. "We can't make a scene."

"I think it's a little late for that," Michael said.

"What do we do?" Blick asked him.

"I told you she needs blood."

I nodded, staring at Michael. Yes, she does, I thought. That and a lot more.

The voice inside my head asked, "She needs blood! Why did we not think of that before?"

"You're right. G.o.d, I'm an idiot! I'm the worst guardian angel ever!" Blick exclaimed, throwing up his hands. "But she can't have mine or yours for that matter. J won't approve it." He collapsed in a chair, behind Michael, shaking his head. "Rayea, I've failed you."

Michael looked over at him. "Get a grip, man. We move to Plan B. Grab those items and I'll take her to the living room."

"Ta.s.ssty," I hissed and smacked my lips when I witnessed Michael's adam's apple showing as he leaned his head back to speak to Blick.

Cautiously returning his attention to me, Michael said, "Look into my eyes." The warmth of his smile echoed in his voice. I stared at him, mesmerized by the ocean-blue color of his eyes. Instantly, I felt relaxed, sane, and willing to submit to his will.

Great, the vampire is going googoo for the angel.

Shut up, I snapped at the voice inside my head. He's adorable. I sighed and returned his smile.

"If this doesn't work, you can ask Gabriel to help out," Michael said to Blick.

"Not funny," Blick said.

Michael shrugged. Sweeping me off the table, he gathered me in his arms and announced, "Let's do this."

Without any resistance, I floated into the living room as the angel carried me. Isn't he dreamy? I thought.

The voice inside my head responded, "You better latch your mouth around something on that angel or I will!"

Michael positioned me on the large, comfy leather couch. He was talking to me, but I didn't pay any attention. I was fascinated with the movement of his arms, the way his neck curved from side to side as he and Blick conversed. I looked at Blick, and then Michael many times as I admired how both angels were attractive in their own right. Were all angels beautiful? I wondered. The roar of the ocean called me and I let the feeling pull me under into a heavenly bliss.

"Rayea? Can you hear me?"

"Where are we?"

"We're near the water, along the beach. Do you see me?"

When I opened my eyes as I stood with the wind in my face, I instantly heard the ocean outside Blick's home. The sun was setting and the person speaking to me stood in front of what I a.s.sumed was a spectacular view. I couldn't make out who it was, Blick or Michael. Then I felt a light touch along my face and a familiar wet kiss on my nose. Only Blick did that.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"You're extremely low of blood, Rayea so you're in and out of consciousness. The sleep, the sickness. We have to get you better. I asked Michael to help us. You have to be more cooperative."

"Blick, I'm afraid." I spoke the words before I realized I had. Was I really afraid?

"I know."

"What will happen if I die? What if I can't fight this?"

The figure who I a.s.sumed was Blick wrapped his arms around me. He ran his fingers through my hair and rocked me from side to side ever so gently. Another Blick characteristic.

"I won't allow you to die. I didn't save you from h.e.l.l for you to die. But you must fight against it. You have to want to live. You have to come back to me."

The concern in his voice startled me. I knew he held me in his arms, but I couldn't see his expression as he kept me enclosed in his arms. His seven-foot stature enveloped me in darkness. I breathed into his chest. A blast of light flashed before my eyes. Then when I opened them, I remained in darkness. Blick still held me. What kind of dream is this, I thought. I can't see anything, even the sun set or the ocean or Blick's handsome face.

Before I knew it, the figure let me go. I stumbled as the person kissed my hand, dropped it, and stood near me. Was he waiting for me to speak?

A sudden sting of pain hit me across the cheek.

I screamed.

Another hit.

I screamed again.

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 133 summary

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