Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 175

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Daimhin was flung against the wall, her head cracking against the brickwork. It didn't slow her down. She made a furious noise of rage and ran straight at Maximus, knocking him to the ground. I watched his coven, expecting them to help him, but they hesitated. Daimhin's vampires took the choice away by following her lead and hurling themselves at the enemy. I couldn't even pick Arthur out from the brawling crowd.

"c.r.a.p. What now?" I muttered.

A hand clamping around my mouth stifled a scream that would have surely been shrill.

"Hush," Peter whispered, his lips brus.h.i.+ng against my ear. "Follow me."

I grabbed his sleeve and followed him willingly, relieved beyond measure. Carl and I scurried after him as he led us down a laneway. He made sure no one was following us before launching straight into a lecture.

"What the h.e.l.l did you think you were doing? Why did you and Carl run off? This isn't the plan! Handing yourself straight over like that, you could have been killed!"

"It was Eddie's idea," said Carl. Peter jumped and looked all around.

"Oh, right, Eddie s.h.i.+elded Carl so he can't be seen," I explained.

"Wait," Peter said. "Eddie decided you should leave me behind and walk straight into the path of ancients?"

"Not exactly," I admitted. "Just the bit about the ancients."

Peter ran his hands through his hair in exasperation. "I can't believe you brought Carl into this alone."

"I know it sounds stupid, but he has to be involved, so I thought the fewer people getting caught up in this, the better."

"You're an idiot," he said. "So, what was the next part? How were you planning on getting Arthur away from the others?"

I shrugged. "Distract him somehow..."

"You two seriously need me around. Luckily, I have my car and a brain in my head. Let's go nab us a vampire."

Chapter Twelve.

"You sure this is going to work?" I whispered to Peter. "I mean, we can't even see Carl."

"Yeah, but you can hear his heartbeat and smell his blood. That little nick on his hand is going to be like a radar for you and the other vampires, so we have to be quick."

He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as we watched vampires tear chunks out of each other using just their teeth and fingernails.

"We don't stand a chance," I said.

"Want me to do the next bit? You can drive if you like."

"No, I can do it. Keep the car running."

Deep down, I was desperate to go home and forget about the whole thing. I got out of the car, re-pierced the small wound on Carl's hand and led him toward the vampires, trying not to wince at the blood and lumps of flesh flying everywhere.

"There he is," I whispered, finally spotting Arthur.

"Yeah, I got him," Carl replied, sounding a lot more confident than I felt.

Peter had been right. I knew exactly where Carl was. I followed him as close as I dared without being seen by Arthur who was finis.h.i.+ng off a small female vampire. As he ripped off the vampire's head with a grunt, Carl began to softly call his name.

Arthur's head jerked around, bloodl.u.s.t in his eyes. He hopped up and ran toward Carl before I could blink. Just as fast, I sped after him, delighting in the sense of freedom. I was faster than ever, from Becca's blood and possibly Eddie's spell.

Arthur ran right into Carl. I hadn't expected him to lock onto Carl without even wondering why he couldn't see him. I sped up, terrified I was going to be too late.

Arthur threw back his head and tried to sink his teeth into what I a.s.sumed was an invisible Carl's throat. He flew backward as if burned. I smiled, remembering how I had wrapped a silver chain around Carl's neck. Arthur's hesitation was perfect. I clamped the silver handcuffs on to his wrist and mine. He whipped his head around in confusion and tried to back away, but I held him still.

Changing his mind, Arthur launched himself at me, his jaws wide. His face contorted in pain and a howl emitted from his throat as Carl wrapped his chain around Arthur's neck, making it easy to lead him to the car. I was beginning to think we might make it when the cold presence I kept feeling blew so hard, my hair fell over my face.

I turned around and realised one vampire had spotted us. He eyed us warily then put his head down and ran. I snapped the handcuff off my wrist, not even pausing to notice how easy it was.

"Run," I whispered. "Don't let them see the chain."

Carl managed to hurry on with Arthur without holding out the chain, making it look like Arthur was running away.

I slipped the silver dagger out of my belt and waited. It didn't matter whose side the vampire was on, I had to stop him. He was on me in seconds, rus.h.i.+ng at me so hard, he ran straight into the dagger. I used his strength against him. Too late, his eyes widened as he felt the blade sink into his skin. He didn't even cry out, but the red tint disappeared from his eyes, replaced by fear. The knife burned him from the inside out. Every vein under his skin glowed before his entire body burst into flames that quickly burned out into dust.

"Holy s.h.i.+t," I muttered, trembling at the intensity of the flame and how quick the whole fight had been. Then pain shot through my arm, and I realised his fingernails had sliced deep into my flesh before he died. I quickly licked the wounds and didn't wait to look at them heal.

Slipping the most awesome dagger in the world back into my belt, I turned to run back to the car. Peter had gotten out and was helping a now visible Carl shove Arthur into the backseat without him biting anyone. They didn't even see the pet.i.te brunette race toward them. I sprinted after her, my lungs burning with exertion, but she reached Peter before me and hurled him over the car.

She jumped after him, preparing to snap his neck, but I managed to grab her hands first. I pulled her away from Peter, but she shrugged me off and ran after him again. He kicked out, knocking her back into me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her back. He pulled a stake from his sleeve and aimed it directly at her heart. She leaned forward then pushed all of her weight backward, smacking me in the face with the back of her head and knocking us both back down to the ground.

Dizzy, I grabbed her hair and tried to toss her to the side, but she squirmed around and clawed my face. Blood dripped from scratch marks on my cheeks. Peter kicked her in the face, barely missing mine as I pushed her off me and tried to get up. Once again she went for Peter, this time clawing at his leg and pulling him to the ground.

The dagger burned at my side, but in my panic I couldn't get it free.

"Ah, screw it," I said and used my fangs instead. I sank my teeth into her shoulder and tore away a chunk of flesh. I spat it out in disgust, but it was enough to get her away from Peter.

"Keep out of the way Peter!" I shouted at him, fearing I would bite him by mistake. Time slowed down, and I planned every move ahead of time. The vampire freaked out at my speed as she struggled to land a hit. Finally, she managed to elbow me, the force of it knocking me a few steps backward.

The vampire faced me, her mouth a snarling mess of fangs. She ran for me, swiping with her nails, but I took my time, ducked at the last second, and then threw myself upward with a punch driven by all of my strength. She fell against the car. I didn't wait. I drove my fist against her face one more time, hearing her nose break in a satisfyingly b.l.o.o.d.y crunch.

She howled with rage. "b.i.t.c.h!" she screamed as one of her fangs fell away. My face stung, but hers was completely swollen. Rage gave her the strength of an army. She swung her fist at me twice. This time I wasn't quick enough and ended up on my back, dazed. The dagger clattered to the ground. I managed to grab it as she jumped on me and sank her teeth into my chest.

Peter ran to my aid, but I was already driving the dagger into her skull as hard as I could. She spluttered then collapsed on me. Peter hauled her off and dug his stake through her heart, but she was already burning. The dagger shone in my hands, the blade going from bright red to a cool blue. I gripped it tighter, feeling its power shooting through me. I felt like it belonged to me.

"Where the h.e.l.l did you get that thing?" Peter asked.

"Later." I jumped up. "Come on, let's get out of here." We both jumped into the car where Carl was struggling with Arthur. If I hadn't ordered him to do it, he wouldn't have had the strength.

I took over, trying not to pa.s.s out from the pain in my chest. Peter forced his foot down on the accelerator and sped off, the wheels squealing in protest. We had gotten away, but I couldn't relax yet. I still had to deal with Arthur. He seethed with anger but kept his distance, and I knew he had seen what my dagger could do.

"Sorry about this, Arthur," I said out of politeness. "But we had to do something to get you alone with us."

"Let go of me," he said, trembling with rage.

"We will, but we need your help first. Remember?"

"You promised. You made a deal."

"I know. And I'm sorry about that, but things have gotten way too complicated." I winced with pain and s.h.i.+fted in my seat. Vampire bites hurt.

"He'll destroy me for this."

"Who?" Carl asked.

"Maximus, you idiot. I left the battlefield. In his eyes, I'm a deserter. All because of your petty problem." He tried to sound angry but came across more vulnerable than anything. I felt sorry for him.

"We'll take you back. As soon as you help us. n.o.body will even notice you left."

I ignored Peter's irritated sigh up front. "Please, Arthur. I don't want this. Help me."

He stared at me for a long moment. "Fine. Then you let me go."

"Of course." I nodded with enthusiasm.

"Is he yours?" Arthur stared hard at me.


"I agree. There. Let me go."

"What? That can't be it," I said in surprise.

"It is. Let me go, please."

"But that's just lame." But then I felt a jerking pain in my stomach and a sense of loss so deep, I wanted to cry.

"What did you expect, fireworks? Let me out of the d.a.m.ned car, half-breed!"

I looked at Carl. His head was bowed, and his body shook violently.

"Carl? You okay?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, he's right. It's done." Carl looked at me, eyes full of pain. I couldn't bear it. His pain or mine.

"You can go," I said, opening the car door and pulling Arthur out after me. I carefully took the silver chain off his skin, wincing as it sizzled. I unlocked the handcuffs and was immediately thrown against the car. Arthur's fangs shone in the moonlight. He snapped his head toward me, his hand on my throat. I was in too much pain to struggle. I expected more and took one last glance at the world-but nothing happened.

Instead of hurting me, Arthur whispered, "Trust none. They watch you now."

He sped away, leaving me gasping for air. Peter was still getting out of the car.

"I'm sorry. He was too fast."

"It's okay," I said. "He didn't hurt me." I licked my fingers and rubbed the wounds on my chest and face. My nose was still bleeding, but the scratches healed quickly. The wound on my chest stung like crazy, but it too healed, albeit more slowly. It left a noticeable scar behind.

In the car, Carl's head was on the dashboard, sweat rolling down his face.

"Carl, are you okay?" I said, feeling frantic. "Could he die?"

Peter shook his head, but his face was pale; he wasn't sure.

"I'm okay," Carl said. "It hurts is all. I need to lie down."

"We could go back to Eddie," Peter said.

"He sold us out!" I snapped.

"We've no choice. He might know what to do."

Peter drove back toward the bookshop, but the fight wasn't over. The street was drowning in blood.

"Keep driving," I urged, afraid we wouldn't get away after everything.

As we drove by, I saw Maximus turn on Arthur. Arthur backed away, holding his hands up. I half-expected him to roll on to his belly. Maximus flew at Arthur, and they both smashed through a window. A half second later, Maximus rushed back outside with Arthur's head in his hands. I looked away, guilt pouring over me. We caused it. Even though he was a vampire, I had felt a sort of kins.h.i.+p toward Arthur. And I wanted to know what his last words to me meant.

"I'm taking us to Nancy's house," Peter said, interrupting my thoughts.

"What? No way."

"There's nowhere closer. I can't drive around all night."

"Fine." I felt too miserable to argue. I curled up in a ball, feeling a persistent ache in my stomach.

"Sorry, Carl. Can't get you home until morning. Just in case." Peter's voice was gentle, and that worried me more than anything.

"'S'okay," Carl mumbled.

I was almost afraid to look at him. I didn't know if he was scared or hated me, but I knew he was in pain because of me.

The reality of the last few days exhausted me, and I dozed off in the car. I was in the middle of a dark dream when Peter shook my shoulders to wake me up. "Ava, quick. Get up," he whispered urgently.

My eyes flickered open to see Peter looking distraught.

"I'm sorry, Ava. Something's happened here."

"What? What's wrong?"

"We're outside Nancy's house, but her front door is torn down, her windows are smashed... I don't think she's here."

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 175 summary

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