Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 66

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Hurrying in, they all made a fuss of me. Meredith offered a.s.sistance where I needed it the most. Having a shower with a broken leg isn't the easiest thing to do, so she ran me a bath and helped me in. I was grateful. Although I felt such a nuisance and a hindrance, I also felt a ma.s.sive sense of grat.i.tude for having such caring people around me. It would have been a very different story had I been in England with Vivian and my father. Goodness only knew how I would have managed there with a broken leg.

After I'd managed to get dressed, Meredith helped me back to the sofa where I lay down, exhausted by the exertion. Barely a minute went by before Rose whizzed in with my breakfast on a tray. A lovely hot cup of tea and a plate full of eggs and bacon. I was thoroughly spoilt, a feeling I relished.

The others joined me while I ate. We chatted about general things like the weather, friends and neighbours and our plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas which were both fast approaching.

But ultimately I knew the conversation would move on to more pressing matters. The unusually large raven's feather was cause for some concern, as Gabriel explained to me. When our ancestors had first changed, they morphed almost magically into the bird's actual size. He had never seen or even heard of anybody having the ability to change into a raven the size of a human. Yet there we were presented with evidence to suggest it was possible. What we didn't know was who in our community possessed the ability to change and why wasn't Gabriel aware of it?

It troubled him as he knew all of the members within the Tulugaq clan and was on friendly terms with pretty much all of the residents of Powell River. It was possible that whoever had saved me came from further afield but why not show themselves?

Gabriel was desperate that I recall exactly what had happened. I wished I could remember but I had fallen unconscious and that made it considerably more difficult.

"I believe the only way to tap into your unconscious mind and find out the truth, Lilly, is to take you on a journey to meet some very unique and special people. But it will be quite a long journey and much of it needs to be taken on foot and you are certainly not able at the moment. Your leg must heal first and then we will travel to the mountains to see the elders. We will do so in the spring. Until then we must not worry about any of this. We must continue life as usual. Although we do not know who this person, or creature, is, we do know one thing. He saved you, Lilly. So clearly he wishes you no harm. You must not dwell on your father's disappearance either. The elders are aware of what has been happening within our family and they are keeping eyes and ears open for any news," he said while the others nodded solemnly behind him.

"He's right, dear. You haven't been here all that long and look what has happened to you already. You must completely settle in to life in Powell River. When you've recovered and the weather starts to get warmer, you and Gabriel will go and visit the elders. But until then... just concentrate on your studies and making friends. Okay?" Rose said with her eyebrows raised, waiting for my reply. I nodded reluctantly. They all meant well.

But that didn't mean I had to agree with them. Of course I couldn't. My father was out there somewhere and he might be in danger. I didn't want to wait until the spring. But I had no choice. I could do nothing alone, especially with a broken leg. I couldn't even start my part-time job.

There was still a possibility that my memory might be triggered during one of my vivid dreams, but until that happened, I imagined the next few months would include an awful lot of reading and very little else.

Later that morning after everyone, except Gabriel, had left and I had spent hours with my head in a book, Jo arrived.

As she walked in, her brow was furrowed so deep with worry that she made me laugh. "I'm okay, I'm okay," I said to her with my hands held up, before she'd even opened her mouth.

"I was so worried for you. Especially seeing as you didn't turn up for school. I've obviously heard from the others but I want to hear from you. What on earth happened, Lilly?"

I told her everything that had happened the previous day, and she was relieved that we could finally open up to each other about our family's secret.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you anything before but I was literally sworn to secrecy by the whole family. I really wanted to. It was killing me. I have to admit, finally having a friend, a girl, to be able to talk to about all of this crazy stuff is brilliant. Sometimes it really eats you up when the only people you can talk with are parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts," she said, barely taking a breath.

I totally understood where she was coming from. Even though I'd only known the truth for a very short time, I did feel the need to have a close friend to confide in.

She told me about the time she'd had the 'family of ravens' talk with the rest of the family and, although it came as a bit of a shock, she'd always known our family was special. It was just a feeling she'd had.

"But you've never transformed, have you?" I asked, eager to know more about the physical change.

She shook her head, "No, not yet, but I've had all the weird dreams too so we're just waiting for it to hit me one of these days. I have no idea when it will happen though. It's a bit scary, isn't it? Not knowing how we turn. I worry that it will be painful," she said, twirling her hair around her fingers nervously. "But Rose told me once that provided you relax completely and just let your body change of its own accord, the pain should be controllable. She said it's all mind over matter. I've been doing meditation and yoga ever since!" she laughed.

"Seriously?" I asked, wondering if she was joking or not.

She nodded enthusiastically and jumped up from the armchair, demonstrating a few awkward-looking poses. "The yoga poses are easy once you've done them for a while. When I first started, my muscles were so stiff, I struggled even with the simplest moves. I'll teach them to you and we can do it together," she said eagerly.

Looking down at my leg and back up at her comically, she burst into a fit of giggles. "Okay, I'll teach you in a few months when you can actually get your backside off the sofa!" She sat back down on the chair and curled her shoeless feet underneath her bottom.

"So, you didn't see who rescued you yesterday, then?"

Shaking my head and raising my eyebrows, I wished once again that there was something exciting to tell her. The only way I would be able to identify him by would be his voice, I told her, but I explained that I didn't recognise it. It wasn't a voice I had heard before.

"You don't think it was your dad, do you?" she almost whispered.

It had crossed my mind but as I explained, even though I had barely ever heard my father speak, I didn't feel like it was him. Surely I would have felt something. And if it had been him, wouldn't he have stayed? He wouldn't have just dumped me on someone's doorstep. And why would he vanish afterwards?

"It just didn't feel like him, you know," I added.

She nodded, clearly understanding what I meant. We sat in silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts about the man who had saved my life. Had I been left there, under that log in the storm, I could have frozen to death. I could have bled to death for all I knew. The thought made me s.h.i.+ver. There were many ifs in this world. I was just grateful to whoever he was.

"So, did I miss much at school yesterday?"

"Not a great deal, unless you count poor Erica falling flat on her face in front of the basketball team in cheerleading practice. She had a b.l.o.o.d.y nose and everything. Poor thing. Oh and Mrs Ormond seemed interested in knowing why you weren't there yesterday. A little too interested really. There's something odd about that woman, but I can't quite put my finger on it," she laughed.

She asked how my date had gone with Oliver. Sonya had filled her in on the fact that he'd come over and that we'd had dinner prepared for us.

My instant grin answered her question. "That well, huh?" she laughed and, as if on cue, Oliver arrived bearing a box of chocolates for his 'patient'. It was good to see him.

"Hey Oliver, good to see you," Jo said as she stood up, put on her shoes and started doing up her shoe laces.

They exchanged a few words before Jo decided to leave us alone.

"I'll call you later," she said with a wink, before shouting "Bye Gabriel" and closing the front door on her way out.

"Ben sends his love and hopes you're feeling better today," Oliver said as he bent to kiss me on the cheek. As usual, I blushed and smiled as he handed me the pretty black box with a pink ribbon.

"Awww thanks Oliver... that's really sweet. But you didn't have to. I was going to go and start my training with Ben today... so much for that," I said, as I rolled my eyes and lifted my leg.

He smiled and told me that Ben had said for me not to worry about it. He wasn't overly busy at the moment anyway so it could wait a few more weeks, to whenever I was ready.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked as he sat down and watched me rip off the ribbon and delve inside the box to discover which chocolate was which. He laughed at my enthusiasm.

"I'm good thanks. I woke up feeling a bit groggy but I feel much better now thanks."

"I guess I was right to bring chocolates rather than flowers."

I nodded with a mouth full before realising I wasn't being very polite, so I offered them to him.

Chocolate wasn't something I was used to eating, but those ones were delicious. They didn't last long though as we spent the next few hours chatting whilst we savoured them. Occasionally Gabriel would pop his head round the door to make sure we were okay, but he figured I was fine whenever I was with Oliver, so he left us alone for a few hours.

I still had no idea where Gabriel went whenever he left me alone. But he was always gone for a good three hours or so. Even though I was enthralled by Oliver's voice as he spoke to me, at the back of my mind I would have liked to know where he was going. If only I could follow him. Not on one leg I couldn't, I thought before turning my full attention to the beautiful boy that sat holding my hand tightly and grinning as he told me a silly story.

Oliver stayed with me the entire day.

"I feel bad about keeping you cooped up indoors for so long."

"That's okay. You're not exactly in any state to do anything else, are you? But maybe tomorrow we could try and go for a short walk? What did the doctor say about walking?" he asked.

I honestly didn't have a clue. I had been so keen to get out of the hospital that I hadn't even asked any questions. I was sure Gabriel would know though so I promised to ask him.

Oliver scolded me for not talking to the medical staff and he shook his head as if I was in big trouble but he couldn't keep a straight face and ended up laughing.

"Well, I'll come over tomorrow whether we can go for a walk or not," he promised as he prepared to leave. "Call me if you need anything?" he said as he kissed me gently on the lips. It was my first real kiss and it felt like I'd been given an electric shock. Not the kind that hurts, but a wonderful, sweet, electric shock. I smiled and touched my lips with my fingers.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw that he was smiling too. And then before I knew it, he was gone.


I had to wear my cast for nearly two months and they were, without doubt, the best two months of my life so far. Even the pain and awkwardness of a broken leg couldn't dull my happiness.

I had dreaded being unable to do anything, especially after Rose and Gabriel had said I should avoid agonizing over recent events and should just concentrate on getting my life back together. That is exactly what I did and admittedly, it was the best thing for me.

It was January, it was absolutely freezing, yet I had become accustomed to the colder weather in Canada. I had actually begun to love waking up on a chilly morning and opening my bedroom window to take a few breaths of crisp cold air. It was the perfect way to wake myself up, followed by a hot bath, which I had finally mastered getting into without the help of either Meredith, Sonya or Jo who had all taken it in turns to pop round first thing to help. But still, I couldn't wait to get the cast off.

Thanksgiving had been an eye opener for me. It was time for family, pure and simple. And although my family had a lot to be thankful for, it was a sad occasion because we missed my father terribly.

Much of the day was spent talking about old times, the times I had missed either because I had not yet been born to this world, or I was being kept holed up in a London apartment. I heard stories about my father and his brother and sister when they were children. The fun they'd had growing up in this fantastic part of the world. The mischief they had created and the love that had bound them together.

With Ben, Crystal and Oliver with us for much of the day, we were unable to talk about the unusual circ.u.mstances that surrounded our lives and, in a way, it was nice to just be normal. It was also wonderful to be able to spend time with my family as well as my boyfriend. There had never been any need to hide the fact that we were together, as everyone had accepted us immediately.

But it was my first real Christmas that was particularly memorable. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was the first time I had ever had the opportunity to celebrate it and so I immersed myself into the festive spirit.

Whilst living in London with my father and Vivian, I had overheard wonderful stories at school about what the other kids had been up to during the holidays and I had envied them tremendously. For me though, Christmas was simply any other day in the calendar. No gifts, no decorations but more importantly, no loving family, no joy.

Yet in Canada, we had experienced all of this and much more. The whole family, as well as Oliver, Ben and Crystal again, came to our house to celebrate Christmas day. Everybody helped prepare the most sumptuous feast I had ever laid my eyes on and then we had all exchanged gifts.

I was given clothes by everyone. My family were clearly sick of seeing me wearing nothing but black and so they had all produced a new wardrobe. Clearly they had planned everything together and I a.s.sumed that Jo was responsible for doing most of the shopping. When I asked her, she nodded, "With the help of my mom, of course!"

"You're such a great person, Lilly, we want to see you in colours that match your personality," Sonya had said, speaking for them all later on. I was touched. After thirteen years of yellow and months of black, the time had finally come for the rainbow.

The day was glorious. My biggest regret was that my father was not there. I would have given anything to have him spend that day with us. It would have meant so much, not just to me but to the rest of the family, especially Gabriel who had lost his son nearly fourteen years before. But as we had spent most of Thanksgiving thinking about him and what had become of him, we refused to be sad on Christmas day too.

Everybody was aware that Christmas celebrations were totally new to me and I got the impression that they made more of an occasion out of it than they would normally have done.

I believe they were making up for all those years of my 'living' in a room with little contact with the outside world. I told them they needn't have made so much effort. I would have been equally as happy to put up a Christmas tree and have a normal dinner with everyone. But I understood that they were showing me how much they loved me and how much they'd missed me over the years. The feeling was completely mutual.

Between Christmas and New Year I had received another huge surprise a birthday party.

It was December 28 and, although I was aware that it was the date I was born, it never even occurred to me that anyone else would take much notice. After all, n.o.body ever had. The other thing that had been on my mind was the fact that not only was it my birthday, it was also the date I had lost my sister. The date of Neleh's death. And it was very close to the anniversary of my mother's death too.

How could I celebrate when something so horrific had happened on that very day fourteen years earlier? It was difficult, but having never had the opportunity to meet my mother or my sister, my sorrow could not equal the sorrow that perhaps Rose was feeling. Or Gabriel. Or any of my family members for that matter.

I refused to dwell on the sad facts of that day, remembering instead that it was my birthday. I was a year older and I was excited at turning fourteen. On the outside, I didn't look any different but on the inside I felt like I was becoming a completely different person. Comparing me to the person I was just a year earlier, I could barely recognise myself.

In England while living under the roof of that witch, it was as if she had reached down into my soul and sucked my true personality and character right out of me. I had been a simple and insanely naive girl who had truly believed that my life had been normal. How wrong could I have been?

A year on and the real me was finally emerging from my sh.e.l.l. I felt like I was becoming a young woman. A strong, independent young woman and I finally felt good about myself. I finally felt like I could face the world head on.

The day had pa.s.sed much like any other. Gabriel had rushed out of the house and yelled that he would see me later. He didn't mention what day it was, so neither did I. Ben had come by the house to collect me first thing that morning and we had gone straight to the practice where I had started training a few weeks before. It was a bit of a struggle at first, moving around with my crutches clumsily getting in the way of everything. I hadn't been able to physically handle any of the animals as we were waiting for my cast to be removed first. But I learned a lot just by watching Ben carefully, answering telephone calls and speaking to the locals about their pet's problems. It had opened a whole new world to me and I was becoming even more confident in myself. I wouldn't shy away from anything like I would have done just a few months previously.

Ben had even taken me out on occasion when he had horses to treat. Although I could do very little, I was fascinated by these regal creatures. There was always a part of me that wondered who they really were though. Twice we had been called out to injured horses just like the injuries that Ben had treated on the day of my accident. He concluded that whatever had attacked them had managed to remove some of the sinew from the inside of their legs. It was a mystery to him. To me, however, it was slightly less mysterious. I knew the crimes had probably been committed by a changeling, a vampire perhaps? A witch, even? But, as usual, I had to keep my thoughts to myself.

On my birthday, after a few hours of work (it was particularly busy that Christmas), we had made sure everything was cleaned up before we locked up the clinic before heading back in Ben's truck.

I had noticed Ben's sideways glances at me a couple of times throughout the day but had a.s.sumed it was because he was checking how I was doing. However, as we arrived home, I soon figured out that hadn't been the reason at all.

"Happy Birthday, Lilly!" shouted a house full of family and friends as I gingerly pushed open the front door with one of my crutches.

Shock rippled through me and my initial reaction was to cry. I was totally overwhelmed. It hit me even more than Christmas day had. A birthday party. For me. I was completely speechless as everybody laughed and rushed over to hug and kiss me. Sonya was a little concerned why tears were falling down my face but I rea.s.sured her that they were most certainly tears of happiness. There was even a big banner with the words 'Happy Birthday Lilly' hung loosely across the top of the dining table which was covered in a ma.s.s of foodstuffs, the likes of which I'd never seen before.

There were miniature sausages, boiled eggs that had been cut in half and the hard yolks mixed with mayonnaise, little pastries in all shapes and sizes, pieces of cheese on sticks with pineapple and ham, my favourite crisps and nuts and they were just the things to nibble on. Another table that I hadn't noticed at first was covered in salads and cooked meats, full-size sausages and burgers and more. Lastly though, there was a huge variety of cute little cupcakes all with little wings on them. It was an amazing spread and I couldn't believe it had all been done under a cloud of secrecy. I had no idea that it was being planned at all.

I saw that Oliver was standing back, patiently waiting for me to speak to everyone else first. And then when there was a gap, he approached me and put his arms around me and gave me a big hug, "Happy Birthday, babe. You're catching me up," he whispered in my ear.

I pulled back and looked at him and smiled before he leaned forward and kissed me briefly on the lips. I knew he was a little shy about kissing me in front of the family so a bear hug was his way of showing how much he cared.

As he loosened his grip, I turned to have another look at the scene before me and shook my head in disbelief. I still couldn't believe that they had all gone to such effort for me.

Oliver went to get us some drinks while I was dragged away by Jo, who was clearly dying to give me her gift. She pulled me away from the crowd and into my bedroom where she handed me a beautifully wrapped box and sat cross-legged on my bed.

"I've been dying to come and see you all day but I couldn't of course. I couldn't spoil the surprise," she laughed.

As I tried to remove the paper carefully without ripping it, Jo laughed at me and grabbed at the box, "Oh... just rip it," she said.

I pulled the box back from her and did as I was told, ripping the s.h.i.+ny pink paper away from the present underneath. I opened the lid and found a little gadget and some headphones.

"It's an MP3 player!" squealed Jo as she jumped up from the bed, "here, let me show you," and she demonstrated how it worked and how I could now listen to music wherever and whenever I wanted.

I was so touched. Even though we hadn't spoken very much about music, she had obviously picked up on the one thing that I absolutely loved. It had been another thing forbidden by Vivian so to actually own my own music player was amazing and I told Jo so, while giving her a big hug.

"I've taken the liberty of putting some of my favourite songs on there, just to get you started. There's some Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts and a few others that I'm sure you'll love. Now I know you haven't got a computer yet but you can always come round to my house to download some more, okay?" she said happily, with a smirk on her face.

I nodded while I put the headphones in my ears and switched it on. The sounds that floated into my ears was like heaven and I couldn't thank her enough. I stood listening for a few minutes while she watched me, giggling before grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the party, nearly knocking me over.

"Oops... sorry, I keep forgetting about your leg. Come on... there's probably lots more presents to open," she said, my bedroom door closing behind us.

"There you are. I was looking for you," said Oliver with a gla.s.s of orange juice in his hand. His other hand was sneakily hidden behind his back. He smirked as he handed me the juice and waited a few moments as I took a few gulps and then put the gla.s.s down before giving me my birthday present. It was a very small gift, wrapped haphazardly, for which he apologised, laughing. "Wrapping gifts isn't one of my strong points," he joked.

I looked around to make sure I wasn't being watched by anyone else, as I was still finding it a little embarra.s.sing being given things. I had never been given very much before so I wasn't used to it not even after all the wonderful things that had been lovingly given to me on Christmas day.

As I unwrapped the purple and silver paper, I found a circular box and when I opened it, I saw two beautiful little crystals in the shape of angels.

"It's to hang from the window in your bedroom. When I saw them I thought of you," he said, adding "and your mother and sister," he shrugged shyly embarra.s.sed.

"I know that today is the day Neleh died and I just thought, well, I just thought you could hang them up today and they would be like guardian angels or something. It's silly, really," he said shrugging again, as his cheeks turned a little pink.

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 66 summary

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