The Burning of Rome Part 12

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A few days after their marriage the young couple held a reception of their friends and acquaintances. Among them was the poet Martial, who brought with him not the least acceptable of the wedding gifts which they had received, an epigram written in praise of the bride. It ran thus:- "Our Claudia see, true Roman, though she springs From a long line of Britain's painted kings; Italia's self might claim so fair a face, And Athens envy her her matchless grace."

[312] The author, though he spoke of his offering as a gift, was not displeased when the bridegroom pressed into his hand a roll of ten gold pieces. He whispered to a friend, "There is a real lover of the Muses! He would have made an admirable Emperor, at least from my point of view; but he is certainly happier as he is."

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The Burning of Rome Part 12 summary

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