Villani's Chronicle Part 2

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The "popolari" or "popolani" are members of the "popolo" or people, sometimes opposed to the "n.o.bili," or old n.o.bility of birth, and sometimes to the "Grandi," or Magnates, the new n.o.bility of wealth and status.

To be "placed under bounds" appears to mean banishment or confinement, under the form of a prohibition to cross certain stated "bounds."

The "Black" Cerchi are merely a branch of the Cerchi family: they were "Whites" politically.

Villani was well acquainted with Dante's works, and evidently regarded him as an authority. Therefore it must not be taken for granted, without further thought, that in every case of agreement Villani's testimony is an _independent_ confirmation of Dante.



_This book is called the New Chronicle, in which many past things are treated of, and especially the root and origins of the city of Florence; then all the changes through which it has pa.s.sed and shall pa.s.s in the course of time: begun to be compiled in the year of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, 1300. Here begins the preface and the First Book._

-- 1.--Forasmuch as among our Florentine ancestors, few and ill-arranged memorials are to be found of the past doings of our city of Florence, either by the fault of their negligence or by reason that at the time that Totila, the scourge of G.o.d, destroyed it, their writings were lost, I, John, citizen of Florence, considering the n.o.bility and greatness of our city at our present times, hold it meet to recount and make memorial of the root and origins of so famous a city, and of its adverse and happy changes and of past happenings; not because I feel myself sufficient for such a work, but to give occasion to our successors not to be negligent in preserving records of the notable things which shall happen in the times after us, and to give example to those who shall come after, of changes, and things come to pa.s.s, and their reasons and causes; to the end that they may exercise themselves in practising virtues, and shunning vices, and enduring adversities with a strong soul, to the good and stability of our republic. And, therefore, I will furnish a faithful narrative in this book in plain vernacular, in order that the ignorant and unlettered may draw thence profit and delight; and if in any part there should be defect, I leave it to the correction of the wiser. And first we will say whence were the origins of our said city, following on for as long a time as G.o.d shall grant us grace; and not without much toil shall I labour to extract and recover from the most ancient and diverse books, and chronicles, and authors, the acts and doings of the Florentines, compiling them herein; and first the origin of the ancient city of Fiesole, the destruction whereof was the cause and beginning of our city of Florence. And because our origin starts from very long ago, it seems to us necessary to our treatise to recount briefly other ancient stories; and it will be delightful and useful to our citizens now and to come, and will encourage them in virtue and in great actions to consider how they are descended from n.o.ble ancestors and from folk of worth, such as were the ancient and worthy Trojans, and valiant and n.o.ble Romans. And to the end our work may be more praiseworthy and good, I beseech the aid of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name every work has a good beginning, continuance and end.

-- 2.--_How through the confusion of the Tower of Babel the world began to be inhabited._

[Sidenote: Inf. x.x.xi. 12-18, 46-81. Par. xxvi. 124-126. De Vulg. El.

i. 6: 49-61 and i. 7. Purg. xii. 34-36.]

[Sidenote: Inf. v. 52-60. De Mon. ii. 9: 22 sqq.]

We find in the Bible histories, and in those of the a.s.syrians, that Nimrod the giant was the first king, or ruler, and a.s.sembler of the gatherings of the peoples, that he by his power and success ruled over all the families of the sons of Noah, which were seventy-two in number, to wit, twenty-seven of the issue of Shem the first-born son of Noah, and thirty of Ham the second son of Noah, and fifteen of j.a.phet the third son of Noah. This Nimrod was the son of Cush, which was the son of Ham, the second son of Noah, and of his pride and strength he thought to rival G.o.d, saying that G.o.d was Lord of Heaven, and he of Earth; and to the end that G.o.d might no longer be able to hurt him by a flood of water, as He had done in the first age, he ordained the building of the marvellous work of the Tower of Babel; wherefore G.o.d, to confound the said pride, suddenly sent confusion upon all mankind, which were at work upon the said tower; and where all were speaking one language (to wit, Hebrew), it was changed into seventy-two divers languages, so that they could not understand one another's speech. And by reason of this, the work of the said tower had of necessity to be abandoned, which was so large that it measured eighty miles round, and it was already 4,000 paces high, and 1,000 paces thick, and each pace is three of our feet. And afterwards this tower remained for the walls of the great city of Babylon, which is in Chaldaea, and the name Babylon is as much as to say "confusion"; and therein by the said Nimrod and his descendants, were first adored the idols of the false G.o.ds. The said tower, or wall of Babylon, was begun 700 years after the Flood, and there were 2,354 years from the beginning of the world to the confusion of the Tower of Babel. And we find that they were 107 years working at it; and men lived long in those times. And note, that during this long life, having many wives, they had many sons and descendants, and multiplied into a great people, albeit disordered and without law. Of the said city of Babylon the first king which began to make wars was Ninus, son of Belus, descended from a.s.shur, son of Shem, which Ninus built the great city of Nineveh; and then after him reigned Semiramis, his wife, in Babylon, which was the most cruel and dissolute woman in the world, and she was in the time of Abraham.

-- 3.--_How the world was divided into three parts, and of the first called Asia._ -- 4.--_Of the second part of the world called Africa, and its boundaries._

-- 5.--_Of the third part of the world called Europe, and its boundaries._

* * * * This Europe was first inhabited by the descendants of j.a.phet, the third son of Noah, as we shall make mention hereafter in our treatise; and also according to Escodio, master in history, Noah in person, with Ja.n.u.s his son, which he begat after the Flood, came into this part of Europe into the region of Italy, and there ended his life; and Ja.n.u.s abode there, and from him were descended great lords and peoples, and he did many things in Italy.

-- 6.--_How King Atlas, born in the fifth degree from j.a.phet, son of Noah, first came into Europe._

-- 7.--_How King Atlas first built the city of Fiesole._

[Sidenote: De Vulg. El. i. 8: 11-13.]

[Sidenote: Inf. xv. 61-63. Par. xv. 126.]

* * * * This Atlas, with Electra his wife, and many followers, by omens and the counsel of Apollinus his astrologer and master, arrived in Italy in the country of Tuscany, which was entirely uninhabited by human beings, and searching by the aid of astronomy through all the confines of Europe for the most healthy and best situated place which could be chosen by him, he took up his abode on the mount of Fiesole, which seemed to him strong in position and well situated. And upon that rock he began and built the city of Fiesole, by the counsel of the said Apollinus, who found out by astronomical arts that Fiesole was in the best and most healthy place that there was in the said third part of the world called Europe. Since it is well-nigh midway between the two seas which encircle Italy, to wit, the sea of Rome and Pisa, which Scripture calls the Mediterranean, and the Adriatic Sea or Gulf, which to-day is called the Gulf of Venice, and, by reason of the said seas, and by the mountains which surround it, better and more healthy winds prevail there than in other places, and also by reason of the stars which rule over that place. And the said city was founded during the ascendant of such a sign and planet, that it gives more sprightliness and strength to all its inhabitants than any other part of Europe; and the nearer one ascends to the summit of the mountain, the more healthy and better it is. And in the said city there was a bath, which was called the Royal Bath, and which cured many sicknesses; and into the said city there came by a marvellous conduit from the mountains above Fiesole, the finest and most wholesome spring waters, of which the city had great abundance. And Atlas had the said city walled with strongest walls, wondrous in their masonry and their thickness, and with great and strong towers; and there was a fortress upon the summit of the mountain, of the greatest beauty and strength, where dwelt the said king, as is still shown and may be seen by the foundations of the said walls, and by the strong and healthy site. The said city of Fiesole multiplied and increased in inhabitants in a short time, so that it ruled over the surrounding country to a great distance. And note that it was the first city built in the said third division of the world called Europe, and therefore it was named "_Fia Sola_" [it shall be alone], to wit, _first_, with no other inhabited city in that said division.

-- 8.--_How Atlas had three sons, Italus and Darda.n.u.s and Sica.n.u.s._

[Sidenote: De Mon. ii. 3: 67, 68.]

[Sidenote: De Vulg. El. i. 10: 39-85.]

Atlas, king of Fiesole, after that he had built the said city, begat by Electra his wife three sons: the first was called Italus, and from his name the kingdom of Italy was named, and he was lord and king thereof; the second son was named Darda.n.u.s, which was the first rider to ride a horse with saddle and bridle. Some have written that Darda.n.u.s was son to Jove, king of Crete, and son to Saturn, as has been afore mentioned; but this was not true, forasmuch as Jove abode in Greece, and his descendants were kings and lords thereof, and were always the enemies of the Trojans; but Darda.n.u.s came from Italy, and was son to Atlas, as the history will make mention. And Virgil the poet confirms it in his book of the _aeneid_, when the G.o.ds said to aeneas that he should seek the country of Italy, whence had come his forefathers which had built Troy; and this was true. The third son of Atlas was named Sica.n.u.s, that is in our parlance Sezzaio [last], which had a most beautiful daughter called Candanzia. This Sica.n.u.s went into the island of Sicily, and was the first inhabitant thereof, and from his name the island was at the first called Sicania, and by diversity of vernacular of the inhabitants it is now called by them Sicilia, and by us Italians Cicilia. This Sica.n.u.s built in Sicily the city of Saragosa, and made it chief of the realm whereof he was king, and his descendants after him for a very long time, as is told in the history of the Sicilians, and by Virgil in the _aeneid_.

-- 9.--_How Italus and Darda.n.u.s came to agree which should succeed to the city of Fiesole and the kingdom of Italy._

When King Atlas had died in the city of Fiesole, Italus and Darda.n.u.s his sons were left rulers after him; and each of them being a lord of great courage, and both being worthy in themselves to reign over the kingdom of Italy, they came to this agreement together, to go with their sacrifices to sacrifice to their great G.o.d Mars, whom they wors.h.i.+pped; and when they had offered sacrifice they asked whether of them twain ought to abide lord in Fiesole, and whether ought to go and conquer other countries and realms. From the which idol they received answer, either by divine revelation or by device of the devil, that Darda.n.u.s should go and conquer other lands and countries, and Italus should remain in Fiesole and in the country of Italy. To which commandment and answer they gave such effect that Italus abode as ruler, and he begat great rulers which after him governed not only the city of Fiesole and the country round about, but well-nigh all Italy, and they built many cities there; and the said city of Fiesole rose into great power and lords.h.i.+p, until the great city of Rome reached her state and lords.h.i.+p. And thereafter, for all the great power of Rome, yet was the city of Fiesole continually at war with and rebelling against it, until at last it was destroyed by the Romans, as this faithful history shall hereafter record. At present we will cease speaking of the Fiesolans and will return to their history in due time and place, and we will now go on to tell how Darda.n.u.s departed from Fiesole, and was the first builder of the great city of Troy, and the ancestor of the kings of the Trojans and also of the Romans.

-- 10.--_How Darda.n.u.s came to Phrygia and built the city of Dardania, which was afterwards the great Troy._

Darda.n.u.s, as he was commanded by the answer of their G.o.d, departed from Fiesole with Apollinus, master and astrologer of his father, and with Candanzia his niece, and with a great following of his people, and came into the parts of Asia to the province which was called Phrygia [Frigia], from the name of Friga, of the descendants of j.a.phet, which was the first inhabitant thereof; which province of Phrygia is beyond Greece, after the islands of Archipelago are pa.s.sed, on the mainland, which to-day is ruled by the Turks and is called Turkey. In that country the said Darda.n.u.s by the counsel and arts of the said Apollinus began to build, and made a city upon the of the said Grecian sea, which he called after his own name Dardania, and this was 3,200 years from the creation of the world. And it was called Dardania so long as Darda.n.u.s lived, or his sons.

-- 11.--_How Darda.n.u.s had a son which was named Tritamus, which was the father of Trojus, after whose name the city of Troy was so called._

Now this Darda.n.u.s had a son which was called Tritamus, and Tritamus begat Trojus and Torajus; but Trojus was the wiser and the more valorous, and because of his excellence he became lord and king of the said city and of the country round about; and he had great war with Tantalus, king of Greece, son of Saturn, king of Crete, of whom we made mention. And then, after the death of the said Trojus, by reason of the goodness and wisdom and worth which had reigned in him, it pleased his son and the men of his city that the said city should always be called Troy after his name; and the chief and gate of the city, in memory of Darda.n.u.s, retained the name which the city had at the first, to wit Dardania.

[Sidenote: Cf. Convivio iv. 14: 131-154. Purg. xii. 61-63. Inf. x.x.x.

13-15, 98, 113, 114.]

-- 12.--_Of the kings which were in Troy; and how Troy was destroyed the first time in the time of the King Laomedon._ -- 13.--_How the good King Priam rebuilt the city of Troy._ -- 14.--_How Troy was destroyed by the Greeks._ -- 15.--_How the Greeks which departed from the siege of Troy well-nigh all came to ill._ -- 16.--_How Helenus, son of King Priam, with the sons of Hector, departed from Troy._

-- 17.--_How Antenor and the young Priam, having departed from Troy, built the city of Venice, and that of Padua._

[Sidenote: Inf. x.x.xii. 88. Purg. v. 75.]

[Sidenote: Inf. x.x.xii. 88.]

[Sidenote: Purg. v. 75.]

Another band departed from the said destruction, to wit Antenor, who was one of the greatest lords of Troy, and was brother of Priam, and son of the King Laomedon, who was much accused of betraying Troy, and aeneas was privy to it, according to Dares; but Virgil makes him quite innocent of this. This Antenor, with Priam the younger, son of King Priam, a little child, escaped from the destruction of Troy with a great following of people to the number of 12,000, and faring over the sea with a great fleet arrived in the country where to-day is Venice, the great city, and they settled themselves in those little surrounding islands, to the end they might be free and beyond reach of any other jurisdiction and government, and became the first inhabitants of those rocks; whence increasing later, the great city of Venice was founded, which at first was called Antenora, from the said Antenor. And afterwards the said Antenor departed thence and came to dwell on the mainland, where to-day is Padua, the great city, and he was its first inhabitant and builder, and he gave it the name of Padua, because it was among paduli [marshes], and by reason of the river Po, which flowed hard by and was called Pado. The said Antenor remained and died in Padua, and within our own times his body has been discovered there, and his tomb engraved with letters which bear witness that it is the body of Antenor, and this his tomb has been renewed by the Paduans and may be seen to-day in Padua.

-- 18.--_How Priam III. was king in Germany, and his descendants kings of France._ -- 19.--_How Pharamond was the first king of France, and his descendants after him._ -- 20.--_How the second Pepin, father of Charles the Great, was king of France._

-- 21.--_How aeneas departed from Troy and came to Carthage in Africa._

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Villani's Chronicle Part 2 summary

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