Wife, I Want to Eat Meat Chapter 52

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This was the first time Xia Fen came to the w.a.n.g residence.

He had already known he was w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s son a very long time ago, and from the secret guards at the Xia family he had inquired about w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s past. But, the Xia family’s secret guards after all were bias towards Xia Ling Mei, not much could drive a wedge between them, Hei Zi that person was the best at lying, something which couldn’t be any more decent once it reached his mouth would become wicked beyond redemption, therefore, at that time Xia Fen really wanted to meet w.a.n.g Yun Feng. What happened after he met him? Maybe kill him, or perhaps directly cutting off the other person’s four limbs, tying him by his mother’s side for his lifetime.

A child’s thinking was very straightforward, but imminently, expectation and carrying it out always conflicted, more or less ruining his plans.

After arriving at Beiding city, Xia Fen met the old matriarch, that seemingly amiable looking old woman rather jokingly asked him: “Would you follow your father, or your mother?”

Naturally he said his mother without the slightest hesitation. As a result, he legitimately lived with Xia Ling Mei at the Xia residence, right until the other person was whisked away by w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s crafty scheme.

His mother was actually deceived away by another man, to Xia Fen, this was simply extremely shameful and humiliating.

He had previously stood in front of a copper mirror turning his hip, comparing his body to that frail old man’s body from his memory. However he looked, Xia Fen’s delicate body was easy to push over, why would his mother follow after that thin bamboo pole?

Maybe Kong Xian was right, a woman’s mind is too complicated, as a man amongst men he was unable to comprehend = =

What was even stranger was, the old matriarch still wouldn’t let him go and find his mother. For this reason, he sneakily hung from the room’s roof beam, to add some medicine into the old matriarch’s teapot. It couldn’t not be said, this process was considerably thrilling. Amongst the young generation of the Xia family there were those with sharp eyes, children outstanding in martial arts, their excellence did not reek of blood from the battlefields having fought at the risk of their lives, rather the keenness and cautiousness characteristic of having tasted the edge of a knife over many years. Xia Fen had learned the art of commanding, and the majority of what they learned was the technique of surviving facing life or death situation.

Xia Fen stayed on that beam for three days, he had over five hundred opportunities. In the end, if the teacup wasn’t suddenly moved away a little, then after the medicine had been added the tea had turned cold, or the old woman kindly offered the hot tea to someone else, furthermore, the always composed young ladies of the Xia family would unexpectedly knock the teacup over with a mischievous smile, truly an unfortunate teacup.

His packet of fine powder of croton seeds was ultimately given to the old Tibetan mastiff which guarded the courtyard, causing that old dog who had been constipated for quite a few days to go for several days, finally taken off duty with honour.

In this respect, the oldest of the Xia family youngsters gathered all the cousins who knew martial arts, on a dark and quiet night, beat up Xia Fen ruthlessly for a while. Of course, before they beat him up, they also forced him to drink tea mixed with half a bag of laxatives, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to beat him.

For every grievance someone is responsible, for every debt there is a debtor, Xia Fen without any guilt completely resented w.a.n.g Yun Feng.

Xia Fen saw w.a.n.g Yun Feng;

Xia Fen entered the w.a.n.g residence;

Xia Fen, anger rose, and with the power of a thunderbolt falling short of the ears, rolling onto his head, he kicked w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s lower jaw out of alignment. Moreover, very refres.h.i.+ngly swung his arms up to punch w.a.n.g Yun Feng twice, beating the other person up into a panda.

Then, he lifted both his feet and ran all the way into the rear court, shouting: “Mother, Fen Er has come to visit you!” - - half a month ago he had already sussed out the inside and outside of the w.a.n.g residence’s courtyard, just waiting for today to visit and enter.

w.a.n.g Yun Feng was disfigured, he had no choice but to request two days of absence, 

catching the wild leopard with the complete att.i.tude of a biological father. Apart from studying at the academy, Xia Fen would immediately stay at the w.a.n.g residence unwilling to leave.

The first time, no, perhaps the second time, was the day w.a.n.g Yun Feng again started to fight with Xia Fen over the position by Xia Ling Mei’s side in bed.

Striving for favour against his son, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was simply so stupid! The emperor who sat in the palace alone ferociously torn to shreds the latest secret report. As the emperor, he would no matter what ever admit he himself was actually a suffering friend of w.a.n.g Yun Feng who emphasised with each other.

While Xia Fen and w.a.n.g Yun Feng was striving for favour he lived there. Every few days, when he saw w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s injuries were nearly healed, he would again give him some more. w.a.n.g Yun Feng was deceitful in many ways, after being plotted against by his son he would go swaying to Xia Ling Mei, while his nose was still bleeding he was also able to bear the hards.h.i.+p with equanimity and have a meal with Xia Ling Mei at the table, Xia Fen’s legs were bouncing so much he could jump to the roof broke his chair, he just wrinkled his eyebrows without saying anything and sat in his study reading and writing memorials to the emperor, once in a while saying a few words to his colleagues who came to visit. The weather gradually cooled, He because not very many of his wounds on his body had healed, he stubbornly didn’t say anything, only sweating he nonchalantly worked, Xia Ling Mei had a mind to ignore her son’s troubles, one after another she also was unable to ignore w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s trick of injuring himself to gain the enemy’s confidence, instead compared to usual she looked after w.a.n.g Yun Feng even more. Xia Fen hated it so much his teeth itched, every day he would grab his companions to utter together, next time we’ll change our way of setting w.a.n.g Yun Feng up, only to cause the w.a.n.g residence so much ruckus no one could rest, actually more than somewhat livelier than the previous years.

Even like this, w.a.n.g Yun Feng did not tell Xia Fen off once.

Regarding this child, w.a.n.g Yun Feng had rarely had so much more patience and sense of responsibility. Although inside the w.a.n.g residence he did not lack words and smiles at Xia Fen, demanding extreme strictness, but once in the presence of outsiders, he was a benevolent father, able to forgive all the outrages of his son. Even if Xia Fen scooped out 

His Highness crown prince’s `jewels`, almost causing the entire w.a.n.g family to be exterminated = =llll

After w.a.n.g Yun Feng had taken Xia Fen back home, he began discussing with the clan leader to allow Xia Fen to change his surname onto the family record. To everyone family genealogy, a child’s name was extremely important, putting a child into the family record required the whole clan to be informed. Even though the w.a.n.g family at the Dayan court wasn’t as great as the Xia family, yet they also had a hundred year of prestige. Even if they had prospered as imperial censors, far famed, making people not too fond of them.

The emperor also did not tell people of his plans for Xia Fen, apart from w.a.n.g Yun Feng, and only those from the Xia family with some sort of plan for Xia Fen in the future. But w.a.n.g Yun Feng a.s.sumed a position which must allow Xia Fen to be entered into the family 

records, the Xia family could also not outright object.

To the Xia family, they had numerous outstanding youngsters, without Xia Fen alone wouldn’t make a difference. To nurture a talented field commander, too much manpower and resources would need to be spent, since Xia Fen wasn’t stable enough, rather than nurturing him until he’s older then for him to change to the w.a.n.g family side, why not just directly give  up on him, again choose a naturally superior child, train them with great care, sooner or later they would be able to become a person like the fifth grandfather of the Xia family. Moreover, to the Xia family clan leader, Xia Fen’s `fighting strength` was advantageous and detrimental, since the w.a.n.g family was willing to take over this problem, on the face of it the Xia family would no matter what also not go and confront this.

In any case, there was Xia Ling Mei connected by marriage, the w.a.n.g family and the Xia family had long ago been tied together on the same rope, although it wasn’t as far as together in life or death, even at a time of disaster they also wouldn’t betray the Xia family in exchange for glory and splendour.

w.a.n.g Yun Feng was dependable, first he personally went to the Xia family, discussing with the Xia clan leader about the matter of Xia Fen, after receiving the other person’s response, then did he go and see the old matriarch with Xia Fen. Leading the child to kowtow to the Xia family elder one by one.

Xia Fen did not know the reason why w.a.n.g Yun Feng made him do it, but faintly felt that if his head touch the floor, he would shatter the umbilical cord with the Xia family, similar to losing a bit of his unbridled advantage. He couldn’t say what it was, his wild leopard intuition was very accurate, since childhood he grew up by General Xia’s side, naturally he received the Xia family’s protection, even though he had entered Bailu academy, announcing his family name as `Xia`. In this Beiding city, the Xia family was the empress’s parents’ family, they were the emperor’s relatives, simply with a greater status and confidence than normal, apart from making the Xia family members have an impressive reputation on the outside they also acted and spoke cautiously. Xia Fen’s wild nature was difficult to get rid of, giving the Xia family trouble repeatedly, even the crown prince, seeing that his surname was Xia, only gave him special treatment because of it, even being beaten up he refused to be bothered by it. But once Xia Fen becomes a child of the w.a.n.g family, that protection of the Xia family will be ruined, a mistake, would even cause the w.a.n.g family misunderstanding. Equally, going out in the future, others will only take into consideration the w.a.n.g family’s reputation, and would not like before nod and bow their heads afraid of the Xia family’s power.

Before his head touched the floor, Xia Fen had already run.

This time, only then did w.a.n.g Yun Feng really become very angry. He even sent the w.a.n.g family’s secret guards, surrounding Xia Fen in the entire city.

Who would have known this time, the worn out child would be like a mud fish in the mud, slipping and sliding away, his short little legs were definitely seen, moving closer to capture him, not even able to catch the corner of his clothes. He also didn’t go to the academy, the Xia family also naturally didn’t know where he was.

Xia Ling Mei heard the housekeeper talk about this, she was also slightly anxious in her heart. w.a.n.g Yun Feng had brought Xia Fen back too easily, the w.a.n.g clan leader also spoke too nicely, the Xia family also agreed far too quickly, everything was going according to plan, instead it made her worry a little.

This influential family, any one thing was linked in countless ways to other matters. On paper Xia Fen was Xia Ling Mei’s adopted son, but in a moment adopted son became biological son, even more w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s first son, this itself touched upon the distribution of power in the w.a.n.g family. Xia Ling Mei remembered the issue with Wu s.h.i.+, the second branch of the family wouldn’t allow w.a.n.g Yun Feng to smoothly and rightly gain a six years old son of his first wife, if this was so, the order of the other family branch’s children would drop down a position. In this w.a.n.g family the difference between the t.i.tle of oldest young master and the second young master was only one word, the difference however in treatment and position in the family was as big as night and day. If Xia Ling Mei recalls correctly, the eldest son of the second branch’s first wife ought to be eight years old, because the first branch never had a son, that child was regarded as the w.a.n.g family’s raised as the eldest son of the first wife, the glory and pampering was more than normal.

Right now what she was most worried about was, Xia Fen had unexpectedly disappeared just like that. The w.a.n.g family, Xia family, there wasn’t even a trace in the entire Beiding city.

Xia Ling Mei for a split second lost her mind. She dispatched the secret guards by her side, rather like throwing a net to look everywhere, even the guards at the city gate were questioned by the secret guards.

The quiet and imposing imperial city was like a large dragon, with a red gilded body silently gazing at the people in the Beiding city.

Autumn October, the river water violently surged up the embankment, submerging a great number of fertile lands, numerous victims of disaster.

At the same time, there were complaints presented to the emperor of imperial censor w.a.n.g using his status for personal reasons, using public office to avenge private wrongs, accepting bribes, slandering officials memorial to the emperor was also pet.i.tioned to the emperor’s defence table. In the same month, one after the other accounts books of the flood damage incessantly flew into the imperial city, and in the imperial court, one by one the court chancellors targeted w.a.n.g Yun Feng, each of the disaster-stricken cities and towns were places w.a.n.g Yun Feng had investigated corrupt officials, of course w.a.n.g Yun Feng had been unable to make the officials accept bribes, making false counter charges against numerous officials devoted to their country in court, furthermore privately annexed the twice a year springtime allocated funds by the imperial court, thus causing the embankments to not be filled in, disaster into danger.

Numerous mouths unhurriedly, jabbing into someone’s backbone.

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Wife, I Want to Eat Meat Chapter 52 summary

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