Wife, I Want to Eat Meat Chapter 62

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The torrential rain over these past few days stopped, most of the injured were able to walk around for a bit, go seek for their lost family. Gathering in the temporary wooden house laughter gradually could be heard, even the burned and buried corpses in the ten li radius stopped burning for two days, unable to see the dusty smoke rising in tight spirals.

The Hua family’s carriage after leaving the city gates was unable to move, there were tents everywhere outside the city gates, the tops covered with pieces of straw, dried up branches and patched household clothes, there wasn’t a single road wide enough for the carriage to pa.s.s through. The accompanying maids covered their noses in distaste, the fragrance on their handkerchief mixed with the body odour emitting from the victims, fragrant and smelly, even the wild dogs struggling to survive felt that smell a.s.saulted their noses, even smellier and more unpleasant than corpse.

The Hua family’s carriage driver had been prepared at an earlier time, they prepared a sedan chair, sitting inside the carriage was the family’s invaluable young lady, her beauty could not lightly be seen by the dirty common people. Not using a carriage, then she’ll go forth in a sedan chair, the surrounding married woman still saw that tightly wrapped hat on that young lady’s head.

Because it was November, the hat was adorned with the whitest rabbit hair, four or five layers of gauze, all were the colour powder pink, the young lady’s attire was a honey peach double layer jacket and skirt, most of the white soft top of her bosom was covered by her hat’s gauze, a scarlet cloak wrapped around her beautiful graceful body, only revealing a little bit of white which caused people to be lost in their wild and fanciful thoughts, making people drool. She was like a rainbow blossoming from the edge of the dusky horizon, it was indeed beautiful, but ill-timed.

Xia Ling Mei had hurried here just a moment ago, the people of the court had already sent people to find w.a.n.g Yun Feng. She did not want to reveal her ident.i.ty, so she waited with the ordinary people who followed here. So much supplies, it couldn’t be said to be too much, it could definitely be said to be too little, it could only be given to the most scarce people. 

The people who had come on the road had already thought about it, first ask the person in charge Lord w.a.n.g what to do, if he couldn’t decide, or if it was unevenly distributed, then the supplies voluntarily delivered by the people would be distributed by the people themselves. Since ancient times, amongst the people there were always some who were not loyal to the imperial court and imperial family.

Xia Ling Mei watched the top of that sedan chair pa.s.s by the worn and broken tents of the victims, turning the corner of where there was a concentration of wooden houses, it looked like the entrance to a village, the officials of the imperial court also just now entered over there. Xia Ling Mei made a gesture, getting a few shadow guards to follow her, going in together.

It was less chaotic here than by the city gates, it was much more orderly, many houses were open widely, a faint smell of strong medicine floated out from the houses, from time to time a person’s stuffy cough or moan could be heard, and there were people helping each other to walk around outside. Xia Ling Mei saw one of the Xia family’s physician, guessing w.a.n.g Yun Feng should be around here somewhere, and not knowing what he was busy with, whether he had eaten properly and taken his medicine, living amongst the victims outside of the city, he must not get along with the officials inside the city, it seems like he could never get along with the people of the court, just like a hedgehog, whoever gets close will be injured, over time people would rather stay away from him, and not wish their bodies to be cut up by him.

She saw some officials coming out of a large courtyard not too far away, and outside, that gorgeous sedan chair was also stopped at the doorway, the fragile invaluable young lady was carefully supported in.

Xia Ling Mei drew in a breath, beginning to grind her teeth.

w.a.n.g Yun Feng that immoral and despicable person, wherever he goes he always attract rubbish love interest, he needs a spanking!

Ai, that’s not right. That temper of w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s, it was useless for other people to like him, he would only invest effort in thinking about people he loved, just like Xia Ling Mei. 

Before and after he liked her, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was completely acting in two different manners. Maybe, this invaluable young lady had come on official business? Seeing those decorated clothes, it wasn’t a rushed manner of an official’s young lady, instead it was only a conceited peac.o.c.k who doesn’t understand the way of the world and brought up in the lady’s private room, perhaps she is the daughter of some great family.

As she was thinking, another familiar person walked in front of her line of sight, ai, isn’t it that Juan Shu who is more chatty than a crested myna?

Xia Ling Mei covered in dust had a rare smile since she had left Beiding city, totally oblivious that inside the house w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s brows were about to crumble.

He did not think, after sorting out that group of officials, the influential families would get 

restless and start wanting to dig an escape route from within.

Even though the w.a.n.g family was hundreds of years old, but because those who entered the imperial court were imperial censors, the position of imperial censor was a job that offended people, there were very few people they were friends with, there were always some sort of contradicting view with those of the influential families. Thus, the w.a.n.g family was cleaner than clean, as a result was placed in an important position of the emperor even easier, of course, it was even easier to eradicate them.

Originally everyone thought w.a.n.g Yun Feng was the same as his father, an incorrigibly stubborn yet more stubborn old mule, therefore the officials distance themselves from him, the influential families also didn’t want to have dealings with him, watching him under pressure outside Zhuozhou’s gates. They didn’t expect, this person was fair and honest on the outside, but there was some metal beneath the surface, unexpectedly sorted out the corrupt officials to use money to buy peace. The officials wouldn’t fish money out of their own pockets, naturally they wanted to force the influential families and merchants. The merchants were in a powerless position, but the influential families were a mixed bag, having found out about w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s status, one by one they pondered over how to pull him into this puddle of mud.

They became aware, is easy to gain a reputation from disaster relief, disaster relief makes it easy to get people’s attention, the reconstruction after the disaster was the most important thing, it could turn a hen into a chicken farm.

The influential families and merchants were staring at that piece of fatty meat, losing their minds one by one.

The biggest influential family in Zhuozhou the Hua family, not knowing whether the master was truly not at home or there were other reasons, everyone else who came were all grandfathers, young masters or old men, and his family unexpectedly sent this Lady Hua.

“Lord w.a.n.g, you can call me Bao Xia.”

At that time, w.a.n.g Yun Feng was missing the crown prince so much. With that little perverted dragon here, any witty woman would be dallied by the little pervert until she was too ashamed to face anyone. Sadly, the crown prince had left after w.a.n.g Yun Feng had dealt with the corrupt officials, after all he could only travel outside for a month, he must rush back to the Imperial city before the end of the year.

w.a.n.g Yun Feng never knew how to reject women, back then he was like this to Xia Ling Mei who chased after him, now confronting Hua Bao Xia he was also the same. He could only give a cold greeting to the other person then, give her the cold shoulder, afterwards without lifting his head he discussed matters with other people who had come to handle affairs.

When Xia Ling Mei came in carrying a bowl of medicine, Hua Bao Xia was just sitting at the side bored, and a group of people surrounding w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s desk was arguing about something. There was no one who showed interest or provocation towards the appearance of this invaluable young lady, clearly people were already used to it.

Xia Ling Mei stood at the door, like a timid and cautious young wife, not daring to go in and interrupt their important matter.

“This is Lord w.a.n.g’s medicine?” Hua Bao Xia reclining on the back of the chair, inquired with a bit of interest to the wife who had just entered.

Xia Ling Mei cautiously nodded her head, looking a bit wooden and lifeless.

“Carry it over to this young lady.”

Xia Ling Mei did not move, her mind was on w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s deep and hoa.r.s.e coughing sound. That person must not have rested well, his throat was already hoa.r.s.e, and while he was discussing with others his voice was neither high nor low, the haughtiness beneath the surface of a scholar from time to time appeared a little, unreasonably causing the people around to not be please. However, no one dared to slap the table and loudly argue, even the people who were so angry they were red in the face would subconsciously look to a particular corner.

There was a not very big table, spread out on the table were many papers, it wasn’t certain what was drawn on those papers, piled everywhere in a mess, and there was a writing brush thrown on the table, no one had picked it up. Looking from the door, behind the table there was a not very wide couch, on the other end of the couch a black head could be seen. Under the carelessly gathered bedding a bit of a blade was exposed, black hair fallen onto the face, the naked blade against it looked like it had just been refined in the blacksmith’s stove water, carrying a cold air.

They didn’t know who it was behind that table, curled up he still made other people feel panicky, not daring to recklessly do anything.

Xia Ling Mei’s eyesight probably wasn’t too good, she directly overlooked      that couch to the other wall where it was hung with weapons, swords, pikes, shuttles, concealed weapons, they filled the wall. When the rare sunlight of the winter came s.h.i.+ning in, a person’s reflection could be seen s.h.i.+ning on the sharpest edge of blade.

Before Xia Ling Mei took a step, she saw an enraged maid come running in front of her, without the slightest hesitation with a lightening move of the hand she s.n.a.t.c.hed the bowl of medicine from her hands: “Do you not have ears? Did you not hear what my young lady said.”

Xia Ling Mei turned her head, and saw that bowl of medicine in Hua Bao Xia’s hands, then, that sweet and delicate young lady with an extremely gentle intonation, successfully cut through the numerous people surrounding w.a.n.g Yun Feng doing their work, again extremely kindly and bashfully delivered the bowl of medicine to w.a.n.g Yun Feng: “Lord, you ought to drink your medicine.”

Xia Ling Mei believed, the people in the house couldn’t help just now s.h.i.+ver.

w.a.n.g Yun Feng didn’t even lift his head, “Put it down” maybe, he simply didn’t distinguish whether the person who delivered the medicine was male or female, incessantly taking out another list of items, this was the checklist for the supplies which had just been delivered, he should send someone reliable to check it.

Lifting his head to look over, immediately seeing Hua Bao Xia and changing directions to the numerous temporarily recruited inferior subordinates. Most of them were victims who were scholars who had studied before, and there were some village heads, compared to all of Zhuozhou’s local official, the victims knew even more what they needed to do themselves, that way they can do even better.

Hua Bao Xia in due course leaned her body, somewhat worried, somewhat complaining: “My Lord, even if you’re busy you have to look after your body.”

Someone laughed: “That’s right, my Lord drink the medicine first, if there’s something to do just arrange for us to do it.”

w.a.n.g Yun Feng cast a glance at the man who had interrupted the conversation, that first-rate brocade clothing, and the tablet hanging at his waist indicated the other person was a member of an influential family. w.a.n.g Yun Feng did not trust people easily, raising his head slightly, he yelled: “Juan Shu.”

“Reporting back to Lord w.a.n.g, Juan Shu has just been called away by a physician.”

w.a.n.g Yun Feng again looked around once, indeed Juan Shu’s silhouette could not be seen, again lowering his head: “Call him over, just tell him there’s something I need him to do.”


w.a.n.g Yun Feng paused, thinking this voice was somewhat familiar. He subconsciously 

rubbed his temple, did he imagine it? It wasn’t enough to have his son by his side, he still 

imagined Xia Ling Mei to keep him company. Apart from the fact that it was not allowed for an official on a mission to bring his wife and children, Xia family wouldn’t allow Xia Ling Mei to come to the disaster area to impose on his reputation.


He shook his head and opened his eyes, seeing that married woman slowly walk out of the house, why does that back look more and more familiar?

He suddenly stood up: “You, hold on!”


T/N: Poor guy his wife is not going to be happy haha

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Wife, I Want to Eat Meat Chapter 62 summary

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