Wife, I Want to Eat Meat Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

"Wife, I want to eat meat” 《娘子,我要吃肉》Chapter 75   Zhuang Hei Zi’s impression of the young children always remained at the perception of Zhuang Sheng. The Zhuang Sheng in his memory, even though he used insignificant skills to threaten people, but that youngster never truly used the weaknesses to harm others.  Thus he looked upon Zhuang Sheng with the mindset of an older brother, even if the other person turned into a `flower thief` insulted by everyone.   Zhuang Sheng once joked that even if he was a thief, he was still an `elegant thief`. He liked girls good-looking and kind-hearted, appreciate their purity and ignorance, and watched their pretentiousness, even taking pleasure in watching them use all their scheming ways to obtain power and preference, thereby stained by blood.   His `elegance`, is a th.o.r.n.y rose, it’s the b.l.o.o.d.y tear left behind by the smiling faces of women.   Xia Ling Mei’s laugh was very straightforward, it was brisk amongst the women of the  Jianghu, but behind her smile there was a coldness of a woman of an influential family. When Zhuang Hei Zi saw Xia Ling Mei for the first time, unconsciously he wanted to get close to her. Because they were brothers, towards their mothers reliance on them, the longing for love was also similar, they could see through the weakness behind the woman’s strength, but preferred the resolution in her weakness.   Xia Ling Mei unconventionally forced that resolution to the highest point, like a precious stone wrapped up in a multi-coloured jadeite, it could be even brighter.   When Zhuang Hei Zi found out about the grat.i.tude and grudges between Xia Ling Mei and Zhuang Sheng, he unconsciously cut off another kind of possibility with Xia Ling Mei. Her child…Zhuang Hei Zi narrowed his eyes a little, so that he could only see the rays of light from the blazing sun after it had snow flickering on top of the heads of the children who were half his size.   “So it’s a fire fox, I had thought it was some amazing unusual beast.” The young princess looked at the wildly holwing little beast trapped in the cage, rather dully shrugging her shoulders: “At Wanyan city, a common merchant can obtain a fire fox. Two years ago my daddy used more than ten foxes to make me a fur coat, I got tired of wearing it”   Zhuang Hei Zi felt the sun was slightly big today, the snow was melting at a slow pace. How is he feeling a bit warm. He covered the cage well once more: “These goods have to be sent overseas to various islands. Those islands are not civilised, they haven’t seen much of the world. Fire foxes to use Dayan, naturally isn’t counted as a rarity.”   w.a.n.g Zi Feng standing to one side grumbled at the young princess: “You are too pampered, a little bit cold and you need to wear fur and fur clothes, if you fell in the sea then it’ll be bad, no matter how much you swim you wouldn’t be able to get out.” Previously the emperor had deployed a supervisor to control the pirates, it was extremely annoying and hateful to see people using their position to bully others. That year the sea wind started to wreak havoc, the supervisor urgently won his battle and reported back he had completed his mission, every day urging General Xia to send troops. w.a.n.g Zi Feng naughtily and mischievously, on a certain gusty day, kicked the other person into the sea, fortunately General Xia had long been prepared, having tired a rope around the supervisor’s waist, so it wasn’t as bad as him being buried inside a fish’s stomach, but that fur coat to defend against the cold truly could kill, almost dragging him to his death in the sea.   “When I was on the s.h.i.+ps, uncle Xia told me, animal fur isn’t as good to sell as shark fin.” w.a.n.g Zi Feng used his hands to demonstrate the appearan

ce of a shark fin, seeing it the young princess’ mouth watered: “I know, shark fin is really tasty, but there aren’t many in Wanyan city, and very expensive. Next time ask uncle to send some home, we’ll sneakily ask the kitchen to make some to eat.”   The crown prince really couldn’t bear to see these two’s gluttonous appearance: “What’s so amazing about shark fin, there’s a lot at my home, just come to mine tonight to eat.”   Both of the young princess and w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s eyes shone: “Good, good!” In any case the crown prince was the heir to the throne, eating it won’t mean anything to him.   Zhuang Hei Zi coughed once, continuing to encourage them to look at the rare animals.  Before they approached this cage a strong fishy stink could be smelled, in the middle was an even bigger black iron cage, no other goods were placed in its surroundings, only several brightly burning braziers, before you got close you can feel a layer of oppressive murderous intention.   Before the young princess had taken a step forward, the crown prince had pulled the two younger sister and brother to a stop.   Zhuang Hei Zi stood behind them, and not knowing which switch he had touched, the boards surrounding the cage came apart, exposing a golden maned beast inside the cage. Bronze looking pupils, thick hair hanging from its neck. Ears erect, its four limbs crouched onto the wooden floorboards, a touch of flesh still on the fingernails of its claws, it was just opening its large mouth tearing into a lamb. Seeing three unfamiliar faces, immediately it climbed out from that pile of dead meat, roaring, colliding with the secure looking cage. The crown prince nervously held the two other people back, his back stiff yet he maintained a wantonly fearless att.i.tude, only he himself knew, if that beast had any indication of rus.h.i.+ng out from the cage, he would without the slightest hesitation run away with the people beside him.   The young princess was the oldest, even though she was a girl yet her courage was nevertheless not as weak as the usual young ladies who stayed at home. Her eyeb.a.l.l.s were spinning around, smiling she asked Zhuang Hei Zi: “It’s so big! What is it? Why have I never seen it before.”   Zhuang Hei Zi laughed behind the three of them: “It is a king lion of the desert. In a second it can catch and feed on a deer, its sharp claws can rip apart any animal’s throat, its teeth can easily break the bones of people, eat up internal organs, bite apart the intestines, gnaw on the thigh…”   The crown prince slowly turned his head around, his pair of eyes were already a narrow slit from smiling: “Uncle Zhuang knows this very well. Is it because before, you have fed it human meat before?”   Zhuang Hei Zi stared blankly, unfathomably pulling out an apparently right but actually wrong smile: “Young prince what do you think?”   w.a.n.g Zi Feng swiftly crouched down, both hands touching the ground, his little head raised high, lowly muttering something. The crown prince attentively listened, to one’s surprise: “Tear it apart.”   Immediately everyone was started, not knowing why w.a.n.g Zi Feng was suddenly acting like this. Only the crown prince faintly thought of why, lowering half his body, seeming to be quite relaxed he was already actually pus.h.i.+ng down on w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s shoulders: “Does Zi Feng like it?”   “Tear it apart.”   “What happens after killing it? Make it into a fur coat for your mother, or stew it for your father as a supplemental soup?”   w.a.n.g Zi Feng blinked, the entire evil aura around his body almost completely disappeared abruptly, smacking his lips: “It can be eaten?”   The crown prince nodded: “Of course.”   w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s eyes glowed, together with the young princess they glanced at Zhuang Hei Zi who had no idea what was going on, speaking at the same time: “I want it!”   The young and tender sound of a child, with a desire to eat. Firmly, a manner which cannot be refused by people, apparently they only wanted a seemingly a little bit savage doggy, take it back to stew soup.   Zhuang Hei Zi was promptly both amazed and stutter: “You’re not scared of it?”   The three brats spoke together: “Scared ya!”   Zhuang Hei Zi broke out in cold sweat: “Then you still want it?”   “Because we’re scared, that’s why we want to eat it!” The three brats were in high spirits, looking like a hungry ghost watching the long tooth sharp clawed lion.   The crown prince first staked a claim: “I want its hair to make a scarf, it’s so s.h.a.ggy it must be very comfortable.”   The young princess raised her and loudly declaring: “I want its p.e.n.i.s, set aside for my daddy to eat!”   w.a.n.g Zi Feng immediately said: “I want its kidney, it’s the most tender and most soft, for my mother to eat to supplement her waist. The rear legs can be for my father to supplement his legs, forelegs will be for me to eat myself, and the brain…”   The crown prince interrupted him: “The brain should be dried in the sun to make a specimen, I want to hang it in my study!”   In the time to pour out a cup of tea the three people had discussed how to divide up the lion, at the same time holding Zhuang Hei Zi’s clothes moving it side to side: “Give it to us!”   Zhuang Hei Zi couldn’t help take a step back: “This…this isn’t mine, it’s a good delivered to the to the hired bodyguards office by a client.”   The three brats by no means cared about that, they pulled at Zhuang Hei Zi’s clothes, unconsciously they pulled him to leave the courtyard. Not far away, a young lady came running over hurriedly, seeing w.a.n.g Zi Feng she unconsciously released a sigh, then yelling: “Brother Hei Zi.”   “Luo Er, you’ve come at the right time, quickly take the visitors to sit…”   “We want the lion!”   “`Sigh, sigh`!”   “Give us the lion!”   “Brother Hei Zi.”   Maybe it’s because the great noise caused by the three children that aroused other people’s suspicions, perhaps the hired bodyguards office confidentiality of its good had greatly dropped, the news that there was an unusual animal in the hired bodyguards office spread like wildfire, every day people with or without business wanted to come and take a walk around the hired bodyguards office, take a look at the unusual animal. What more there were officials who heard that the crown prince on that day had gone out in disguise, made a mental connection with the unusual animal, then intentionally or otherwise sought out the manager of the hired bodyguards office, wanting to take that unusual animal out, to give to the crown prince as a birthday present.   This not even the palace, within two days even w.a.n.g Yun Feng heard, he was very unhappy with his son running out to play.   Lord w.a.n.g was angry, w.a.n.g Zi Feng’s luck had run out.   After being continuously followed around by the devil for days, w.a.n.g Zi Feng ran to Xia Ling Mei to complain: “Mother, father won’t allow me to eat meat.”   w.a.n.g Yun Fen followed behind his son, hearing these words he also complained to Xia Ling Mei: “Even I don’t eat meat, why should he eat meat.”   Xia Ling Mei was baffled by this: “Do we not have any money in the residence? We can’t even eat meat.” That can’t be right, every day she ate black-boned chicken, pigeons and swallow’s nest, she didn’t hear the housekeeper say the residence was so poor they couldn’t cook. Although she didn’t manage the household much now, but the w.a.n.g family couldn’t become so dest.i.tute so quickly?   w.a.n.g Zi Feng hugged Xia Ling Mei’s waist, rubbing his head lightly along her belly: “Father forbids me from eating meat, I’m so hungry. Father also punish me to copy books, not allow me to go out and play, not allow me to practice martial arts, not allow me to go fis.h.i.+ng, not allow me to climb walls, not allow me…” repeatedly saying not allow, it perplexed Xia Ling Mei so much her head spun.   She slapped w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s extended claw, staring at him: “You bully my son!”   w.a.n.g Yun Feng was treated quite unfairly: “He’s also my son.”   “Yet you won’t allow him to eat meat.”   w.a.n.g Yun Feng moved his son away, he himself held his wife in his arms to ma.s.sage and knead her. He heard the physician say, after the belly begins to swell up, pregnant woman’s waist is likely to be limp and painful, it’s always good to ma.s.sage it every day. But Xia Ling Mei did not fall for this right now, wherever he touched Xia Ling Mei would push away, w.a.n.g Yun Feng said lowly by her ear: “The father has to starve, where is there the principle of the son not supporting him.” His hand moved slightly further below her belly, with complete suggestion: “The physician said it’s already been four months…”   Xia Ling Mei was stupefied, only feeling the nice and warm breathing of the person at her ear, heating up her cheeks until red, she couldn’t help turning her head once more to stare at him: “But you still won’t allow him to practice martial arts?”   “In February he’ll be going to Bailu academy, before he was a year behind everyone, his martial arts isn’t bad, his studies are a total mess, currently I only merely changed his four hours of practice to two hours of martial arts.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng cast a glance at w.a.n.g Zi Feng, “you know the last time he went out to play, how long he played for? What wrongs he caused? Moreover he’s restless in the residence, he went as far as to jump into the fish pond to catch koi, now it’s January, what would happen if he caught typhoid? Also climbing walls, do you know who he climbs walls to go out and see?”   Xia Ling Mei’s complexion was even more red, this was just hair-splitting: “If my son wants to climb walls and climb over them, once he’s gone over the wall that is his ability. Besides, my son, even if he made a mistake, you still can’t take away his food!”   w.a.n.g Yun Feng regretted it so much his teeth itched, Xia Ling Mei was so pregnant, that temper of hers changed day to day, any reasoning did not make sense with her, coincidentally this son was the best at finding his mother to support him, if it carries on like this, he as the father would have no status.   He suddenly grabbed his son throwing him outside the courtyard, coldly calling out for someone: “Bai Yan, keep an eye on him, if he doesn’t write the from memory for me today, he won’t be allowed even to eat.” With a bang he closed the door, blocking his son’s protests outside the doors, with a rush of energy he ran into the house, grimly smiling at the stubborn Xia Ling Mei: “I think, we should properly discuss the question of our son’s education.”   Xia Ling Mei had already not seen w.a.n.g Yun Feng’s chilly expression for a very long time, she couldn’t help feel a little dread, yet her neck was still very stiff: “You speak, I’ll listen.” w.a.n.g Yun Feng had already picked her up and carried her into the bedroom: “My reasons are very simple, once I eat my fill, naturally our son would also have meat.”   From the bedroom only Xia Ling Mei’s screech of rage out of humiliation was heard, after the sound of `ping ping pang pang` for a time, vaguely the sound of the husband and wife’s words of love could be heard, these, as a son w.a.n.g Zi Feng did not understand.   Seems like, from the start w.a.n.g Zi Feng did not understand what was different between him and his daddy eating meat.

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Wife, I Want to Eat Meat Chapter 75 summary

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