My Doggie and I Part 12

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"It is, sir--Robin Slidder, at your sarvice," replied the urchin, giving me a familiar nod. "'Ope your leg ain't so cranky as it wos, sir.

Gittin' all square, eh?"

I repressed a smile with difficulty as I replied--"It is much better, thank you. Attend to what Dr McTougall has to say to you."

"Hall serene," he replied, looking with cool urbanity in the doctor's face, "fire away!"

"You're a s...o...b..ack, I see," said the doctor.

"That's my purfession."

"Do you like it?"

"Vell, w'en it's dirty weather, with lots o' mud, an' coppers goin', I does. W'en it's all suns.h.i.+ne an' starwation, I doesn't."

"My friend Mr Mellon tells me that you're a very good boy."

Little Slidder looked at me with a solemn, reproachful air.

"Oh! _what_ a wopper!" he said.

We both laughed at this.

"Come, Slidder," said I, "you must learn to treat us with more respect, else I shall have to change my opinion of you."

"Wery good, sir, that's _your_ business, not mine. I wos inwited here, an' here I am. Now, wot 'ave you got to say to me?--that's the p'int."

"Can you read and write?" resumed the doctor.

"Cern'ly not," replied the boy, with the air of one who had been insulted; "wot d'you take me for? D'you think I'm a genius as can read an' write without 'avin' bin taught or d'you think I'm a monster as wos born readin' an' writin'? I've 'ad no school to go to nor n.o.body to putt me there."

"I thought the School Board looked after such as you."

"So they does, sir; but I've been too many for the school-boarders."

"Then it's your own fault that you've not been taught?" said the doctor, somewhat severely.

"Not at all," returned the urchin, with quiet a.s.surance. "It's the dooty o' the school-boarders to ketch me, an' they can't ketch me.

That's not my fault. It's my superiority."

My friend looked at the little creature before him with much surprise.

After a few seconds' contemplation and thought, he continued--"Well, Slidder, as my friend here says you are a good sort of boy, I am bound to believe him, though appearances are somewhat against you. Now, I am in want of a smart boy at present, to attend to the hall-door, show patients into my consulting-room, run messages--in short, make himself generally useful about the house. How would such a situation suit you?"

"W'y, doctor," said the boy, ignoring the question, "how could any boy attend on your 'all-door w'en it's burnt to hashes?"

"We will manage to have another door," replied Dr McTougall, with a forbearing smile; "meanwhile you could practise on the door of this house.--But that is not answering my question, boy. How would you like the place? You'd have light work, a good salary, pleasant society below stairs, and a blue uniform. In short, I'd make a page-in-b.u.t.tons of you."

"Wot about the wittles?" demanded this remarkable boy.

"Of course you'd fare as well as the other servants," returned the doctor, rather testily, for his opinion of my little friend was rapidly falling; I could see that, to my regret.

"Now give me an answer at once," he continued sharply. "Would you like to come?"

"Not by no manner of means," replied Slidder promptly.

We both looked at him in amazement.

"Why, Slidder, you stupid fellow!" said I, "what possesses you to refuse so good an offer?"

"Dr Mellon," he replied, turning on me with a flush of unwonted earnestness, "d'you think I'd be so shabby, so low, so mean, as to go an' forsake Granny Willis for all the light work an' good salaries and pleasant society an' blue-uniforms-with-b.u.t.tons in London? Who'd make 'er gruel? Who'd polish 'er shoes every mornin' till you could see to shave in 'em, though she don't never put 'em on? Who'd make 'er bed an'

light 'er fires an' fetch 'er odd bits o' coal? An' who'd read the noos to 'er, an'--"

"Why, Slidder," interrupted Dr McTougall, "you said just now that you could not read."

"No more I can, sir but I takes in a old newspaper to 'er every morning', an' sets myself down by the fire with it before me an'

pretends to read. I inwents the noos as I goes along; an you should see that old lady's face, an' the way 'er eyes opens we'n I'm a tapin' off the murders an' the 'ighway robberies, an' the burglaries an' the fires at 'ome, an' the wars an' earthquakes an' other scrimmages abroad. It do cheer 'er up most wonderful. Of course, I stick in any hodd bits o'

real noos I 'appens to git hold of, but I ain't partickler."

"Apparently not," said the doctor, laughing. "Well, I see it's of no use tempting you to forsake your present position--indeed, I would not wish you to leave it. Some day I may find means to have old Mrs Willis taken better care of, and then--well, we shall see. Meanwhile, I respect your feelings. Good-bye, and give my regards to granny. Say I'll be over to see her soon."

"Stay," said I, as the boy turned to leave, "you never told me that one of your names was Robin."

"'Cause it wasn't w'en I saw you last; I only got it a few days ago."

"Indeed! From whom?"

"From Granny Willis. She gave me the name, an' I likes it, an' mean to stick by it--Good arternoon, gen'lemen. Ta, ta, Punch."

At the word my doggie bounced from under my hand and began to leap joyfully round the boy.

"I say," said Robin, pausing at the door and looking back, "_she's_ all right I 'ope. Gittin' better?"

"Who do you mean?"

"W'y, the guv'ness, in course--my young lady."

"Oh, yes! I am happy to say she is better," said the doctor, much amused by the anxious look of the face, which had hitherto been the quintessence of cool self-possession. "But she has had a great shake, and will have to be sent to the country for change of air when we can venture to move her."

I confess that I was much surprised, but not a little gratified, by the very decided manner in which Slidder avowed his determination to stand fast by the poor old woman in whom I had been led to take so strong an interest. Hitherto I had felt some uncertainty as to how far I could depend on the boy's affection for Mrs Willis, and his steadiness of purpose; now I felt quite sure of him.

Dr McTougall felt as I did in the matter, and so did his friend the City man. I had half expected that Dobson would have laughed at us for what he sometimes styled our softness, because he had so much to do with sharpers and sharp practice, but I was mistaken. He quite agreed with us in our opinion of my little waif, and spoke admiringly of those who sought, through evil and good report, to rescue our "City Arabs" from destruction. And Dobson did more than speak: he gave liberally out of his ample fortune to the good cause.

That evening, just after the gas was lighted, while I was lying on the sofa thinking of these things, and toying with Dumps's ears, the door opened and Mrs McTougall entered, with Miss Blythe leaning on her arm.

It was the first time she had come down to the drawing-room since her illness. She was thin, and pale, but to my mind more beautiful than ever, for her brown eyes seemed to grow larger and more l.u.s.trous as they beamed upon me.

I leaped up, sending an agonising shoot of pain through my leg, and hastened to meet her. Dumps, as if jealous of me, sprang wildly on before, and danced round his mistress in a whirlwind of delight.

"I am so glad to see you, Miss Blythe," I stammered; "I had feared the consequences of that terrible night--that rude descent. You--you--are better, I--"

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My Doggie and I Part 12 summary

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