The Connected - Exiled Part 25

The Connected - Exiled -

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"You have thirty seconds and then we're gonna start shooting." Frank hollered through the megaphone.

"Cret!" They both said together, followed by soft laughter.

Venus needed to go. Plus, she didn't want Michael getting hurt. Shooting her wouldn't be a big deal. She'd be dead soon anyway, and Zaren couldn't be hurt by bullets, but Michael could.

"Michael, go."

He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. It happened so suddenly, she sucked in, only for a second. As before, it seemed like time stopped for them. His lips caressed hers, pressed her mouth open. She responded with such force, she surprised herself. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer, their bodies touching. He lifted her and she wound her legs around his hips. One of his hands held her head, his fingers laced through strands of her hair while the other roamed her body. The smell of him-pears and suns.h.i.+ne-filled her senses as their lips continued in a steady, perfect rhythm.

After what seemed like seconds, she heard someone-Zaren-clear his throat.

"Venus, we have to leave." He spoke with a quietness that brought her back to reality.

She released Michael, her breathing ragged. He reluctantly let her down, their fingers finding each other's and entwined. His eyes held hers captive. She wanted-what? To stay? To die?

"Here, will you take this? To remember me." He pulled the book he'd been reading from his back pocket and handed it to her. It was ent.i.tled: Love Poems & Sonnets of William Shakespeare.

She took it and held it to her chest. "Thank you, Michael. I'll never forget you."

He nodded as he worked to get his emotions under control. "And I'll never forget you, Venus."


He raised a hand in farewell. She placed her palm against his briefly and then he turned and went through the living room, to the front door. His pain, his sorrow lingered on her fingertips. She knew he didn't want their new relations.h.i.+p to end this way. Neither did she, but what other choice did she have?

Venus moved to watch him. He turned the handle and pulled, but before he went through, he paused and looked back. Unspoken words hovered on his lips.


He walked out the door, taking a piece of her with him. It hurt. An agonizing cry escaped her mouth. She covered it, surprised. Then walked to the kitchen, where Zaren waited. She couldn't look at him. Too sad. Too embarra.s.sed.

"I'll need to carry you."

She allowed him to pick her up. The back door had already been opened. She could see cars and men in green, but they wouldn't stand a chance. Zaren could run faster than bullets.

"Ready?" he asked.

49. Never Say Good-bye.

Letting Venus go hurt like h.e.l.l. When she was near, he felt more himself-like the person he was supposed to be. The further she went, the stronger the pain in his chest grew, like their connection was being ripped out.

As he headed out of the house, Frank ran toward him, gun aimed at his chest.

"Don't move!"

What an idiot!

Frank patted him down. Michael thought about hitting him, but a sense of right grounded him. Kept him in check. He needed to be here for a reason.

"What were you thinking?" Frank shouted.

Michael shrugged. "She shouldn't have been in that place. Venus didn't kill my mother." Michael took a steadying breath, catching Frank's cinnamon and bourbon breath. He s.h.i.+fted his gaze from the crisp, dead gra.s.s to Frank's livid face, refusing to back down.

"That doesn't matter. She. Is. An. Alien. Don't you get what that means? What she meant to us?" He grabbed Michael by the arm, dragging him toward the street. Michael went along, following his instincts.

"You were going to kill her. I couldn't let that happen."

Frank stopped and shoved Michael against a white van. "I should've known you'd side with them!" Frank stalked off, speaking into his walkie-talkie.

Michael pushed away from the van, bugged. Bugged that Frank was such an a.s.s. Bugged that he'd had to let Venus leave. Bugged that he had to stay behind, at Vinny's house, of all places, while Venus and Zaren left. Where was Vinny? He seemed to disappear whenever he, Zaren and Venus were together. He hadn't been around when they'd gone riding, and he was gone now . . . Again he went over the night his mother died. He'd been at the ranch with Chev, Venus, Zaren and . . . Vinny hadn't been there at all, except near the end. Was Vinny a . . . alien? The dude was friends with Zaren and Venus. He'd always known Vinny ran faster than normal. The jerk had seemed different right from the beginning.

Realization of the truth nearly knocked him over. Of course Vinny was an alien. He'd never seen him, or Zaren for that matter, wearing boots like hers, but that didn't mean they didn't have them. All sorts of questions bombarded him. Michael had a feeling Vinny had the answers. He also knew the answers wouldn't make him happy.

Still he had to know why. If Vinny was responsible for his mother's death and the others, that meant he was a part of The Order. Maybe he was The Order-the leader. Confronting him might get Michael killed. Frank had said, and Venus confirmed, that Earth's resources were useless. Where did that leave him? How could he defeat an unbeatable opponent?

But, what other option did he have? There was no way he'd sit back and allow Vinny to continue to kill innocent people . . . that is, if Vinny was involved.

He is, a voice spoke into Michael's mind. With that murmured confirmation followed the knowledge that Venus could prove a valuable ally. If anyone knew how to kill a kelvieri, she would. Or Zaren would.

Michael ran over to Frank and blurted, "I know who killed mother."

Frank said into the walkie-talkie, "Hang on." The two of them were standing next to a white van. "Is that thing still in the house? Are there more?"

"No, she isn't. You already know that, though. I'm sure one of your people saw what happened and told you." Michael rested a hand on the van door handle.

"Some of the men did say they saw a girl in a young boy's arms . . . and then it was like they vanished." He stuck his gun into a holster inside his jacket, turned to Michael and continued, "Do you know how that's possible?"

Michael shook his head. "No. You probably know more than I do. But, Venus doesn't matter. I know who does. What are we going to do about it?"

"You're a fool! I've already told you, we can't do anything to the one we've been chasing! We could've studied the female! We need her back!"

Michael had learned a long time ago to block out whatever Frank said when he got like that. Michael watched his face, the fury burning in his eyes, the way each word spat from his mouth. He shoved Michael against the van. He knew Frank would try to hit him next and he was ready. When Frank's fisted hand came up, Michael blocked with his left arm and slugged Frank in the face with his right. It felt amazing!

"Jerk," Michael shouted. It dawned on him that Frank was the second person he'd surprised with a fist to the face that day. With Sharon he'd felt bad. Frank, on the other hand, he'd enjoyed. "Another thing. I don't even know where she is."

Frank recovered and tried to hit Michael again. Michael sidestepped and smugly watched as Frank's fist smashed into the metal van. "Uuugh," he let out a pained howl. "Don't you get it? Without her, we have nothing." He'd grabbed his right hand in his left and cradled it. "We were on the verge of discovering their secrets. She was in a weakened state."

"She didn't know anything. She couldn't have helped you. Vinny . . . the one that murdered mother is different-changed. His species are called kelvieri. They're immortal. Venus isn't the same as him." Michael knew Frank was right, though. They could've cut her open. Studied her. Learned secrets their race possessed. Maybe they even could've discovered the next technological advance. Michael didn't give a cret. No way would he let anyone harm her.

"Kelvieri." Frank said the word so soft, Michael wasn't sure he'd actually heard it. "It doesn't matter, anyway. We've other ways to track her." He moved away, pulling the walkie-talkie out of his back pocket. Then he stopped and turned back. "You'd better hope we find her or I'll kill you, personally."

Michael smirked. "Still great at the threats, I see."

Frank turned away, speaking into his walkie-talkie.

Michael watched him go, the length of his stride, the straightness of his shoulders . . . He hated Frank now more than ever. Frank had come into his life for more than his protection. Michael had needed Frank to understand Vinny, what he'd be dealing with. Michael could've been grateful, but there were too many physical and emotional scars blocking the emotion.

Frank was still the same manipulative jerk he'd known as a seven-year-old. It wasn't love that demanded he protect Michael. The death of his mother-Catherine-brought Frank into his life. But Michael guessed Frank had ulterior motives. He felt certain not too many people outside the agency knew about A.L.T. and lived to tell.

Now that he felt positive Vinny was the killer, (still didn't know how he knew) he saw only one option. Find Venus and ask her to tell him how to destroy the alien monster.

Find her, Michael. Hurry!

Swiftly, he tore into the house. There had to be some clue, like a detailed instruction booklet, called: How to Find an Alien AND Her s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p, somewhere in the house.

Once inside, it became apparent he'd have to locate Venus another way. Swarms of white-garbed government people with all sorts of weird gadgets were ransacking the house. Michael tried to go into Vinny and Zaren's room and then the room he figured Venus had used, but it was no use. A.L.T. had flipped the bed, knocking bedding all over the floor. They'd ripped everything off the shelves and pulled clothing, socks and underwear out of drawers. The closet had been torn apart as had the cabinets in the bathroom, kitchen and pantry. No way he'd find anything in that mess.

So Michael left.

He walked toward the stolen jeep and climbed in. Everyone was so busy doing their own thing, they didn't notice when he drove away.

"Good-bye, Frank."

He turned off Orchard Street, and flipped on the headlights. Michael figured he should head back to the place where he'd first seen Venus, in those mountains near the Colorado border, but as he headed down I-25, a feeling whispered he should turn around. Yanking the steering wheel, he crossed the median and headed back the way he'd come.

When he reached Happy Jack Road, he knew he was going in the right direction. The road twisted and turned, but he stayed on it the whole way, until he reached a state park. It was gated shut. He climbed out and shoved the double chain-linked fence opened.

About a mile into the park, the roads changed from pavement to mud and snow. Inky blackness surrounded him, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. Every so often he had to slam on his breaks as an animal darted into his path. A deer stopped and looked at him, its eyes glowing, before running off.

Carefully, he steered the jeep over the rocky, dip-filled road. Gigantic pine trees, quaking aspens, spruce and fir trees stood dense on either side, their branches heavy with snow.

The further in he drove, the worse the terrain became to navigate, until what he'd thought was road ended suddenly at the edge of a cliff. He stopped and got out, the night air freezing the inside of his nose each time he inhaled. Venus had taken his coat with her so all he had on were his s.h.i.+rts. They weren't doing anything to keep him warm, and he shook uncontrollably.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and peered over the edge of the cliff. His eyes were growing accustomed to the dark and he could see the thousands of treetops below. It didn't seem possible for a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p to be hidden down there. He walked past the jeep and back down the road a ways, listening for any alien s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p-type sounds (not that he knew what it'd sound like). All he heard was the crunching of his boots in the snow, the hoo-hoo of an owl in a tree somewhere, and a raging stream.

The sky above seemed endless in its blackness. Not a star in sight.

Michael sighed.

How had he thought he'd be able to find her this way-on a feeling? Idi- The sound of coughing ripped through the air.

50. Love Is A Battlefield.


Michael took off in the direction of the noise. The thick trees and rocky terrain, along with the fact that it was dark, kept him from going too fast. Every once in a while he'd stop so he could listen again-make sure he headed in the right direction. But it'd been more than long enough and he still hadn't found them. The final time he slid to a stop, Michael knew he'd arrived.

He could hear voices. And, a lot of coughing.

He wasn't sure what he expected to see when he came upon them-a s.h.i.+p, flying penguin creatures or even a unicorn . . . Instead he only saw the two of them-Zaren and Venus. They were in a small clearing next to . . . emptiness. Snow covered the ground. Trees surrounded them, as though they were sentries, guarding Zaren and Venus from harm.

But, there wasn't a s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. No flying contraption. Or anything else. Only the two of them, whispering.

Venus still had on his coat and wore that stupid hospital gown along with her boots. Her hair hung long, touching her waist. It glimmered, as did the pale skin on her legs. A gnawing started low, in his gut, and spread through his limbs. She looked gorgeous, drowning in his jean jacket, the slit of the hospital gown going up, barely covering her body underneath. His body tightened with longing. But she coughed again and one thought drowned out all others.

Save her.

He had to help her get back.

"Venus," Michael called out, moving forward. She turned, and even in the moonlight it was obvious she suffered. Dark shadows sunk deep under her eyes, her face looked ashen and he could hear her wheezing. "Venus," he said again when he reached her.

"Michael. How did you get here?" she asked softly, as though it hurt to talk.

Zaren stormed over and grabbed his shoulder, his grip like steel. "Why did you come? You've put us in danger."

"Let go, Bluto." Michael tried to pull out of his grasp, but it was like trying to move a bulldozer. He didn't budge. "I came to ask a question . . . and to help." Venus put a hand on Michael's arm. Her eyes tore into him, questioning. But he could tell she was happy to see him, too. "Venus, I'm sorry. It's . . . I think-"

Whirring from a helicopter blade thudded from a distance. Michael could also hear the revving and screeching of engines and brakes.


Frank said they had another way of tracking Venus. Maybe they'd found her without Michael's help. Either way, they were up cret's creek without a paddle.

"Great," Zaren yelled, letting go. He ran back to where they'd been standing when Michael had first arrived.

Michael watched a s.h.i.+mmer ripple through the air. And he realized a s.h.i.+p of some sort was there, hidden. "That's effin awesome."

"Michael, what did you need to ask?"

He glanced at her, working to discern the look she gave him. She moved her hand to his. Her skin was freezing. He bent toward her, resisting a strong need to press his lips against hers one more time-hold her again. Doing so would only increase his desire, his love for her. Michael could see she was in such pain, every breath a challenge. Yet she still helped him, giving him what he wanted.

How could I have been so dense? He touched her cheek with his fingertips, trying to memorize her face. He couldn't fathom how he'd ever, for one second, believed that Venus murdered his mother.

On the other hand, it was simple to see Vinny had the opportunity. His motives were still unclear. Probably the leader of The Order, but that didn't give Michael the real answer. What did The Order have to do with killing humans? It seemed to Michael the murders accomplished nothing. The marks were a part of it, but there had to be more. Right now it didn't matter. Once he had a weapon that could kill Vinny, the what's and why's to his questions would follow. He hoped Venus knew of a way to destroy Vinny. She had to . . . "Vinny killed my mother," he finally blurted.

Zaren, who'd been doing what looked to Michael like a pantomime of touching a lover, asked, "How do you know this?"

Frustrated, Michael said, "I'm not sure. A . . . I just feel he's the one behind The Order and the killings." He knew he sounded stupid, but he also didn't know how else to explain it.

"A feeling? That's what brought you up here-endangered Venus. A feeling?" In a flash, Zaren stood in front of Michael, furious. "You're the most!-"

Venus interrupted. "Actually Zaren, I believe him. I've felt there's something off about Vinny for a while, but kept pus.h.i.+ng those thoughts aside. I didn't trust myself. I should've listened." She turned to Michael and continued, "What can I do?"

"I need a weapon or whatever it is your . . . kind use to destroy kelvieri. There must be . . ." Michael stopped because Zaren shook his head. "Are you saying once your kind become immortal, there's isn't a way to destroy them?" If that were the case, then humans were in serious trouble.

"Of course we have ways of killing kelvieri. Even immortals must die if they dishonor the laws, but why would I share that knowledge with you-with a human? That's your species answer for everything. Kill. Demolish. It's why your kind won't last another millennia."

Rage ignited. Moving closer, so he and Zaren were toe to toe, he said, "This human wants to destroy an alien immortal because he's killing my kind, for his own sick purposes. It isn't wrong that I want to stop him."

Venus placed a hand on each of the guys chests, trying to force her way between them. "Stop it, both of you. We need to go. Listen."

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The Connected - Exiled Part 25 summary

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