Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation Part 23

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He releases my c.l.i.t with a pop, hooks his fingers deep, then presses into me over and over.

"Yes," I moan as waves and waves of energy build within me.

"You're gonna come hard in a minute, darlin'. Don't fight it." Beau's voice breaks through my haze. His fingers keep pressing up into me, harder. Faster. Up and down.

He's right. I can sense it everywhere. I'm on the edge of something explosive. Heat coils through me. My breath is shallow, not giving me the oxygen I need to keep a clear head.

He pushes in deeper, presses up harder, and then the explosion hits me. An o.r.g.a.s.m, unlike anything I've ever had before rolls over me. Starting in my toes and ending in my nose, it shatters through me. Wave upon wave crashes over me, drowning me in pure ecstasy. Digging my heels into the bed and my fingers into my hair, I rear my hips up, taking Beau's hand with me and begging for more. He doesn't still or stop, his fingers milking my new favorite spot.

"f.u.c.king beautiful." His voice is raw, like it hurts him to speak. His hunger becoming palpable, dancing over the surface of my skin in a soft low whisper.

"Never-" I start to say, but give up, too high on l.u.s.t to form a coherent sentence.

After what feels like an eternity, when the pulse starts to dull, my hips return to the bed, and Beau's fingers slide out of me and glide up to my c.l.i.t.

"No more, Beau." My legs squeeze together in protest, trapping his hand.

"One more, darlin'," he coaxes, using both hands to pull my knees apart, and pus.h.i.+ng them back down to the bed.

Pressing the flat part of his thumb against my swollen c.l.i.t, he starts rolling it in slow, gentle strokes.

"I can't." I fight it, knowing what he's trying for. My c.l.i.t is on fire, my body is spent and I'm pretty sure my face is numb.

"It's happening, darlin', and you're gonna watch it." The wave builds again the harder he rubs against me, and in less than ten seconds, I'm close once more.

"Eyes on me, Kenzie," he warns, flattening my c.l.i.t.

"Oh, G.o.d, Beau. It's too much." The coil starts to unravel, surging and cras.h.i.+ng over me.

"Now." He growls as the first squirt of my o.r.g.a.s.m hits his face. "f.u.c.k, yes," erupts from his mouth as he leans in closer.

Holy s.h.i.+t.

Rolling harder on my c.l.i.t, he flicks his tongue out as the next small burst sprays from me, catching it with his mouth.

"OH, G.o.d. OH, G.o.d. OH, G.o.d!" I half chant, half scream as he continues to press down on my c.l.i.t. The o.r.g.a.s.m is short, but powerful as he lets me ride it out.

Holy s.h.i.+t, that just happened.

I'm done.


Possibly dead.

Beau releases his finger from my now bruised c.l.i.t, and then dives in. His tongue laps up everything I just gave him with a hunger I haven't seen before.

Where the h.e.l.l did that come from?

"f.u.c.k, Kenz. s.e.xiest f.u.c.king thing I've seen." He moves his body back over me, hovering above me.

"I can't even right now, Beau," I tell him then watch a triumphant grin spread over his face. His beard glistens with my arousal and it might just be the s.e.xiest thing I've ever seen.

"You come like that for everyone?" I don't have it in me to be shy about it. It's only happened twice before, both times on my own.

"Only on my own." His eyes darken getting my drift, and I need to end this now before he asks for more information. "Your beard," I whisper as I reach up.

"Never was.h.i.+ng it again." He s.n.a.t.c.hes my hand away and leans in, nuzzling against my jaw, and down my neck.

"Jesus, Beau." I squirm against the dampness of his scruff. He slides to the other side, showing the same attention. Claiming me with my own scent.

"Now I can smell your c.u.n.t all day." He places his nose to my neck and inhales loudly. "f.u.c.king delicious. Now, get on your hands and knees. My b.a.l.l.s are about to explode after seeing you come that hard." It doesn't take being told twice to roll onto my stomach and find my knees before pus.h.i.+ng up with my arms. His hands spread my a.s.s cheeks apart and he slides the tip of his c.o.c.k between my lips. The cool metal of his piercing hits the hood of my c.l.i.t and I whimper at the sensitive touch.

"I'm gonna take you hard, darlin'. I need it, baby." I nod, letting him know I need the same. Instantly, he drives himself into me, filling me in one deep thrust.

We both cry out in unison, his piercing giving me a new level of pleasure with the different angle. I move my hips in small circles, adjusting and allowing myself to take all of him.

"d.a.m.n, Kenz. Stop." The quick pinch of fingers at my side has me stilling.

We stay like this for a few seconds, both of us unmoving. My heart pounds erratically at the thought of him releasing more power over me.

I'm about to tell him I need more when he rocks into me, slow to start with, before building his stroke deliberately. The bar that sits on the underside of his c.o.c.k glides over the ridges of my walls stroking me like nothing I've ever felt before. It's like my own ma.s.sager, adding a whole new level of pleasure to work with.

"One day, when you're ready, I'm gonna take your hands and tie them behind your back, and f.u.c.k you like this." His words are like an electric current running through me, setting every nerve ending on fire.

Would I let him tie me? Allow him total control?

"You're gonna f.u.c.king love it, darlin'," Beau answers my silent question, and the way he says it makes me believe him. So I don't argue. I just let my body relax into it and let him take what he needs. What we both need.

"Tell me you want it, darlin'," he pushes, needing my words.

Always words.

"I want it, Beau. I want you to do it," I confess, giving myself over to him. I'm not sure I'm ready right now, but the thought of being tied under him excites me more than I thought it would.

"I will." His strokes build faster, harder, more controlled. Then when I think I can't take it anymore, he reaches around, flicks my c.l.i.t once and I'm coming apart under him.

"Beau, yes!" I scream, letting the o.r.g.a.s.m hit me and take me under, dragging me beneath a wild current and forcing me to swim. His piercing drags out my o.r.g.a.s.m, pulling me along a little bit further as he succ.u.mbs to his own release.

"G.o.d, yes. f.u.c.k, darlin'," he grunts out, before sinking his teeth into my shoulder.

"Holy s.h.i.+t, Beau." I buck at the unexpected pain, then soothe myself as his hips slow. His breathing is harsh, but his strokes are gentle so I take comfort in it. This is Beau. Hard and soft. Rough and smooth. For every action, he controls my reaction and I can't help but be drawn into it, into him.

"We're gonna be late," I whisper, my voice scratchy from crying out. My words break the moment, causing him to still.

"I decided we're not going. We're staying in bed, not leaving here till I have my fill." He gently slides out of me and then rolls off to the side.

"But we have to go help." I follow him down, falling to my back.

"Not anymore. You're not feeling well." He reaches for his s.h.i.+rt to help me clean up. I let him wipe himself from between my legs then watch him throw his s.h.i.+rt back on the floor.

"I'm not?" I roll toward him and rest my head in my palm.

"No, you have a fever and you're going to need bed rest for at least a few days." I can't help my grin from growing.

"You wanna play hooky with me?" I don't remember the last time I have. It's been years.

"I want to play a lot with you, darlin'. I'm just getting started." He rolls back over me and covers my body with his.

"Just getting started?" I don't know if he's talking about s.e.x or what's happening between us.

"Not ready for this to end." I hold my breath for a second as I process what I think I need to process.

"Has it started, Beau?" I ask, missing the moment we labeled what was happening. Barely twenty-four hours ago, he was fighting this, yet now he's not ready to give it up.

"Darlin', do you even have to ask?"

It's not a label or even really an answer, but I'll take it anyway.

"How can you not be exhausted right now?" I move us away from this line of questioning and settle in closer to him.

"f.u.c.king beat, but something tells me having your naked body in my bed I'm not getting any sleep."

"You could try."

"Or I could f.u.c.k you. Better yet, you can f.u.c.k me." His hands move to my waist and in one quick movement, he rolls, taking me with him. I land on top of him, his c.o.c.k starting to grow as it rests at the apex of my thighs.

My eyes fall on the small skin-colored bandage on his arm and I zone in on it.

"What happened?"

"Just a scratch," he dismisses too coolly as he rests his hands under his head and smirks up at me. "I'll give you free play. Then I'll take the lead."

"You're terrible." I shake my head, letting it go.

"I am, but you f.u.c.king love it."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

The truth is I do. I love the way he is. Love the way he speaks, the way he treats me. I love it all and yeah it scares me. Oh, G.o.d, does it scare me. What will happen when my past finally catches up with me? Would whatever is going on between us fall apart? I want to think no, but sometimes when you grow tired of running, your fears make you insecure. They pull you down and force you to live in darkness, surrounded by whatever it is you are running away from.

I didn't want to be like this anymore. I wanted something more. Even after everything I had done.

Maybe later I will rethink my actions, but right now this is what I want and I'm not going to overthink it. I have to trust this future is better than my past.

If anyone understands that it's Beau.



"We're here." Beau pulls up out front of a ranch-style house two days later. After getting the all-clear to leave the hospital, we waited until early morning the next day to leave town, driving the four-hour drive straight through.

"You ready?" He turns the van off and releases his seat belt.

"These people, I can trust them?" I ask him again. We've already gone over it on the drive here. I know he said I can trust them, but in the last two days, I've become comfortable with Beau. The thought of leaving him and trusting new people freaks me out.

"They'll take good care of you," he a.s.sures me before exiting the van, moving around the front and opening my door. With my arm in a cast, and my chest wrapped tight, I need help to move down.

"I'm going to help you down again." He steps in closer when I nod, then wraps his arm around my waist. "Careful," he whispers, lifting me into his arms. I wince slightly from the movement as my feet hit the ground.

A man and woman come down the stairs to greet us as we move around the van, both older than us. They smile and wait for us to meet them. They look like a sweet couple, but I hang back a little, still unsure.

"How you doing, Larry?" Beau reaches forward and takes the man's hand in a handshake.

"Doin' good, Beau." Larry looks to be around sixty years old. As tall as Beau, he has graying hair, a small potbelly, but a warm smile.

"Mary." Beau nods to the woman and she gives him a genuine smile. Mary looks a little younger than her husband, maybe in her fifties. Her short dark hair is blow-dried in a bob that kicks out at the ends and her face is free of makeup. She reminds me of my nan. Beautiful in a reserved kind of way.

"Mackenzie, this is Larry and Mary Canter. They're gonna be helping you for the next week."

"Hi." I offer a wave and attempt a smile, but it feels dishonest.

"It's lovely to meet you, Mackenzie." Mary steps forward, but I pull back instantly before she can get too close.

"It's okay, Mackenzie." Beau turns his body toward me and lowers his voice. "You have to trust me. They're good people." I let out a shaky breath and relax a little at his words.

"It's nice to meet you, too." I look back up at Mary and decide to trust Beau. He hasn't let me down yet. Why would he start now?

"If you want to come with me, I can show you around." Mary steps back and motions toward the front door. I look back at Beau, unsure if this will be our goodbye or if he will be hanging around a little while longer.

"Go ahead, I'll wait until you're finished." Beau answers my silent question and I relax, following Mary up the porch steps and into her home. She keeps her pace slow, allowing me to keep up with her easily. After my surgery, I've been given some good painkillers. I hadn't taken any today, wanting to be clearheaded when I arrived here.

"So, this is the kitchen and the living area." Mary walks me through her home, showing me the rooms I need to know. "You're welcome to anything, anytime. The fridge is stocked and Larry likes my baking, so there's always something to eat." I nod, acknowledging her offer, even if I won't take her up on it.

We continue on the tour, my mind not really into it. I let everything pa.s.s over me, barely taking in my surroundings with the nerves still swirling around in my belly.

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Knights Rebels MC: Infatuation Part 23 summary

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