Wild - Wildfire Part 12

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And she had done the unthinkable. She had fallen in love with him.


Her devastation was complete. Dee had never felt so furious and so miserable at the same timea"except for the last time Jake left her.

aHoney, are you okay?a Catieas voice seemed distant, like she was talking from some other planet.

The room went deadly quiet as Dee struggled to control her emotions. To keep her face from revealing how badly shead been crushed.

aIam fine.a She glanced up from her plate and forced her smile to unfreeze. The men looked uncomfortable and started eating their enchiladas again, the only sounds the of forks against plates.

A deep male voice shattered the silence, aI hope Iam not interrupting anything.a Dee snapped her head up. A thrill shot through her when she saw Jake towering over her. But his jaw was clenched, his eyes stormy gray.

Words froze in her throat and she couldnat move.

Head come to tell her goodbye.

But h.e.l.l if she was going to let him.

Jake gave the Wildsa and Jess each a quick nod. aIf youall excuse us, Dee and I need to talk.a And then he moved so fast that Dee didnat have time to react. She yelped as he grabbed her around the waist, and then her world spun as he flung her over his shoulder.

aJake!a Blood rushed to her head as she struggled against his hold. aWhat do you think youare doing?a aWhat I should have done ten years ago.a He wrapped his arms tighter around Deeas thighs and backside, trying to control the struggling woman over his shoulder.

He looked at Deeas amused friends. aYou all finish up here,a Jake said. aDee wonat be back for a good long while.a Catie smiled and gave him the thumbs up. aWeall be fine.a aWell, whatare you waiting for?a Jess said, waving toward the front door, and Catie laughed.

Jake grinned and turned on his heel and marched out the door.

Dee pounded on his back as he closed the door behind them. aYouare going to regret this.a aThen I guess Iad better not let you go.a Jake jogged down the steps to his truck, intentionally letting his hands slide under her skirt now that they didnat have an audience.

G.o.d, this desperado stuff turned him on.

aDonat do that,a she said, but her demand came out in a low moan.

He chuckled. aI seem to remember this being your fantasy.a aThatall teach me to tell you my secrets.a If he wasnat mistaken, Dee was laughing. aNow put me down.a When he stopped in front of the pa.s.senger door of his truck, he s.h.i.+fted so that Deeas legs parted. He slid his fingers between her thighs, felt her damp panties and grinned. She was just as turned on as he was.

aDonat.a Deeas voice wavered. aStop.a aDonat stop?a he teased.

aYou know what I mean.a aI know what youare saying, but your body is telling me something else altogether, sweetheart.a aYouare impossible!a Jake opened the truck door, slid her off his shoulder and plopped her onto the front seat. aWeare going to have ourselves a little talk.a aYou better believe it.a Folding her arms, Dee glared at Jake, but he saw pa.s.sion burning in her eyes. He almost groaned out loud at the sight of her denim skirt hiked up her thighs and her silky red panties peeking beneath it.

After he shut the door, he went around to the driveras side and climbed in. He stuffed the keys in the ignition, started the truck and backed out of the driveway.

Dee turned and faced him, her head tilted. aSo, where are you taking me?a Jake guided his vehicle down the dirt road, waiting a moment before answering her question. aIad intended to take you out to a restaurant, but looks like weare going to need someplace a little more private.a Because he wasnat going to be able to wait much longer before he had to f.u.c.k her.

Like now. At the side of the road. In broad daylight. In his truck cab.

aReally?a She scooted next to him and slid her hand along his thigh. aThatas good, because Iave got aa"a Her hand caressed his c.o.c.k. aa"bone to pick with you.a He gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep his eyes on the road as she continued to stroke his c.o.c.k through his jeans. aAh, Dee. Youad better ease up.a A low laugh spilled from her lips, but she refused to stop. When Jake had parked the truck in front of his apartment, he dragged her out of the truck with him. He couldnat unlock the door to the apartment fast enough to get her alone.

aWhatas this?a She eyed the weight training equipment that filled the living room. aYou turned your home into a gymnasium?a He let the door slam shut behind him. aSomething like that.a Jake gripped Dee by the shoulders and spun her around. Her eyes widened and her lips parted, but before she had a chance to say a word, he crushed his mouth to hers, hard and demanding. She returned his kiss just as frantically.

He grabbed her hips and pressed her firmly against his c.o.c.k. They ravished each otheras mouths, an incredibly wild kiss. He shoved her blouse and bra up and over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and she moaned as he covered them with his palms.

aI need you,a he groaned, tweaking and plucking her nipples.

aOh, G.o.d.a Deeas hands shook as she undid his belt, then the top b.u.t.ton of his pants. She yanked down the zipper and then his briefs, and gave a triumphant cry when his enormous c.o.c.k spilled into her palms.

He released her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to grab her skirt and pull it up around her waist. He pushed down the bikini underwear, and in a quick movement she stepped out of them.

Jake spun her and pressed her against the wall. aClamp your legs around my waist and hold on.a aHurry,a she moaned as she complied, crossing her ankles behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Jake slid on protection and then Dee cried out as he plunged his c.o.c.k into her slick core. Again and again he thrust into her as she clung to him, their mouths mating even as their bodies were.

He was so close, so close to going over the edge. He wanted to take her with him, but he didnat know if he could hold off much longer.

In the next instant, Dee went rigid in his arms, vibrating with her o.r.g.a.s.m, taking Jake over the summit along with her. While his climax shuddered through him, he slumped against Dee, her arms around his neck, his chest against hers. For a moment neither said a word, and he felt their hearts pounding in rhythm to their heavy breathing. Her orange blossom scent, and the smells of their pa.s.sion filled his senses.

Keeping Dee pressed tight against him, he carried her down the hall.

aWow. Do you ever know how to show a girl a good time.a She clung to his neck and leaned back to give him a satisfied smile. aYou can be my desperado any day.a Jake felt his c.o.c.k hardening again. G.o.d, he couldnat get enough of this woman. When he reached the small bedroom, he all but tossed her on the full-sized bed.

Eyes wide, Dee propped herself on her elbows, her skirt hiked up around her waist, her blouse and bra above her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and her sandals still on. Her auburn hair was in a wild tangle around her face, her lips swollen and cheeks flushed.

And she was wearing the heart pendant head given her.

His chest constricted and his throat closed off. He wasnat about to let her go this time. He couldnat.

Dee tried to catch her breath as she stared up at Jake. She was incredibly turned on. Again.

For countless seconds he stood over her, as though a.s.sessing what step to take next. His black hair was mussed, his face unshaven, his masculine body large and imposing, his gray eyes dark and stormy.

Slowly he removed his s.h.i.+rt and tossed it onto the nightstand. He shed the rest of his clothing, his eyes fixed on her, until he was completely naked. His c.o.c.k jutted out and she longed to touch it, to touch all of him.

Her heart pounded in her throat as Jake knelt and took her sandals off her feet. Carefully he undressed her, until all she was only wearing was the peridot heart, and then he eased her to the center of the bed and lay down beside her.

It seemed like an eternity pa.s.sed as he stroked her hair from her face, his touch gentle. Warm and caring andaloving.

He leaned over her, their eyes locked, and then he kissed her. His lips moved over hers, so tender and sweet that tears came to her eyes.

Jake pulled away and studied her. aWhatas wrong?a he asked softly, cupping her jaw and brus.h.i.+ng a tear away with his thumb. His fingers felt calloused and warm against her skin.

aMy cowboy prince.a Dee caressed the scar along his cheek, his stubble like sandpaper to her palm. aYouare not leaving me behind.a He stilled. aWhat?a aSteve Wilds told me about the promotion.a She moved both arms around his neck. aIam sorry, baby, but youare not getting rid of me that easy. If youare going to California, youare going to have company. Permanently.a The tension easing from his face and body was visible. aItas a good thing. If I had to carry you over my shoulder to the altar, I would do it.a Dee smiled. aYou werenat planning on leaving?a aAh, sweetheart.a His eyes told her the depth of his feelings. aI realized that ten years ago Iad made the biggest mistake of my life. I could never leave you again.a Warmth crept through Dee, her body tingling from head to toe. ad.a.m.n straight.a Jake laughed and rolled over to grab his s.h.i.+rt off the nightstand. He stuck his hand in the breast pocket, and brought it back out, something clenched in his fist. He let the s.h.i.+rt slide to the floor as his gaze met hers and said, aClose your eyes, Cinderella.a Tremors ran through Dee as she lowered her eyelids. Jake took her left hand and slid a metal band onto her finger. aYou can look now.a Her hand trembled as she opened her eyes and saw the diamond ring, the marquis stone glittering in the light. And on each side of the diamond, a peridot was set in the gold band.

Jakeas gray eyes focused intently on her. aI love you, Dee. Iave never stopped loving you. Say youall marry me and Iall do whatever I can to make up for all the time weave lost.a aYou b.a.s.t.a.r.d.a She flung her arms around his neck and buried her face against his chest. aI love you so much.a He pulled away from her and grinned. aIs that a yes?a aA most definite yes.a Dee cradled his jaw in her palm. aAnd Iam not waiting another minute. We can fly to Vegas tomorrow. I donat want to give you a chance to change your mind.a aThereas no danger of that.a He kissed her long and slow, then murmured, aWhy wait that long? We can catch a flight tonight.a aIall hold you to that.a She was so full of love and happiness that she thought shead explode. aWeall start packing, just as soon as you finish f.u.c.king me again.a He smiled and slid between her thighs. aI love you, Dee MacLeod.a She grabbed his c.o.c.k and slid him inside her p.u.s.s.y, giving him her orneriest grin. aYouad better, Jake Reynolds. Youad better.a


Catie Wilds pulled at her earlobe as she guided her battered ranch pickup into the parking lot of the Cochise County Sheriffas Department. Shead had it up to here with the d.a.m.n cattle rustling, and she was determined to give the sheriff a piece of her mind.

After she parked, she stormed out of the pickup, slamming the door behind her. Catie had been p.i.s.sed about Dean MacLeodas cattle being stolen, but now that the Wilds Ranch had been ripped off, it was definitely personal.

Shoving the gla.s.s doors open, Catie stomped into the reception area.

A busty brunette raised a sculpted eyebrow, her scarlet lips set in a what-the-h.e.l.l-do-you-want smile. aMay I help you?a aIad like to see Sheriff Savage.a Catie propped her hands on her slim jean-clad hips. aNow.a aI donat think heas available.a b.o.o.b Queen gave a donat-you-wish-he-was-available sniff as she picked up the phone. aLet me check.a Her temper escalating beyond eruption level, Catie glanced past the reception area. She looked into a room that was empty save for desks sporting computers and equipmentaand that sorry excuse for a deputy, Ryan Forrester.

Without so much as a by-your-leave, Catie turned on her booted heel and headed straight for Forrester. She set her gaze on stun with shoot-to-kill as an alternative if the deputy didnat give her satisfaction.

aYou canataa Miss Mega-t.i.ts spouted behind Catie.

aI need a word with you.a Catie strode right up to Ryan, propped her hands on her hips, and frowned up at him. At only five foot four, she only came up to the deputyas shouldera"but her glare was enough to cut down a man three times her size. And Catie knew how to wield her icy gaze like a sword.

Ryanas Adamas apple bobbed and he diverted his eyes, waving off b.o.o.b Woman, then turned his attention back to Catie. aWhat do you need, Cat?a aIall tell you what I need.a Catie poked one finger at his chest, punctuating each word with a jab at his s.h.i.+rt. aI need my G.o.dd.a.m.ned heifers back. I need you guys to get off your and figure out who the h.e.l.l is stealing everyoneas cattle.a Forrester stepped back. aWeare working on it.a aDonat give me that c.r.a.p.a Catie advanced on the deputy as he retreated. aGet me the sheriff. Now.a aWhat can I do for you?a A deep rumbling voice startled Catie out of her tirade and s.h.i.+vers shot down her spine.

She whipped her head to the side and her gaze locked with the most amazing crystalline green eyesa"and the hottest man shead ever seen. Her panties grew damp, every coherent thought fleeing her mind as she got lost in the pull of those magnetic eyes.

He had his hip and shoulder propped against the doorway of an office, his thumbs hooked in the pockets of his snug Wranglers. The man raised one hand to push up the brim of his tan felt Stetson as he studied her. His sable mustache twitched as he smiled, causing Catieas small nipples to harden into tiny torpedoes pointed straight at him.

Oh. My. G.o.d. For the first time in her life, Catie Wilds was speechless.

Sheriff Jarrod Savage studied the little wildcat whoad stormed into his office and had been in the middle of ripping Deputy Forrester a new one. d.a.m.n shead been cute as shead spouted off at Forrester. Jarrod had enjoyed watching the flush in her fair cheeks, how her short blonde hair s.h.i.+mmered as she spoke and the way that sprinkling of freckles made her look so d.a.m.n adorable.

Head almost hated to interrupt her. And nowawell, h.e.l.l. The desire that sparked in those chocolate brown eyes charged up his own libido and itad be a wonder if no one noticed the hardening in his c.o.c.k. Something in his gut told him this was a woman worth getting to knowa"in every way a man could know a woman.

He pushed away from the door of his office and strode toward her. aJarrod Savage,a he said as he held out his hand.

Forrester mumbled something about awork to be done,a and headed on out of the office, leaving Jarrod alone with the woman in the empty control room.

aCatie Wilds.a The pet.i.te woman drew herself up and raised her chin as she took his hand.

Her vanilla musk teased his senses, along with the current sizzling between them as he took her hand in his. He wished he wasnat on duty so he could make things a little more personal between them. aA most definite pleasure, Catie Wilds.a As though remembering why she was there in the first place, the little spitfire pulled her hand from his and stepped back. aThis cattle rustling bulls.h.i.+t has gone on long enough.a Jarrod nodded as he hooked his thumbs in his pockets. aYouare telling me.a aWell what do you intend to do about it?a Catie propped her hands on her hips, that fiery glint back in her eyes. aWe just lost fifteen heifers last night. Weare one of the smaller ranches in the area, and thatas something we sure as h.e.l.l canat afford.a Frustration at their inability to track the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds down was a fire in Jarrodas gut. aBelieve me, weare putting everything and everyone we can on it.a aObviously thatas not good enough.a Catie raised her chin. aWhatas it been? Six weeks since this whole mess started?a Jarrod ran a hand over his mustache. aI know itas not what you want to hear, but weare working on it.a aWell thatas just great.a The little wildcat spun on her heel and marched out of the control room.

He had to hold back a smile as he watched the natural sway of her slim hips as she headed out the front door, muttering something about, ad.a.m.n bureaucrats.a Jarrod s.h.i.+fted his position, trying to alleviate the new ache in his c.o.c.k.

Looked like head have to pay a visit to the Wilds Ranch.


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Wild - Wildfire Part 12 summary

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