Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands Part 45

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And there in all I see appears The heart of twice an hundred years.

Beyond, by inky steamers mailed, Point Levi's painted roofs arise, Where emigration long has hailed The empires of the western skies; And lightly wave the red flags there, Like roses of the damask air.

Peace o'er yon garden spreads her palm, Where heroes fought in other days; And Honor speaks of brave Montcalm On Wolfe's immortal shaft of praise.

What lessons that I used to learn In schoolboy days to me return!

Fair terrace of the Western Rhine, I leave thee with unwilling feet, I long shall see thy castle s.h.i.+ne As bright as now, in memories sweet; And cheerful thank the kindly eyes That lent to me their sympathies.

Go, friendly hearts, that met by chance A stranger for a little while; Friends.h.i.+p itself is but a glance, And love is but a pa.s.sing smile.

I am a pilgrim,--all I meet Are glancing eyes and hurrying feet.

Farewell; in dreams I see again The northern river of the vine, While crowns the sun with golden grain The hillsides of the greater Rhine.

And here shall grow as years increase The empires of the Rhine of Peace.

University Press: John Wilson & Son, Cambridge.

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Zigzag Journeys in Northern Lands Part 45 summary

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