The Sword, The Ring And The Chalice - The Sword Part 10

The Sword, The Ring And The Chalice - The Sword -

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Dain's throat closed in sudden grief. He thought of how he'd returned from his errand three days, no, four past, and found the tree burrow ablaze. The forge was already gone, charred to ashes. Jorb's body was a blackened, twisted thing, hacked and broken by the axe that had felled him, so broken he couldn'tcrawl away from the fire that had burned him alive along with his home. Jorb had always been a force in Dain's life, a short, surly, gruff-voiced taskmaster who liked his pipe in the evenings and who would sit watching the stars contentedly, humming along in his voice while Thia sang and Dain played accompaniment on a lute. Jorb liked his ale and his food; he was nearly as wide as he was tall. He was hot-tempered and impatient, yet he took infinite pains with the swords he crafted, turning each blade into a thing of rare beauty. And when the steady tap-tap-tap of his hammering was done, he would hone and polish, humming to the steel as though to bring it to life. His craggy face would light up and he would smile as he spoke the final words over each creation: "Kreith 'ng kdag 'vn halh."-"This sword is made."

He had taught Dain metals. He had taught Dain his skills but never his artistry. Some days as they worked together in the hot forge, Jorb would sweat and hum without uttering a single word. Other days he would talk endlessly on a variety of subjects, giving Dain the teaching, as he called it. He was father, teacher, taskmaster, friend. Behind the gruffness and stern air of authority he was kind and good, with a fondness for riddles and a love of song. And now he was dead, dead because of Dain. There was no getting past the guilt or the grief. Each time Dain pushed it out of his mind, the memories came flooding back. He could smell the sickening stench of burned flesh, the smoky stink of charred cloth. He could feel Jorb's st.u.r.dy shoulder cupped in his hand, how stiff and wrong it felt. He had dug a grave and spoken the words of pa.s.sing in the dwarf tongue. He had sprinkled salt over the freshly turned soil and crossed the ash twigs there, but his rites were not enough to cleanse what he'd done or to absolve him of blame.

He frowned, swallowing hard, and found his voice gone. He could not answer Lord Odfrey's simple question. All he could do was glance up, his eyes suddenly br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears, and nod his head.

Regret softened the chevard's face. Looking down at Dain from atop his horse, he said softly, "Dead?"

Again Dain nodded. A sob heaved in his chest, but he would not utter it. His grief was not to be shared with men. It was a private thing. His shame, he would battle alone.

But not just yet.

Mastering himself, he swallowed and struggled to speak. "Please, lord," he said in a choked voice. "I thank you for saving me. Would you also show mercy and save my sister as well?"


"My sister. She's hurt. We've come as far away as she can. When the Bnen attacked, they put an arrow in her that I cannot-" "Where is she?"

Hope filled Dain's chest. He pointed at the forest. "A league away, no more. Not far from where the stag went down. I can show you the spot, lead your men back to it, if you will-" Odfrey's gaze grew hard and intent. "What know you of the Bnen? How large are their forces?"

"I didn't see them-"

"But there's been talk, surely, in the settlements, and in your friend's burrow. You know Jorb, so you must know members of his family. When did the Bnen attack him? How long ago? Are they moving this way?"

Dain could not answer his rapid-fire questions. His legs felt so numbed by the water he could no longer feel them. Perhaps that was a mercy, for they had stopped aching with fatigue, but he did not feel steady.

In fact, as he took a cautious step forward, he thought his knees might buckle beneath him. His arm,wounded by the arrow Gavril had shot at him earlier and now cut by the whip, throbbed with a pain that hurt all the way up to the backs of his eyes. In truth, he hurt all over. And Thia was a league away, hidden in the forest, hurt and in dire need of help. He did not think she would live much longer if the arrow was not taken out. He had tried last night, and only hurt her more. This man was kind. If Dain could only find a way to reach that kindness on Thia's behalf, he knew he could save her.

He reached out and gripped the man's stirrup with his cold hands. "Please help her, for you are a kind and just lord. I only tried to take the prince's horse to get Thia food and help. She needs-" With a grunt, Lord Odfrey reached around and untied the cords securing a leather pouch to the back of his saddle. He tossed it at Dain, who caught it clumsily. "There's food enough to get you home," Lord Odfrey said. "A wedge of cheese and some bread. Now be off with you, lad. No harm will come to you on my land."

"But my sister-"

"There's food enough for her," Lord Odfrey said, already wheeling his big horse around. "Get out of this cold water before you freeze to death. I've a prince to escort and my hold to secure in case the Bnen keep coming west." Dain stared at him in dismay, knowing he had to do or say something that would change the chevard's mind.

"Please!" he called, splas.h.i.+ng clumsily. "May I go with your huntsman? If I bring her to your hold, will your healer give her aid?"

Lord Odfrey barely glanced back. "The huntsman will not be going into the Dark Forest this night. Not with Bnen as near as Jorb's forge. Now get out of the water and build yourself a fire to thaw. You'll freeze if you don't." Dain opened his mouth to call out again, but Lord Odfrey spurred his horse and rode away, splas.h.i.+ng water behind him as he went.

It was dark by the time Dain reached the little burrow where Thia lay hidden. His legs felt leaden, and he was breathing hard. He'd taken no time to build a fire. Running and trotting to keep warm, he'd hoped his clothes would dry on the way. But it was too cold, and they were still damp. The air felt as piercing as needles. When he reached the tiny clearing, he stumbled to a halt at its edge, exhausted but still cautious.

Clutching the food pouch in his arms, he ignored the hollow rumbling in his stomach and focused his attention on the clearing. The forest lay silent and still around him-too still. Dwarf scent came to his nostrils, and he felt the hair on his neck lift. Friendly or hostile, he knew not, but they had been in this clearing within the last hour or so. He drew in an unsteady breath and reached out with his mind: Thia?

Her pain flooded him. Gasping, he broke contact with her, then leaned his shoulder against a tree trunk and drew in several deep, shuddering breaths. He could tell she was worse, much worse. Grief and worry filled him. He had to do something to save her. She was all he had left. He could not bear to lose her too.

He crossed the clearing, finding it heavily trampled and littered with blackened fire stones and small heaps of still-warm ashes where the dwarves had camped. It was a mercy of the G.o.ds that they had not decided to bed here for the night. On the opposite side of the clearing lay an immense log as thick as Dain was tall. Rotting and half-covered with the vines and brush that had grown up around it, the log must have fallen years ago. Fallen leaves drifted deep against it. Dain dug with both hands, scooping dirt aside until he cleared away the shallow layer of soil that covered a lattice of woven twigs. It was perhaps the size of a fighting s.h.i.+eld. Pulling it out of the way, he thrust his head and shoulders into the shallow hole it had covered, and inhaled the damp scent of soil and worms.

"Thia?" he whispered. "I'm coming. Don't be afraid." He wriggled through the tunnel, his shoulders the sides and the top of his head b.u.mping from time to time. It was barely large enough for him. If he grew as much this year as he had last year, he would no longer fit. Little trickles of the loamy soil fell into his hair and ears, working down his neck and beneath his tunic of coa.r.s.e-woven linsey.

The tunnel angled up. Dain popped his head up into the hollowed-out center of the huge log. He found Thia lying where he'd left her, wrapped in a threadbare blanket, with leaves packed around her for additional warmth. It was warm and quiet in here. An array of glowstones resting on small niches chiseled into the wooden walls cast a soft, dim, lambent light. The burrow was snug and dry, though cramped for the two of them. It belonged to the Forlo Clan, to be used by travelers on their road to trade with upper Mandria. Spell-locked so that only members of Forlo could see its rune markings outside, the burrow was fitted with the glowstones, the musty old blanket, and a mug and a plate Dain had found spun over by spiders when they'd first sheltered here last night. They could build no fire inside the burrow, of course. It was warm enough this autumn night, provided someone wasn't afflicted with fever or s.h.i.+vering in wet clothes.

Lying still, Thia gave him no greeting. He frowned at her before looking to see if leaves were sprouting or sap had beaded up along the wooden walls. Thia's presence, he knew, should be bringing this great log back to life, but he saw no signs of it. He knelt beside her, breathing in her scent, which was mixed with the wood, leaf, and worm odors of the burrow. He smelled life in her, and relief gripped his heart so hard he squeaked out her name. "Thia!" he said, gripping her hand. It was clammy and cold. "I'm home,"

he told her, stroking her long, tangled hair back from her brow. "I'm here with you." She moaned, stirring beneath his touch as though even the gentle sweep of his fingers across her brow hurt her.

"I'm back," he said again. "And look, look at what I have brought. Food for us.

Good food. Look."

He dug into the pouch Lord Odfrey had given him, pulling out a generous chunk of cheese, fresh and soft, along with bread made of fine, pale flour and apples newly picked. The food's mingled aromas made his mouth water, and his stomach growled louder than ever.

"Thia, open your eyes and see the wealth of our supper," he said in excitement.

"This will give you strength. Wake up, dear one, and see our bounty." She moaned again, turning her head away. Dain tossed the food aside and pulled her into his arms, rocking her against him while she lay limp and unresponsive. Her long hair, usually constantly moving as though stirred by a mysterious wind, fell lank and snarled across his lap.

Pain filled his chest, a pain so deep and sharp he thought he could not breathe.

Tears spilled down his cheeks as he pressed his lips to her temple.

"Live, dear sister," he pleaded with her. "Please, please live."

Once again she stirred. "Jorb?" she asked in confusion. "He is not here," Dain said, tears streaking his face. He did not want her to think about the brutal attack. She had suffered enough. "Jorb is not here.

Open your eyes, and try to eat. You must regain your strength." She said something so soft he could not understand it. Cradling her against his knees, he broke off a small bite of the cheese and put it against her slack lips. "Try, Thia," he said, his voice shaking now even though he was trying not to sound afraid. "Please, try."

She lifted her head, tipping it back against his shoulder so that she could gaze up into his face. She smiled, yet her face looked so ghostly and wan in that dim, glowing light she seemed to already have entered the third world, where spirits dwelled.

"Dain," she said, her voice a light, insubstantial sigh. She tried to lift her hand to touch his face, but lacked the strength.

He gripped her fingers, willing his strength into her. Sobs shook his frame, and he bowed his head, unashamed of his tears. He had tried so hard to save her. The alternative was impossible, inconceivable, unbearable. "Dain," she said again. "I cannot go on."

"Don't say that! Don't give up. We're very close to a hold. We can seek help there. They are kind, these men of Mandria. I met one today who gave me the food. He will-"

"I am dying," she interrupted him.


"Dying," she said. "Little brother, don't weep so."

But he could no longer listen. Shaking with grief, he bent over her, holding her tightly in his arms, and gritted his teeth to hold in his cries of anguish. She was all he had. She had been sister and mother to him, his dearest companion. Thia was beautiful, a maiden of slender form and infinite grace. Her blonde hair fell in luxuriant waves to her knees, and in the springtime she liked to wear it unbound with a wreath of flowers upon her brow. Her eyes were pale sky-blue and wise, able to sparkle with teasing merriment or gaze steadily into the depths of someone's heart. When Dain was little, she would rock him to sleep at night, singing s.n.a.t.c.hes of incomplete songs and fragments of rhymes that she said she remembered from the before times. Sometimes, she would spin tales of a fabulous palace that stretched in all directions, a palace as large as the world itself, and filled inside with all the colors of the rainbow. She would weave tales that fired his imagination. She'd defended him from bullies until he'd become big enough to handle himself. She'd taught him manners and honesty and to be gentle with all defenseless creatures. From her, he'd learned woodcraft, how to walk through the forest without disturbing the wild denizens, how to find the pure streams that coursed hidden in thicket-choked gullies, how to tell direction from bark moss and the stars, how to let the wind sing to him, and how to hear what the ancient trees themselves had to say.

He could not imagine a world without her in it. He could not think of a day when she would not be waiting in Jorb's burrow to welcome him and their guardian home, her hair smelling of herbs and her eyes as placid as still water. She had but to sing, and her garden seeds would sprout forth, growing vegetables bursting with intense flavor. She had but to smile and the sun brightened in the sky.

That she should now lie here in this burrow far from home, battered and b.l.o.o.d.y, her slender body racked with pain from the arrow that had brought her down, spoke of great wrong and injustice. It violated all that was true and good in the world. It was a crime that called for punishment and retribution.

"Thia," he said, moaning her name as he wept over her, "don't go. We'll find a way. You can hold on just a little longer until I carry you to Thirst Hold." "A hold?" she whispered, and this time she found thestrength to smooth back his dark hair from his brow. "A man-place? You would trust men, little brother?

Has Jorb taught you nothing?"' "I would indenture myself for a lifetime if it would gain you the help of a healer," he replied.

She smiled, but her eyes filled with sadness. "My papa has been a long time coming. I tried to wait. He told me to be good and to wait for him, Dainie, but I'm so tired."

A sob filled Dain's throat. He clutched her. "Thia!"

"Find our papa," she whispered. "Go home and find him." Dain frowned bitterly. "Why should I? He cast us out and abandoned us. Orphans, he made us. Jorb is the only father I have known, or would call so." A tear slipped down her cheek. She opened her mouth to speak, but the sound never came.

Just like that, she was gone.

He didn't believe it at first. He couldn't.

"Thia?" he said, his voice carrying his shock and disbelief. "No!" He called her name again and shook her hard, but silence was his only answer as she lay dead in his arms. He rocked her, moaning her name, and his tears soaked into her hair.

In Prince Gavril's modest suite of rooms in the west tower of Thirst Hold, a fire roared on the hearth, casting a bounty of warmth and light against the icy drafts. Outside the shuttered windows, the night wind sighed and moaned, but inside Gavril and his two companions sat around a small table, cups of cider in their hands, and plotted their raid on Lord Odfrey's cellars. "We could wait till the household sleeps and sneak in," Kaltienne suggested. A thin, wiry boy with straight black hair and the eyes of an imp, he grinned impudently and quaffed another cupful of cider. "Wait for lights-out and take ourselves into the cellar while the cook's off watch. He snores enough to conceal any noise we might make. If we each carry out a pair of kegs apiece, it should take us only about forty nights of work to-" "Hush your chatter," Mierre said gruffly. "Fool's talk is not what his highness wants to hear."

"What other plan have you?" Kaltienne retorted. He laughed. "Oh, I see. Nocturnal raids would interfere with your own plans, eh, Mierre? You've caught the eye of that l.u.s.ty housemaid Atheine, the one with the mole on her-" "That's enough," Mierre growled.

Frowning, Gavril drew back from them and reached inside his fur-lined doublet to touch his Circle.

Cardinal Noncire, his tutor back at Savroix, had warned him that his fellow fosters might already be well versed in the coa.r.s.est habits of carnality. Mierre, bigger than the rest of them, with his bullish shoulders and muscular neck, seemed afflicted with a steady l.u.s.t that pursued any young female servant in the hold.

Several ambitious wenches had offered their wares to Gavril, but he had been warned about that, too.

He wasn't going to destroy his piety for a few minutes' release in the grimy arms of some turnip-scrubber. "Be glad you aren't a Netheran and forced to stay celibate until you're knighted,"

Kaltienne said with a sly grin. "I saw you with Atheine behind the barn yesterday morning. Those white legs of hers are longer than-" With a quick, apprehensive glance at Gavril, Mierre turned on Kaltienne and whacked him hard across the back. Whooping for breath, Kaltienne doubled over. His empty cup dropped from his fingers and rolled across the floor. Gavril ignored him and glared impatiently at Mierre.

The burly foster met his prince's gaze and turned a faint shade of pink.

"I beg your highness's forgiveness," he said. He was large, gruff, clumsy, and unpolished, but he was learning courtly ways fast. Gavril valued him for his strength, his growing loyalty, his ambitions, and his natural shrewdness. Mierre frowned at Kaltienne, who was still wheezing. "Kaltienne never knows whento hold his tongue."

"Pardon is given," Gavril said, but his tone was purposely curt to let them know he wanted no more nonsense. "If we may return to the matter at hand?" Mierre bent over the crudely drawn diagram of the oldest section of the hold. His sandy hair was thin and brittle, sticking out from beneath the edges of his dark green cap, which he wore tilted rakishly on one side of his head just like Gavril did. "I can try to steal a key, your highness, but there's always a guard posted at the-" "That won't do," Gavril interrupted. Turning away in frustration, he flung up his hands. "What kind of miser keeps a guard posted on his own cellar? Morde a day, but the chevard is impossible."

By now Kaltienne had his breath back. He straightened with a wince, keeping a wary distance from Mierre. ", Mierre, that hurt like the devil." "You'll get worse if you don't behave."

Kaltienne snorted. "Behave? Thod's teeth, but you're the one who can't behave.

When you-"

Mierre raised his beefy hand in menace, and Kaltienne scooted back his stool. He shut his mouth, but deviltry still danced in his eyes.

Sighing, Mierre returned his attention to Gavril, who had begun to seethe.

"Forgive me, your highness. He's forever a fool and a knave." "No," Gavril said, his tone cutting and contemptuous. "Kaltienne is a child. I shouldn't have included him in this-" "Your highness!" Kaltienne said loudly, horrified. He jumped off his stool to kneel before Gavril. "Forgive me. I was only jesting. I will do whatever you ask-" Gavril pointed at him and said sternly, "Hold your tongue." Kaltienne's face turned pale. He reached out as though to take Gavril's hand in his, but Gavril drew back.

"Say no more," he commanded. "Listen and perhaps I will relent."

Gulping audibly, Kaltienne bowed his head and remained kneeling. Gavril frowned at him with impatience. He was running out of time, and these boys were not providing the quality of help he wanted.

"Get on your feet," he said angrily.

Kaltienne jumped up at once. He opened his mouth, met Gavril's angry eyes, and closed his mouth again with a sigh.

"I don't suppose your highness could just ask Lord Odfrey to return your wine?"

Mierre asked quietly.

Gavril gritted his teeth. "I did. Lord Odfrey refused me." That had been a week ago, and his voice still reverberated with his shock and furious disappointment. No one ever refused him, the only son of the king. No one ever denied him what he wished or asked for. Except for Lord Odfrey. At every turn the chevard thwarted him. It was maddening. Worst of all, Lord Odfrey had been given this authority by the king's own warrant. Thus far, one month had pa.s.sed of Gavril's required year of fostering. Already it seemed an eternity. Thanks to the chevard's obstinance, Gavril had made no progress on his secret quest to find the lost Chalice.

Frowning, Gavril held out his jeweled cup in silence, and his lone manservant hurried forward to fill it.

The cider was a thin, brown brew pressed from the Thirst orchards. Gavril considered it a peasant'sdrink, but Lord Odfrey was as miserly a man as Gavril had ever encountered, worse even than the clerks in the royal countinghouse. The chevard served naught but water or cider at his table, except on feast-days and the king's birthday. Nor would he permit Gavril to drink from the costly and elegant wines, or Klad beer, with its kick to the stomach, or the honeyed mead from the Isles of Saelutia that he had brought with him in a wagon made specially for the purpose. That wagon was now lodged in the chevard's barn, and its sublime contents were all under lock and key inside the chevard's own cellar.

Robbery it was, nothing less. Every time Gavril swallowed the sour, thin cider he felt as though his throat had been scalded by his present guardian's thievery and discourtesy. Gavril had been drinking wine since he was seven. It was his custom in his father's palace to drink rounds with the guardsmen once a month on lastday. Among the men he had the reputation for having a hard head and a hollow leg. Therefore, he felt insulted by Lord Odfrey's a.s.sumption that he could not command his cup or that he would hold drunken revels with the other fostered boys in his rooms at night.

Even more important than Gavril's own luxury, however, were the kegs of fine mead that he'd intended to use as bribes. How else was he to win over the secret support of Lord Odfrey's knights? How else could he suborn the loyalty of the steward of Thirst Hold? Or persuade the cook to prepare meals of suitable quality for him alone? Saelutian mead was an elixir of such sweetness and flavor that a single goblet of it could make a grown man reel. Rare and costly, it was powerfully addictive and after a few sips one's palate craved it with an evergrowing fierceness. Using it instead of coin was a subtle ploy that appealed to Gavril. He aspired to statecraft of great subtlety. Cardinal Noncire had taught him that intrigue should always be as soft and quiet as a whisper, forever patient, forever relentless, alarming no one yet accomplis.h.i.+ng much. And Gavril had much to accomplish.

"Your highness," Mierre said, "I could ask the servants whether there is another way down into the lower regions besides the stair that's guarded. I think I could persuade someone to help us."

Gavril swung around, feeling somewhat appeased. At least Mierre was trying to help. "You must not give away our intentions with too many questions." "I would not," Mierre said.

Kaltienne raised his hand, fairly dancing about with his eagerness to speak.

With a sigh Gavril nodded to him. "Yes?" he commanded.

"There's a privy channel going down the back of the hold into an underground cistern," Kaltienne said. "There has to be a way to get in through the clean-out door-"

Gavril wrinkled his nose in horror.

Mierre grunted. "You can try it."

Kaltienne's eyes widened. "Not me!"

"Who of us do you expect to do it?" Gavril asked.

Kaltienne clearly had not thought through his suggestion. He grimaced and tugged at his tunic, which was wrinkled and stained with remnants of his dinner. He did not answer, and Gavril wished he had never asked Kaltienne to join this discussion. The boy was a fool, useless in planning anything. He was,however, fearless and willing to try whatever was suggested to him. "You," Gavril said to him now, "will steal a key to the cellars. I am sure you can do it."

Kaltienne brightened. "Sure," he said with breezy confidence. "All I have to do is go to the kitchens to see what food I can pick up, and I'll get it then." "Will you!" Mierre said in loud exasperation. "The cellar key is held by the wine steward. Can you get your hands on his ring of keys? I think not." "I'll find a way," Kaltienne said stubbornly, flicking a glance at Gavril, who was watching them with a grim smile.

"His highness wants me to do this, and I can."

Mierre growled. "He'll botch it, your highness."

"And you could do better?" Kaltienne said, his voice tight and angry. The tips of his ears had turned red, and fierce determination shone in his eyes. Gavril smiled to himself and knew he'd succeeded in gaining Kaltienne's loyalty. Cardinal Noncire said that once you persuaded a man to commit a risky act for you, that man was bound to your side forever. If he attempted to draw back, you could always bring his crime before others.

"I could do better," Mierre said, as stubborn as a bull. He lowered his head and glared at Kaltienne. "I'll ask Atheine to get the keys for us. Better yet, I'll see if she can't distract the guard so that we can slip past. Is that not the better plan, your highness?"

Gavril felt his ears grow hot. He swung his gaze away, refusing to let anyone see his embarra.s.sment. He had been sheltered until now, raised in his father's palace, kept from the roughness of other boys, tutored by an official of the church. He was not opposed to carnality, although the Writ cautioned against impropriety and unnaturalness. In fact, Gavril had carefully laid plans to indulge himself with a woman as soon as he finished his quest. But until he found the Chalice of Eternal Life later this year, he intended to remain chaste. He swallowed hard, banis.h.i.+ng certain images from his mind, and mastered his composure sufficiently to face the other boys again.

Kaltienne was smirking, making lewd faces at Mierre and licking his lips. Mierre's face held caution. The larger boy was learning to watch Gavril, to gauge his moods, and to please him accordingly. He had boasted of his s.e.xual exploits during their first week here, but after Gavril's scathing denunciation, he boasted no longer.

The silence seemed to unnerve him. Hunching his big shoulders, he ducked his head. "If my plan displeases your highness, I-" Gavril lifted his hand. "Can this servant girl be trusted?" "She need not know anything except what I wish for her to do," Mierre said arrogantly. "A gift will make her willing."

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The Sword, The Ring And The Chalice - The Sword Part 10 summary

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