The Tale of Timber Town Part 66

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"What house?"

"I was pa.s.sing along the street, when through the door of a public-house I saw the prisoner throw or kick Isaac Zahn into the street, and he fell on the pavement at my feet."

"Can you remember the name of the public-house?"

"It was The Lucky Digger."

The barrister sat down, and looked at the ceiling of the Court--he had finished his examination--and the Judge motioned the fair Rachel to stand down.

The next witness to be sworn was Amiria.

"Do you remember the 3rd of March last?" asked the Crown Prosecutor.

The brown eyes of the Maori girl flashed, and, drawing herself up with dignity, she said, "Of course, I do. Why should I forget it?"

"What did you do on that day--where did you go?"

"I went for a ride, though I can't see how that can interest you?"

"Did you go alone?"


"Who accompanied you?"

"Mr. Scarlett."

"Indeed. Where did you ride to?"

"In the direction of Canvas Town."

"Well, well. This is most important. Did you accompany the prisoner all the way?"

"No. We parted at the last ford before you come to the mountains, and I returned alone to Timber Town."

"What time of day was that?"

"Between nine and ten in the morning."

"And which way did the prisoner take after leaving you?"

"He crossed over the ford, and went towards Canvas Town."

"Thank you." Then the counsel for the Crown turned to the Judge. "I have finished with the witness, Your Honour," he said.

"But I have not finished," cried Amiria, lifting her voice so that it rang through the Court. "There were others on the road that day."

"Ah!" said the Judge. "I understand you desire to make a statement?"

"I desire to say that at the ford were four horrible-looking men."

The Crown Prosecutor laughed. "Yes, yes," he said. "You would tell the Court that there were others on the road besides yourself and the prisoner. What were the names of the men to whom you refer?"

"I don't know. How should I know their names?"

Again the Crown Prosecutor laughed. But Scarlett's counsel was on his feet in a moment.

"Would you recognise them, if you saw them again?" he asked.

"I think so," answered the Maori girl.

"What should you say was their occupation?"

"I don't know, but they looked much more like murderers than Mr.

Scarlett did."

"Look if you can see the men you speak of, in Court."

The dark girl glanced at the sea of faces on the further side of the barrier.

"They may be here, but I can't see them," she said.

"Just so. But do you see any persons like them?"

"In dress, yes. In face, no."

"Very good, don't trouble yourself further. That will suffice."

And Amiria was ushered from the Court.

"Call William Tomkin Tomkinson."

The Bank Manager stood trembling in the box, all the timidity of his soul brought to the surface by the unusual situation in which he found himself.

"What quant.i.ty of gold do you suppose your agent, Mr. Zahn, was bringing to town when he was thus foully murdered?" asked the Crown Prosecutor.

"I really don't know the exact amount, but I should imagine it was between 15,000 and 20,000."

"You know the prisoner?"

"I have met him in the way of business?"

"What was the nature of his business?"

"He came to ask the Bank to send an agent to the field for the purpose of buying gold."

"And you told him you would send one?"

"I called Mr. Zahn into my room. I told him he would be sent to the field, and I suggested that the prisoner should conduct him to Canvas Town."

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The Tale of Timber Town Part 66 summary

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