Quarry In The Middle Part 6

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"Twenty K it is."

We went back inside to talk some more.

Chapter Five.

A line of trees defined the far end of the Paddlewheel parking lot, the moonlight a memory now, the sky doing its darkest-before-the dawn routine. Around four-thirty a.m., I nosed the Sunbird into a slot next to the river in the last row of s.p.a.ces, flush against those trees. The lot was still about half-full, the deputy parked four s.p.a.ces down, where he'd backed in to better fulfill his security duties.

A trick of surveillance is to sit in the back seat and-since the deputy was asleep-he didn't notice me get out and make the s.h.i.+ft to the rear.

The lot had four light poles, two on either side, and was rather under-illuminated, which helped me blend into the darkness of the back seat. I got comfortable. I'd made a run back to the motel and was now in black-black t-s.h.i.+rt, black jeans, black socks, black running shoes, even my f.u.c.king underwear was black. All it would have taken for full commando was some black smeared under my eyes, but I didn't go overboard. Also, I couldn't risk black gloves, because that would stand out in this summer weather, whereas the black attire could otherwise be just a fas.h.i.+on choice.

By four-forty-five, the lot had cleared out. Most of those heading for their cars were flat out staggering, and I was glad I wasn't going to be out on the road with them where it was dangerous. Not that Deputy Fife paid the obvious drunks any heed. At least he'd woken up when a slamming car door had delivered him a wake-up call.

By five-fifteen, the deputy was gone and the lot had cleared out but for a dozen cars toward my end-employee cars-and waitresses and satin-vested security guys and other workers came staggering out, too, presumably not drunk, just night-s.h.i.+ft beat. As these cars were pulling out, Monahan in his green Buick Regal glided in, and backed into the deputy's now vacant s.p.a.ce.

He didn't glance my way-the employee cars were all down at this end, even Cornell's (a navy-blue Corvette), so Monahan surely a.s.sumed the Sunbird was one of those. I was slouched in back, and I doubted he'd made me. He probably wouldn't recognize the Sunbird, either-if he'd paid that much attention to me, he would either have bailed by now or dealt with me over at the Wheelhouse.

No, I wasn't on the p.r.i.c.k's radar. I'd bet my life on it. Not a figure of a speech.

Pretty soon, if Richard Cornell was staying true to his pattern, he would be exiting the Paddlewheel and loping all the way across the lot to his Corvette, making long shadows as dawn presented itself. Monahan would hit the gas, work up some speed, and pretend to be heading for the exit down by the building, but would swerve and smack Cornell like a bug on a winds.h.i.+eld. If this didn't clearly kill Cornell, Monahan would back up and make sure a wheel crushed the mark's head.

Then Monahan would be gone, headed somewhere to dump the vehicle.

But Cornell wouldn't be coming out of that building, not any time soon, at least. And I knew that if I didn't make my move soon-before it got suspicious that the Paddlewheel's impresario wasn't sticking to his pattern-then the Vehicular Homicide specialist would hightail.

This wasn't a science. I could only predict so much. But Monahan wouldn't be here if he'd checked in with his blond back-up man, or I should say tried to check in with him. As far as Monahan likely knew, the blond kid was somewhere over near that farmhouse, watching his partner's back. My sense was that I was on top of this thing.

So I went into my act.

I played at waking up in the back seat, yawning and blinking and rubbing my face, like a drunk who'd crawled back there to sober up and had just come around, now that rosy-fingered dawn had slapped him awake.

I got out of the Sunbird's back seat with all the subtlety of a street mime, making sure the nine millimeter Browning nudging my spine didn't show. I came around as if to get in front, behind the wheel, then paused and looked right at Monahan, seated behind his own wheel, and squinted, and grinned, as if noticing an old, dear friend.

Staggering some, I headed right for him, not quickly; his window was down and his bland insurance salesman's face was turned my way, the expression blank but the eyes tight with irritation and perhaps, yes, suspicion.

"My pool pool buddy!" I said, sloppily, holding out my arms and hands like Jolson singing "Mammy." "Pal! You got a sec?" buddy!" I said, sloppily, holding out my arms and hands like Jolson singing "Mammy." "Pal! You got a sec?"

He said, "What?" Seldom in the history of mankind has that word been uttered with less enthusiasm.

I leaned against his car like a drive-in waitress. "I tried to sleep it off, dude, but I am still drunker than s.h.i.+t. Can I hitch a ride to the motel? Pretty please?"

This was delivered in an imitation drunk fas.h.i.+on, not as broad as Foster Brooks, but I was pus.h.i.+ng it.

He looked up at me coldly, then turned his face toward his winds.h.i.+eld. He nodded toward the road. "I'm waiting for somebody. It's not that far. You can-"

He was probably going to say, "Walk it," but we'll never know, because I reached a hand in behind his head and slammed his forehead into his steering wheel. It didn't knock him out, much less kill him, but stunned him enough to give me time to take the nine millimeter out of my back waistband, gripped by the barrel, and swing it around like a hammer.

It was a good swing. The b.u.t.t crushed bone like crisp fresh celery snapping and sank in deep enough to bring back blood and brains. He flopped onto the rider's seat, which put him out of view except for me and maybe G.o.d, and was a good thing.

I leaned in the window and wiped the gun off on his green polo s.h.i.+rt, gore and prints, then opened his rear door and tossed the weapon on the floor.

Then I went back over to my Sunbird, got in and started it up, and backed it around so that the two cars made an L putting my tail as close as possible to his, which made for a quick transfer of the dead stiff (and the blond kid was very stiff now) from my trunk into his.

I moved my Sunbird back to where it had been, then (in black leather driving gloves now) returned to the Buick Regal and shoved Monahan's corpse over to make room behind the wheel. Except for the smell of s.h.i.+t-Monahan had evacuated on dying, and I don't mean escaped from the car-it went fairly slick. Maybe two and a half minutes had pa.s.sed between my asking for a ride and my climbing behind his wheel.

After buckling up and getting all the windows down, to get some f.u.c.king air in and make the stench more tolerable, I pulled out and soon was on the old twolane highway along the river, which at this hour was deader than Monahan. The sun was still low when I pulled over where the curving road had just this little gravel ap.r.o.n where you could stop and get out and take in the beautiful Mississippi river view. I did this. The river was so orange with dawn, it was d.a.m.n near red. I had a look at the drop-off into the trees that lined the riverbank-you couldn't see the bottom. Must have been five, six hundred feet.

I stood there waiting and listening but nothing human or mechanical touched my ears-just nature sounds, birds and the rush of water and maybe a distant dog bark. I got in the Buick and drove it to where the front tires were almost over. Then I got out again, reached in and shoved the gear s.h.i.+ft into drive and ducked back before the vehicle took me with it.

Then the Buick and Monahan and the blond kid in the trunk were flying faster than the motor was taking them. The first loud sounds were trees breaking up and leaves getting ripped apart but the explosion blotted that out, the balloon of orange and red and yellow jumping up above the trees, then immediately dissipating, which was good. I'd have hated to see all those trees go. There was another road down there, and with any luck some rural volunteer fire department would get there in time to help out Mother Nature. Monahan and the blond kid were past it.

I walked down the bluff to the little picnic area where I'd been told to wait, and it felt longer, but only four minutes had pa.s.sed before the sporty little red Subaru stopped to pick me up.

I got in and looked over at the woman behind the wheel.

"I heard it," Angela Dell said, looking pale and older in the early morning light. "My G.o.d, it sounded horrible."

"It looked fine," I said. "Take me to the motel. Want some breakfast?"

She had coffee. We were in the same rear booth where Monahan and the kid had schemed, yesterday, though she didn't know that. The irony was mine alone to savor, but I wasn't bothering, being more interested in the scrambled egg skillet and pancakes.

Back at the Paddlewheel, last night-or actually, this morning, but in the early pre-dawn hours-I'd asked Cornell if there was anyone he could trust.

We were still in his bachelor-pad office.

"I trust my wife," he said.

"I mean somebody reliable who wouldn't mind getting their hands a little messy-second-hand, but messy. I want to get rid of this guy, who's coming to run you down, in a way that won't come back on you."

"What do you have in mind?"

I told him if I shot the f.u.c.ker, we'd have a dead guy-actually two dead guys, counting the blond kid-in the Paddlewheel parking lot to either explain or get rid of. I said that if I could stop the guy but leave him and his buddy in the remains of what seemed to be an automobile accident, that would be less likely to come back to him. With all the after-hours drinking going on in Haydee's, there had to be the occasional drunkdriving death around here.

"Yes," Cornell said, nodding, eyes narrow in thought, "and I know just the place to stage it. You'd have to drive forty miles, but it would put it in the next county, far enough away to provide a cus.h.i.+on."

"Yeah, a cushy-poo would be good," I said.

"Are you making sport of me?"

"Think of it as good-natured fun, and not meanspirited ridicule. What I need is a ride back, and I'd rather not have it be you. I wouldn't think your wife would want to be part of covering up killings. Anyway, your marriage is on the skids, isn't it?"

He waved that off. "Our marriage is over, but our business thrives. And we're heading into a whole new era for the Paddlewheel and Haydee's Port, and she will benefit right along with me."

"For now, skip the future-plans stuff. I met her, and she's a nice woman. Don't you have some flunky who-"

"Can blackmail my a.s.s till eternity and a weekend? No thank you. She's no angel, my Angela. You know what her maiden name was?"

"Something that shortens to 'Dell.' "

"It shortens there from Giardelli. Her father is Anthony Giardelli."

"No s.h.i.+t?"


Which explained what Cornell's Chicago connections were, and in part what role Angela had played in getting the Paddlewheel up and running. I had done jobs for the Giardellis. I'd also killed Anthony Giardelli's brother Lou, once upon a time, but that was neither here nor there. No one knew that but me.

"What will you tell her, d.i.c.kie?"

"That you're a troubleshooter who works outside the law. That I brought you in to take care of some a.s.sholes sent by the compet.i.tion to eliminate me. She won't want any details."

"Good. And she'd do this for you?"

"For the business. Also..." He shrugged, and his smile was a white slash in his deeply tanned face. "...she still loves me."

I shrugged. "What's not to love?"

Now we were having breakfast, Angela and me, or anyway I was having breakfast and she was having coffee.

"Listen," I said, "I'm sorry about lying to you last night. About being a salesman and all."

She shook her head. She had a dazed, distant expression. "That was your cover story. I understand." She s.h.i.+vered, and sipped coffee to stave off the cold; the air conditioning in the Wheelhouse was going pretty hard. Very quietly she said, "How many?"

"How many what?"

"How many people were in that car?"


"Both were sent to...hurt d.i.c.kie?"

"Both sent to kill d.i.c.kie."

"He'd be dead if..."

"If I hadn't stopped it, yes. It wasn't my idea to involve you. I'm sorry."

She shook her head. She was very beautiful, but she did look well-past forty, and every year of it. Minus plastic surgery, a woman could not exist as a nightclub singer without the drinking and smoking and carousing, her own and of those around her, taking a toll.

Still, I found her very attractive. I liked the mix of worldliness and vulnerability, and let's face it, she had a rack to die for, even if it was lost in the sweats.h.i.+rt half of a purple running suit. Her long reddish-blonde hair was back in a big ponytail, which revealed some of the miles on the nice face, and the grooves in her neck.

"Listen," she said, leaning in, "I said said I'd help, when d.i.c.kie asked, and I did it with my eyes open. We're in a tough business, d.i.c.kie and me. How much do you know about what's going on right now in Haydee's? And for that matter, Chicago?" I'd help, when d.i.c.kie asked, and I did it with my eyes open. We're in a tough business, d.i.c.kie and me. How much do you know about what's going on right now in Haydee's? And for that matter, Chicago?"

The restaurant was fairly full-the crowd looked local, including farmers, as we were past the drinking-crowd breakfast of the earlier morning. But I was still concerned about being overhead, though we'd kept it nicely hushed.

"This isn't a come-on," I said, "but if you want to talk, we could have some privacy in my room."

She shrugged. "Let me get another coffee to go."

She did, and I finished the breakfast.

My motel room had a little area with a round table and two chairs, probably designed for businessmen to work, and I sat her and her coffee there. I invited her to watch the television while I showered, and she declined. She said she preferred to sit and think.

I got out of the black clothing I'd done the killing in, showered and got the sweat and any stray blood or dried gore off me, shaved and generally became human again. I'd brought a fresh pair of black jeans and a light blue polo s.h.i.+rt in the bathroom with me, and I put them on, then padded out barefoot.

I sat across from her. "Sorry to make you wait. I had a long night. I probably ought to get some sleep pretty soon."

She sat up straight. "Oh, I'm sorry, I can-"

"No! I'm fine with your company. I like your company. Anyway, I want to hear what you have to say."

She managed a smile. "I may be out of line getting into any of this. d.i.c.kie should probably fill you in, but...I don't know why exactly, I just think you have a right to know, before you get in over your head."

That was an interesting remark. She knew I'd just murdered two people, even if she didn't know the details, and yet she didn't think I was in over my head yet.

" is is Jack?" Jack?"

Actually, it wasn't, but she didn't need my real name any more than you do.

"It's Jack."

"Jack, do you know whose daughter I am?"

I nodded. "Your husband told me-Tony Giardelli's girl."

"Right. And you know who he he is." is."

"Sure. He and his brother Vincent and their late brother Lou are about as high up in the Chicago Outfit as you can go."

"All right. You know that much. Have you ever worked for the Giardelli interests?"

"From time to time, but not directly."

She nodded. "I understand. My father has always liked to be...well-insulated...from anything violent or illegal. What you probably don't know is that my father and his brother Vincent are not partners-they each have their own interests, and over the years they've been friendly rivals. Lately...not so friendly. It's never been direct, again there's much insulation, but Haydee's Port has become a kind of a breeding ground in the family war that's brewing."

"How so?"

"My father backs me, and d.i.c.kie, in the Paddlewheel, maintains a financial interest. It's Papa's belief, a belief fostered by my husband, that the future of Haydee's Port is upscale. This Wild West wide-open downtown doesn't mine the full potential of Haydee's, taking money from drunks and bilking the blue-collar crowd. And it's dangerous, the kind of eyesore eyesore that at some point the politicians could be pressured into removing." that at some point the politicians could be pressured into removing."

"Whereas," I said, "the cla.s.sier Paddlewheel can be a Midwestern Las Vegas, where everybody wink-winks at the illegal side of it."

"If d.i.c.kie has his way, with a new hotel, and beyond that plans to refurbish and reinvent downtown Haydee's Port, we might see gambling become legal, in this county anyway...and it could truly become, as you say, a Midwestern Vegas."

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Quarry In The Middle Part 6 summary

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