The Bond That Ties Us Part 12

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"Not to worry. I remember the last influx of new staff had problems adjusting to the time difference here. At least you're not late for the meeting."

She was about to ask what meeting when she heard the door open behind her.

"Ah good, Amba.s.sador, we can start."

Haylie turned to stare at Kamran.


Chapter Six.

Kamran watched to see if there'd be any change in Haylie's demeanor. There wasn't. He s.h.i.+fted his gaze to look at Donaldson who was standing far too close to Haylie for his liking. He was able to relax only once she took a step away from the administrator.

"Punctual as always, Amba.s.sador," said Donaldson in that tone that grated on Kamran's nerves. He hated that Donaldson could get to him so easily these days. He seemed to enjoy taunting Kamran, no matter how subtly.

"I believe I'm a few minutes late. And I apologize for that."

"Not at all. A few minutes are hardly to be noticed."

Haylie's jaw tightened and she locked her hands behind her back. Kamran had spent enough time with her to know that she was angry about something.

"How rude of me," Donaldson spoke again, "I don't believe you are acquainted with our new chief of security. Ms. Bond, this is Amba.s.sador Kamran."

Haylie smiled and extended her arm. "We actually had the pleasure of meeting last night. Nice to see you again, Amba.s.sador. I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed your speech yesterday."

The warmth of her skin as he wrapped his hand around hers traveled up his arm and seeped into the rest of his body. He couldn't stop himself from running his finger up the length of hers before he released her hand.

"Thank you, Ms. Bond. Though it wasn't quite what the administrator had in mind."

Averting his gaze from Haylie's hazel eyes to the black pools of Donaldson's, Kamran wanted to see if the comment elicited a response. They had spent hours revising his speech, Donaldson wanting very specific information relayed to his new citizens.

But in typical fas.h.i.+on, there was little reaction from the administrator. He hadn't been himself for well over a year now and Kamran still couldn't figure out what had changed. At one time he'd considered Sean a close friend. Now, they barely spoke outside of official capacities.

"It simply wasn't what we discussed. However, in the stead of accuracy, brevity will always suffice."

Kamran fought his body's impulse to stiffen. He'd be d.a.m.ned if he'd give in to the flash of annoyance. That was exactly what Donaldson wanted.

The shocked look on Haylie's face caught Kamran's attention. He was impressed with how quickly she'd regained her composure, and his annoyance changed to pride.


Haylie had pulled her dark brown hair back into a braid that hung straight down her back. It had always amazed him how human women were able to do that. While completely functional, it accented her round face and dark eyes. Her standard issue uniform clung tightly to her. His c.o.c.k also noticed and he was thankful his tunic covered the evidence of his arousal.

She was beautiful.

"Well, now that the introductions are completed, we can begin." Donaldson's voice was overly loud in the small security office. Or maybe his presence was what made the room feel small.

Donaldson motioned for them to gather around a flat-paneled computer terminal tucked away in the back left corner of the room. Kamran had been in the security office only a handful of times over the years and it felt strange to be here now. There had been little need with Taber keeping a watchful eye on things and keeping Kamran informed.

Despite that, he immediately a.s.sociated this room with Haylie. She seemed in her element here, instinctively fitting in to the environment. Without being told what to do, Haylie quickly took the seat in front of the terminal, logged onto the system and waited for further instructions.

Kamran was hoping to catch her eye, but she didn't look his way again. He wanted to talk to her. He could feel her p.r.i.c.kling annoyance, but if it was directed at him or Donaldson, he couldn't be sure.

Donaldson stood to the right of the terminal, reached over Haylie and tapped several commands into the computer until a schematic of the colony and statistics of the planet covered the display screen.

"As you may or may not be aware, Ms. Bond, this colony is in constant danger of being invaded. The amba.s.sador has been working closely with a race known to us as the Ecada."

As Kamran spoke, he studied Haylie's profile, memorizing each line and freckle.

"The Ecada claim that the humans who first colonized this planet had done so illegally.

While my people are not aware of any land claims made in this sector, the Ecada argue that they were in the process of terraforming the planet."

Donaldson nodded once in agreement and Kamran watched as the other man subtly stared at Haylie's body as well. The administrator seemed particularly taken with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his gaze lingering there a moment too long.

He forced his jaw to relax and took a deep breath. Jealousy would not be an appropriate reaction if he wanted to maintain his impartial facade. But every time Donaldson's gaze would dip down to study her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her tapered waist or the creamy skin of her neck, Kamran's muscles clenched tighter.

"There were several reasons you were asked to come to this colony. We needed a replacement for our last security chief, who vanished almost ten months ago. We needed someone with both the skills to control a colony as large as ours and someone who is comfortable working with non-humans."


Haylie's hands froze over the keypad and she whipped about to face Donaldson.

"Missing? I was told he resigned his post after a short service here."

Why hadn't Donaldson told her the truth? Kamran looked at the administrator for an answer, but the man merely shrugged.

"We found no foul play in our investigation. It looked as if he'd left the station in a hurry, taking only the bare essentials. I'm told that his psych profile wasn't entirely accurate and that he may have lied on the stress test."

"So he grabbed his bags and left." Haylie didn't sound like she believed him.

"It can happen to the best of us, Ms. Bond." Donaldson didn't sound like he cared.

He stiffened, scowling down at Haylie. "I'm sure he'll turn up on a supply shuttle or on one of the other mining s.h.i.+ps soon enough."

What was going on here? Kamran cleared his throat and the two looked at him.

"It sounds like there was a miscommunication between here and Earth. I'm sure Ms. Bond will have many questions. May we move forward with our current problem?"

Kamran said, keeping his voice calm and rea.s.suring. The last thing he needed was for the humans to begin fighting amongst themselves.

Haylie closed her eyes for a second before speaking. "My apologies, Amba.s.sador.

Administrator, after we're done here, could I trouble you for the ex-chief's file? I would like to make sure I have all the information in front of me."

"Of course, of course. I'll release it to you."

Kamran watched Haylie regain her composure. He was impressed she could do that so quickly. He'd heard the rumors that many believed she wouldn't last long. If any of those people had seen her now they would rethink it their opinion.

She nodded. "Please continue with the briefing, Administrator."

Donaldson smiled. When he spoke again, his voice had returned to its normal impa.s.sive self. "The other reason you were hired was for your expertise in information security. The current hostilities with the Ecada have mostly been a war of words and data. We need to ensure that none of that information has been tampered with while the amba.s.sador is in negotiations."

Haylie wasn't quite able to lose the edge to hers. "I know I'll be able to live up to both those expectations."

"I hope so, Ms. Bond. Otherwise, I'll be forced to send you home and begin my search again for another new security chief." Donaldson sniffed at her.

Haylie's fingers froze mid-air, her head snapping around to stare at Donaldson. She opened her mouth as if to respond but seemed to think better of it. When she finally turned to Kamran, he could see her frustration.

"Amba.s.sador, perhaps we could meet for a few moments to discuss your concerns.

That way I will best know the way to proceed."

"Well, I'll leave you two at it then. Please keep me apprised of any changes, Amba.s.sador. I'm looking forward to finally resolving this matter." Donaldson nodded 64 curtly to Kamran, gave Haylie a final once over and strode from the room, the whoosh of the closing door filling the s.p.a.ce behind him.

Then they were alone.

Kamran sat motionless. Haylie was angry, not even aware of the proximity of their bodies. He was. With each movement that brought her closer to him, his body reacted.

His already stiff c.o.c.k was tortured by her scent, overpowering his senses. Her anger intensified the pheromones pounding through her blood, out through her pores to torture him.

Her hands resumed tapping away at the key pad. He should be equally concerned about Donaldson's behavior, but it was the furthest thing from his mind. He'd spent all night trying to force her face, scent and taste from his mind. This morning, he'd managed to get his libido under control.

From the minute he'd walked through the door, his body had stirred to life. Now it was completely out of control. He had to s.h.i.+ft in his seat, thankful that his clothing wasn't like the tight-fitting uniforms the humans wore.

This wasn't going to be easy.

Haylie's mumblings brought him back to reality.

"What was that?" he prompted.

"I said, can you believe that guy. He practically threatened to fire me. s.h.i.+t, he even accused me of being late this morning. I was here before you!"

"Haylie..." He needed to calm her down. His body couldn't handle her intensity right now.

"Don't Haylie me. You're not my father. I worked my a.s.s off to get here and that a.s.shole has done nothing but lie to me. What the h.e.l.l is going on in this place?"

"I'm not sure. But there have been some strange occurrences recently. That is why I sent you the note last night."

Kamran couldn't help but stare as she worked on the computer. Her anger had brought a flush to her face and her eyes were bright with emotion. Her breathing was faster than normal, each intake thrusting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s high in the air. All he wanted to do was throw her over his shoulder, take her back to his room, strip her naked and suck on those b.r.e.a.s.t.s for the rest of the day.

Well...maybe not the rest of the day. He had a few other things he wanted to do as well. Like slowly lick every inch of her body before ramming his c.o.c.k into her over and over again until she screamed his name.

"What is this problem you would like to discuss, Amba.s.sador?" Haylie's voice was even, if a bit husky.

She had no idea the battle he was fighting.

His blood pulsed in his ears. "Pardon, Ms. Bond?"

Haylie turned to look at him and gasped. He wanted to smile, but that would have wasted valuable energy that he currently needed to stop from throwing himself on top 65 of her. He could tell she knew Donaldson was the least of her worries. Haylie licked her lips, her eyes roaming over his face.

While her uniform accentuated her perfect b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it showed him very little of her flawless skin. It would only take a second to have the computer darken the privacy screen so he could strip it off her and f.u.c.k her senseless.

"Ah, Amba.s.sador, your...note mentioned there was a problem you would like to discuss."

"Kamran. Call me Kamran. Give me that small pleasure." He knitted his fingers together to keep them from reaching out. He had to keep control of his desires or else they'd never be able to keep up this charade.

"What if someone comes in and hears. Won't that draw suspicion?" Haylie tilted her face ever so slightly toward him, her braid sliding from her shoulder to hang over her chest.

Without thinking, he reached out and pushed her hair back, exposing her neck. He caressed the soft skin for a moment before letting his hand drop. A jolt of energy pa.s.sed between them at the contact, sending a renewed blast of l.u.s.t through his body.

"Kamran." Haylie's voice was soft, almost desperate sounding. He knew she wanted him as badly as he did her.

Every muscle in his back and neck was screaming at him to relax or take action. But he couldn't. He was trapped in limbo with nowhere to go. Mates weren't meant to live like this.

"We knew we were going to be forced to work together. Let's keep our time together as short as possible. Then we can go about our business. Move on."

"Move on? Is that what you want to do?" she said, her voice strained. Her expression was not the relief he'd expected to see. She was hurt.

He sat up straighter. "I thought that was what you wanted as well. Leaving the colony and living on my home world didn't seem very appealing to you last night."

Kamran's heart was racing. Haylie sat there, staring wide-eyed at him. It would only take the slightest hint on her part, that she was wanted him and d.a.m.n the consequences. In that moment he would willingly give up everything to be with her.

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The Bond That Ties Us Part 12 summary

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