The Bond That Ties Us Part 14

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"Would you like me to stop?" He withdrew his hand only an inch.

She moaned and swiveled her hips as she sat. She was perfect, ready for him to pound into her over and over. He could see she wanted him and he wanted nothing more than to claim her for his own. But he couldn't move. His hand fell in his lap with a soft thud.

Haylie's eyes flew open. "What's wrong?"


He hadn't intended to stop and now, seeing the look of confusion on her face, he wished he hadn't.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"It's okay."

Pain and confusion washed over him. He couldn't tell if the emotions were his or hers. It really didn't matter. He'd made things worse for both of them.

She then made an attempt to change the subject. "Do you want to tell someone in your government about what we found?"

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Haylie, we need to talk about this. Us."

"I don't think so. You're not very good at finis.h.i.+ng your conversations."

He opened his eyes and looked at her. Really looked at her. Her jaw was clenched, the muscle in her cheek jumping from the pressure. Her normally beautiful eyes were clouded over, making it difficult to read her emotions. He didn't need to worry about that. Their bond was growing stronger every second. She didn't like being out of control. Everything he did to her, their whole relations.h.i.+p, grated against her personality. He was the worst thing that had ever happened to her.

All he wanted was to be with her.

He stood quickly, knocking the chair to the floor. The crash echoed in the small room.

"I won't bring this new information about the doc.u.ments to the council at this point. I'm afraid of how they would react without any proof."

"Kamran?" She reached for his arm.

"Don't." His breathing came out in harsh gasps. He had to get out of here.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was soft.

He couldn't look at her. He had to leave before he lost complete control.

"Please get me the proof of the tampering and I'll be able to get help from the council."

Kamran spun on his heels and left the room as quickly as he could.


Chapter Seven.

Haylie's eyes began to itch. The lines of code stood silent before her, refusing to present their secrets.

"Computer, time please." Her voice sounded thick, the words barely making it out of her mouth.

"The time is twenty-hundred hours, twelve minutes." The computer sounded more like a woman speaking to her lover than a machine of wires and circuits.

This wasn't going anywhere.

Several hours earlier, Sara had arrived for their lunch date and immediately left when Haylie looked up at her. She'd commented before that when Haylie fixated on a problem, there was no point trying to talk to her. Apparently, the look on Haylie's face spoke volumes.

Other than that, she'd stopped only once to meet her security crew. The meeting had been brief but informative. The complement of twenty-five officers were exhausted, under-trained and overwhelmed. She had a lot of work cut out for her. She'd promised them she would request additional personnel from Earth. G.o.d, even if she recruited some of the miners from the outlying colonies to help it would be something. At the very least she won her team over by the sincere promise to do something about their problem.

After that, she met with the man who'd acted as the liaison between the security crew and Donaldson. He wasn't shy about showing his relief at being free of the administrator. When the men had left and she returned to her desk, Haylie was feeling a bit overwhelmed herself. Not that she was one to shy away from hard work, but this was a lot even for her. She returned to the data files and hoped if she spent enough time staring at her monitor, she'd solve the problem.

It hadn't done a d.a.m.n bit of good. She was still no closer to figuring out what exactly had been changed in the Briel doc.u.ment. She'd been able to track the hacker's marker to a number of other jobs on neighboring colonies. His real name was Brent Hughes. He'd arrived on the colony three months ago and was working in the mines until yesterday. In the process of locating him, she discovered that he was the man killed in the bar fight last night. That death was a little too convenient for Haylie to ignore.

The only positive thing to have come from this day was the fact that she'd somehow managed to push all thoughts of Kamran from her mind.

Her fingers hovered above the keypad. Their encounter this morning had left her completely shaken and h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l. When he'd walked into the room earlier that day, 72 she'd felt her heart stop. His scent had washed over her, setting her hormones raging again. It was only when Donaldson spoke that she'd been able to refocus. Donaldson. He was another problem, one she'd save for another day. When she had the energy to fight.

The lids of her eyes grew heavy, closing of their own accord for only a second. No, she needed to keep going. After a few more minutes, her lids repeated their mutinous attempt to get her to rest.

The yawn didn't help, either. She was about to ask the computer for the time again, try and refocus when she yawned a second time. s.h.i.+t.

"Fine, just a quick nap."

Haylie crossed her arms on the desk to cradle her head. Five minutes, ten tops, and she'd be ready for action.

In the darkness of her mind, she saw Kamran. Somehow this dream was different from ones she'd had in the past. She could feel her surroundings, but they weren't quite within her grasp. She felt a current of energy pulling her toward Kamran. Haylie stepped forward, more on instinct than with curiosity, and found herself within his room.

He was sitting at his desk, his head down, his gaze flicking across a data pad. She looked down and saw that her uniform was gone, replaced with the dress she'd worn the other night. The silk caressed her nipples and a.s.s, tugging at her pubic hair. Her body was humming with arousal.

Kamran looked up and stared. His tunic was gaping at the front to reveal his smooth chest. She stepped toward him, hoping that he wouldn't move.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Once she reached him, she pushed the data pad from his desk to the floor. She replaced them with her body, stretching out on her side. His gaze was on her and she felt the warmth of his body.


"Hi." His voice was deep and rich, pouring over her.

"I think you need a break, Amba.s.sador."



He reached for her, running his hand from her rib cage down her side to rest on her hip. She was dripping wet with excitement, but she fought the urge to move. She wanted him to work for it this time.

"That's not where I want you to touch me."

"No?" He smiled.

His hand traveled back up her body, but this time he continued over to her breast.

He pinched her hard nipple, driving a sigh from her.

"Is that better?"


"Don't stop."

He nudged her gently onto her back and she was more than happy to comply.

Kamran pulled his seat closer to the desk to have easier access to her body. Leaning forward, he sucked her nipple through the silk, her body instantly responding to him.

Haylie drove her fingers into his hair, sliding them through his dark locks and pulled his head against her. She needed him closer, needed him to push away her loneliness.

He pulled back only long enough to drag the thin strap of her dress down, freeing her from the damp material of her bodice. He continued to suckle one breast as he teased and tormented the other with his hand. Each flick of his tongue drove her wild.

Haylie bucked her hips up, squirming under the intensity of his touch.

"You too." She tugged at his tunic.

The next thing she knew, they were both naked. Kamran rose, his engorged c.o.c.k jutting out proudly in front of her face. Haylie scooted herself onto her bottom and swung her legs so they trapped him in place.

"What are you doing?"


Her fingers wrapped around the base of his shaft, circling the object of her pleasure.

His scent rolled off his body and filled her head. Haylie breathed it in, memorizing it, branding her memory with it. She leaned forward and ran her tongue over the slit in the tip of his c.o.c.k. He tasted like musk, salty and intoxicating. Again she flicked her tongue over the smooth skin before rubbing her bottom lip over his smooth ridges.

Kamran said something, but Haylie ignored him. She was too intent on her task at hand. She moved her head side to side as her tongue flicked back and forth over his tip.

It was his turn to clutch her head, his fingers ma.s.saging into her scalp. She kept up her teasing for a few more seconds before she pulled back enough to allow her to run her tongue up the entire length of his c.o.c.k. She wanted to devour him whole.

"You're killing me."

Again and again she repeated the motion, his c.o.c.k twitching against her each time she slid her tongue from his base to his tip. She knew that wasn't what he wanted-it wasn't what she wanted. She knew he trusted her enough to take him all the way. Only when she thought he'd adjusted to the sensation did she lean forward and take his tip into her mouth, teasing him as she began to stroke his length with her hand.

"Haylie," he pleaded. She knew he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.

s.h.i.+fting her weight forward, she leaned over and impaled her mouth on his thick c.o.c.k. Kamran groaned and his body shuddered when she did. She felt him grow in her mouth and was scared that she wouldn't be able to accommodate all of him. With a firm grip on his shaft, she sucked him hard and deep into her. Slowly, his hips fell into a silent beat with her. Stroking in perfect beat to a silent erotic dance. Faster, she increased their tempo, driving him up to o.r.g.a.s.m.

"I'm...going to...come...soon."


One final hard suck and she released him. "I want you in me."

She didn't wait for his response. Leaning back onto the desk, she spread her legs wide. She blinked and he was on her, kissing her face and neck. His mouth ravaged hers, his tongue driving deep inside. His c.o.c.k found her entrance, wet with her arousal.

He slid easily into her core and held for only a second before withdrawing almost completely. Again and again he repeated the motion. Each thrust brought them closer to the release they so desperately needed.

Haylie grabbed at him, kissing and licking his ear, his mouth. She could feel everything. Their bodies as they rubbed together, his heart pounding against her breast.

She could even feel the hum of his emotions, the possessive need and consuming desire he felt for her. Every thrust brought them in sync, closer together.

Kamran ground against her c.l.i.t hard until she couldn't hold on anymore. Haylie cried out and thrust her hips up increasing the contact. So close now. She was frantic under him, crying and clutching at his back.

"Oh G.o.d. I'm coming!"

She screamed and her body shook, every muscle contracting from the force of her release. Kamran cried out with her. She felt the pulse of his c.o.c.k as his s.e.m.e.n poured into her. He collapsed onto her. His hot breath came out in gasps against her ear. Sweat from their bodies pooled on her chest and stomach.

"Ms. Bond?"

"We are so good together," she spoke the words without thinking.

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The Bond That Ties Us Part 14 summary

You're reading The Bond That Ties Us. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Christine D'Abo. Already has 716 views.

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