The Bond That Ties Us Part 17

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She stared at the drink for a long time. Kamran couldn't read her mind, at least not literally. He couldn't choose what parts of her mind he wanted to explore. He could hear her voice in his head sometimes, feel her thoughts as she did.


Right now she was trying to decide between running quickly out of the room and taking the drink.

With a slightly shaking hand, Haylie reached out and took the gla.s.s. Kamran released the breath he'd been holding and grabbed the drink he'd poured for himself.

"Now, there is a proper way to drink this. First, you must turn your gla.s.s one-quarter turn to the left. Then close your eyes and take a sip."

Her brow puckered again. "Why turn the gla.s.s?"


"That's crazy."

"I believe you have similar customs on Earth."

She smiled. "I don't really consider myself from Earth. With the exception of a few years, I've practically grew up on Luna. We usually down our drinks with little ceremony."

"Humor me."

Haylie sighed. "Go ahead."

"Turn and drink." He closed his eyes, took a sip and enjoyed feel of the sweet drink as it slid down his throat, leaving a warm trail in its wake. His eyes opened in time to see Haylie swallow a large gulp of her own.

Her cheeks immediately flushed. "Wow."

Her ma.s.s of brown hair fell over her shoulder and rested on her breast. He reached forward and wound some of it around his fingers.

Haylie's giggle vibrated in the room. "I never thought of my hair as an erotic tool before."

Of course she would have picked up on that particular image.

"Briel females don't have hair like yours. Most don't have any hair at all. That's why I find yours so...stimulating."

"And do you really want to see me like this?"

She stood and moved a close distance from him. She sucked on her bottom lip, before tugging down the opening of her jumpsuit.

The G.o.ddess be blessed, she was heaven itself. Her nipples stood firmly out as her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were freed from the synthetic fabric cage. Her skin was so pale, like starlight beckoning him.

Kamran didn't move until Haylie had finished removing every sc.r.a.p of clothing that covered her. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the contrast of color that stood s.h.i.+vering before him.

Haylie tried to cross her arms over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, before reaching up and twirling her hair around her finger. He fought the urge to wrap her in his arms and comfort her. His little warrior didn't need coddling. She needed pa.s.sion.


"Are you cold?" he asked and tried to keep his mind clear of the things he was about to do to her.

"Why? Want to come warm me up?" She said in a teasing voice, a small smirk playing on her lips.

Yes, she was ready to play and Kamran was happy to oblige her. She let out what he could only describe as a squeak as he scooped her up in his arms. She wriggled playfully, trying to escape but he was able to hold her tight. The warmth of her body seeped through the light fabric of his tunic, teasing him. The chance to be naked beside her was the first thing on his mind.

Her lips were soft and smooth. He drove his tongue into her mouth, tasting every corner. The emotions flooded over him, finding the deepest parts of his psyche. Desire and caring. Her arms entwined themselves around his neck for a moment before exploring his body. He felt her press her hands against his back and run her fingers through his hair and across his chest.

Kamran couldn't wait any longer. He yanked his tunic over his head, needing to feel her skin again his.

"What about these?" Haylie toyed with the waistband of his pants as a smiled played on her lips.

"Why don't you remove those?"

He used an image from his earlier dream, her in front of him sucking on his c.o.c.k as she fondled his shaft and b.a.l.l.s with her hands. Haylie sighed, leaned in, took his face in her hands and kissed him hard. Her tongue entered his mouth, but hers was on a mission. There was no softness left in her movements, only raging desire.

Yes! f.u.c.k the rules.

Kamran had to agree with her unspoken thoughts.

Haylie kissed her way down his body, stopping just before the edge of his pants.

She then slipped her fingers into the waistband and waited. She smiled shyly before inching the edge down. Haylie kissed each inch of his body as it was revealed. His skin burned where her lips touched it. Kamran almost came undone. He had never been with a woman before Haylie. But he now understood why Briel held bonded relations.h.i.+ps with such reverence.

When Haylie ran her tongue around the tip of his c.o.c.k, his entire body stilled.

"Does that please you?" Her voice sounded both far away and right in his head at the same time.


He wasn't sure if he had spoken the words or merely thought them. It didn't matter, as Haylie continued to lick up his length. Her hands cupped the sensitive skin of his b.a.l.l.s, ma.s.saging them until Kamran thought he would explode.

Knowing he was close, Haylie pulled back.

"Not yet. I don't want to rush this time."


"I'm a diplomat. I know when to not argue."

When he was able to open his eyes again, Kamran saw Haylie sitting beside him on the bed. Her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s were flushed and the nipples were puckered.

"What do you want to explore?" Haylie opened her arms, inviting him to choose.

The calm, diplomatic demeanor he'd taken years to build disintegrated in seconds.

Selfish want overpowered him and he pushed Haylie back on the bed. To h.e.l.l with what was right or proper. This woman was his and he was hers.

"I find every part of you fascinating. But this intrigued me," he spread her legs and ran his thumb along her c.l.i.t, "last time we met."

He felt rather than heard Haylie suck in a breath. She was so sensitive there, her pleasure infectious.

Kamran bent his head and deeply inhaled her scent. And, as he had done only a night earlier, he leaned forward and took her sensitive nub into his mouth. Her legs tightened around his head as he sucked and licked her.

Haylie moaned and he could feel her swell under his tongue. When he took a deep breath all he could smell was her musk. Combined with the alcohol, his head began to spin. He ran his hands along the inside of her thighs memorizing the way her skin felt under his touch. She groaned and spread her legs wider, giving him better access. Her body began to vibrate, she was so close to the edge of release. He wanted to feel her euphoria again, feel the pleasure that caused white light to blind her mind.

He moved his hand up to her mound, taking two of his fingers and sliding them into her p.u.s.s.y. Haylie began to thrust hard against them, moaning and thras.h.i.+ng above him. She was so wet, ready for him to thrust inside her, claim her for his own. He kept one finger inside her and teased the rest of her swollen skin with the other. Her hand flew to the back of his head pus.h.i.+ng his face close.

When she began to scream, he sucked her hard and thrust both his fingers frantically in and out, prolonging her pleasure as long as possible. Only once he was sure her o.r.g.a.s.m was completely finished did he pull back, rising to his knees. His face was wet from her desire and her juices covered his hand. Her eyes opened, still hazed from her o.r.g.a.s.m.

"I need you. I need more of you. Please."

Her pleading tone sent s.h.i.+vers of pa.s.sion through him. If she could push him over the edge to release with only words, he was far gone indeed.

Her legs wrapped around his waist and she pulled him forward. Kamran was off balance and fell forward onto her. Haylie grabbed his face and pulled him down for a frantic kiss. With her legs wrapped around him, he slid into her p.u.s.s.y easily.

It only took several thrusts to realize this wouldn't take long. Either their bond was growing quickly due to their intimacy or Haylie was using her greater experience to push him to a fast release. Her hips pushed against his in sweet torture, milking pleasure from his body. She pulled away from their kiss and stilled her body.


"Roll over. Let me be on top."

Her words didn't make sense. Kamran could only stare at her.

"Here, like this."

She shoved at him gently, pus.h.i.+ng him over to lie on his back. With his shaft jutting straight up in the air, he couldn't quite imagine what she was going to do. It was only when she swung her leg over his body and positioned his tip at the entrance to her opening that he understood.

Haylie leaned forward, b.r.e.a.s.t.s rubbed against the middle of his chest and the friction caused her nipples to tighten even more. Half sitting up, Kamran sucked her swollen nipple into his mouth.

"Oh G.o.d. Don't stop." Haylie ground down hard on top of him.

Kamran wouldn't stop, even if the universe exploded around them.

He continued to suckle one nipple while he reached up and lightly stroked the other. She s.h.i.+vered. He sucked the taut flesh hard and switched to the other breast. His tongue danced around the tip, circling around and around before he covered it completely with his mouth.

"You're amazing," she gasped.

"I'm still a novice."

"G.o.d help me when you become an expert."

Haylie was close to reaching climax again and she began to tremble. Relinquis.h.i.+ng her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he grabbed her hips in an attempt to control their pace. He wanted to savor everything. Each thrust was unique, bringing them closer.

Suddenly, she stopped moving.

"What's wrong?"

The smile on her face was stunning.

"Nothing. Close your eyes."

Not about to argue he did as she asked. He was rewarded by the clenching of her p.u.s.s.y around his c.o.c.k. The tightness then relaxed.

"Oh," Kamran managed to whisper.

"Exactly. Just feel."

She continued her campaign of pleasure against him. Tighten. Relax. Over and over. Sweat covered his skin and his muscles began to vibrate.

"I can't take much more of that," he managed to say.

Without warning, Haylie lifted her hip up a moment before grinding back down.

She gasped in his ear and repeated the motion.

"Together. Please, together," she said, her words making his skin tingle.


Kamran closed his eyes and tried to recite the Briel const.i.tution in his head. He quickly followed that with complex mathematical calculations. Anything to delay his inevitable release. It wasn't helping.

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The Bond That Ties Us Part 17 summary

You're reading The Bond That Ties Us. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Christine D'Abo. Already has 624 views.

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