The Bond That Ties Us Part 24

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"I haven't had an opportunity to have a rest cycle in several days. Before that, I had no difficulties. Is this why you asked me here?"

Kamran sighed, "No, but I was hoping to find another possible explanation."

"Is this about Haylie?"

Kamran motioned to the chair, "Please sit. Your standing is giving me a headache."

"You know I-"

"Taber, please."

The two men stared at each other for several seconds, but Taber didn't move.

Kamran would have to live with a stiff neck.

Kamran inhaled deeply. "While I was incapacitated, a Briel doctor took a scan of my brain patterns. He compared them to Haylie's. I think he knows about us."

Taber stood quietly, his expression blank.

"The problems and violence on this station have escalated sharply in the past few days. I want her kept safe from our laws so she can do her job without interruption. The last thing we need distracting us from our investigations is a Briel council tribunal. I think we need to make our relations.h.i.+p known to the elders."

Taber met his gaze. "You know what they will do to you."

Kamran closed his eyes against a growing headache. "Given the circ.u.mstances, I cannot see the council acting too severely. A relations.h.i.+p with a human isn't exactly covered by our laws."

"Of course. But there is more to this."

"Considering the state of things, I believe I can convince the elders to postpone action until after the trouble on the station has been resolved. Removing both the amba.s.sador in charge of negotiations and the human chief of security at the same time, even if for only a temporary time frame, is a move I doubt they would take."

"This is a risky move, Amba.s.sador."

"I know the council. They are reasonable. I believe they will understand, given the circ.u.mstances." At least he hoped so.

"Very well. When will you approach them?"

That was something Kamran had been considering all morning. "Tomorrow. I need at least one night's sleep in my own bed and a chance to collect my thoughts. I have already notified them that I wish to speak before them before I left the med bay."

"Have you discussed this with Haylie?"

Kamran wanted to lie, but knew there was no point. "Not yet."


Taber seemed to absorb this information. "Is there anything you'd like me to do?"

He would love the ability to make the next few days easier, but doubted Taber could help much with that particular request.

"Other than keeping an eye on Haylie? No, thank you, my friend. Rest. I'll be in touch with you after the meeting."

With nothing else to do or say, Kamran returned to his bed as Taber let himself out.

Rest was what he needed and the only way to ensure that was to take the medicine Ray had provided, though he loathed to take them. He popped the pills and swallowed a mouthful of warm water. The drugs. .h.i.t him quickly and he barely managed to make it back to his bed before they tugged at him to sleep. He was beginning to drift to sleep when the chime to his quarters rang again.

"Computer, identify."

"Human-Chief Bond."

What the...

Weak from the pills he couldn't make it to the door. Instead he swung his legs over the side of his bed and straightened his clothing. "Computer, unlock."

Haylie strode into the room, her muscular legs carrying her swiftly. She was to him before he managed a few steps from the bed.

"Are you out of your mind? Or is it lack of sleep?"

Kamran winced. "Good evening. How are you doing, Chief?"

"What the h.e.l.l do you think you're doing, making a decision like that without talking to me first?"

Her face was flushed, her chest heaving. Kamran knew anger when he saw it and from the look of her, he was in trouble.

"Answer me, Kamran."

"It's the right thing to do."

"Bulls.h.i.+t! I can't believe..." her words died on her lips.

She was clearly hurt. In a way, he didn't blame her.

"How did you find out?"

"Taber." They both spoke his name at the same time.

"I was on my way to check in with you. I ran into Taber in the hall and could tell he was bothered about something. It didn't take long for it to come out."

He had to offer her some rea.s.surance. "They won't do anything. Not now."

"A few days ago, you claimed they would s.h.i.+p us off planet the second they learned what was going on between us. But hey, it's all good now. Perfectly fine since someone's blown up five of the Briel elders on the station and d.a.m.n near killed their amba.s.sador too." Her voice rose dangerously close to a yell.


"No. No, everything isn't fine and I never said that it was. This station is starting to tear itself apart. People I care about are being blown up, or attacked in their dreams."

He felt his own annoyance creeping up. "The fact that we have a relations.h.i.+p is minor."

Seething was the only description that came to his mind as he looked at her. He could feel her anger racing through her mind, along with some images of unpleasant things she wanted to do to him. She began to move silently around the room, clearly trying to gain control over her emotions. When she spoke again, her words were clipped.

"Did you at least think about telling me what you were about to do?"

He was finding it hard to keep his own anger under control. Instead of fighting it he used it to push to his feet and cross the distance between them. "Yes, in the morning, once I had rested and before speaking to the elders. I'm not a complete a.s.shole, Haylie.

You know me better than that."

She turned to look at him, surprised. "What?"

"That's the name you keep calling me in your head."

Haylie blushed but ignored the comment. "How can you say that when we only met a few days ago."

"You know me well enough to trust me."

"Do I?"


"Prove it."

They were on each other in a heartbeat, their lips locked. His hands pushed her hard against his chest. Her own were against his back, in his hair, around his neck.

"I was so scared."

"I thought you were dead."

He didn't know who spoke what, their thoughts mingled as their bodies did. He needed her. To be in her. He trembled with need and excitement.

She felt him. "What am I doing? You're hurt." As she spoke, she tried to pull away.

"Don't you dare. I need you."

Haylie didn't move at first, her eyes probing his. Her rational side threatened to ruin everything. To prevent that from happening, he kissed her neck and ran his tongue along her skin.

"The bed is behind me." He spoke against her now wet skin, tugging her back with him.

He sat and pulled her onto his lap. Neither of them moved. He stared into her eyes, willing the concern he saw there away. She was inspecting the damage to his face and ran a finger over the now healing wounds.

"You're healing so quickly," she whispered.

"You're not that easily rid of me."


"Did they tell you I was the one who found you?"

No one had, though he wasn't surprised by the revelation.

"I suppose you are looking for a thank you?" he said and hoped his smile looked playful.

"Only if you are up to giving one."

His erection pulsed to life against her thighs. Despite the events of the last few days, nothing had quashed his pa.s.sion for her. She looked serious and ran the back of her hand against his cheek.

She leaned forward and brushed a light kiss where her hand had been a moment ago. Her mouth then explored his face, attempting to kiss better the wounds he'd sustained. Kamran held still, enjoying the tender moment. Their relations.h.i.+p was fire.

Now he felt it change. A deeper caring now supplemented the heat.

Her lips finally reached his, gently probing. He felt her tongue slide over his lips in search of its mate. He moved his hands into her long, thick hair to draw her closer.

Their pace didn't increase, but the intensity of the contact did.

Kamran's eyes were closed, but the rest of his senses were heightened. Her moans were honey to his ears as she writhed against him. Her scent fed his hunger. He needed her now.

It only took a second to roll Haylie onto her back. Her hair spilled over the white of the soft sheets. Her uniform slid off her with some difficulty, causing Haylie to chuckle.

"I haven't had this much trouble with my clothing since high school."

"I hope you weren't doing this in high school." He covered her breast with his hand, squeezing her nipple until it peaked.

She moaned again and thrashed her head from side to side, once, twice.

"That's good." Relief relaxed him. He knew she was experienced, but he didn't want her thinking about the others.

Only him.

His own clothing was easily discarded. Soon he slid the length of his naked flesh beside hers. The soft contact gave him strength, his body drawing what it needed to heal itself from her. Her leg hooked around his, drawing it up. He s.h.i.+fted his body so he lay on top of her, covering every inch with himself.

They didn't speak. Haylie opened her legs wide and wrapped them around his back. Her wet p.u.s.s.y now lay against his throbbing shaft. One thrust forward and he was buried to his hilt. He didn't move at first, relis.h.i.+ng the feeling. Then need pushed him on. She met his every action. Never a misstep.

He found her lips again and eagerly kissed her. She clung to him, moaning her pleasure into his mouth, rubbing her nipples against his chest. Her body began to shake, a sign he now knew meant she was close to o.r.g.a.s.m. Increasing the tempo, he ground his pelvis hard against her c.l.i.t. One stroke, two and she cried out with pleasure.


He moved his hands to clutch the sheets on either side of her head. He furiously began to pump into her, his own release shouted into the dark of the room.

The sounds of their panting echoed in the otherwise quiet room. He rolled off her, but pulled her back against him, refusing to give up their contact. She said something softly against the pillow.

"What was that?"

She rolled to face him and smiled. "Nothing."

He couldn't be sure, but he thought it sounded like she said she loved him. He wanted to ask her about it, but he couldn't keep his eyes open. His body had used its energy reserves, leaving him spent.

He could hear her steady, deep breathing. She was already asleep. With his eyes shut, it was only a moment before he joined her in oblivion.

At first he thought he was dreaming. A quick look at his surroundings revealed an alien landscape. This time, he was sharing Haylie's dream. Her mind was warm and welcoming. Kamran sighed and let her peace of mind wrap itself around him. He felt a wisp of her silken hair brush his cheek.

The serenity was suddenly shattered. Kamran jolted as Haylie's mind screamed out.

s.n.a.t.c.hes of images of a long hall flashed in his head. She was running, something close behind her.

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The Bond That Ties Us Part 24 summary

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