The Bond That Ties Us Part 28

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"Did they tell you anything?" she asked, her voice rising barely above a whisper.

He heard the tremor in her voice. She needed him as badly as he did her. He brought his knee up so it touched the outside of her thigh. Haylie looked at the contact before her eyes darted over to his painfully hard shaft.

"You can't make me say another thing, Chief." He smiled and hoped he looked playful.

Most likely, he only looked pathetically h.o.r.n.y and unable to do a d.a.m.n thing about it.

Straightening slowly to her full height, Haylie placed her hands on her hips. She looked at the door, chewed on her bottom lip for a fraction of a second before returning her gaze to him and smiling. It was a slow, mischievous grin.

"I have ways of making you talk, Amba.s.sador."

His innards did a flip of antic.i.p.ation. She was so beautiful, embodying everything he wanted so perfectly he ached for her. But he would have to wait for his prize.

Despite her earlier words, she seemed more than willing to engage in sensual torture.

Taking a single step backward, she was now out of reach of even his knee. He was able to easily see her body and for the first time he really looked at her.

She couldn't be on duty. She was wearing her uniform pants, but the black, form-fitting s.h.i.+rt she had on was hardly standard issue. The material stretched seductively over her rounded b.r.e.a.s.t.s, leaving little to the imagination. Jealousy stabbed at his gut, causing him to ball his fists. Other men had seen her like this.


"Why are you wearing that?" He jerked his arms hard against the restraints and gave his feet a kick. A vain attempt at escape if there ever was one.

"What's wrong with this?" She slid her hand along her side and over her hip.

"Nothing, if you want every male on this station panting after you."

He remembered the way Donaldson had looked at her. Kamran wasn't naive enough to think others hadn't viewed her with the same desire. Uncontrollable anger surged up in him once more. She was his-not some object for others to ogle.

Haylie shrugged. "A girl has to keep her options open. After all, you claim that a relations.h.i.+p between us is impossible. And as hard as this is to believe, I may want a family of my own someday."

The growl left his mouth as he jerked hard against the restraints. He couldn't clear the images of Haylie in the arms of Donaldson. Their children running around, playing in their family home. Kamran wanted to kill him.

He jumped as Haylie touched his chest.

"What's wrong with you? I wasn't serious."

Looking at her, he knew she was lying. She did want a family and a mate who could take care of her. Even love her. The thought was soul shattering.

"If you promise to calm down, I'll release your arms."

"No, don't." A small rational side of him knew if she freed him there'd be trouble.

Haylie rested her head on his chest, right above his heart. He could feel it beating strong against his ribs. His surging emotions calmed slightly, but he still wasn't himself.

He swore in his own language.

"I'm sorry," he said.

She looked at him, confused. He felt more in tune with her now than ever before.

As if their absence had strengthened their bond. Haylie gave her head a light shake and smiled. The tension between them pa.s.sed.

"If you're going to speak like that, then it's time for a language lesson. We'll save the naughty words for another day. For now, let's start with the basics. What is this called?"

She rose above him on the bed and kissed his nose. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s b.u.mped against his throat.


"And what about this?" She leaned forward and sucked on his earlobe.


"And this?" She ran her tongue across his throat.


Moving down his body, Haylie sucked, kissed and licked her way back down to his stomach. Kamran was at his limit of self-control. How could anyone resist a woman like this?


Haylie paused for only a moment above his c.o.c.k before he heard her voice in his head say and this?

He wasn't sure if he responded or not, verbally or otherwise. The sensation of her mouth sucking the sensitive tip of his c.o.c.k was more than he could handle. Slowly she leaned forward, taking the length of him in her mouth, pausing for a second before slowly bringing the suction back to the top.

The steady pumping motion of her mouth and hands set his skin on fire. His b.a.l.l.s tightened against the base of his c.o.c.k and he had to fight the sudden urge to try and rip the restraints from the bed. He felt every muscle tighten, his release urged on by her skillful mouth.

She withdrew at the last possible second before he came, leaving his heart racing and his breath coming out in gasps.

"Di machachta."

"What does that mean?" She asked as she slid her leg over his body once more.

"It's not...the type of amba.s.sador should be using."

"Thank G.o.d you're a criminal," she said and flashed him a wicked grin.

Haylie climbed up onto the bed, swinging her muscled leg over his body to straddle him. It only took her a moment to move his swollen tip to the heat of her entrance. The tip of his c.o.c.k now pressed against her p.u.s.s.y. She didn't continue and kept him from the place he most wanted to be.

"You're going to kill me." His words came out in a half groan, half growl.

Haylie didn't seem to notice. She leaned forward, rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his chest. He felt her tight nipples with the contact. Her softness against him. Kamran realized how much he needed her, needed to be a part of her. A need that went far beyond the physical.

She rested her head against his. Her breath hot on his neck. "At least I can guarantee a pleasurable death."

Kamran couldn't resist bucking his hips, grinding hard against her c.l.i.t. He didn't want her thinking about anyone but him, ever. Her moan drove him wild and he strained, wanted to plunge inside her.

"Yes, okay," she answered.

Opening her legs wide, she positioned him at her entrance. With a short sigh, she impaled herself on top of him.

For a second, neither one of them moved. The realization that this was where he belonged hit him hard. By the G.o.ddess, didn't want to consider the possibility of another mate. Haylie, his Haylie, was all he wanted.

There were no more words between them, only the steady hum of their bodies locked together. Kamran was lost in her, not only her body, but her mind. Pleasure and longing coc.o.o.ned him, causing him to lose track of which emotion belonged to whom.


She began the slow up and down rhythm that he'd been craving. Her p.u.s.s.y muscles tightened around him, milking his pleasure. His fingertips brushed her knees, his thumb rubbing against her skin. He wanted to touch her everywhere. Hold her.

But she was in charge.

Haylie made her own explorations. She licked his neck. Placed kisses at the base of his throat. He watched as she leaned back, continuing to ride him on the bed, and touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her fingers rubbed lightly over her nipples, rewarding her with obvious pleasure. Each touch caused her to grind down hard against him. Her pace increased.

"I'm going to come," she cried out.

He couldn't look away.

Her eyes fluttered closed and her fingers squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Soft mewing noises escaped her before growing into groans. He had to fight his own release as she squeezed, pumped and ground hard on him. Her pace increased, carrying them both to the edge.

"Oh G.o.d!" She threw her head back and cried out. Her face flushed, a bead of sweat rolled down her chest between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

It was his undoing. Thrusting his hips up once, twice, he exploded into her. Her muscles tightened and released around his c.o.c.k, squeezing every drop from his body and sending another tremor of pleasure through him. Finally, Haylie collapsed against him. Their breathing was ragged. Her weight on his chest made him feel safe. A minute or two pa.s.sed before she stirred.

She didn't speak as she reached over and fumbled with the leather restraint that held his right wrist. Kamran panicked. Without a word, she turned her head and kissed him. The kiss was gentle, probing. Her tongue flicked in his mouth, exploring, distracting. A loud clicking noise signaled his partial freedom. His hand found her a.s.s, which he loved and he squeezed firmly.

She broke the kiss long enough to say, "Only one."

"One," he agreed.

He was still hard as stone and he didn't need to look at her to tell she was ready.

With his left wrist still bound, he managed to roll on his side. Haylie's head rested on his arm, her back flat on the bed. The side of the bed and his confinement kept them close together. Ignoring the pain of the awkward angle, he bent his head and captured her nipple in his mouth. He felt amazingly close to her like this.

Haylie entwined her fingers in his hair and kneaded his scalp. He loved her taste.

The sensitive tip grew in his mouth. His tongue circled the hard bud, coaxing further pleasure from her.

"Hon, we need to talk."

He didn't want her thinking, so he slid his hand down over her stomach and rested between her legs. "Later."


She bucked her hips at his touch, reached over and grabbed his c.o.c.k. "I promise we'll finish. But we need to talk. Someone wants you out of the way. They have had us chasing ghosts, taking us away from the real issue"

He swore. No, he didn't want to do that now. He was with his mate and he was only now beginning to understand the depths of how much he cared for her. The rest of the universe could go to h.e.l.l.

"Then why did you free my arm?"

She squeezed his stiff c.o.c.k, running her finger up and down the length of him.

"Because I knew it was bothering you. But you're too freaked out of have them both removed."

"I might kill someone." He retaliated against her sensual attack by sliding a finger into her slick c.u.n.t. It was well lubricated from their lovemaking a moment earlier.

"Do you...remember the valley dreams?" She panted in between each thrust of his fingers.

He didn't want to answer. Leaning forward once more, he sucked her nipple into his mouth once more.


Haylie's voice rang clear in his mind. He froze, his brain unable to process that she really hadn't spoken aloud.

"How are you able to do this?"

Think the words.


Her smile was beautiful. We've never been able to do this before.

This isn't a common ability, even among Briel mates. Another anomaly?

She shrugged and slipped her fingers from his c.o.c.k to his Like everything else about our relations.h.i.+p. Now, answer my question.

"Do you remember the valley from my dreams?"

His head was clearly muddled because he couldn't think. It wasn't until she flashed the image of the valley that the memory of the dream came rus.h.i.+ng back.

That was your dream?

She lightly slapped his chest with her hand. "Where's that valley? I asked a few of my team, and even some of the miners, but they didn't recognize my description."

"Absolutely not." He pulled his hand away from her core and cupped her chin.

"I don't think you have much to say about it. I need to follow this investigation where it leads me. Don't you want to get out of here? Cause if you don't care, then I have a mountain of paperwork waiting for me back in my office."

"I don't want you going anywhere near there."


Haylie slapped his hand away and glared at him. "I'm not some Lunar crystal to be protected from the universe. If I don't get the information from you, I'll go to someone else."


"Taber, to start. But I'm sure even the Elder Council would help if they thought there was a chance you might be innocent."

"There is nothing you can do to prove to the council that I'm not guilty. Even if there is proof, I don't want you risking your life to get it."

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The Bond That Ties Us Part 28 summary

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