The Bond That Ties Us Part 8

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He knew she didn't understand the complications their joining would have for them. And while he needed to tell her, the selfish part of him, the one he usually ignored, told him to keep quiet. Just for a bit longer.

"We can figure that out later. I'd hate to be...interrupted."

Haylie pouted and Kamran immediately wanted to kiss her again.

"It didn't look like there were too many people in this area." But despite her protests, she slid from him and went in search of her clothing.

"Nonetheless, I'd rather not make love again on the floor."

He watched as her blush moved from her face to the tops of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "s.h.i.+t, I can't believe I did this."

"Mated with a Briel?"

"No, had s.e.x on the floor in a public room. I'll never be able to come in here again."

"That may prove difficult. There are many functions that are held here and, as security chief, you'll have to attend."

Haylie pulled on her pants and tugged her s.h.i.+rt over her head. Kamran watched, fascinated, as she raked her hair into a knot on her head.

s.h.i.+fting her hands to her hips in mock impatience, Haylie said, "Well, are you coming?"

A combination of l.u.s.t and pride filled him as he admired her beauty. How was he going to keep his hands off her?

"I'm impressed. I keep hearing human males complain about the speed in which their women dress."

"First off, I'm not most women." Haylie grinned again. "And second, beauty cannot be rushed. In my case, I take practicality over primping."

Kamran thought she looked absolutely gorgeous. Time to primp was unnecessary.

Getting himself dressed took a bit longer. Who knew a boot was aerodynamic enough to fly halfway across the room with a single toss? Finally, he stood beside her, ready to unlock the door.

"All set?"

"Of course, Amba.s.sador," she said and slipped her arm around his.

His gut clenched and he stiffened as he barely managed to contain his panic.

Humans would think nothing of such an act of affection. Especially after what they had done. To the Briel, it would be the same as declaring over the com system that he'd found his mate.

And he had. She simply didn't know that part yet.

"What's wrong?"

Haylie's voice was calm, yet held an edge to it. Taber spoke much the same way when he was puzzled. Her face betrayed none of the emotion that he was sure she was feeling.


"For my people, contact between males and females in this manner indicates that they are bonded. You would call it married. I wouldn't want to confuse those who might see us."

She pulled her arm away almost a bit too quickly. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think of that."

"I didn't mind. But you may not wish to marry a man you just met."

Not wanting to see her response, Kamran opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. Why now? Everything he'd ever wanted was before him. A family of his own.

Someone to grow old with. A life beyond serving others.

What if she didn't want the same things? He knew it wasn't the same for the humans, their relations.h.i.+ps tending to be more casual.

He tried to push those thoughts from his mind as Haylie dropped into step beside him.

"Tell me about yourself." He kept his tone soft, not wanting to disturb the calm that had descended over them.

"Well, I'm from Earth originally, but I've spent most of my life on Luna. And, as you know, I arrived on the colony this afternoon."

He saw that she'd laced her hands behind her back and walked half a step behind him. Kamran mentally cursed. He'd done that to her, caused her to distance herself from him. While he still wasn't sure what to do about their situation he much preferred the close contact of earlier.

"Let's see. My father pa.s.sed away last year. He was a shuttle pilot on Luna where I was deputy security chief. "

"Thank you. But those are things I can learn by looking you up in one of your records. I want to know about the real you."

That seemed to catch her off guard a bit, her lips turning into a slight pout.

"I'm thirty-one?"


By the G.o.ddess, he sounded like his father.

"What would you like to know?"

Kamran stopped and thought for a moment. "Tell me something that you haven't told another being."

She was about to answer as they turned the corner and walked into a crowd milling around one of the station's bars. He would have to work on his timing. Paying attention to the world around him might also help. But that would prove more difficult as time went on and the two of them grew closer.

"What's going on?" Haylie asked one of the men on the edge of the group.

She stepped between Kamran and the man and Kamran had to fight off a smile. It would figure she'd be like Taber. Security instincts.


"Bar fight. A real slugger 'til security showed up."

Kamran's height allowed him to peer over the tops of the humans who had been displaced from the bar, their drinks still firmly in their hands. Security had the situation well under control, with the drunks being escorted toward the door.

"I think everything is fine," Kamran said. When she didn't move, he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You're not on duty yet, Chief."

That got her moving.

Only once they had cleared the group did she speak. "Is that common here?"

"Not normally. Though Taber mentioned that there have been greater occurrences of fights in recent weeks."

Haylie frowned. "I wonder why."

"I'm sure that's one of the reasons the administrator is anxious to have you on board. He needs someone who can monitor these situations. I've been telling him for months that his talents are better spent elsewhere."

"I thought it odd myself that the colony administrator would be in charge of security while you waited for a new chief," she said-her tone was formal.

This wasn't good. "What's wrong?"

She stopped short and simply looked at him. Kamran was struck again by the exquisiteness of her eyes, the rich hazel color reflecting her deep emotions. But this time, he noticed the strength that mingled with her beauty. There was more to his Haylie than he first realized.

"Are we permitted to go somewhere and talk?" Her voice was very quiet, but there was no mistaking her meaning. They had to talk. Now.

"Of course. As long as it wouldn't be perceived as intimate."

"Excellent. I believe this hallway loops around to the main corridor where my office is located. I a.s.sume the interrogation room sufficiently lacks intimacy."

As an amba.s.sador, Kamran had dealt with many hostile races in the past.

Humanity was the only one he knew who expressed their anger pa.s.sively. Based on the pace with which Haylie was now walking, this conversation wasn't going to be pleasant.

Haylie's legs were almost as long as his own and she set a brisk pace. They reached the security office in record time. She paused only long enough to release the door lock on the control pad and strode into the dark room.

"Lights, computer."

Her voice echoed for only a moment in the dark before the lights came on. When they did, Kamran cringed. Hurt and confusion was clearly on her face as she stood there, arms crossed over her chest.

Before he could say anything, she added, "Computer, privacy screen."



"Are you playing me?"


"Are you playing me? Use me for a quick one-night stand and then play stupid the next day. I don't mind. But I'd appreciate knowing before this goes any further."

And there it was. Kamran respected bluntness. As an amba.s.sador, he'd wasted many hours of his life trying to sort through lies and half truths to get to the heart of the problem he was trying to solve. He should offer his future wife the same courtesy.

"How much do you know about my people?" he said and sat down in the metal mesh chair meant for visitors. It was uncomfortable and he wished he'd suggested they talk in his quarters.

"Very little beyond what is recorded in our official records. Your society is a matriarchy, but only males hold positions of danger or positions that take them off world. Your people have been instrumental in helping humanity become established in s.p.a.ce, especially with this colony."

She then paused, and Kamran watched her fight off some unknown expression and keep her face impa.s.sive. "And you are some of the largest beings I have ever interacted with."

He wanted to smile. But that would be the wrong move. "Mostly correct. Some of our older matrons, those who have lost their mates, do take positions off world. They belong to our Elder Council. Do you know why we are a matriarchy?"

"Good sense?" She tried to keep a straight face, but her lips twitched in a small smirk.

"There are fewer females than males in Briel society. As they are the givers of life and theirs is a limited number, our society evolved to listen to the advice of our female elders."

"So if there are fewer females, how does your society decide who can marry and who can't?"

And here lay the crux of the matter. Kamran sat forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees.

"No one does. Biology chooses for us."

When Haylie didn't react, Kamran thought she hadn't heard. Or chose to ignore him. Within a few minutes, she made her way around the desk and sat opposite him.

She kept her face impa.s.sive, hiding her feeling behind a blank stare.

"How does it work?" As she spoke, Haylie kept her voice low, but steady.

Fate, luck and a bit of magic. "Our scientists have been trying to figure that out for centuries. Once it was determined that there were fewer and fewer females, our leaders wanted to ensure that all of them were able to find their mates early in life."

"To increase the chances of reproduction. Makes sense. But not very romantic."

"Is that important to you?"

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The Bond That Ties Us Part 8 summary

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