Taking Shape Part 3

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aI should go as well.a They cleared their table and walked to the door. aI doubt Iall see you tomorrow but Monday? About two?a She quickly agreed but recognized the disappointment in her chest that she wouldnat see him tomorrow. It had only been a week but shead become used to seeing him every day. No, it wasnat right. She had to break up with Richard. Even after last night, she didnat think she wanted to keep seeing him. The disappointments of the past three months couldnat be wiped out by one night.

aSee you Monday.a Nick started to turn away and stopped. aTally, you know, if you ever need anything or youare in any kind of trouble, you can call me.a He handed her his business card.

She took it, more confused by the verbal message than the card. He sounded like he expected her to be in trouble. aThanks.a She tucked the card into her pocket and looked at him. It just seemed natural to lean forward and brush her lips against his cheek. His hands lightly touched her waist, holding her near for a just a moment before releasing her. aSee you Monday.a * * * * *

Nick stormed into the office at five. Guilt continued to circulate through his body but frustration was starting to bubble to the surface. Head followed Tally as shead run errands and visited her sister. And every time she climbed into her car, her jeans stretched across her a.s.s and Nick thought he would come in his pants. His only consolation was that never once did she head toward her office. Whatever she was doing, it was being done either during business hours or on that disk in her briefcase. Jameson had picked up her trail a few minutes ago. Head stay on her for the rest of the night.

Nick walked to his desk and stared at the box sitting on top.

aWhat the h.e.l.l is this?a aCaitlin left that,a Devon said, having appeared from his office again. aThatas your form for the night.a Nick picked up the box. aItas a rubber ducky.a aItas a vibrator shaped like a rubber ducky,a Devon clarified, amus.e.m.e.nt dripping from his voice.

aThis is what Caitlin picked? She expects me to turn into a rubber ducky vibrator? She couldnat have picked something a little moreaa He scrounged for the word. aI donat know, p.e.n.i.s-like? Macho?a aLook at it this way,a Devon said, obviously enjoying himself. aDo you really want your girlfriend more impressed by her s.e.x toys than you?a Nick looked at the smiling duck and shrugged. aYou have a point.a aIf she stays true to form, your girl will go for a walk about nine. Iall place you on the front step so youall be there when she gets back. That makes you coming out of form at about one.a Nick nodded absently, his mind still on the fact that he was going to turn into a vibrating rubber duck.

Chapter Five.

Tally walked up to her door and saw the package lying on the steps. Strange. Shead gone out for her nightly walk and didnat remember seeing it before she left. She picked up the box and went inside. It didnat have a mail stamp but there were official markings on it, like a delivery service had brought it by. She glanced at the clock and saw it was almost ten. Must be an after-hours delivery.

Curious, she set down her water bottle and carefully opened the package. The box inside had a familiar logo. It took her a moment to recognize it. There was a store on Fifth with that logoa"a s.e.x toy store. Tally had never been inside, preferring to do her s.e.x toy shopping online.

Who would be sending her something from that store? Richard? Not likely.

She flipped the box open.

For a woman who needs to have fun.

Nick Her breath exited her lungs in a rush. Nick had bought her a vibrator? She snagged her lower lip between her teeth and lifted the duck out of the box. Head sent her a s.e.x toy. A fun s.e.x toy. She laughed. It was the kind of thing one of her girlfriends would send hera"except Nick had sent it. Nick, the man who had starred in her most lurid fantasies.

She turned the duck around in her hands. It was warm to the touch as if it was alive. She glanced at the clock. It was late enough and it had been awhile since shead pulled out her vibrator. Her p.u.s.s.y tingled with antic.i.p.ation. Strange how the lack of good s.e.x made her not want s.e.x at alla"but one night of really good f.u.c.king and it was all she could think of.

Tally walked upstairs and tossed the ducky on the bed. The box said it was waterproof but she couldnat bring herself to carry it into the shower with her. Weird pictures of her being electrocuted in the bathtub by her rubber ducky vibrator made her wince. She would never be able to explain that to her parents.

She rushed through her shower, feeling the urge to get back to her ducky. She laughed as she rinsed the conditioner out of her hair. She hadnat been this excited to go to bed sinceawell, since last night with Richard. Maybe Iam just suddenly s.e.x crazed. She considered the idea as she dried off. It actually comforted her. That could explain why Richard seemed so phenomenal last night when every other night head been mediocre.

She grabbed a cotton nightgown from her dresser, resisting the urge to wear one of the lace negligees that lay at the bottom of her drawer. She was not dressing up for her vibrator.

She crawled into bed and picked up the rubber ducky. Its bright blue eyes stared at her. Its dopey smile made her grin in response. It was like the little beast was as eager as she was. She quickly read through the instructions and precautions. It explained how to use its beak and tail as stimulators. Tally tossed the paper on the floor. She could figure it out for herself.

Knowing her body, she needed a kick before she turned on the vibrating ducky. She flipped the light off and lay on her back, forcing her thoughts to Richarda"him moving over her, thrusting inside her. The memories from last night came sharp and clear but were soon crowded out by nights of blandness. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She would try a different fantasy. One that she knew would inspire her response.

Nickas voice filled her heada"hot and hungry. Begging to f.u.c.k her.

Let me have you. Let me inside this sweet c.u.n.t.

They were the words Richard had whispered last night but it was Nick speaking now. She arched her neck, feeling his mouth against her skin, sensing his presence. Her p.u.s.s.y wept in silent appreciation as she rolled the fantasy through her head. Taking a deep breath, she flipped the switch to turn on the vibrating duck. The little body began to shake, rocking her hand. She skimmed the beak across the inside of her thighs, long teasing patterns, drawing closer to her s.e.x. She tickled her c.l.i.t and pulled away, flicking the toy along her lower lips.

Let me have you. So delicious.

Her body reacted to the wicked words that echoed through her mind. The duckyas beak grew slippery as she slid it around her s.e.x. She closed her eyes and imagined it was Nick using it with her. Gliding it over her p.u.s.s.y. She rubbed it around her c.l.i.t, pulsing it against the edge, feeling the delicious build.

Thatas it. G.o.d, youare beautiful. Come for me. Come on.

The voice commanded her response and she pressed the ducky low into her opening. The sharp vibration sent a smooth jolt into her system, triggering the clear, quick o.r.g.a.s.m. Tally opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling, giggling as she rolled over, her body eased, her mind relaxed. She heard the soft thump of the ducky hitting the floor as she drifted off to sleep.

Nick felt his body explode, shedding the illusion of the little rubber toy. It was quick and slightly painful as he stretched and expanded. His mind slowly caught up with the transition, shaking off the film that covered it. He froze, crouched on the floor beside the bed, listening for screams or any sign that head been caught. The only sound was the slow, breathy sighs of Tally. Shaking off the disorientation of having his senses m.u.f.fled for so long, he slowly stood and stared down at her sleeping form.

Long, sleek legs stretched out from beneath a rather plain white nights.h.i.+rt. He took a deep breath. The scent of her c.u.n.t filled his head and he realized it was all over him, lingering remnants as the rubber duck. His c.o.c.k hardened at the sight and smell of her. Shead used the toya"rubbed it across her p.u.s.s.y.

l.u.s.t locked him in place, holding him there when he knew he should be leaving. As if she sensed his presence, Tallyas eyes flickered and opened. She looked up at him and her lips curled into a sleepy smile. The instinct to escape ran through his body but he didnat move. His gaze wandered down her body landing on the hidden V of her thighs, hoping for a glimpse of the secrets beneath the white cotton gown.

aYouare back.a Her dreamy voice sent a shockwave through Nickas system. He nodded slowly, not wanting to startle her, wondering why she wasnat screaming. The haze of sleep lingered in her eyes. She was partially asleep, probably thought she was dreaming. He just had to ease her back into the full sleep state then he could slip away and find the disk.

aI couldnat stay away,a he said, accepting the truth in his words, deliberately keeping his voice low and soothing. Tell her to go back to sleep. Tell her to close her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but she moved, rolling over and reaching out. Her fingertip connected with his thigh, inches away from his erection. So close. He held himself still, unsure of what she was planning and d.a.m.n, if he didnat want to find out.

She stroked her hand up, along his hip, across his stomach. He felt himself moving closer, allowing her full access. She didnat touch his c.o.c.k but she came close.

Sleep. Get her back to sleep.

aUh, maybe you should close your eyes and rest for a bit,a he offered, realizing how lame the words sounded even as he said them. d.a.m.n, this woman affected more than his c.o.c.k. She drove his brain to insipidness.

She laughed softly. aIam already sleeping. Why would I want to close my eyes?a She pushed up onto her elbow and spread her fingers across his stomach muscles. aYum. This is the best dream Iave had in a while.a She slid her hand down, curling her fingers around his c.o.c.k. aOkay, this is the best dream Iave had ever. Youare so big and hard. Just like I imagined.a Nick clenched his teeth together and inhaled sharply as she stroked him. He needed to pull backa"and he would, in just a minute.

Itas just a dream. She thinks itas a dream.

At least this time she doesnat think sheas f.u.c.king her boyfriend.

Was this any better? She thought he was part of some wet dream, a fantasy. Funny, she hadnat been surprised that it was Nick standing by her bedsidea"not Richard. This would be his chance to hear his name on her lips.

aLift your nightgown for me, baby. Let me see you.a Her eyes glowed in the pale light as she rested back and pulled the nightgown up, lifting her hips to free it from below her backside. Nick grabbed the lower edge and helped her, pulling it over her head and tossing it over his shoulder.

aSo beautiful.a He kept his voice soft, hoping to maintain the dream-like atmosphere for just a little longer. Just long enough that he could touch her again. aHave you dreamed about me?a She nodded. aOften?a aEvery night.a Her sighed confession made his c.o.c.k infinitely harder. d.a.m.n, he wanted to f.u.c.k her. Instead, he slid his hand between her legs and groaned when he encountered her moisture.

Tally pumped her hips up, unconsciously guiding the tip of his finger into her c.u.n.t. Nick couldnat resist going just a little deeper. The warm, wet p.u.s.s.y clung to him, almost dragging him inside.

aOh yes,a she groaned.

Oh, no, Nick thought. He had to get out of here before he did something really stupid.

aMore,a she sighed. She reached between her legs and grabbed his wrist, holding him in place as she moved against him. His c.o.c.k rose, eager to take the place of his finger sliding in and out of her. aPlease, Nick, f.u.c.k me.a Her words were like a hook dragging him forward. Even as his mind screamed that he was going to screw up the whole joba"h.e.l.l, his lifea"he couldnat stop himself, climbing onto the bed, moving between her legs. She spread her thighs eagerly as he moved over her.

aOh, G.o.d, yes.a The warm scent of her arousal filled his head, making him dizzy with the need to taste her. He licked his lips, trying to capture her flavor from the air. Head tasted her last night but it had been through the senses of another man. Nick wanted her for himself, wanted her flavor to linger on his tongue, in his memory. He crouched down, until his mouth hovered over her s.e.x. With a quick flutter of his tongue, he teased her c.l.i.t. His memories from last night told him where to stroke, how much pressure to apply. He circled the tight point, ma.s.saging the side until she cried out. His name. It was his name that was on her lips.

All logic, all sensibility told him to back off and disappear but the desire to hear her begging him, calling for him to come inside her was too much for him to control. He drew a long stroke up the length of her slit, teasing her flesh before returning and tasting, sucking on her s.e.x lips, slipping the tip of his tongue into her opening. The now familiar sound of her gasp told him she liked the sensation. He applied pressure to the top of her entrance, rubbing the sensitive spot.

aOh, wow, thatas nice.a Very nice, he silently agreed. He reached between them and pushed two fingers into her p.u.s.s.y, stroking the inside as his mouth worked her c.l.i.t. Licking and sucking, light strokes to carry her higher. The slow roll of her hips became sharp, erratic thrusts, as she sought the climax he held just out of her reach. The desire to feel her come pressed him on. He sucked her c.l.i.t between his lips, strong and steady.

aYes, oh, yes, thatas it, Nick. Right there.a Her body tighteneda"her knees closed around his head and her fingernails bit into his shoulder as she came.

He kept on her, easing her through another wave of o.r.g.a.s.m. Her soft cries dragged him upa"his body instinctually responding to their combined hunger. The need to have her controlled him.

Oh my G.o.d, this is the most incredible dream, Tally thought. Nothing had ever felt this good. He moved over her, holding his body above hers. She smiled up at him and stroked her finger along his cheek. aI didnat know my fantasies were that good,a she giggled.

He turned his head and kissed her palm aMy pleasure.a aIt was my pleasure but Iam glad you enjoyed it.a She smoothed her hand down his chest. It was just as shead imagineda"hard and strong, a faint trace of dark hair that clung to her fingers as she stroked him. aWill you come inside me? Iave thought about it for days.a She trailed down his breastbone to the faint ripple of stomach muscles. aWhat it would feel like to have you inside me. Hard and deep.a aDo you like to be f.u.c.ked hard?a His voice was raspy and harsh and Tally smiled. She loved the fact that she could tempt him, make him hungry for her. Even if it was just a dream, she loved it.

aSometimes.a She curled her hand around his c.o.c.k and caressed his length. aI want to be taken and f.u.c.ked, loved like youare desperate to have me.a aI am,a he groaned.

aDo you want to f.u.c.k me? Slide this huge c.o.c.k into my p.u.s.s.y?a The words that fell from her mouth were more suited to a romance novel than real life but she didnat care. She liked the way they sounded. Liked the way his eyes glowed when she said them. She pumped her hand up and down his erection. His jaw tightened and his chest rose and fell in fast, harsh breaths. He wanted her. aPlease, Nick,a she begged, doing her best p.o.r.n star imitation. aCome inside me.a He groaned and the resistance seemed to flow out of him. He drew out of her grasp but didnat move far. She tensed as he placed the thick head of his c.o.c.k to her opening.

aDo you want this?a he demanded, teasing her with the first inch.

aYes. Nick, I want you.a He hesitated then drove in, filling her in one hard thrust. Tally pressed up on her shoulders her body shuddering at the sharp invasion. There was a bright sparkle of pain but it was quickly overcome by the pure pleasure of having him inside her. This was what she wanteda"what she dreamed of every night. He hesitated for a moment and Tally waited, fearing the dream was over. That she would be left hungry and aroused as she came awake.

He took a long breath and slowly pulled back, almost leaving her. The delicious pleasure was too much for her to lose. aNo, please,a she begged, clutching at him.

aOh, baby, I canat leave you. Not now.a Comforted by his a.s.surance, she released her tight grip and rested back on the bed. aThatas it,a he whispered. aLet me move in you.a His words drifted over her and she rolled her hips, widening her thighs. He seemed pleased with her actions and pulled her hips up, placing her backside high on his thighs, settling his c.o.c.k even deeper.

aOh, yes, baby. G.o.d, you feel so good.a She chuckled softly. aYou too.a He smiled and she felt a zing inside her chest. It was the patented Nick smilea"s.e.xy and alluring. And wicked. There was something decidedly dangerous about him. As she watched him, heat built between them. He didnat thrust, just held himself deep inside her, filling her, drawing her into him. She didnat know how long they stayeda"locked togethera"when he began to move. Slowly pulling out before driving in deep. She cried out and held on.

She moved her hips in subtle pulses, matching his heavier thrusts. He stroked her deepa"finding that place that enticed the climax from inside her p.u.s.s.y. She gasped as the waves broke through, holding onto him, clinging as her world spun out of control.

Nick clenched his jaw and fought the urge to come. He wasnat wearing a condom, hadnat even thought about it. Hadnat thought about anything but f.u.c.king her the way she wanted to be f.u.c.ked. Hard and deep. Now that he was inside her and the sweet grip of her c.u.n.t held him, he realized he couldnat come. He might, just might, be able to convince her this was a dreama"but not if she woke up the next morning sticky with his c.u.m.

The pleasure of being inside her, of hearing his name on her lips and feeling her p.u.s.s.y s.h.i.+mmer to climax was almost enough. Almost. No, it would have to be enough. Even though he couldnat come, he couldnat pull out of her just yet. He slowed his thrusts, needing more control.

aNo, hard, you promised me hard.a He laughed softly and leaned over, kissing her, nipping at her lower lip in sensual thanks for her demand. aAnd Iave given you hard. Youave come twice.a He slowly drew back, crus.h.i.+ng his own groan.

aI want more.a She wrapped her legs around his back. aItas my dream, I can have more.a She pumped herself against him, f.u.c.king him inside her in short, powerful thrusts. This time Nick couldnat stop the moan. She was so sensuala"so lost in her own pleasure.

aOne more. Let me have one more,a she begged.

One more, he vowed as he pulled back and began to move hard inside her. He kept his thrusts short and deep, rubbing her p.u.s.s.y far inside as he stroked her c.l.i.t with his finger. Her eyes widened as the double caresses built within her body. She was open and exposed. There was no effort to hide her reactions. It was as if he could see inside her mind. He pulsed within, watching her eyes widen as the pressure grew in her c.u.n.t.

aThatas it, baby, come for me. Let me feel you come on my c.o.c.k.a Tally pumped against him, her body caught in the pull of the pleasure. Never before had she experienced anything like this. Itas a dream, itas a dream. It didnat matter. Need surged through her body and she moved with him, rocking her hips in sharp, fast strokes. Deep inside hera"like someone had tickled hera"the pressure released, fast and hard through her body. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down, clutching him as her body floated in the stratosphere.

He pulled his still hard c.o.c.k from between her legs.

aYou didnat come,a she said, her words were blurred by the sensual exhaustion that dragged at her. She placed her hand against him. He was wet from being inside her, and slippery. She rubbed her hand along his shaft. Nick tensed as if her touch was painful but he didnat move away. He moved forward, urging his c.o.c.k into her palm. The tiredness seemed to fade from her body as she rolled to her side. She wanted to taste him. Bending over, she flicked the tip of her tongue across the thick head. The musky flavor of her own s.e.x floated across her tongue. She wanted morea"wanted to taste him. She opened her moutha"but he jerked back.

Disappointment and embarra.s.sment battled for control in her brain as she looked up at him. He didnat want her mouth on him?

aIam sorry, baby, but tonightas just for you,a he said. He leaned down and covered her mouth with his, pus.h.i.+ng her back until she was flat on the bed and he was once again over her. aOne day, Iam going to f.u.c.k that beautiful mouth.a He licked the corner of her lips. aBut now I have to go.a He backed away. aNow close your eyes and sleep again. Iall be back. Soon.a He moved into the shadows, watching her as she followed him with her eyes. Finally, she sighed and closed her eyes. He waited, afraid to move, afraid to startle her.

Her breathing evened out but he knew she wasnat deeply asleep. He glanced behind him, considering the option of slipping downstairs and searching for the disk. He took a step back and her alarm screamed through the room.

Nick stared at the clock. Who set their alarm for five oaclock on a Sunday? Frozen for a moment, he saw Tally snap awake. She rolled over, moving away from him to the other side of the bed where the clock sat blinking and buzzing. Seeing no other choice, Nick gathered his form around him, pictured the rubber ducky and poured himself into the image. His body collapsed and he lost his senses.

Tally groaned as she rolled toward her bedside clock. d.a.m.n, shead set it last night out of habit, forgetting today was Sunday. Her heart pounded in her ears and threatened to vibrate out of her chest as she collapsed back onto the bed.

Wow, what a night. She dragged her arm up and over her eyes waiting for her heart to slow. The subtle movement s.h.i.+fted the sheet across her skin. Her bare skin. Tally looked down. She was naked? When had that happened? Shead been wearing a nightgown when shead gone to bed.

She pushed up onto her elbows and looked over the bedside. Her nightgown lay in a puddle on the floor. The dream came cras.h.i.+ng back. Nick, stripping off her nightgown, throwing it down as he knelt between her legs, licking her, f.u.c.king her. It had been so clear, so real. She rolled over and the muscles inside her thighs twinged. She cupped her hand to her s.e.x, surprised at the sudden ache between her legs. Like she really had been f.u.c.ked hard last night.

aThat was some wild dream,a she said aloud, sitting up. She fluffed her hair back away from her face, trying to get the images out of her head. She rolled her head to the side, working out the kinks, and saw the rubber ducky lying on her floor in her doorway. aHow did you get over there?a She climbed off the bed and picked up the toy. Looking back at the bed, she laughed softly. The sheets were crumpled and wrinkled as if she had spent the night in wild s.e.x. Shead obviously been so caught in the dream shead removed her nightgown and somehow flung the rubber ducky toward the door. She carried the toy into the bathroom and set it on the counter. She looked in the mirror. Her eyes were bright and tired but there was an energy flowing through her body. The glow that surrounded her seemed real and s.e.xual.

aHmm. Itas a bad sign when my dreams are more exciting than real life.a She gripped her toothbrush and saw the rubber ducky staring at her in the mirror. The duckyas smug smile made her blush. aGreat. Iam embarra.s.sed by my own s.e.x toy.a

Chapter Six.

Nick strode into the office and stopped. Caitlin and Devon leaned against the receptionistas desk. d.a.m.n, he thought, he didnat need this. Not this morning. His mind had been circling through explanations since head come out of the duckas form on Tallyas bathroom counter. It was by the sheer grace of G.o.d that Tally hadnat been standing beside him when the change had occurred. Thankfully, Caitlin had planned ahead and checked Tallyas usual Sunday schedule. She met her friends for breakfast early Sunday morning. When Nick came out of the form, head called Jameson who had appeared with clothes and dropped Nick back at his place. Now, Jameson was tracking Tally. Keeping her in sight. With the exception of a few hours yesterday morning, someone in their family had been watching her all weekend. It usually came to this at some point in every investigation. Thankfully with their familyas particular skills, very few people ever figured out they were being tailed.

Nick started to walk by his brother and sister, hoping to ignore them, but their smiles stopped him.

aWhat?a he demanded.

aHow was life as a s.e.x toy?a Caitlin asked, letting go of the laughter shead been holding back since yesterday.

aSometimes I hate you.a He moved past them into his office and dropped his coat onto the chair. Devon and Caitlin followed, naturally. He glared at his sister. aIt was your stupid idea in the first place.a aI was joking.a aWhat?!a She laughed again and he could see the tears welling up in her eyes. aI was kidding. I thought youad laugh and reject the idea but poofa"you actually considered it.a aSo you just had to egg me on.a aWhat else could I do? It was my sisterly duty to see if youad actually go through with it. How was it?a Nick just glared at her in response.

aDid you get the disk?a Devon asked, dragging them back to their purpose.

aNo.a aWhat happened? Surely you didnat stay in that form all night.a Nick could hear the panic in Devonas voice. That was a s.h.i.+fteras greatest feara"trapped forever in a form from which he couldnat free himself.

aNo, I came out of it.a aAnd you decided not to searchaa Caitlin chuckled. aI think big brother got distracted by a certain accountant.a aAgain?a Devon asked.

aYes,a Nick admitted. aAnd she took that d.a.m.n briefcase with her when she left.a aSo you have to go back in,a Caitlin pointed out. The twinkle in her eye made Nick snarl.

aIam not going back as an inanimate. I need something that I can control.a Unlike my libido, he thought, keeping the snide comment to himself. He looked at his brother and saw the same silent response.

aIall handle it,a Caitlin announced. Nick started to protest but she shook her head. aDonat worry. Iall really do it this time.a Nick stared at her for a long moment but didnat see any mockery in her eyes. She was serious this time. aFine.a As they left, he saw the message light on his phone glowing. He dialed in and waited impatiently as the smooth voice of the voice mail greeter went through her spiel. Finally, he hit a0a and heard the message.

aMr. Conner? Martin Jessup. Weave decided we wonat be needing your services any longer. It appears that Ms. Hayward is not a problem after all. Thanks for all youave done. If youall send me a final bill, Iall get a check cut.a Nick tapped his pen on the desk. That was odd. Nick had left a message on Branchas phone on Friday saying they were moving ahead. Why pull him off now? And strange that Jessup hadnat said theyad decided Tally was innocent or theyad made a mistake, just that she wasnat a problem.

He heard Caitlin moving around her office. This case was officially closed and they all had plenty of work for other clients. Nick could send Caitlin and Devon home, call off Jameson. They could all have the day off. It was Sunday after all.

But something didnat sit right.

Nick let his pen drop to the desktop. He would give it one more day. One more try to see what she kept on that disk she protected so well, then head back off. Jameson had reviewed the information Nick had sent him and found nothing unusual. Nick opened his computer and pulled up Tallyas filea"everything they knew about her. She wasnat stealing from AirPress. Nick would bet his reputation on it but she was hiding something and maybe that something was why he was hired in the first place.

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Taking Shape Part 3 summary

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