Taking Shape Part 5

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Fighting to regain some of her anger, Tally dragged her attention away from the puppy and back to Nick. aWell?a she demanded.

He stood up and faced her. aIam a shape s.h.i.+fter,a he said again.

aYou know how crazy that sounds right?a aYeah but itas the truth.a He sat down on the arm of the couch. aMy whole family can do it. It started back in the mid-1600s and itas just pa.s.sed to every generation.a aA whole family of shape s.h.i.+fters,a she said, not even trying to keep the disbelief out of her voice.

aExactly. So on Friday night I turned into Richarda"or at least made myself look like hima"and took you out to dinner, brought you here and made love to you.a He stood up and walked toward her. Even though he was patently insane, she didnat feel the urge to back away. aYou admitted it yourselfa"that he hadnat acted like himself that night.a aItas not possible.a aAnythingas possible.a He took a deep breath and his body changed. It shrunk and grew furry. Tallyas throat closed up as she watched him. His clothes fell into a pile as the form beneath it collapsed. One moment he was standing in front of her. The nexta"he was a puppy. She shook her head, trying to erase the picture in front of her. It wasnat possible. It wasnat. But there it was. She pinched herself to make sure she wasnat dreaming. The dream. Shead seen this in her dream, the one that had felt like reality.

Nick sat on his haunches and looked up at her. His tail fluttered with little doggie excitement.

Oh my G.o.d. Heas a shape s.h.i.+fter.

The other puppy bounded around the end of her couch and pounced on the dog in front of her as if thrilled to find a friend his size. The two puppies rolled around together until Tally couldnat tell which was which. They were exact copies of each other. Moving in slow motion, she sank down until she sat on the floor and reached toward the dogs. One of the puppies detached itself from the other and ran to her, immediately licking her hand and trying to crawl onto her.

Oh yeah, this one was Nick. She picked him up and inspected him, holding him close. Deep blue eyes stared back at her. His pink tongue flicked out and lapped her nose.

aStop that.a He did it again. She laughed. aYou are going to be a handful.a As she spoke the dog began to wriggle like he wanted down. She put him on the ground and he began to change, rising and growing until a very naked Nick crouched before her. He lifted his head and smiled arrogantly at her.

aSomewhat more than a handful, I think,a he said.

She started to responda"to ask how it was donea"but he was there, his mouth on hers, his lips moving against hers as if he was hungry for her taste. Despite the amazing revelation shead just witnessed, he was still Nick, the man who occupied her dreams. The man whoad made love to her three nights ago.

Her confusion at how Richard could have become her dream lover disappeared as she tasted Nick. This was right. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, opening her mouth beneath his. His tongue took immediate advantage, sliding gently between her lips. The warm masculine flavor combined with a touch of coffee made her sigh and draw closer.

Heat rose from his body as he curled his arms around her, pulling her closer even as he guided them both to the floor. His hands were slow, almost hesitant, as if he was giving her s.p.a.ce to pull away. One concern niggled the edge of her consciousness. Nick had known where she liveda"head known about Richard, head known enough to turn into Richard.

Tally sat up, forcing inches between their bodies.

aWhy?a aWhat?a aWhy did you turn into Richard in the first place?a He sat up as well, resting his wrists on his bent knees. He looked at her for a long time before he nodded. aMy two brothers, my sister and I run a private investigations firma"Conner Investigations. Edward Branch hired us to find evidence that you were embezzling.a aWhat!?a aHe hired me about three weeks ago to prove you were embezzling.a Energy zapped her body, re-igniting the anger from before. She rolled over and got to her feet, walking away, needing to expend some of the violence surging through her body. Edward thought she was stealing? Head hired Nick to prove it. And thatas why Nick had slept with her.

aYou b.a.s.t.a.r.d.a He didnat deny the t.i.tle.

aDid you turn into Richard hoping to search my house? Wait. You did search my house. Thatas what the phone call was. Thatas why you dialed into the Internet.a aI was searching for proof.a A stab of pure betrayal pierced her heart and forced tears into her eyes. aDid you have to f.u.c.k me? You couldnat have found some other way?a She wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling vulnerable. Head been her dream lover and shead been part of his job. She gulped down air trying to keep the tears in control.

aI didnat mean for that to happen.a She flipped her hair out of the way and glared at him. Head gotten to his feet and standing within punching distance. aThen why did it?a He hesitated but there was something in his eyes that told her he wasnat pausing to come up with a good lie. He looked at her with that turbulent blue gaze. aI was just supposed to keep you busy so Devon could search your office but then I kissed you andaa He shook his head. aI couldnat help myself,a he confessed. aI knew it was wrong but you were there and you so s.e.xy and s.e.xual and all I could think isa"aI might never have another chance to have her.aa He pressed his lips together. aI am sorry. Iave never done anything like that beforea"making love to a woman in anotheras form. Devonas been kicking my a.s.s about it for the past two days.a Nick probably didnat realize the way his honest regret eased her soul.

aThen I kept thinking about what an a.s.shole Richard is and I guess I wanted to show you that you could have better.a aAnd that would be you?a she asked, unable to keep her smile in check.

A weaker man would have blushed but Nick just shruggeda"and his eyes flashed at her with l.u.s.t and confidence.

aYou did say that night wasa"what was the word you used? Oh, yes, amazing.a She shook her head. aIam not sure that kind of arrogance is going to get you back in my bed,a she warned but even she could hear the laughter in her voice. He raised his eyebrows and Tally felt her stomach sink. He might not want back in her bed. Innate insecurity bubbled to the surface. Tally opened her mouth to explain, draw back the offer, change the subject, anything.

Nick held out his hand open palm. aMeeting you started out as a job but from the beginning I looked at you as more than a target. You fascinated me by the way you walked and talked. And nothing Iave learned since has changed that first impression. Iam more intrigued than ever. I want to know you and I want you to know me.a Tally had to fight not to melt into a warm puddle of feminine goo. Once again head said the right thing. She looked into his eyes. The liquid depths were stormy and a hint of his own insecurity flashed at her through the warm blue haze. His pupils were mere pinp.r.i.c.ks and the tops of his cheeks were painted with the merest shade of red. These werenat reactions he could control.

She looked away, needing to retreat from the power of his stare. She was confused and hurt. She wanted him, liked him, was probably halfway to being in love with him, but stilla"she glanced down. His c.o.c.k was thick and hard. Another reaction he couldnat seem to control. Her p.u.s.s.y warmed in reflected response.

Chapter Eight.

The need to forget, to be taken away from everything that had happened and been revealed in the last few hours, overwhelmed her. She moved toward him, craving that moment away from reality.

aNicka"a He was there, strong and solid, knowing what she needed. Their lips meta"and bells rang. Tally jerked back, staring at him for a moment before her mind connected the sound with her doorbell.

aExpecting visitors?a he asked.

aNo.a aIall get it.a He moved toward the door. Tally grabbed his arm.

aYouare naked. Iall get it.a She pa.s.sed him, hearing the m.u.f.fled masculine protests as he dragged on his clothes. She peeked out the front window and saw Devon.

aItas your brother.a Nick arrived s.h.i.+rtless and adjusting the top of his pants as she opened the door and let Devon in. Another younger man and a woman who looked vaguely familiar followed him. Tally stepped back to let them in.

aYouare the delivery lady,a she accused.

aHi, Iam Caitlin, Nickas sister. And this is Jameson our younger brother.a Caitlin looked at Nick and widened her eyes. aOooh, did we interrupt something?a aYes,a Nick answered.

Caitlin laughed. aGood.a Nick ignored her. aWhy are you here?a he asked, stepping close to Tally, silently announcing his claim to the other males in the room. He knew it was a primitive reaction but didnat care. He wanted his brothers to know that Tally belonged to him. At least he thought she did. Or she eventually would. Shead handled everything that had been thrown at her todaya"even seemed willing to forgive hima"so he had to believe there was hope.

aI think we need to move on this today,a Devon said. Devon had good instincts.

Nick led them all into the living room, sat down on the couch and pulled Tally down beside him. The puppy bounded around the corner and ran to the nearest human, sniffing and inspecting each one in turn until Jameson finally picked him up and held him on his lap.

aWhat did you find?a Nick asked.

aAccording to the police, the guard was killed about one a.m.,a Devon said. aHe checked in at twelve-twelve and said he was starting his rounds through Tallyas building. Starts at the top and works his way down. He didnat check out when he was done. Not unusual. A lot of the guards forget to sign out. The body was in her office on the floor.a Nick saw Tallyas cheeks turn white and he squeezed her fingers. She flashed him a weak smile but stayed firm.

aThe weekend guards just walk the halls occasionally so they didnat see the body until the cleaning crew came in at midnight last night.a aWhile Devon was talking to the police, I went to Tallyas building and had a look at her computer,a Caitlin said.

Tally sat forward. aButa"howa"they just let you look at my computer?a Caitlin smiled. aThey didnat know it was me looking. Anyway, it seems that on Friday morning, someone loaded some interesting doc.u.ments on Tallyas computer. Iad say someone was trying to set her up for embezzling.a aThatas why they wanted to know when I was going to check out her computer,a Nick said.

aI donat understand.a aWhen Branch hired me, he wanted to know when I was going to look at your work computer. He said it was to allow me access to the building but it was really so he could put the incriminating information on your computer.a It all made sense in a stupid-criminal sort of way. aIf head put it on weeks ago, you might have noticed.a aObviously, whoever did it doesnat know that a computer tracks when a doc.u.ment is created,a Caitlin added.

aIam sure they didnat care,a Nick said, thinking back to his meeting with Branch and Jessup. Head known something was hinky but hadnat listened to his instincts. aThey probably just wanted to leave a big enough trail to get rid of her. Enough to threaten her with so shead quit.a Tally spun on her seat to face him. aWhy would they want to get rid of me?a She squinted her eyes and he watched that fascinating mind process the information. aThe Georgia plant. I knew something was wrong. Theyare inflating profits to make the selling price higher.a aThat would do it,a Nick agreed.

aMartin tried to take me off the audit team shortly after we started it. He gave me a promotion and then said Iad be too busy. I hate leaving in the middle of a project, so I told him Iad make the time.a aWhen they couldnat get rid of you that way, they must have decided to get you fired or make you quit.a Nick scanned the faces of his brothers and sister. They were all ready to go. aDevonas right. We should probably move on this before Branch and Jessup know Tallyas been cleared.a Tallyas shoulders slumped a bit.

aWhatas wrong?a aDo you really think they are after me?a She looked up him with liquid eyes. It was just another blow in an already overwhelming day.

aI think they are trying to protect themselves and youare in their way.a The plan head been formulating in his mind changed as he saw the hurt and fury battle for control of her body. She needed to be a part of it. He took her hand and squeezed her fingers in a gentle show of support. aDonat worry. You and I are going to take them down.a aWhat have you got in mind?a Devon asked.

aJessup is the weaker of the two, right?a Tally nodded. aHe does whatever Edward tells him to, but I canat believe head kill someone if thatas what youare thinking. Or that Edward would order it.a aWell, letas find out what he would do.a aHow?a Nick smiled, finally able to offer her something that might fix the situation.

aDid you acquire Branch?a Devon asked before Nick could respond.

aNaturally. I think it might be an appropriate time for the police to question Branch. Devon, youall handle that?a Devon nodded. He stood and Nick followed suit. aCaitlin, weall need a wire.a aItas in the car.a aI just need some clothes anda"a aEveryone stop,a Tally commanded, standing and holding up her hands. She turned until she faced Nick head on. He had to work to hide his smile. She was tired and confused and probably more than a little frightened but she wasnat backing down. He liked that kind of strength in a woman. aWhat is aacquiringa and how can Devon make the police do anything?a Tally said.

Devon started toward the door. aWhile you explain it all to her, weall get moving and meet you outside the building in thirty minutes. Iall have clothes.a Nick waited until the front door shut behind his siblings and then explained.

aAcquiring is when I collect the shape of a thing or person. I have to touch something to turn into it.a aSo when you met Edward, you aacquireda him?a aI thought it might come in handy and it has.a He grabbed his s.h.i.+rt and pulled it on, pleased to see a flash of regret on Tallyas face when he closed it. Good. Since he truly enjoyed her body, he hoped she felt the same way about his. aLetas get going and Iall explain what I have in mind.a * * * * *

Tally paced in front of Edwardas desk. Her heart pounded so loud she wouldnat be surprised if it was picked up on the microphone she wore beneath her s.h.i.+rt.

aRelax,a Nick said, though it came out of Edwardas mouth. Tally looked at the distinguished gentleman behind the desk and had to readjust her mind again to remember that was Nicka"just in Edwardas body.

Devon had arrived five minutes ago, looking disturbingly like Detective Two, and had asked Edward to go with him to Tallyas office. Once theyad left, Nick and Tally had slipped into Edwardas office and summoned Martin.

aIs this going to work?a aYes. Donat worry. Weare good at this.a Nick leaned forward, his blue eyes glittering back at her. They seemed to be the only thing that didnat change on him and gave her some comfort that the areala Nick was somewhere inside. He winked. aHow about giving us a little kiss? For luck.a aEww. Not in that body.a Nick laughed. aWhen we go home though, baby, Iam going toa"a aYour sisteras listening,a she warned.

She saw a flicker of fear in his eyes and almost laughed. The sound was cut short by the door opening and Martin Jessup walking in. He jolted when he saw Tally standing close to Edwardas desk but after a moment his face cleared and he looked like the pa.s.sive, wimpy accountant shead always seen before.

aYou wanted to see me, Edward.a He didnat walk all the way in, hovering at the doorway.

aYes, get in here and shut the door,a Nick commanded and dang if he didnat sound just like Edward. Not just in voice but in tone and att.i.tude. aWeave got a problem.a Tally knew it was time for her act. She crossed her arms and placed her hip on the edge of the desk, doing her best to look p.i.s.sed and at the same time.

Nick lifted his chin toward Tally. aShe knows.a Martin swallowed but didnat flinch. aKnows what?a Nick looked at Tally and she knew it was her turn to take over. Nickas voice couldnat be on this part of the tape.

aEverything,a she answered. aI was willing to overlook that you two were inflating the profits for the Georgia plant. I figured Iad get my cut later, but Iam not willing to take the rap for murder.a She realized she sounded like a bad-action movie but figured Martin was so panicked he wouldnat notice.

aMurder?a aYou murdered that security guard and then you sent the police to me.a Nick and Caitlin had told her to use the word amurdera often. Martin wasnat a hardened criminal and a reminder of what head done might trigger the guilt and confession. aIam not taking the blame for a murder.a aIt wasnat murder.a Martin looked at Nick, looking for guidance. Nick did an excellent job of looking disgusted and a little afraid at the same time. He waved his hand toward Tally as if indicating Martin should explain. Martin gulped again. aIt was an accident. I didnat want him to see me so I covered my head and ran for the door and I ran into him. He fell against the wall and cracked his head.a The tears in Martinas eyes comforted Tally. It hadnat been intentional and he obviously felt horrible about it.

aThen why send the police my way?a aWe didnat reallya"a he started to protest.

aWe?a she demanded, needing a name. Needing Edwardas name.

aEdward,a Martin said, nodding toward the man behind the desk. aI called him after it happened.a He glanced toward Nick but he remained silent. aIt was just to get you out of the way. I wouldnat have let you go to jail. I wouldnat.a Tally let silence fill the air. They had enough. If not to give to the police, at least to threaten Martin and Edward into talking to the cops.

aYouave said enough,a Nick said, standing up. He definitely had Edwardas commanding tone down. aGo back to your office. Iall deal with her.a Martin hesitated then his shoulders drooped forward and he turned to go, his head down, the energy seemingly sucked from his body.

Tally felt sorry for hima"she was still going to turn him in to the police but she felt sorry for him.

aWeave got to go,a Nick said, taking Tallyas hand and pulling her to the door. aI donat know how long Devon can keep Branch busy.a Nick stopped beside the door, bent his neck to the side and slowly began to change. His face shrunk back, the lines of his cheekbones once again had definition. His chest expanded, threatening the seams of the suit he wore. She s.h.i.+vered as she watched her lover re-appear. It was almost less disconcerting to see him changing into the puppy.

When head finished changing, he hiked up the now too-big trousers and opened the door. They stepped into the hallway, pulled the door shut behind them and had taken two steps when Devona"still in the detectiveas forma"came around the corner walking with Edward.

aI couldnat have believed it of her myself but sheas obviously not the angel we all believea"a Edward pulled up short. aMs. Hayward.a Strange, shead been aTallya since day onea"now suddenly she was aMs. Haywarda.

aEdward,a she replied.

aUh, I thought you werea"a He looked at Devon. aI was under the impression that she was under arrest.a aOh, did I say that? No, sheas actually cleared. She was with Mr. Conner all night.a Edwardas eyes widened but that was the only visible response to the announcement. aConner? You were working for me.a aPrecisely. I was ainvestigating hera that night.a Nick knew a threatening smile would be perfect right now, but he was afraid that if he moved it would be to punch Branch in the face. He nudged Tally forward. aLetas go, honey.a He leaned down as they walked by Branch. aAnd you f.u.c.ked with the wrong manas woman.a aIall be going as well,a Devon announced and turned around, walking away with Tally and Nick. They entered the elevator and faced Branch as the door closed. Tally leaned into Nick, keeping her chin lifted as she stared down her soon-to-be-former boss.

Now, Nick smiled.

Nick followed Tally into her house and greeted the puppy. The little dog ran around the room in a frenzy of not knowing what to explore first before collapsing beside the couch and promptly falling asleep. Tally tossed her purse on the table and sighed, dropping her head back as if the weight was too much. Shead stood like this the first day head seen her, and even then head wanted to ease her tension, soothe her, have her.

He walked up behind her. She straightened but didnat move away. Antic.i.p.ation hung between them. Moving slowly, not wanting to rush her but needing to touch, feel her body, he placed his hands on her waist and leaned his head forward, brus.h.i.+ng a light kiss on her throat. She tipped her head to the side, giving him the access and permission he sought. The warmth of her body called his. He inched forward until her back was pressed to his front, the hard line of his erection pus.h.i.+ng against her a.s.s. It reminded him of the first night, when head been inside her, f.u.c.king her from behind. When it had been his c.o.c.k and her p.u.s.s.y, nothing between them.

As he nibbled at her neck, feeling her relax into him, he smoothed his hands up her sides, close but not quite touching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, remembering how sensitive her nipples were, teasing her, drawing her out. She rolled her hips back, rubbing against his c.o.c.k.

He gently bit her earlobe, rewarding and reprimanding her in one gentle bite. She groaneda"and then reluctantly spun out of his arms, stepping away.

aI canat.a Nick snapped his teeth together to hold back the growl that wanted to be freed. He could understand her reluctance. He would understand. Shead had a lot of shocks today. And she wasnat completely in the clear yet.

Theyad left the recording with Caitlin and Devon who would contact a few friends in the police department and get them looking at Branch and Jessup. Normally Nick would have stayed to follow through but head wanted to get Tally away from it alla"and alone.

Walking out of her office, his mind had been focused on claiming hera"and having her accept him, but he was obviously moving too fast for her. He would be a gentleman and wouldnat push. Head take it slow, head ask her to coffee and dinner and a movie and all that s.h.i.+t but he wasnat letting her go.

aOkay, I guessa"a aI need to talk to Richard.a It was all Nick could do not to snarl at the mention of the other manas name. aI really should, you know, break up with him before we do anything. Else.a That was her concern? Breaking up with her boyfriend? Nick grabbed his cell phone off his belt, flipped it open and handed it to her. aCall him.a She dialed the number but Nick could see her weakening. She bit her lip and looked at him.

aI hate to do this on the phone.a aHeas f.u.c.king his secretary.a aWhat!?a aRichard. Heas having an affair with the chirpy little blonde that works in his office.a aHow do you know?a aI had to check him out. I took on his form and went into his office one night. She seems quite fond of s.e.x on his desk.a Tallyas eyes tightened and pure emotion flowed through them. aDid youa?a aNo.a He answered as fast as humanly possible.

Her anger turned to disgust and irritation. aHe had s.e.x with her on his desk? In his office? I couldnat even get him to do it in the living room.a She lowered the phone and the energy seemed to drain from her body. aMaybe itas me. Maybe I donat inspire that kind of l.u.s.t.a She seemed to be speaking to herself, almost forgetting that he was there.

Nick grabbed her hand, raised the phone, hit send and pushed it toward her ear. aHeas an idiot and, from what I can tell, a lousy f.u.c.k. You inspire all kinds of l.u.s.t and if youall just tell him to take a flying f.u.c.k, Iall have you right now. And then later on the kitchen table.a Her eyes widened and she seemed to unconsciously move closer.

The tinny sound of the voice on the other end of the phone line made her flinch.

aOh, Richard, itas me, uhm, Tally.a She spun around, turning her back to Nick but he wouldnat be ignored. Not now.

aOver the end of the bed,a he whispered in her other ear. aIall take you from behind. I know how much you like a hard f.u.c.k.a He nipped her neck. aRemember how big I felt inside you? Iall ride you until you scream my name.a She whimpered. aUh, what? Oh, it was a misunderstanding. The police thought Iad killed someone.a He could feel her tensing as she focused on the conversation and not on him.

aFinish it. Let me have you.a He cuddled up against her back, running his hands down her side, skimming the edges of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She leaned back. Nick spread his thighs and pulled her into him. aHard and deep, all night.a He slipped his hand down her waist and pushed his palm between her legs.

aRichard, I think we should stop seeing each other.a He fluttered his fingers against her p.u.s.s.y in reward and heard her gentle gasp as he pressed the heel of his hand over her mound.

aNo, itas justaoh d.a.m.n.a aFinish it,a Nick whispered again. aI need to f.u.c.k you.a aItas over, Richard,a she said firmly. She opened her mouth like she was going to continue speaking. Nick pulled the phone from her fingers and hit the disconnect b.u.t.ton.

aHe doesnat need an explanation. He lost you. Itas his own fault.a He tossed the phone onto the couch and spun her around so she faced him, almost fearing the look in her eyes. Had he pushed too hard? Taken too much for granted? She smiled as she looked up at him.

aYou like being in control, donat you?a aYes,a he said, baldly acknowledging that weakness in his character. aBut ask my brothers and sistersa"I can back down and, baby, if you ever want to command me in the bedroom, you just say the word and Iam there for you.a She nodded and waited. Nick didnat move. Knowing his tendency to bulldoze his way through things, he didnat want to overwhelm her. The thought that she might regret what they were about to do would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Finally she opened her hands. aSo were you just kidding when I was on the phone? Or did you really mean it about, you know, the living room and the kitchen?a The edge of his mouth pulled up into smile. In trying not to push, head made the lady impatient. aAnd the end of the bed. I definitely meant it.a aNow?a aOh yes.a He whirled her around and eased her down onto the couch as he reached for the b.u.t.tons of her blouse. They would get more creative later, but for now, he just needed to be inside her. Needed to be a part of her. He opened the zipper of her trousers and pulled them down, tossing them and her panties to the side.

He slipped his fingers between her legs, testing her, needing to know she was ready for him. Her moisture and heat almost undid him. He couldnat stop himself. He placed his c.o.c.k at her entrance and pushed in, one long hard stroke.

aNick!a Her excited cry filled the room and blocked all sound from his mind. It was perfect.

She was calling his name.

aSay it again.a She looked directly into his eyes and he felt it down to his toes.

aNick,a she whispered.


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Taking Shape Part 5 summary

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