Riding Tall: Fencing You In Part 18

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Having people around you who cared about you, and you caring about them, was like gold. Precious.

He didn't want to waste another moment. First chance he had, once he got back on his feet, he was going to do it right.

A few days after he was released from the hospital, Gage stood outside on the porch, an evening wind tugging at his clothing.

He leaned on one crutch on his left side. He was bandaged all over, including the right side of his head, his right arm, and right leg. His arm was in a sling, too. He could hobble along for a while without the crutch, but he was plenty sore right now after doing some Dr. Marcus wouldn't have been happy, but nothing would keep Gage down for long.

Gage turned and made it back into the house before shutting the door behind him.

Signs of the robbery, the struggle, and the blood had been cleaned up before he returned home-Tess had taken care of everything.

The fact that she'd had to clean up his blood made his gut clench. She shouldn't have done it-he could have taken care of it himself. He didn't like the idea of her here alone, cleaning up something that she'd undoubtedly found upsetting.

He'd seen it in her eyes when she visited him in the hospital. The fact that he'd been shot and had almost died had upset her more than she likely cared to admit.

Just as he was about to head to the kitchen to get something to eat for dinner, he heard the sound of a vehicle coming up the drive. He moved to the front window and it was still light enough that he could see it was Tess's car.

A grin spread across his face. He couldn't help smiling, every time he saw her. She'd been out to care for him every day since he'd been home and had insisted on staying with him as much as she could while he was in the hospital.

He opened the front door as she reached into her car and slung her briefcase over her shoulder, and then grabbed a big foil-wrapped pan. He would have gone out to meet her, but by the time he'd made it down the steps, she'd already have been on his front porch.

"Hi." She smiled up at him as she headed up the steps. "Brought you some sour cream enchiladas. You should be resting, by the way."

"Have I told you that you're the s.e.xiest nurse a man could have?" he said as he held the door open for her.

She laughed. "Not a very good one considering you won't listen to me and rest like you should." She walked past him and he closed the door as she entered the kitchen. "Hungry?"

"Always for anything you make." He used his crutch as he followed her and the delicious smell of the enchiladas.

"Good answer." She set the pan on the center of the kitchen table. "Now sit."

He grinned. He loved it when she bossed him around. It was so d.a.m.ned cute. He set his crutch up against the wall then hobbled to a chair at the table and dropped into it. He watched as she grabbed plates and silverware and set them on the table then poured of ice water for each of them before returning to the table.

"I didn't have any sangria at home which is the only alcoholic drink other than margaritas and mojitos that I think goes with Mexican food," she said as she settled into a chair across from him. "I didn't think to bring iced tea."

"Water's just fine," he said. "And thank you for dinner."

She used a spatula to serve big squares of the enchiladas onto plates for each of them and slid a plate and a fork in front of him. He was still trying to get used to eating with a fork using his left hand. His shoulder hurt like a sonofab.i.t.c.h when he tried to move his right arm.

As they ate, she told him what Jenny was up to. Tess seemed brighter and happier now that she was working at home. But she'd often look at him with concern because of his ordeal.

When they finished eating, Tess insisted on cleaning up as usual. He didn't argue-she was usually done before he more than carried his plate to the sink, and pulled the foil out of the drawer to wrap the rest of the meal with.

"You weren't out doing today, were you?" she said.

He shrugged. "I'm not an invalid."

"The doctor said to rest as much as possible." She put her hands on her hips. "You have employees more than capable of handling the"

She was close enough for him to grab her arm and drag her toward him. Before she could say anything else, he kissed her hard.

When he drew away she looked up at him, then shook her head. "You always make me forget what it is that I'm telling you," she said. "Now, where was I?"

He grinned and kissed her again.

"Oh, well." She smiled when she drew away. "What do you say to a nice, relaxing movie?"

"I'd rather have you in bed," he said, his voice low as he imagined taking her. "It's been too d.a.m.ned long."

She sounded husky as she replied. "We'll make up for it when you're better. A lot better."

He groaned. "I don't know if I can wait that long."

"Come on and have a seat." She slipped under his arm to steady him as they headed into the living room.

He eased onto the couch and she sat beside him. She cupped his stubbled jaw and kissed him.

She tasted so d.a.m.ned good, her lips warm, her body soft, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s firm, as she pressed against him.

Should he tell her he loved her now? Or should he wait until the right moment...when he had the ring.

She drew away and then was easing down his body to the floor. He looked at her, puzzled, as she got onto her knees. That was until she carefully moved between his thighs and reached for his belt buckle.

"Tess..." He swallowed as she unbuckled his belt and reached for the b.u.t.ton of his jeans. "Do you know what you're doing?"

She smiled up at him. "I certainly hope so." She unb.u.t.toned his jeans and drew down the zipper.

He groaned as she slipped her hand into his boxer briefs and wrapped it around his nearly instant erection. He slid his good hand into her hair as she pulled his c.o.c.k out of his jeans and then he pressed her head down.

She took him into her warm mouth, her hand moving in time with the bob of her head. He watched as his c.o.c.k slipped in and out and she grasped his b.a.l.l.s with her other hand.

d.a.m.n, but it felt incredible having her going down on him, so generous, so willing.

He felt a tightening sensation low in his groin as an o.r.g.a.s.m started to build inside him. He clenched his fist in her hair, barely realizing he was doing it.

She made soft moans as she licked and sucked him, a soft hum that traveled up through his c.o.c.k.

He came close to coming and he stopped her for a moment, wanting to draw out the pleasure. And then she was taking him into her mouth again.

All feeling seemed to center around his c.o.c.k and then his o.r.g.a.s.m slammed into him. He gave a loud groan as his s.e.m.e.n pumped out of his c.o.c.k and into her mouth.

She swallowed it willingly, sucking every drop until he couldn't take anymore.

When she raised her head, she smiled at him and licked her lips. She looked so beautiful with her hair wild from where he had clenched it, her eyes soft and satisfied looking, even though she hadn't climaxed.

"What about you?" He stroked her hair back down as she tucked his c.o.c.k back in his jeans, b.u.t.toned them, then fastened his buckle.

"I just enjoyed myself thoroughly." She eased onto the couch beside him, slipping under his arm and letting him hold her close as she rested her head against his chest. "I've been wanting to do that for ages."

"For ages?" He raised his eyebrow as she tipped her head up to look at him.

She smiled. "It seems like ages. I'm looking forward to the time I can take full advantage of you. But for now this will do just fine."

"You're an amazing woman, Tess." He held her close and she gave what sounded like a happy sigh as she cuddled up to him. "And it's not because you did what you just did."

She audibly inhaled and made a satisfied sound. "I love the smell of your T-s.h.i.+rt. I love the smell of you."

"I was thinking the same thing about you." He inhaled deeply. "Your hair smells like apples."

With a soft laugh, she said, "My shampoo."

"You feel so good in my arms." He squeezed her to him. "I never want to let you go, Tess."

She seemed to tense in his arms. He wanted to say more, but somehow now didn't seem to be the right time.

He wondered if she felt the way he did-as if he couldn't live another day without her. He wanted her always, wanted her to be his forever.

He loved her. Loved her more than anyone, anything. She was a part of him that he couldn't let go of. Wouldn't let go of.

As far as he was concerned, she was his...and would always be.

Chapter 29.

Harvey clenched his fists as hard as he was clenching his teeth. Gage McBride was still alive. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d was alive.

Outwardly he tried to show no emotion. He sat at a table close to the bar in Nectars as he listened in on a conversation with Jo and Megan. Fortunately, Jo hadn't noticed him as he was wearing and a ball cap with a hoodie over that. She also seemed too intent on her conversation with Megan.

"According to Ryan and Tess, Gage came pretty dang close to dying." Megan was frowning. "The guys were pretty shaken up about it even though they all tried not to show it. Tess was so upset. She cares for Gage more than I realized and I think more than even she realized."

Jo clinked her martini gla.s.s with one long fingernail. "Who could have done such a thing? It couldn't be a local, could it?"

Megan shook her head. "It's hard to imagine. Whoever he was, he shot Gage three times."

Jo stopped tapping on her gla.s.s, her eyes widening. "Three?"

Megan took a cloth and rubbed down the counter. "Thank G.o.d he's all right."

"Yes." Jo sipped her martini. She set the gla.s.s down. "Gage is home now?"

Megan nodded. "A few days ago. Tess has been out to his ranch every day."

"She probably needs a night out with the girls." Jo slipped her phone out of her purse. "I'll send her a text."

Harvey watched from the corner of his eye as Jo typed in a message on her phone.

She set it on the bar top when she finished. "I asked Tess if she wanted to go to Jo-Jo's for a drink tomorrow night. Want to come?" she asked Megan.

"Sure." Megan set the towel she'd been using below the bar. "What time?"

"I told her seven." Jo's phone chimed and she glanced at it. She looked up at Megan and smiled. "Tess says she'll be there."

"Good," Megan said. "We'll have a great time."

Harvey sat for a moment, his attention away from the two women who were still chattering. Tomorrow night Tess would be at Jo-Jo's at seven...

He slid out of his chair, tossed a bill on the table to cover his beer and strode out of the bar. He knew what Tess wanted and he would give her exactly that. The meeting tomorrow night would give him just enough time to work through the plan that was beginning to form in his mind.

Enough time to make sure Tess knew she belonged to him.

Chapter 30.

Tess walked into the cool, dim interior of Jo-Jo's, music throbbing in her ears. Her gaze immediately went to her and Jo's favorite table, which wasn't far from the door. Jo was there, but Megan must not have arrived yet.

Jo looked gorgeous as always as she spoke with a good-looking man whom Tess had never met. Jo's long red hair flowed over her shoulders and her dress was a fantastic royal blue, hugging her body and leaving very little to the imagination. Somehow she didn't look overdressed. She was tall, elegant and beautiful, like she should be a runway model in New York City.

Tess, on the other hand, was pet.i.te, her own heels not giving her a whole lot of height. She wore a little red dress that came up to mid-thigh, but was not nearly as revealing as Jo's dress was.

As Tess walked toward Jo, a s.h.i.+ver ran down her spine, coming out of nowhere. She shook it off as she reached her friend and slid into a seat at the small table.

With a casual smile, Jo dismissed the man she'd been talking to and faced Tess. "How are you holding up?" Jo said to Tess, her expression turning concerned.

Tess let out her breath. "Better, now that Gage is recovering."

Arms folded on the table, Jo leaned forward so that Tess could hear her over the music. "That must have been h.e.l.l, when he was in ICU."

"It was." Tess's stomach turned as she thought about that morning. "Thank G.o.d that Tate found Gage not long after he'd been shot."

Jo tapped her fingernails on the tabletop. "Still can't believe it. How is he?"

"He's recovering pretty fast for someone who was shot three times." Tess felt tension in her shoulders as she thought about how close he'd come to death. "He was so lucky that one of the bullets only grazed his skull."

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Riding Tall: Fencing You In Part 18 summary

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