Riding Tall: Fencing You In Part 8

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When he pulled back, he caressed one side of her face with his knuckles. "I'm going to get you home now."

She took a deep breath and then nodded. "Okay."

After she picked up her small canvas purse, he put his fingertips at the base of her spine, as if he couldn't stop touching her, and they walked to the front door where he let them out. Once the door was shut and locked behind them, he put his arm around her shoulders and they headed for his truck.

When he took her to the pa.s.senger side of the truck, he gave her another lingering kiss before he helped her into the truck and shut the door behind her. He made it around to his side, and once he was in he reached across the console, took her hand, and squeezed it before letting it go.

The drive home was quiet compared to the rest of the day when they hadn't seemed to stop talking. It had been a fun day.

And now she had a lot to think about, more than just the prospect of dating Gage. Should she even be considering working for him? She was already struggling with the fact that she wanted him in her bed. Being around him even more frequently could complicate things. A lot.

But she liked being around him and the opportunity was a good one at this time in her life, for all of the reasons he had mentioned.

She was glad he didn't live far from her and that it was a short ride home. He walked her to the foot of the stairs and they stood just outside of the porch light's low radiance.

He cupped her face in his hands and lowered his head to kiss her again. It was a sweet and slow kiss that had her sinking against him, almost unable to breathe.

Then he put s.p.a.ce between them. "You'd better get to bed. It's been a long day."

"Shower first, then bed," she said. The thought of taking a shower brought back memories of the night she'd brought herself to o.r.g.a.s.m, imagining he was taking her. She felt her cheeks heat and was glad for the darkness.

He gave her a quick hard kiss then stepped back. He watched her as she headed up the stairs and unlocked and opened the door. She gave him one last look as she walked in. She paused for a moment and met his gaze before closing the door behind her.

Chapter 12.

"You're what?" Margaret Dyson's eyes narrowed as she stared at Tess.

"Mom, it's a good opportunity." Tess pushed her fingers through her short, curly hair. "More time with Jenny, better pay, and benefits. I really need medical and dental for Jenny and we're living on a shoestring as it is."

It was the Monday following Gage's job offer and Tess was standing in the Hummingbird's office with her mother and sister. Tess had not been looking forward to this moment and it was already going about the way she'd expected.

Before Margaret could respond, Megan said, "It really is a good opportunity for her, Mom."

"You would just abandon me?" Margaret knew how to play the part of the mother who had done everything for her kids and she played the this-is-the-thanks-I-get card. "After all I've done for you?"

Tess took a deep breath. "I said I'm considering it, but I haven't made my decision yet." Truthfully, it wasn't her mother holding her back, it was the fact that she wasn't sure about combining a personal relations.h.i.+p with Gage and working for him would turn out. What if she decided she didn't want to date him anymore? Or he changed his mind about seeing her?

"It's a no-brainer." Megan put her hands on her full hips. "Tess works too many hours here and doesn't get to see Jenny as much as she wants to. All the hours she works also makes for a lousy social life. Add the benefits and pay-how could you not encourage Tess to take it?"

"I need her here," Margaret snapped at Megan. She turned back to Tess. "How am I going to run this place alone?"

"We'll hire someone to manage the restaurant and bar, and an extra part-time bartender." Tess took a deep breath. "I'll help out until things get settled."

"It sounds like you've already made up your mind." Margaret picked a clipboard up off the desk. "In that case I want you to sign over your share of the business back to me."

Tess's skin p.r.i.c.kled and Megan said, "That's so unfair, Mom. Tess has worked her b.u.t.t off to get this business up and off the ground. She deserves to maintain her share."

For a moment Tess considered signing off her portion of the business then shook her head. "Megan's right. I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this place. I won't continue to get a salary, of course, but I should maintain my interest in the business."

Margaret looked from Tess to Megan and back. "I expect you to find a well-qualified replacement and another part-time bartender before you leave." With that, she marched out of the office, still clutching the clipboard.

"That didn't go so well." Tess pushed her fingers through her blonde curls again. "Not that I really expected it to."

"Like I said, it's a no-brainer." Megan pushed away from the file cabinet she'd been leaning against. "I don't mind helping out here, but I'm glad I have my graphic design business. If I had to be here all of the time, I think I'd go nuts."

Tess nodded. "It's not easy. But I haven't actually made a decision."

Megan c.o.c.ked her head. "Why wouldn't you take the job?"

Tess paused a moment and then everything came out in a rush. "Gage and I have been sort of starting something. I only went out with him once and even then we had to go work on one of his wells so it wasn't a real date. I don't even know if I'm ready to have any kind of relations.h.i.+p."

Megan smiled. "I wondered if you'd give in and go out on a date with him."

"You knew?" Tess said in surprise.

With a shrug, Megan said, "I've seen him flirting with you the days I've been here to help out. And, after all, he tried to follow you the one time you did go out with someone. I figured it was only a matter of time."

"Isn't that a good reason not to work for him?" Tess sat on the edge of the desk. "It could complicate things if we have a relations.h.i.+p." She raised her hands. "He dates so many women. One even came in here and slapped him right in front of me."

At that, Megan laughed. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Tess crossed her arms over her chest.

"That's something to tease my future brother-in-law about." Megan laughed again. "Seriously, though. He's got a bad rep, but Gage is truly a good guy. Ryan mentioned that Gage went through a relations.h.i.+p that hurt him really bad and since then he hasn't settled for one woman."

Tess frowned. "Even if I wanted to think of any kind of future with a relations.h.i.+p with Gage, who's to say he'd settle for me?"

"It wouldn't be settling for you." It was Megan's turn to frown. "He'd be lucky to have you and I'd bet he knows that." Then she brightened. "Besides. I'd kill him if he hurt you."

"Just like I threatened Ryan when you started seeing him," Tess said with a grin.

"What's a sister for?" Megan returned Tess's grin. "Someone's gotta help hide the body."

It was past closing time and Tess was the last one out the door. In spite of the fact that she'd locked up alone many, many times before, tonight the night felt off. She almost felt as if she was being watched. Jo had left not long ago, after staying until closing just to talk. Because of the creepy feeling she had, Tess was wis.h.i.+ng Jo were still here so that she'd have someone to walk out with.

She was so ready to head home to bed. The day had been draining after her mother's angry outburst and she'd refused to talk with Tess in more than monosyllables the rest of the afternoon.

Tess had more than missed Gage today. He'd called her and told her he was out on an emergency pump service call with a new mother and father who had infant twins and no water. Tess had missed him, but he had something important to attend to.

With a sigh, she hauled a bag of garbage out the back door then paused to lock the door behind her. When she turned around she almost screamed when she saw a man behind her.

She held her hand to her thundering heart. "Harvey. You scared the c.r.a.p out of me."

"I'm sorry, Tess." He didn't look contrite though Instead, he grinned in an unsettling way. "Here." He reached for the garbage bag. "I'll toss this for you."

She didn't argue even though something about him being here felt off and she just wanted to climb into her car and get away.

"Thanks." She did her best to smile.

He turned and carried the bag to the dumpster as she made her way to her vehicle. He was already walking back to her as she unlocked her car and opened the door.

She threw her purse onto the pa.s.senger side and was going to slide into the driver's seat when Harvey caught her by her wrist.

In surprise, she looked at his hand on her wrist. She looked up at him. "Let go, Harvey."

"I just want to talk." He smiled but he didn't let go. In fact, he squeezed tighter.

"Well, that's not the way to talk to someone." Fear made her heart feel like it was pounding in her throat. What did she really know about Harvey? "You're hurting me."

"I'm sorry." He released her wrist and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He took her by the shoulders. "I just want to talk."

She tried to squirm out of his grasp, but he was holding her tightly. "Harvey, let me go."

He brought her up against him and her eyes widened as she felt his erection hard against her belly. He was turned on. Maybe his manhandling of her was exciting him.

The logical part of her knew she needed to keep calm and think her way out of this mess. But she didn't know how when her fear was making her want to struggle and fight him.

"Harvey, please let me go." She put strength into her voice. "I will scream if you don't release me."

"Baby, I just want a chance." He pressed her up against the car as he squeezed her shoulders tighter. "You keep blowing me off."

She tried to control her breathing. "I told you, I just want to be friends."

"You don't seem to have a problem with dating Gage McBride." He sneered as he said the words. "You won't go out with me but now you're f.u.c.king him. So much for not dating because of your dead husband."

Hair p.r.i.c.kled at her nape and her skin flushed with heat. She was so furious she managed to jerk one arm from him, raise her hand, and slap him hard across the face.

"How dare you?" she said in a high, angry voice.

Fury flashed in Harvey's gaze, and fear shot through her again. He raised his hand as if to strike her back when a voice called out across the parking lot.

"Tess?" It was Jo's voice.

Relief shot through Tess as Harvey's head snapped in Jo's direction. She was walking across the parking lot toward them. She wore the same glittering green dress she'd been wearing when she was in the bar earlier tonight, and high heeled s.e.xy ankle boots, the latest fas.h.i.+on. Brilliant stones glittered at her ears and throat, and on her wrist. Her red hair flowed down her back and over her shoulders in long waves.

"Right here, Jo." Tess jerked herself away from Harvey.

"I came back because I think I left my iPad at the bar." Jo frowned as she reached them. "Is everything okay?"

Tess turned her gaze to Harvey as she pulled her other arm away from him and stepped away, putting some distance between them.

"We were just chatting," Harvey said with a relaxed smile, looking like the charmer Tess had thought him to be. It was like something he could switch on and off.

"Harvey was just leaving." She turned to Harvey. "I'm sorry you're not planning on coming in for breakfast anymore or stopping by the bar. I understand you have a lot going on these days."

Harvey clamped his mouth tight and she saw his eyes darken with anger. But then his expression evened out and he gave Tess and Jo one of his enigmatic smiles.

"Yeah, lots happening." He backed up. "I'll be seeing you around, Tess," he added before he turned around and walked away.

Tess let her breath out in a rush and Jo came up to her side. Jo was still frowning. "What just happened?"

"Harvey just got physical with me." Tess turned her gaze away from Harvey's retreating back and gingerly touched one of her upper arms where he'd squeezed so hard she was sure he'd bruised her. "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."

"That b.a.s.t.a.r.d." Jo's temper matched the red of her hair. "Want me to kick his a.s.s?"

Tess managed a laugh. "I think he got the point. I doubt I'll be seeing him around again."

"I hope not." Jo crossed her arms over her chest. "I think you need to make sure you have someone to walk you out after work."

Tess nodded. "At least for the next couple of weeks while I get my replacement trained."

"Replacement?" The gorgeous redhead c.o.c.ked her head to the side. "You're leaving?"

"Yeah, I think so." Tess pushed a lock of hair from her eyes. "Gage McBride offered me a job and I think I'm going to take it." She hadn't told him that yet, but everything that happened today pointed toward it being the right thing to do. Like she should be home right now with Jenny and not in a parking lot in the middle of the night.

"Wow, working for Gage." Jo shook her head. "Do you know what you're doing?"

"I think so." Tess smiled. "Better hours, I'd get to work part-time from home so more time with Jenny, and medical, dental, and vision benefits."

"Not to mention the benefits of working with a s.e.xy boss." Jo gave a sly grin. But then her grin faded. "As long as he doesn't hurt you, that is."

Tess didn't have anything to say to that because it was one of her concerns, too. But her gut told her to take the job. Whatever happened, it was the right opportunity for her.

"You did leave your iPad in the bar," Tess said and reached into her car to grab her purse again. "Thank G.o.d."

"Now I'm glad I did." Tess locked her car before they returned to the bar and Tess opened the back door. After they'd retrieved Jo's iPad, they returned outside.

"Where did you park?" Tess asked.

Jo gestured toward the front of the building. "Just around there."

"I'll give you a ride." Tess did not want to be left alone or leave Jo alone, for that matter.

After she dropped Jo off at her car and she was safely buckled in and pulling her car onto the street, Tess headed home.

A sick feeling settled in her gut. He'd scared her, badly. What if Harvey had done more than just manhandle her? He'd seemed like he was on the verge of being out of control and his anger had frightened her.

She knew one thing. She didn't want to have anything else to do with him.

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Riding Tall: Fencing You In Part 8 summary

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