Republic Commando_ Hard Contact Part 9

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It wasn't quite the answer Etain was expecting. She felt the same authority as she had in the presence of Fulier, except that he exhibited peaks and troughs of the Force, while Jinart projected an infinite steadiness.

She was certainty. Etain envied certainty.

Jinart led her into the woodland that skirted Imbraani to the east. She was keeping up a punis.h.i.+ng pace, and Etain decided not to ask any more questions for the time being. At various points along the way, Jinart deviated: "Mind the warrens," she said, and Etain sidestepped holes and depressions that told her colonies of gdans had been busy beneath the ground.

They finally paused half an hour later, having covered an arc that brought them north to the edge of the Braan River. As rivers went, it was more of a large stream. Jinart stood still, apparently looking at the water but not appearing to focus. Then she jerked her head around and stared west, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

"Walk upstream," she said. "Follow the riverbank and keep your wits about you. Your soldier is still there, and he needs those plans."

"A soldier. One?"

"That's what I said. Come on. He won't be there much longer."

"Not a group, then. Not even a few."

"Correct. There are others, but they're a little way from here. Now go."

"What makes you think I have plans?"

"If you hadn't, I wouldn't be risking myself to direct you toward your contact," Jinart said. "I have other work to do now. When you find your soldier, I'll try to persuade Birhan to take him in for a while. He'll need somewhere to hide. Get on with it. He won't hang around."

Etain watched Jinart start away toward the town, looking back just once. The Padawan slipped out her lightsaber and tried to get a sense of what might lie west along the river-bank, and when she glanced back again Jinart was nowhere to be seen. She was aware of the scrabbling of small clawed feet around her. Whatever influence had kept the gdans at bay while Jinart was with her was gone. She kicked out occasionally and hoped her boots were thick enough.

If she went back to the farm, nothing would have changed and she would be no nearer to delivering the information. She had no choice but to go on.

The bank was overgrown in places and she stepped into the river, knowing it would be shallow. The knowledge didn't make it any more pleasant to wade in sodden boots. But it was a reliable route, and it kept the gdans from trying their luck with her.

They were wary of Jinart. Etain wondered why the Force didn't deter them from stalking her as well. It was more confirmation, if she ever needed it, that she really wasn't much of a Jedi when it came to utilizing the Force. She had to concentrate. She had to find that single-minded sense of both purpose and acceptance that had so long eluded her.

Although Etain had clearly not yet come close to mastering control of the Force, she could see and feel beyond the immediate world. She could feel the nocturnal creatures around her; she even felt the little silver weed-eels parting to avoid her before they brushed her boots on the way downstream.

Then she became aware of something she wasn't expecting to encounter in the wilds of the Imbraani woods.

A child.

She could feel a child nearby. There was something unusual about the child, but it was definitely a youngster, and there was a feeling of loss about it. She couldn't imagine any of the townspeople letting a child out at night with gdans about.

Ignore it. This isn't your problem now.

But it was a child. It wasn't afraid. It was anxious, but not scared as any sensible child should have been, wandering around alone at night.

Suddenly there was something touching her forehead. She put out her hand instinctively as if shooing away an insect, but there was nothing there. And still she felt something right between her brows.

It dipped briefly to her chest, exactly on her sternum, and back up to her forehead. Then she was suddenly blinded by a light of painful intensity that shot out of the darkness and overwhelmed her.

She had nothing to lose. She drew her lightsaber, prepared to die on her feet if nothing else. She didn't need to see her opponent.

There was a slight ah sound. The light snapped off. She could still sense a child right in front of her.

"Sorry, ma'am," a man's voice said. "I didn't recognize you."

And still she detected only a child, so close that it had to be next to the man. For some reason she couldn't sense him in the Force at all.

Red ghost-images of the light still blinded her. She held her lightsaber steady. When her vision cleared, she knew exactly who she was staring at, and she also knew Jinart had betrayed her.

She'd probably betrayed Fulier, too.

Etain could see the distinctive full-face Mandalorian helmet of Ghez Hokan.

The sinister T-shaped slit told her all she needed to know. She raised the lightsaber. Both his hands were resting on his rifle. Perhaps the child-the unseen child-had been a lure, a distraction projected by Jinart.

"Ma'am? Put the weapon down, ma'am-"

"Hokan, this is for Master Fulier," she hissed, and swung at him.

Hokan leapt back with astonis.h.i.+ng reflexes. She didn't recognize his voice: it was younger, almost accentless. He didn't even raise his rifle. The monster was playing with her. She spun on the ball of her foot and very nearly took his arm off. Sudden rage constricted her throat. She slashed again but found only air.

"Ma'am, please don't make me disarm you."

"Try it," she said. She beckoned him forward with one hand, lightsaber steady in the other. "You want this? Try me."

He launched himself at her, hitting her square in the chest and knocking her backward into the river. The child was still there. Where? How? And then Hokan was on top of her, holding her under the water with one hand, and she dropped the lightsaber. She fought and choked and thought she was going to drown and she had no idea why she couldn't fight off an ordinary man with both her fists. She should have been able to muster more physical strength than this human.

He hauled her up out of the water one-handed and dumped her on the riverbank flat on her back, holding both her arms down.

"Ma'am, steady now-"

But she wasn't finished yet. With an animal grunt she drove her knee up hard between his thighs, as hard as she could, and when she was frightened and desperate and angry that was very hard indeed. She hadn't known it until now.

Etain gasped as her knee went crack. It hurt. But it didn't seem to hurt him.

"Ma'am, with respect, please shut up. You're going to get us both killed." The sinister mask loomed over her. "I'm not Hokan. I'm not him. If you just calm down I'll show you." He loosened his grip slightly and she almost struggled free. Now his tone was bewildered. "Ma'am, stop this, please. I'm going to let go and you're going to listen to me explain who I am."

Her breath was coming in gasps and she coughed water. The ever-present child so disoriented her that she stopped trying to dislodge him and let him struggle to his feet.

Etain could see him-it-clearly now. She could see well in the darkness, better than a normal human. She was staring at a huge droid-like creature clad in pale gray armor plates with no face and no markings. And it had a blaster rifle. It-he-held out a hand as if to pull her to her feet.

Well, it wasn't Ghez Hokan. That was all she could tell. She took his armored hand and got to her feet.

"What in creation's name are you?" she managed to ask.

"Ma'am, my apologies. I didn't recognize you at first. This is entirely my fault for failing to identify myself correctly." He touched black-gloved fingers briefly to bis temple, and she noticed the knuckle plate on the back of the gauntlets. "Commando of the Grand Army CC-one-one-three-six, ma'am. I await your orders, General."

"General?" Voices coming from things that appeared to have no lips reminded her too much of droids.

He tilted his head slightly. "My apologies. I didn't see the braid... Commander."

"And what's the Grand Army?"

"The Republic's army, ma'am. Sorry. I should have realized that you've been out of contact with Coruscant for a while now, and ..."

"Since when did we acquire a Grand Army?"

"About ten years ago." He gestured to the bushes along the bank. "Shall we discuss this somewhere less public? You're presenting something of a target to anyone with a night scope. I think even the local militia can manage one of those between them."

"I dropped my lightsaber in the river."

"Let me get it, ma'am," he said. He stepped into the shallow water, and the light on his helmet flicked on. He bent down and fumbled in the illuminated water, then stood up with the hilt in his hand. "Please don't use it on me again, will you?"

Etain raked her soaking hair back from her face with chilled fingers. She took the lightsaber carefully. "I don't think I'd have much luck anyway. Look, why are you calling me Commander?"

"Ma'am, Jedi are all officers now. You are a Jedi, aren't you?"

"Hard to believe, isn't it?"

"No offense, ma'am-"

"I'd ask the same question if I were you." Commander. Commander? "I'm Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan. Master Kast Fulier is dead. It seems you're the soldier I have to help." She looked up at him. "What's your name?"

"Ma'am, Commando CC-"

"Your name. Your real name."

He hesitated. "Darman," he said, sounding as if he were embarra.s.sed by it. "We need to get out of here. They're looking for me."

"They won't have much trouble finding you in that outfit," she said sarcastically.

"The dirt's rinsed off." He stood silent for a moment. "Do you have orders for me, ma'am? I have to make RV point Gamma and find the rest of my squad. "

He was talking army gibberish. "When do you have to do that? Now?"

He paused. "Within twelve standard hours."

"Then we've got time. I have plans to show you. Come back with me and let's work out what we have to do next." She took the lightsaber from him and gestured with both arms. "I'll help you carry what I can."

"It's heavy, ma'am."

"I'm a Jedi. I might not be a very competent Jedi, but I am physically strong. Even if you did take me down."

"A bit of training will fix that, ma'am," he said, and he eased off that terrible Mandalorian helmet with a faint pop of its seal. "You're a commander."

He was a young man, probably in his early twenties, with close-cropped black hair and dark eyes. And despite the hard planes of his face he had a trusting and innocent expression that was so full of confidence that it surprised her. He wasn't just confident in himself; he exuded confidence in her. "You're probably just a bit rusty, ma'am. We'll get you back on form in no time."

"Are you on form, Darman?" He had overpowered her. It wasn't supposed to be like that. "How good are you?"

"I'm a commando, ma'am. Bred to be the best. Bred to serve you."

He wasn't joking. "How old are you, Darman?"

He didn't even blink. She could see the hard muscle in his neck. There wasn't even a hint of fat on his face. He looked extremely fit indeed, upright, a model soldier.

"I'm ten years old, ma'am," Darman said.

Droids didn't drink or chase women, and they had no interest in making money on the side. They weren't real warriors, soldiers with pride and honor, but at least Ghez Hokan could trust that they wouldn't be found lying in the gutter with an empty bottle the next morning.

And they did look truly magnificent when they marched.

They were marching now, along the wide gravel path that led up to Lik Ankkit's villa. Hokan walked beside them, then behind them, moving position because he was so fascinated by the absolute precision of their steps, and the complete unvarying conformity of their height and profile. They looked like bricks in a perfect wall, a wall that could never be breached.

Machines could be made to be identical, and that was good. But it was anathema to do that to men-especially Mandalorian men.

The Umbaran lieutenant raised his arm and brought the droid platoon to a halt ten meters from the veranda steps. Lik Ankkit was already standing on the top stair, gazing down at them in his fancy headdress and that di'kutla robe like the weak, decadent grocer he was.

Hokan walked forward, helmet under his arm, and nodded politely.

"Good morning, Hokan," Ankkit said. "I see you've finally made some friends."

"I'd like to introduce you to them," Hokan said. "Because you're going to be seeing a great deal of each other." He turned to the lieutenant. "Proceed, Cuvin."

The Umbaran saluted. "Platoon-advance."

It was all vulgar theatrics, but Hokan had waited a long time for this. It was also necessary. He had to billet some troops near Uthan's facility for rapid deployment. They would be little use in the base thirty kilometers away.

Ankkit stepped forward as the droids reached the steps. "This is an outrage," he said. "The Trade Federation will not tolerate-"

The Neimoidian stood aside just as the first rank of paired droids reached the intricately inlaid kuvara door, with its marquetry image of entwined vines.

Hokan wasn't expecting a display of heroics, and he didn't get one. "It's very good of you to allow me to billet my troops here," he said. "A n.o.ble use of all that wasted s.p.a.ce. The Separatists are grateful for the personal sacrifice you've made to ensure the security of Doctor Uthan's project."

Ankkit walked down the steps as fast as his towering headdress and long robe would allow. Even by Neimoidian standards of anxiety, he looked terribly upset. He shook. He stood almost a head taller than Hokan even without the headdress, which was rustling as if some creature had landed in it and was struggling to escape. "I have a contract with Doctor Uthan and her government."

"And you failed to honor the clause that guaranteed adequate resourcing for security. Doctor Uthan's notice of penalty should be on its way to your office."

"I do not take kindly to betrayal."

"That's no way to address a commissioned officer of the Separatist forces."

"An officer!"

"Field commission." Hokan smiled because he was genuinely happy. "I have no need of you now, Ankkit. Just be grateful you're alive. By the way, Doctor Uthan's government has paid a bonus directly to the Trade Federation to ensure I'm allowed to work unhindered. Enemy troops have landed, and this region is now under martial law."

Ankkit's slit of a mouth was clamped tight in anger. At least he wasn't pleading for his life. Hokan would have had to kill him if he had begged. He couldn't bear whining.

"And I suppose that means you, Hokan," Ankkit said.

"Major Hokan, please. If you see any of my former employees wandering around, don't shelter them, will you? Some of them have failed to show up to collect their severance payment. I'd like to handle their outplacement package personally."

"You're the paradigm of efficient management for us all," Ankkit said.

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Republic Commando_ Hard Contact Part 9 summary

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