The Tibetan Book Of The Dead Part 36

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Avatasakastra (Tib: mDo-sde phal-po-che; Eng: Stra of the Great Bounteousness of the Buddhas). T 44, MTTWL 197, translated by T. Cleary, The Flower Ornament Scripture, 3 vols. Boulder: Shambhala, 1984 onwards.

Kraavyhastra (Tib: mDo-sde za-ma-tog; Eng: Stra of the Cornucopia of Avalokitevara's Attributes), ed. P. L. Vaidya, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, 17 (1961). T 116, MTTWL 90.

Lakvatrastra (Tib: mDo-sde lakar gshegs-pa; Eng: Stra of the Descent to Lak), ed. P. L. Vaidya, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts 3 (1963). T 107, translated by D. T. Suzuki, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1932, 1956, etc.

Prajnpramit (Tib: Sher phyin, Eng: Transcendental Perfection of Discriminative Awareness): a collective name for a whole genre of stras, including the three longest versions in 100,000 sections (T 8), 25,000 sections (T 9) and 8,000 sections (T 12). See MTTWL 208, 154 and 222 respectively. Extensively translated by E. Conze.

Ratnakta (Tib: dKon-mchog brtsegs-pa; Eng: Mound of Precious Gems). T 45- 93, MTTWL 122. Extensive selections are contained in G. C. C. Chang, A Treasury of Mahyna Stras: Selections from the Mahratnakta. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1983.

Sandhinirmocanastra (Tib: dGongs-pa nges-par 'grel-pa theg-pa chen-po'i mdo; Eng: Stra of the Unravelling of Enlightened Intention). T 106, MTTWL 197. Partial translation in John Powers, Jnanagarbha's Commentary on the Samdhinirmocana Sutra.

Tathgatagarbhastra (Tib: De-bzhin gshegs-pa'i snying-po'i mdo; Eng: Stra of the Nucleus of the Tathgata). T 258, MTTWL 231.

Vajracchedik (Tib: rDo-rje gcod-pa; Eng: Diamond Cutter), ed. P. L. Vaidya, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts 17 (1961), T 16, translated and edited by E. Conze, Serie Orientale Roma 13 (1957). Retranslated in Red Pine, Diamond Sutra, New York: Counterpoint, 2001.

c) Tantras

Buddhasamyoga (Tib: Sangs-rgyas mnyam-sbyor-gi rgyud; Eng: Tantra of Union in Equilibrium with the Buddhas). T 366-7, Derge NGB Vols. 11-12.

Guhyagarbha Tantra (Tib: rGyud gsang-ba'i snying-po; Eng: Tantra of the Secret Nucleus). T 832, Derge NGB Vol. 9, ed. and translated in G. Dorje, GGFTC, 1987.

Guhyasamja Tantra (Tib: rGyud gsang-ba 'dus-pa; Eng: Tantra of the Secret a.s.sembly), ed. S. Bagchi, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts 9 (1965), ed. B. Bhattacharya, Gaekwad's Oriental Series, 53 (1967). T 442-3, Derge NGB Vol. 12. Translated by F. Fremantle in A Critical Study of the Guhayasamja Tantra, Unpublished PhD thesis no. 774 271989, University of London.

Kun-byed rgyal-po'i rgyud (Eng: Tantra of the All-accomplis.h.i.+ng King). T 828, Derge NGB Vol. 5. Translated in E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay, Sovereign All-creating Mind, Albany: SUNY (1992).

mDo dgongs-pa 'dus-pa (Eng: Stra Which Gathers All Intentions). T 829, Derge NGB Vol. 7.

Nyi-zla kha-sbyor (Eng: Tantra of the Coalescence of Sun and Moon). Derge NGB Vol. 4.

rDo-rje sems-dpa' sgyu-'phrul me-long (Eng: Tantra of the Mirror of the Magical Net of Vajrasattva). Derge NGB Vol. 11.

Sarvadurgatipariodhanatantra (Tib: Ngan-song sbyong-rgyud; Eng: Tantra of the Purification of the Lower Realms). T 483, 485, ed. and translated T. Skorupski in The Sarvadurgatipariodhana Tantra: Elimination of All Evil Destinies, Motilal Banarsidas, 1983.

sKu-gdung 'bar-ba'i rgyud (Eng: Tantra of the Cremation of Corpses). Derge NGB Vol. 3.

Section Two: Commentarial Literature

a) Anthologies

Tengyur (Tib: bsTan-'gyur; Eng: Collected Translations of the Cla.s.sical Treatises). Again there are several extant versions, including the authoritative Derge xylographic edition in 213 vols.

rNying-ma'i bka'-ma (Eng: Collected Teachings of the Nyingmapa). The most extensive anthology of Nyingma commentarial literature, edited by Khenpo Jamyang at Katok (1999) in 120 vols.

b) Commentaries of Indic Origin

Ajitamitragupta, 'Chi slu-ba'i gdams-pa (Eng: Teachings on the Ritual Deception of Death). T 2839.

Maitreya, Abhisamaylakra (Tib: mNgon-rtogs rgyan; Eng: Ornament of Emergent Realisation). T 3786, MTTWL 2-5. On this work see also Trangu Rinpoche, Ornament of Clear Realization, Auckland: Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications, 2004, and Lati Rinbochay et al., Meditative States in Tibetan Buddhism, London: Wisdom, 1982.

Ngrjuna, Prajnnmamlamadhyamakakrik (Tib: dBu-ma rtsa-ba'i ts.h.i.+g-le'ur byas-pa shes-rab ces-bya-ba; Eng: Root Stanzas of the Madhyamaka ent.i.tled Discriminative Awareness), ed. P. L. Vaidya, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts 10 (1960). T 3824, translated in F. J. Streng, Emptiness: A Study in Religious Meaning, Nashville/New York: Abingdon, 1967, and by K. Kalupahana, Mlamadhyamakakriks , Albany: SUNY, 1986.

Sntaraksita, Tattvasamgraha (Tib: De-nyid bsdus-pa; Eng: Compendium of Topics). T 4266, ed. D. Shastri, Baudha Bharati Series 1-2 (1968), translated by G. Jha, Gaekwad's Oriental Series 80 (1937), 83 (1939).

- - Madhyamaklakra (Tib: dBu-ma rgyan; Eng: Ornament of the Middle Way). T 3884, ed. and translated in Masamichi Ichigo, Madhyamaklakra, Kyoto: Kyoto Sangyo University, 1985.

Tathgatarakita, Mtyudhpaka (Tib: 'Chi-ba bslu-ba; Eng: Ritual Deception of Death). T 1702.

Tilop, adharmopadesa (Tib: Nro chos-drug; Eng: The Six Doctrines of Nrop ). T 2330. See H. V. Guenther, The Life and Teaching of Nrop. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963.

Vgvarakrti, Mtyuvancanopadea (Tib: 'Chi-ba bslu-ba; Eng: Esoteric Instructions on the Ritual Deception of Death). T 1748.

Vasubandhu, Abhidharmakoa (Tib: Chos-mgon pa'i mdzod; Eng: Treasury of the Abhidharma), ed. D. Shastri, Baudha Bharati Series 5-8 (1970-72). T 4089, French translation by L. de la Vallee-Poussin, L'Abhidharmakoa de Vasubandhu , 6 vols., Paris, Paul Geuthner, 1923 - 36. English translation by L. Pruden, Abhidharmakoabhsya, 4 vols. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1988.

c) Commentaries of Tibetan Origin

Dudjom Rinpoche, bsTan-pa'i rnam-gzhag (Eng: Fundamentals of the Nyingma School). Translated in NSTB.

Gampopa, Dvags-po thar-rgyan (Eng: The Jewel Ornament of Liberation). Translated by H. V. Geunther, Berkeley: Shambhala, 1971.

Gendun Gyeltsen, gTer-ston lung-bstan-dang khungs-btsun-pa bla-ma brgyud-pa'i rim-pa-rnams (Eng: Padmasambhava's Prophecy of the Treasure-finder and the Series of Authentic Lineage Teachers). Contained in DR, Vol. 1, pp. 21-6.

Gyarawa Namka Chokyi Gyeltsen, rGyud-pa'i lo-rgyus bsdus-pa nor-bu'i phreng-ba (Eng: Jewel Garland: An Abridged History of the Lineage). Contained in DR, Vol. 1, pp. 27-48.

Longchen Rabjampa, Grub-mtha' mdzod (Eng: Treasury of Spiritual and Philosophical Systems), ed. Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, Gangtok, Sikkim, c. 1969.

- - gNas-lugs mdzod (Eng: Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding), trans. Richard Barron, Padma Publications, 1987.

Ngari Pachen, sDom-gsum rnam-nges (Eng: Ascertainment of the Three Vows). Contained in NK, Vol. 51. See HH Dudjom Rinpoche's commentary in Perfect Conduct: Ascertaining the Three Vows, Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1996.

Patrul Rinpoche, mKhas-pa'i shri rgyal-po mkhas-chos, in the Collected Works of Patrul Orgyan Jigme Chokyi w.a.n.gpo (dPal-sprul gsung-'b.u.m), Vol. 5, pp. 206- 25. On this text, see HH Dalai Lama, 'Hitting the Essence in Three Words', in Dzogchen: The Heart Essence of the Great Perfection, pp. 61-92, Snowlion, 2000; also Khenpo Palden Sherab and Khenpo Tsew.a.n.g Dongyal, Lion's Gaze, Sky Dancer Press, 1999.

Tsele Natsok Rangdrol, Bar-do spyi-don thams-cad rnam-pa gsal-bar byed-pa dran-pa'i me-long (Eng: Mirror of Mindfulness Clarifying All Aspects of the Intermediate States), translated by Erik Schmidt Pema Kunsang in The Mirror of Mindfulness, Kathmandu: Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1987.

d) Treasure-doctrines (gter chos)

Guru Chow.a.n.g (disc.), bKa'-brgyad gsang-ba yongs-rdzogs (Eng: Eight Transmitted Precepts: Consummation of All Secrets). Contained in bKa'-brgyad phyogsbsgrigs , 4 vols.

- - bKa'-brgyad drag-po rang-byung-ba'i zhi-khro na-rag skong-bzhags-gyi cho-ga, translated by K. Dowman, 'Emptying the Depths of h.e.l.l', in Flight of the Garuda, pp. 53-61.

Jamgon Kongtrul (redactor), Rin-chen gter-mdzod (Eng: Store of Precious Treasures ), recently republished at Derge in 76 vols.

Jigme Lingpa (disc.), Klong-chen snying-thig (Eng: Innermost Spirituality of Longchenpa ), contained in the Collected Works of Jigme Lingpa, Vols. 7-8, republished in 3 vols., New Delhi: Ngaw.a.n.g Sopa, 1973. Selections translated in Tulku Thondup, The Dzogchen Innermost Essence Preliminary Practice (ed. B. Beresford), Dharamsala: Tibetan Library of Works and Archives, 1982; The a.s.semblage of the Knowledge-holders, Shantiniketan, WB, 1980; and in The Queen of Great Bliss, Gangtok: Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, 1982.

- - Rig 'dzin thugs-sgrub dpal-chen 'dus-pa, contained in Klong-chen snying-thig, Vol. 1, pp. 616ff.

- - sKu-gsum zhing-khams sbyong-ba'i smon-lam, contained in Klong-chen snying-thig, Vol. 2, pp. 448- 52.

Karma Lingpa (disc.), Zab-chos zhi-khro dgongs-pa rang-grol (Eng: Peaceful and Wrathful Deities: A Profound Sacred Teaching, [ent.i.tled] Natural Liberation through [Recognition of] Enlightened Intention). Several recensions are extant. B. J. Cuevas lists eighteen printed and ma.n.u.script versions of Tibetan and sub-Himalayan provenance. These include the most extensive and authoritative, DR, the full contents of which are listed in Appendix One, pp. 381- 6.

- - nyams-chags rang-grol [gyi dbang-bskur gnas-spar 'gro-drug rang-grol] (Eng: Natural Liberation through the Propelling of the Six of Beings into Higher Rebirth: The [Middle-length] Empowerments of the Natural Liberation of Degenerated Commitments through Reparation and Confession), contained in DR, Vol. 1, pp. 127-60.

- - dBang-'bring (Eng: Middle-length Empowerment). See the previous entry.

- - nyams-chag rang-grol-gyi tshe-'das gnas-'dren 'gro-drug rang-grol (Eng: Natural Liberation of Degenerated Commitments through Reparation and Confession: The Natural Liberation of the Six of Living Beings through the Guidance of the Deceased to Higher Rebirth), contained in DR, Vol. 2, pp. 1-50.

- - rDzogs-rim bar-do drug-gi khrid-yig (Eng: Six Guidebooks of the Perfection Stage), contained in DR, Vol. 2, pp. 303 - 432. Translated by Alan Wallace and Gyatrul Rinpoche in Natural Liberation.

- - Bar-do thos-grol chen-mo (Eng: The Great Liberation by Hearing in the Intermediate States, i.e. the Tibetan Book of the Dead), an abridgement of Karma Lingpa's revelations, extant in several editions - B. J. Cuevas lists eleven printed and ma.n.u.script versions of Tibetan and sub-Himalayan provenance. These include the Amdo edition, the Delhi reprint and the Varanasi reprint. The text is fully translated in the present work for the first time. Earlier partial translations were made by Kazi Dawa Samdup, in W. Y. Evans-Wentz, ed., Tibetan Book of the Dead, London/Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1927; by Francesca Fremantle and Chogyam Trungpa, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Berkeley /London: Shambhala, 1975; by Robert Thurman, Tibetan Book of the Dead, Aquarian/Thorsons, 1994; and by Stephen Hodge and Martin Boord, Ill.u.s.trated Tibetan Book of the Dead, New York: G.o.dsfield Press, 1999.

- - Thugs-rje chen-po padma zhi-khro (Eng: Great Compa.s.sionate One: Lotus Peaceful and Wrathful Deities). NA, but extracts of a rediscovered treasure (yang-gter) of the same t.i.tle, revealed by Jamyang Khyentse w.a.n.gpo, are found in the Rin-chen gter-mdzod, Vol. 34, pp. 235-432.

Longchen Rabjampa (disc./redisc.), sNying-thig ya-bzhi (Eng: Four-part Innermost Spirituality), containing the Bla-ma yang-tig, the Bi-ma snying-thig, the mKha'-'gro yang-tig, the mKha'-'gro snying-thig, and Zab-mo yang-tig. Derge xylographic edition in 4 vols., republished in Delhi by Sherab Gyaltsen Lama (1975) in 13 vols. Catalogue by S. Goodman in 'The Klong-chen snying-thig: An Eighteenth-century Tibetan Revelation', Appendix B.

Orgyan Lingpa (disc.), Padma bka'-thang shel-brag-ma (Eng: The Injunctions of Padma, discovered at Crystal Rock), Chengdu: Sichuan Nationalities Publis.h.i.+ng House, 1987. Translated in G. C. Toussaint, Le Dict de Padma, Bibliotheque de l'Inst.i.tut de Hautes Etudes Chinoises, Vol. 3, Paris: Libraire Ernest Leroux, 1933; and in K. Douglas and G. Bays, Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava, 2 vols., Emeryville, California: Dharma Publications, 1978.

Prahevajra (disc.), Ts.h.i.+g-gsum gnad-du brdeg-pa (Eng: Three Points Which Penetrate the Essential). Contained in Bi-ma snying-thig, Pt. 1, Vol. Ga, pp. 304-18.

Section Three: Secondary Sources

Basham, A. L., The Wonder That Was India, 3rd edn, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1967.

Beyer, S., The Cult of Tr, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.

Blezer, H., Kar gli zi khro: A Tantric Buddhist Concept, Leiden: Research School CNWS, 1997.

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, The Bardo Guidebook (trans. Eric Schmidt Pema Kunsang), Hong Kong: Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1991.

Coleman, G. P. (ed.), A Handbook of Tibetan Culture, London: Rider, 1993.

Cuevas, B. J., The Hidden History of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

- - 'A Textual Survey of the gter ma of Karma-gling-pa: Zab chos zhi khro dgongs pas rang grol and Bar do thos grol chen mo', in Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Eighth Seminar of the International a.s.sociation for Tibetan Studies, Bloomington: Indiana University Press (forthcoming).

HH Dalai Lama, Dzogchen: The Heart Essence of the Great Perfection, Ithaca, New York: Snowlion Publications, 2000.

- - Advice on Dying and Living a Better Life, London: Rider, 2002.

HH Dilgo Khyenste Rinpoche, Pure Appearance (trans. Ani Jinpa), Halifax: Vajra Vairochana Translation Committee, 1992.

Dorje, G., The Guhyagarbhatattvavinicayamahtantra and its XIVth-century Tibetan Commentary Phyogs bcu mun sel, 3 vols., unpublished PhD thesis, University of London, 1987.

- - 'The Nyingma Interpretation of Commitment and Vow', in The Buddhist Forum, Vol. 2 (1991), pp. 71-95.

- - Tibetan Elemental Divination Paintings: Illuminated Ma.n.u.scripts from The White Beryl of Sangs-rgyas rGya-mtsho, with the Moonbeams treatise of Lo-chen Dharmar, London: Eskenasi and Fogg, 2001.

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