The Tibetan Book Of The Dead Part 8

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He has three faces: brown, white and red; and six arms: The three right arms brandish a vajra, a khatvga, and a small drum, And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a noose of entrails.

Mahottara Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Krodhevar.

May these two, the central male and female consorts, guide all beings [to liberation]!


On a throne in the central channel branch of one's skull, Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light, [Stands] Vairocana in the form of Buddha Heruka.

He has three faces: reddish brown, white and red; and six arms: The three right arms brandish a wheel, an axe, and a sword, And the left hold a bell, a ploughshare, and a blood-filled skull.

Buddha Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Buddhakrodhevar.

May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Sugata Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


On [a throne in] the eastern channel branch of the skull, within one's brain, Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light, [Stands] Vajrasattva in the form of Vajra Heruka.

He has three faces: dark blue, white and red; and six arms: The three right arms brandish a vajra, a skull, and an axe, And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a ploughshare.

Vajra Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Vajrakrodhevar.

May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Vajra Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


On [a throne in] the southern channel branch of the skull, within one's brain, Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light, [Stands] Ratnasambhava in the form of Ratna Heruka.

He has three faces: dark yellow, white and red; and six arms: The three right arms brandish a jewel, a khatvga, and a club, And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a trident.

Ratna Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Ratnakrodhevar.

May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Ratna Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


On [a throne in] the western channel branch of the skull, within one's brain, Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light, [Stands] Amitbha in the form of Padma Heruka.

He has three faces: dark red, white and blue; and six arms: The three right arms brandish a lotus, a khatvga, and a mace, And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a small drum.

Padma Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Padmakrodhevar.

May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Padma family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


On [a throne in] the northern channel branch of the skull, within one's brain, Amidst an expanse of light, composed of flaming seminal points of rainbow-light, [Stands] Amoghasiddhi in the form of Karma Heruka.

He has three faces: dark green, white and red; and six arms: The three right arms brandish a sword, a khatvga, and a mace, And the left hold a bell, a blood-filled skull, and a ploughshare.

Karma Heruka is joyously and indivisibly embraced by Karmakrodhevar.

May these two, the blood-drinking deities of the Karma Family, guide all beings [to liberation]!


To you, the twelve central, male and female, blood-drinking deities, I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray: As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate, At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn, And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions, May the conquerors, the male wrathful blood-drinking deities, draw us forward, Leading us on the path of radiant light, Which is the five fully perfect pristine cognitions.

May the a.s.sembly of wrathful female deities, Queens of the Expanse, support us from behind, And thus [encircled] may we be rescued From the fearsome pa.s.sageway of the intermediate state, And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


Amidst an expanse of light in the eastern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Gaur, white in colour, holding a human-corpse cudgel and a skull; Amidst an expanse of light in the southern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Caur, yellow in colour, shooting an arrow from a bow; Amidst an expanse of light in the western channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Pramoh, red in colour, holding a crocodile victory-banner; Amidst an expanse of light in the northern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Vetl, black in colour, holding a vajra and a blood-filled skull; Amidst an expanse of light in the south-eastern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Pukkas, red-yellow in colour, clutching and devouring entrails; Amidst an expanse of light in the south-western channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Ghasmar, green-black in colour, stirring a blood-filled skull with a vajra; Amidst an expanse of light in the north-western channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Candl, pale-yellow in colour, [clutching] a human corpse and eating its heart; Amidst an expanse of light in the north-eastern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] Sman, Hblue-black in colour, tearing apart the head and body of a bloated corpse.


To you, the Eight Mtarah, beginning with Gaur, [Who are embodiments] of the [eight] [of consciousness],18 I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray: As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate, At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn, And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions, May the four Mtarah, beginning with Gaur, draw us forward, Leading us on the path of light, Which is [the vibrance of] the sounds, lights and rays [of the eight of consciousness].

May the four Mtarah, beginning with Pukkas, support us from behind, And thus [encircled] may we be rescued From the fearsome pa.s.sageway of the intermediate state, And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


Amidst an expanse of light in the outer eastern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] lion-headed Sihamukh, brown-black in colour, carrying a corpse in her mouth; Amidst an expanse of light in the outer southern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] tiger-headed Vyghrmukh, red in colour, with her two arms crossed; Amidst an expanse of light in the outer western channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] fox-headed Srglamukh, black in colour, eating entrails; Amidst an expanse of light in the outer northern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] wolf-headed Svnamukh, blue-black in colour, tearing apart a bloated corpse; Amidst an expanse of light in the outer south-eastern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] vulture-headed Grdhramukh, white-yellow in colour, carrying a human corpse draped over her shoulder; Amidst an expanse of light in the outer south-western channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] kite-headed Kakamukh, red-black in colour, carrying a large human corpse; Amidst an expanse of light in the outer north-western channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] crow-headed Kkamukh, black in colour, brandis.h.i.+ng a skull and a sword; Amidst an expanse of light in the outer north-eastern channel branch of one's skull, [Stands] owl-headed Ulkamukh, dark blue in colour,19 holding a vajra.


To you, the Eight Pic, beginning with Sihamukh, [Who are embodiments] of the [eight] sensory objects,20 I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray: As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate, At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn, And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions, May the four Pic, starting with Sihamukh, draw us forward, Leading us on the path of pure [radiant] light, Which is the purity of the naturally manifesting eight objects [of consciousness].

May the four Pic, starting with Grdhramukh, support us from behind, And thus [encircled] may we be rescued From the fearsome pa.s.sageway of the intermediate state, And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


In the channel branch at the eastern gate of the skull, within one's brain, Is horse-headed [Aku], white in colour, carrying an iron hook and a skull.

In the channel branch at the southern gate of the skull, within one's brain, Is sow-headed [P], yellow in colour, holding a noose and a skull.

In the channel branch at the western gate of the skull, within one's brain, Is lion-headed [Sphot], red in colour, holding an iron chain and a skull.

In the channel branch of the northern gate of the skull, within one's brain, Is snake-headed [Ghant], green in colour, holding a bell and a skull.21 To you, the Four Female Gatekeepers, who are pristine cognition in emanational form, I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray: As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate, At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn, And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions, May Aku and P draw us forward, Obstructing the entrances to confusion through the four types of birth, And opening the doors to the four rites of pure enlightened activity.

May Sphot and Ghant support us from behind, And thus [encircled] may we be rescued From the fearsome pa.s.sageway of the intermediate state, And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


In the minor channels of the eastern outer courtyard of one's skull, [Stand] the six Queens of Yoga who enact the rites of pacification: Yak-headed Manurksas, brownish white, and holding a vajra; Snake-headed Brahmn, yellowish white, and holding a lotus; Leopard-headed Raudr, greenish white, and holding a trident; Weasel-headed Vaisnv, bluish white, and holding a wheel; Brown bear-headed Kaumr, reddish white, and holding a short pike; And black bear-headed Indrn, white, and holding a noose of entrails.

O you, the six yogin from the east, who enact the rites of pacification, Perform the rites which pacify our fears of the intermediate state!22 OM AH UM.

In the minor channels of the southern outer courtyard of one's skull, [Stand] the six Queens of Yoga who enact the rites of enrichment: Bat-headed Vajr,23 yellow, and holding a razor; Crocodile-headed nt, reddish yellow, and holding a vase; Scorpion-headed Amrt, reddish yellow, and holding a lotus; Hawk-headed Saum, whitish yellow, and holding a vajra; Fox-headed Dand, greenish yellow, and holding a cudgel; And tiger-headed Rksas, blackish yellow, and drinking from a blood-filled skull.

O you, the six yogin from the south, who enact the rites of enrichment, Perform the rites which enrich pristine cognition during the intermediate state!24 OM AH HUM.

In the minor channels of the western outer courtyard of one's skull, [Stand] the six Queens of Yoga who enact the rites of subjugation: Vulture-headed Bhaksas, greenish red, and holding a club; Horse-headed Rat, red, and holding a human torso; Garuda-headed Rudhiramad, pale red, and holding a cudgel; Dog-headed Ekacrin Rksas, red, and holding a vajra; Hoopoe-headed Manohrik, red, and firing an arrow from a bow; And deer-headed Siddhikar, greenish red, and holding a vase.

O you, the six yogin from the west, who enact the rites of subjugation, Perform the rites which a.s.sure our independence during the intermediate state!25 OM AH HUM.

In the minor channels of the northern outer courtyard of one's skull, [Stand] the six Queens of Yoga who enact the rites of wrath: Wolf-headed Vyudev, bluish green, and brandis.h.i.+ng an ensign; Ibex-headed Agny, reddish green, and holding a firebrand; Sow-headed Varh, blackish green, and holding a noose of fangs; Crow-headed Cmund, reddish green, and holding an infant human corpse; Elephant-headed Bhujan, blackish green, and holding a bloated corpse; And snake-headed Varunn, bluish green, and holding a noose of snakes.

O you, the six yogin from the north, who enact the rites of wrath, Perform the rites which utterly destroy the confused perceptions of the intermediate state!26 OM AH HUM.

At the [outer] eastern gate of one's skull is Vajr [Mahkl], White, cuckoo-headed, and holding an iron hook; At the [outer] southern gate of one's skull is Vajr [Mahchgal], Yellow, goat-headed, and holding a noose; At the [outer] western gate of one's skull is Vajr [Mahk.u.mbhakarn], Red, lion-headed, and holding an iron chain; And at the [outer] northern gate of one's skull is Vajr [Lambodar], Dark green, snake-headed, and holding a bell.

O you, the four female gatekeepers, Queens [of Yoga] who enact the emanational rites, Perform the rites which obstruct the doors [leading] to [mundane] rebirth from the intermediate state!27 OM AH HUM.

To you, the Twenty-eight Ivar, Queens of Yoga, I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray: As soon as we die and begin to transmigrate, At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn, And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions, May the seven Ivar of the east draw us forward, Leading us on the path of radiant light, Which is [a vibrance of] sounds, lights and rays.

May the seven Ivar of the south support us from behind, May the seven Ivar of the west support us from the perimeter, And may the seven Ivar of the north destroy [and liberate] our enemies, And thus [encircled] may we be rescued From the fearsome pa.s.sageway of the intermediate state, And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


At this time when we dwell within the intermediate state of living, The a.s.sembly of the sixty blood-drinking deities28 Is radiantly present within the celestial palace of the skull, at the crown-centre, within one's brain - Embodied in the form of a cl.u.s.ter of five-coloured lights.

Yet, as soon as we die and begin to transmigrate, This a.s.sembly of blood-drinking deities will emerge from the brain, And appear [before us], filling the entire trichiliocosm.

[Each of] the central and peripheral [forms]

Will be endowed with fearsome ornaments and attire.

[Resounding] within an immense s.p.a.ce, Vibrant with sounds, lights and rays, The bodily demeanour of these wrathful deities Will be elegant, heroic and terrifying, Their roar wild, murderous and awesome, Each blazing with compa.s.sion, wrath and fierce aversion, Adorned by face markings of human ash, blood, and grease;29 Dressed in skirts of moist hide and flayed tiger skin; Decorated with skull garlands and wreaths of snakes; Resplendent in a blazing ma.s.s of fire which pounds With the cries of 'HA HA HUM PHAT Strike! Slay!', Reverberating like a thousand peals of thunder.

Fully arrayed with hand-emblems and multifarious faces, Displaying the arts of transformation, They will pulverise and rock the infinite trichiliocosm.

At that very moment when the fierce sounds, lights and rays Dawn before us in terrifying manifestation, O you, the compa.s.sionate a.s.sembly of wrathful blood-drinking deities, O Beings of Compa.s.sion, do not withhold your compa.s.sion at that [time]!

As we roam [alone] in cyclic existence [driven] by deep-seated habitual tendencies, May the a.s.sembly of wrathful blood-drinking [deities] draw us forward, Leading us on the path of [radiant] light, Which is free of fear and terrifying perceptions!

May the a.s.sembly of wrathful female deities, Queens of the Expanse, support us from behind!

May the a.s.sembly of the Mtarah, Pic, and Female Gatekeepers support us from the perimeter!

May the Eight Great Projectresses [who propel beings to exalted rebirths], Propel us from our [mundane] states [into higher rebirth]!

May the diverse animal-headed Ivar eliminate all obstacles!

May the four supreme Female Gatekeepers obstruct the entrance to [mundane] births; And thus [encircled], may we be rescued From the fearsome pa.s.sageway of the intermediate state, And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.


When we roam alone, separated from our loved ones, And [myriad] images of emptiness arise, naturally manifesting, May the buddhas [quickly] release the power of their compa.s.sion, And may the fear of the awesome and terrifying intermediate state be annulled.

When the radiant light path of pristine cognition dawns, May we recognise [its nature], without awe and without terror, And as the [manifold] forms of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities arise, May we be fearlessly confident, and recognise [the characteristics of] the intermediate state.

When we experience suffering, as the result of negative past actions, May our meditational deities utterly dispel all such misery, And as the natural sound of reality reverberates like a thousand peals of thunder, May [all sounds] be heard as the sacred resonance of the Greater Vehicle.

When we are driven on by past actions, without a refuge, May the Great Compa.s.sionate One, Mahkrunika, protect us, And as we experience suffering generated by habitual tendencies and past actions, May the meditative stabilities of inner radiance and bliss [naturally] arise.

May the fields30 of the five elements not rise up as a hostile force, But may we see these as the buddha fields of the five enlightened families!31 By the blessing of the spiritual teachers of the oral lineage, By the compa.s.sion of the a.s.sembly of Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, And by the force of the purity of my altruistic aspiration, May all the aspirational prayers, here expressed, Be immediately realised.


If one consistently perseveres in this Spiritual Practice of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, together with the recitation of the aspirational prayers, even the negativity and obscurations caused by past actions which involve the five inexpiable crimes will be purified. Even the very h.e.l.l realms themselves [can] be stirred [by the power of this practice]. If this practice is followed, there is no doubt that one will be born as an awareness holder amongst the fields of the Conquerors. For it is said in the transmitted precepts of the Transcendent One Samantabhadra himself: 'One who respectfully pays homage to the mandala Of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of the Magical Net, Will purify each and every transgression [of the commitments].

Even the negativity of the five inexpiable crimes will be purified.

Even the h.e.l.l realms themselves may be stirred [by the force of this practice], And one will become recognised as an awareness holder, Among the fields of the Conquerors.'

The advantages which accrue from engaging in the Spiritual Practice as here set down, are extremely great. It is said that just by simply hearing, once, the names of the deities of this mandala, one will avoid rebirth in the lower existences, and buddhahood will eventually be attained. Samantabhadra himself has said: 'If anyone hears, only once, the names of these deities of the mandala, he or she will be saved from falling into the great'

And: 'Anyone who respectfully pays homage To the natural mandala of the Magical Net, Will purify each and every transgression [of the commitments].

The commitments will be repaired, and accomplishments attained.'

Therefore, since the advantages of following this practice are beyond expression, one should persevere with this Spiritual Practice and [consistently] visualise one's own body as the a.s.sembly of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities. Thus, the supreme and common accomplishments will be attained in this very life; and after one has died, when the visions of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities dawn during the intermediate state of reality, one will dissolve indivisibly with the meditational deities, and buddhahood will be attained.32 Experientially cultivate this [Spiritual Practice]! Do not forget its words and meanings even if you were to be pursued by a hundred Embrace it! Hold it [to your heart]! Read it aloud! Comprehend it in its entirety! Keep it in mind, fully and accurately!

This most lucid Spiritual Practice, which is a coalescence of the [full means of accomplishment of the] Peaceful and Wrathful Deities is the experiential cultivation a.s.sociated with the Liberation by Hearing in the Intermediate States.33 It is the essence of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities: The Ritual Purification ent.i.tled Natural Liberation of Feelings.34 It is a supporting text to the Natural Liberation of Awareness: Secret Empowerment of the Intermediate States,35 and it is the main practice a.s.sociated with the Reparation [of Commitments] and Confession: Natural Liberation of Transgressions.36 It is the path of liberation followed by fortunate beings. May [the influence of] this Spiritual Practice: Natural Liberation of Habitual Tendencies not be exhausted until cyclic existence has been emptied.

SAMAYA rgya rgya rgya dge'o


Natural Liberation of Negativity and Obscuration through [Enactment of] the Hundredfold Homage to the Sacred Enlightened Families CONTEXT.

This practice reinforces the previous meditation, taking the form of a physical prostration to each of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities in turn. This Hundredfold Homage can be done on its own or immediately after the practice of the Natural Liberation of Habitual Tendencies. It can also be practised whenever feast-offerings are performed in conjunction with The Natural Liberation of Feelings or whenever the pract.i.tioner makes offerings of incense, flowers and b.u.t.ter-lamps to the deities.

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The Tibetan Book Of The Dead Part 8 summary

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