Turtle Recall Part 10

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Glipzo (G.o.ddess) [TLH]

G.o.d of Indigestion [H]

Grune, G.o.d of Unseasonal Fruit [RM]

Hast (Djeli) [P]

Hat, Vulture-Headed G.o.d of Unexpected Guests (Djeli) [P]


Herpentine Triskeles (Djeli) [P]

Hinki [RM]

HOKI of the Woods, Hoki the Jokester Hotologa Andrews (Genua) [WA]

Hyperopia, G.o.ddess of Shoes [RM]

Io (Djeli) [P]

Jack Frost [H]

Jeht, Boatman of the Solar Orb (Djeli) [P]

Jimi, G.o.d of Beggars [MAA]

Juf, Cobra-Headed G.o.d of Papyrus (Djeli) [P]

Ket, Ibis-Headed G.o.d of Justice (Djeli) [P]

Khefin, Two-Faced G.o.d of Gateways (Djeli) [P]

Lady Bon Anna (Genua) [WA]

Lela, the Volcano G.o.ddess [MR]

Libertina, G.o.ddess of the Sea, Apple Pie, Certain Types of Ice Cream and Short Lengths of String [TLH]

LUCK (the Lady) Mister Safeway (Genua) [WA]

Moon G.o.ddess (Druidic) [LF]

Nept (Djeli) [P]

Nesh (Djeli) [P]

Net (Djeli) [P]

Night [COM]

Noddi (Nothingfjord) [TSOD1]

Nuggan, G.o.d of Paperclips, Correct Things in the Right Place in Small Desk Stationery Sets and Unnecessary Paperwork (Borogravia) [TLH, MR]

OFFLER, Crocodile G.o.d Old Man Trouble [H]

Olk-Kalath the Soul Sucker [TLH]


Ordpor the Tasteless [RM]

Orexis-Nupt (Djeli) [P]

Orm, Great [P]

Patina, G.o.ddess of Wisdom (Ephebe) [SG, TLH]

Pedestriana (G.o.ddess of football) [UA]

Pestilence [LF]

Petulia, G.o.ddess of Negotiable Affection (Ephebe) [SG]

P'tang P'tang, Newt G.o.d [SG]

Ptooie (Djeli) [P]

Put, Lion-Headed G.o.d of Justice (Djeli) [P]

QUEZOVERCOATL, the Feathered Boa (Tezuman) Reg, G.o.d of Club Musicians [SM]

Sandelfon, G.o.d of Corridors [RM]

Sandman, the [H]

Sarduk, G.o.ddess of Caves (Djeli) [P]

Scissor Man, the [H]

Scrab, Pusher of the Ball of the Sun (Djeli) [P]

Sea Queen, the [SG]

Sessifet, G.o.ddess of the Afternoon (Djeli) [P, TLH]

Set (Djeli) [P]

Seven-Handed Sek [M]

Silicarous, G.o.d of Good Fortune (Troll) [MP]

Silur, Catfish-Headed G.o.d (Djeli) [P]

Skelde, Spirit of the Smoke [LF]

Sky G.o.d [LF]

Smimto, G.o.d of Wine (Tsort) [SG]

Sot (Djeli) [P]

Soul Cake Duck [H]

Stealer of Pencils [H]

Steikhegel, G.o.d of Isolated Cow Byres [M]

Stride Wide Man (Genua) [WA]

Summer Lady, the [W]

Sweevo, G.o.d of Cut Timber [TLH]

Syncope (Djeli) [P]

Tak (wrote the dwarf laws) [T!]

Teg, Horse-Headed G.o.d of Agriculture (Djeli) [P]


Thrrp, Charioteer of the Sun (Djeli) [P]

Thrume [RM]

Tooth Fairy, the [SM, H]

Topaxi, G.o.d of Certain Mushrooms, Great Ideas You Forgot to Write Down & Will Never Remember Again, and of People Who Tell Other People That 'Dog' is 'G.o.d' Spelled Backwards and Think This is In Some Way Revelatory. Also called Topaxci, G.o.d of the Red Mushroom [LF,TLH]

Towel Wasps [H]

Tuvelpit, G.o.d of Wine (Ephebe) [SG]

Tzut, Snake-Headed G.o.d of the Upper Djel (Djeli) [P]

Ukli (G.o.d) [TLH]

Umcherrel, Soul of the Forest [LF]

Ur Gilash [SG]

Urika, G.o.ddess of Saunas, Snow & Theatrical Performances for Fewer Than 120 People [TLH]

Verruca Gnome [H]

Virtues, the (Patience, Chast.i.ty, Silence, Charity, Hope, Tubso, Bissonomy, Fort.i.tude [MR]

Vometia, G.o.ddess of Vomit (Ankh-Morpork) [TLH]

Vut, Dog-Headed G.o.d of the Evening (Djeli) [P]

War [LF]

What, Sky G.o.ddess (Djeli) [P]

Wintersmith, the [W]

Wisdom Tooth Goblin [H]

Yay (Djeli) [P]

Zephyrus, G.o.d of Slight Breezes [COM]

Delcross, Miss. Co-founder, with Miss b.u.t.tS, of the QUIRM COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. She teaches Biology and Hygiene, and is keen on eurythmics. [SM]

De Magpyr, Count. Family crest Two magpies on a black and white s.h.i.+eld. Family motto Carpe Jugulum. A handsome, powerful vampyre (not vampire, a word which is so fifteen centuries ago). He looks like a gentleman of independent means and an enquiring mind, the kind of man who goes for long walks in the mornings and spends the afternoons improving his mind in his own private library or doing small interesting experiments on parsnips and never, ever worrying about money. There is something glossy about him, and an urgent, hungry enthusiasm the kind you get when someone has just read a really interesting book and is determined to tell someone all about it. He is quite an advanced thinker and is determined that vampyres can adapt and shake off the old and unnecessary traditions such as fear of garlic, light and religious symbols. [CJ]

De Magpyr, Lachrimosa. Daughter of the Count and Countess De Magpyr. She is a thin girl in a white dress, with very long black hair and far too much eye make-up. She is a chronic complainer and is a keen supporter of the more modern vampyre fas.h.i.+ons, besides being the vampyre equivalent of a Goth that is, she and her friends wear brightly coloured clothes, pretend to drink wine, and outrage their parents by going to bed early.

De Magpyr, Old Count, the. Uncle of the Count. Tall, thin, grey-haired man in evening dress and a red-lined cloak. He also wears the star and sash of the Order of Gvot. Distinguished in a distant, aloof sort of way, with a glimmer of lengthened canine on his lower lip. He built the family home, Don'tgonearthe Castle. Rose from the dead so often he had a coffin with a revolving lid. [CJ]

De Magpyr, Vlad. Son of the Count and brother to Lachrimosa. A very attractive young-looking man (barely 200 years old) with an infectious grin and a ponytail. He favours the 'New Romantic' look, running to lacy s.h.i.+rts and embroidered waistcoats. Took a bit of a s.h.i.+ne to Agnes NITT. [CJ]

Demonologists, nature of: Surrept.i.tious, pale men who get up to complicated things in darkened rooms and have damp, weak handshakes. Technically they are wizards, although UU frowns on the practice. [E]

Demons. Demons have existed on the Disc for at least as long as the G.o.ds, who in many ways they closely resemble. Indeed, some such as QUEZOVERCOATL can be both at the same time. The difference is basically the same as that between terrorists and freedom fighters.

Demons don't breathe. They belong to the same s.p.a.ce-time continuum, more or less, as humans, and have a deep and abiding interest in humanity's day-to-day affairs. Their home is a s.p.a.cious dimension close to reality, traditionally decorated in shades of flame and maintained at roasting point. This isn't actually necessary, but if there is one thing that your average demon is, it is a traditionalist (in fact it's hard to think of many other things that it is; a demon is generally as capable of original thought as a parrot is capable of original swearwords).

In the centre of the inferno, rising majestically from a lake of lava subst.i.tute and with unparalleled views of the Eight Circles, lies the city of Pandemonium.

As has been indicated, demons are not great innovative thinkers and really need the spice of human ingenuity. They are strong believers in precedence and hierarchy. Numb and mindless stupidity is part of what being a demon is all about.

Smaller and more controllable varieties of demon may be employed in picture boxes, watches, doorknockers and hinges. After a few years, however, they invariably escape or simply evaporate.

Demons, names of.

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Turtle Recall Part 10 summary

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